Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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We saw the liquor display prominently in the kitchen bar area of 4Jx.

Booze is a depressant so maybe it kicked the fight out of Fd?

IDK, I'm fixated on the delusion of his now famous "sorry, not sorry" suicide note.

Fd in that note essentially blamed the State for all of his issues. I went back to my Atty. P. list of quotes and the number of times Atty. P. attacked the State was IMO extreme and excessive and absolutely without basis. Fd latched onto this 'blame the State' for all my ills it seems rather than acknowledging the reality of his situation. Atty. P. it seems created a false reality where Fd could be comfortable for a period of time until there was no more money or assets for bail and jail became a reality.

I find the possible psychology of this all quite interesting if true. Fd had no ability or willingness to deal with reality and Atty. P. fed that inability with the easy out of blaming another (whether it was Gf with the 'mama warbucks' statement, JFd as the incapable drug addicted wife and the State for bringing an unfounded case).

Wonder greatly if what pushed Fd over was realising that Atty. P. was pushing a false narrative that had zero chances of winning in the end? Even if Fd couldn't acknowledge the contents of AW1-3 he knew and saw the information and given the fixation in winning simply knew with AW3 and possibly AW4 with another conspiracy to murder charge that there was no possible win here for him?

IDK but I'm having a tough time disconnecting Fd from Atty. P. and how one party fed the other. But I think in the end that Fd was smart enough (and certainly smarter than Atty. P.) to see that the line being peddled by 'Norm Barnum' would never fly with a jury given the growing mountain of evidence.


I've had several friends who committed suicide.

The overriding theme of the notes was that each had just become too big a burden for the people they love.

Not one blamed anyone but himself for all the troubles in the world.

Their demise was just designed to simplify things for everyone else and they each tried to make sure no one left behind would feel guilty.

They even made sure they didn't leave a mess inside their homes and that the people they loved wouldn't have to discover their bodies.

See how different FD is? The lead-off of his note is how uncomfortable he will be if he stays and must go to jail.

The blame falls on all those people who conspired against him.

He can't keep living because they did bad things.

He wants to be sure Pattis will fluff up his reputation when he's gone; that narcissistic need for admiration yawns for more even in death.

I believe God listens for the repentant prayers of people right up until the moment of death so I hope FD had some time after the note was written when he was sitting in that car.

I hope he asked for forgiveness and is in Heaven now.
I'm not the judge but this note leaves me wondering how things turned out.

MOO, for sure.
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Why would his Greek relatives get whatever he actually owned—and that certainly is not the house? Why wouldn’t the kids get anything there might be? Why would anyone want to take one more thing from those kids? MOO.

Bingo. The latest chapter of the Greek Tragedy, as penned by NP, refers to ‘his family’. I assumed it meant, or at least included, his children. But no, it goes on to make clear it means the hangers-on who don’t want to pay a hotel bill.
What's the surprise there? A man who loves his children doesn't kill their mother, keep her dead body from ever being found, and feel transparently indifferent to the ongoing trauma he's inflicting upon his own children.

Imo the chief and likely only reason he addressed Anna was because she was about to find out he had lied to her and had caused her to lose a great deal of $$.

He had no conscience, and a history of destroying others for his own gain. Why would such a person apologize to a target he'd scammed and used? Because he had no intention of dying and was trying to manipulate her into not coming after him at minimum, or at maximum, was hoping she'd keep on bailing him out, for fear he'd off himself if she didn't.

There is so much to analyse in that soulless note. IMO you have singled-out the main clue to whether or not he intended to die. I was on the fence but this has convinced me - of course, the note was mainly for Anna, so she’d sell her last property, or a kidney, or borrow from her friend, to bail him out again.
I just saw the full suicide letter in the Daily Mail. Fotis writes that his lawyer will give the full story, but pretty much everyone charged is innocent. Right. What did happen to Jennifer then?
(Swearing in my head, all his way, always gotta be all his way)
This is what PGs attorney sent someone implying PG was involved and should be deported.
Lindy R. Urso, Attorney at Law
He cooperated before he came to me and he even cooperated when i advised him not to. And he is a Lawful Permanent Resident - “shipping” not an option. And his life has been turned upside down enough; he doesn’t need his face plastered all over unsocial media.
I have so much catching up do from last night. Last I read before I left (about 7:00) was that NP hadn’t seen this letter...then it seems he sent this letter to the HC and NBC?? Is that correct?
Fantastic comments overnight here from all our
wonderful members.
One little comment in the photographers book,
in the note written by FD on why he came to
US, tells us much about his thinking.
He says in his own handwriting:
"My father no longer 'makes' me hold his hand."
"I am now FREE to explore the world."

These two overriding feelings inside his head
were apparent during his whole life.
To wit: Don't tell me what to do, I'll decide what I will do.
And- "I am now FREE to explore the world."
ie- nobody will put Baby in a corner. ps/ I'm Baby.
This dude was hellbent on running his own life
and when the shackle ankle bracelet came on
and his freedom was jeopardized and the used
up hangers on were falling by the wayside, he
knew his time out in the free world was coming to an end.
I think the destruction of Jennifer's memorial
was a real clue to his anger and rage still upfront in his mind. Hear this Norm?
Claiming the world was taunting him was telling us he couldn't get out of his mind, that
she got him in the end. She won. Lost her life
proving it but those flowers and candles at the
end of his street did him in. He couldn't even pull that off- got caught destroying the last vestiges of the woman he killed and tried to destroy.
Yes the world wanted your head Fotie. Like maybe how you removed your wife's head and sent it wherever. Did you send Michi over to
Birch St. to dump it in a lake? Or did you pass it off to KM to get rid of?
There's some horrible things left to uncover about your comrades. It's all gonna come out.
Fotie, just two words for you- You Lost.
Sorry if this has been asked before.

How much money could Fd have hidden?

I don’t think there was any money left as he had spent it all. If he had money he would have flown the coup rather than commit suicide.

Fd’s income was the loans from HF, banks and others.

Fore was not making a profit. There was no income after expenses ie land purchase, materials, contractors etc, paying himself, RK, MT etc.

Loan repayments - if he made any

Funding his monthly 10-day holidays - I don’t see him flying coach. He was flying First/Business Class. Accommodation too would have been the best.

Lawyers to file around 300 motions in the divorce

Past and present legal “troubles”

I believe he spent/lived like the big shot he wanted to be. Seeing the walls closing in and his failures coming to light-there was no way out.


I tend to agree that his “wealth” was a shell game, especially after Jennifer left and took her trust fund payments with her. I am actually astounded, though, that he was still able to buy the best “everything”, though. We can’t afford a BMW, and we’ve worked all of our lives-couldn’t afford the electricity payments on a house the size of 4JX, etc. I realize he was using credit cards all over the place, but how was he paying them, if he was? How did he get credit extensions for as long as he did, to continue to buy things? I do know people who have the illusion of wealth, without the actual money to back it up-much of his credit was based on a sham; nice clothing (except for the velvet blazer), expensive car, pretend business, and a big fat attitude. It really is remarkable to me how he managed as long as he did.
If the note published by the HC is real, it's hard to know what to make of the Fd "note" other than it was a reflection of the reality as created or understood at the time he decided to kill himself IMO.

Frankly after reading that note a couple of times I have to say that Fd simply seemed disconnected from reality and for that reason I find the note deeply disturbing. Denial and/or delusion of present life situation simply seemed IMO to have overcome Fd and crowded out any ability to cope with his legal situation/s and he seemed unable to acknowledge JFd or anything that he might have had to do with what happened to the mother of his children to say nothing of the falling house of cards financial situation. YIKES!

It seemed like the mask had been ripped off of Fd and he simply couldn't handle it and he certainly couldn't face the prospect of court and being judged by a jury and held accountable. Easy way out is to blame his accusers and proclaim the innocence of all involved. I do wonder if this mode was enabled by Atty. P. and if so then this IMO is absolutely shameful too. Fd didn't want to face any accountability for anything. Fd couldn't even acknowledge the charges made against him or even identify the victim, JFd. In his mind he was the victim. All I can say is, if true then WOW!

I'd be fascinated to hear from Anne Curry here about what she saw with Fd in his last days. My guess is that she would say he seemed "fine" and "fighting" and I guess perhaps this is a testament to the acting abilities and compartmentalisation skills that Fd might have had. IDK.

But, something caused Fd to flip the switch and stop fighting IMO. Could he no longer put everything he had done into a neat little box in his brain and deny it existed? It seems instead though that he simply exploded with anger and blame of his situation on others and killed himself in a fit of anger and the ultimate temper tantrum. IDK, its hard to conceptualise this happening but maybe the only thing Fd could feel at the end was anger and there was never any way with the way he was wired to take responsibility for anything regarding JFd, his financial situation, the way he have lived and most of all his children? IDK.

There was no catharsis or acknowledgment of any involvement and this is chilling as the note was simply about Fd as an eternal victim being held responsible for a situation that he didn't have the courage to even name using words. All I can say is WOW!

As I kept reading the note I kept waiting for some acknowledgement of the victim, if not simply for his children, but it never came. I find this chilling and I do wonder if Fd simply became unhinged to the point where he was unable to even mention JFd by name and what happened to her? He showed his hatred both for himself and his victim by virtue of this lack of acknowledgement I think.

Clearly there is anger and frustration in the note too but it also seemed IMO delusional and more than a little out of touch with what was swirling around in the life of Fd when he chose to end it too.

Atty. P. said today in one of his many ongoing 'exclusive interviews' that he knew his client 'well'. All I can say is YIKES! Good thing Atty. P. is under the presumed care of a psychologist and isn't one himself as his client seemed absolutely unable to grasp the situation in which he found himself and this is truly frightening as if this is true, how was Fd in a position to participate in his defense as he demonstrated no ability to be present and acknowledge the serious charges made against him? Did Atty. P. know that the ongoing Fd lying just might have been because he was unable to deal with any aspect of the situation he found himself? Frightening if true.

I don't know enough about the psychology of criminals or narcopaths to know whether what we saw in the note is simply how these folks are wired in their brains? But IMO to be able to write off and disconnect something as significant as murdering another human is quite telling as is the lying on the bond application to stay out of jail or conning someone he identified as his 'best friend' to cover half his bond. But I also think its telling that the note doesn't discuss really the specific charges. It was all wrapped up neatly by Fd by saying he had nothing to do with anything, but the anything wasn't described. This leads me to believe that he unloaded the 'anything' being referred to possibly to a place in his head that he simply couldn't even acknowledge it, much the same way he couldn't name the victim. Sad, but also highly disturbing IMO if true. Again, did Atty. P. not see this when talking to Fd as he no doubt spent a lot of time doing?

Money always fascinates me in terms of watching how people choose to spend it when given a choice. We suspect that a good deal of money made its way to Pattisville for services rendered. We know that he hired a PI and other legal professionals, but did he think for a second to perhaps make sure to seek professional psychological guidance and support for his client? It's impossible to know if this support might have worked with Fd and I'm sure those that have lived and escaped from similar narcopaths might argue that they are incapable of change. IDK, but Fd prided himself on 'winning' and 'fighting' and yet here in his final act he acknowledged simply 'giving up'! Was it the mask being pulled off that he simply couldn't deal with and so suicide was the only option as going through a trial would have not been endurable and ditto for a lifetime in prison? IDK.

Do narcopaths or folks wired like Fd simply end it all when the mask is finally ripped off and they are cornered and heading to jail for the rest of their lives? Fd looked to be facing a life in financial ruin and legal shambles and Atty. P. as someone who 'knew him well' thought he was ok? IDK, simply seems a pat answer by yet another person like Fd who is unable to take responsibility for personal choices along the long and ugly route this case took.

Its a disturbing note too I think as it simply seems disconnected from the reality of the case that LE meticulously put together through 3 AWs to trace the path of Fd and MT's activities related to the disappearance/murder of JFd. We all saw Fd looking a little bit 'out of it' for his last appearance before Judge White and I do wonder if this is where the beginning of the end for him started?

He had to have known then that the bond wouldn't hold up to scrutiny and he was on borrowed time and he was heading back to jail. No doubt he might have lied or stretched the truth to Atty. P. about the bond (this IMO is a generous interpretation as I believe Atty. P. and Atty Smith knew the bond application to be a total sham and did their classic 'catch me if you can' with it to the State. But in this case they lost and were all discovered IMO). I am angry that the sham aspect of bond wasn't resolved in advance of Fd death and that any involvement of Atty. P. and Pattisville was fully disclosed and ditto for Anne Curry. Now, I'm not inclined to believe that much will be done to punish any of the involved parties but if it is found that Anne Curry, Fd or Pattisville knowingly put forward a bond based on fraudulent information and collateral I believe that this should be punished harshly by the State.

Fd seems to be pushing the case for a 'conspiracy against him' and arguing his total innocence. Based on what LE has presented in Aw1-3 against Fd, IMO this simply seems implausible.

The "note" simply seems like a 1 page summary of Fd blaming LE for all the issues that he found himself facing on 1/28/20 and claiming victimhood. Perhaps this is as close to an admission as you will see from a person that has no ability to take personal responsibility for anything, given that he was looking at losing his freedom and going back to jail ?

Fd claims that he "...refuses to spend one hour more in jail for something he had NOTHING to do with"?

Fd seemed unable to move beyond the 'alibi scripts' in his personal narrative yet we see Pattisville spouted the 'alibi scripts' for months even after AWs 1-3 were released. Why? Atty. P. never acknowledged the 'alibi scripts' publicly after they were discredited and I wonder why he accepted these lies from Fd? Didn't Pattisville recognise the pathological nature of the lying and make a connection possible disconnection from reality in other areas of his life? IDK. But Pattisville accepted the lies and kept on chatting to the Press. To me though the lying (both Fd and MT and KM) all seems connected and reflective on the psychology of the involved individuals and I'm surprised the legal professionals did nothing to deal with it or chose to exit the representation?

This ongoing lying from Fd IMO included false alibi's and a poorly concocted timeline for MT and Fd that fell apart completely under LE investigation. Yet, Atty. P. persisted. I wonder if Fd had the capacity to tell the truth about anything?

An early key component of the investigation was the connection of Fd/MT, Albany Avenue and Hartford CCTV TO bloody items belonging to the victim here, JFd.

IMO the case investigation started with 69/71 Welles but then expanded hugely with the addition of the Albany footage and the activities seen involving Fd and MT.

By attempting to 'explain away' Albany via some information that Atty. P. might have it seems like Fd is claiming that any/all information obtained by LE is simply a fabrication and so he was writing off Aw 1-3.

I wonder if there was ever a 'Come to Jesus' meeting with Fd by Atty. P. and Atty Smith? Or, were they willing to continue to represent a client that simply kept on lying to the world and to himself? At the end of the day I think we know the answer to this question and sadly yet again it simply seems to be about the $$$$$.

All I can say after thinking about this 'note' is that its disturbing at a very basic level and that I find it quite unfortunate that Fd via his legal team couldn't see a way forward and that nobody recognised much going on regarding his emotional state and well being. The disconnect IMO between having 'nothing' to do with 'anything' and the reality of AW1-3 is profound and IMO should have been investigated by the people surrounding Fd in his last days.

"All I can say after thinking about this 'note' is that its disturbing at a very basic level and that I find it quite unfortunate that Fd via his legal team couldn't see a way forward and that nobody recognised much going on regarding his emotional state and well being. The disconnect IMO between having 'nothing' to do with 'anything' and the reality of AW1-3 is profound and IMO should have been investigated by the people surrounding Fd in his last days."

At FD's hearing before Judge White, when the Judge said to NP that FD could see someone "to get help with that"--my memory is that just before that NP told judge FD was having difficulty in dealing with the memorial because of the angst FD it evoked in him for whatever happened to JFD, a loved one. Does anyone have the link to that video? And I wonder if NP ever told FD to get that help. It would've given FD another reason to leave house-arrest (medical appointments).
As to the explanation NP supposedly has about what happened on Albany--will the state call NP as a witness in the trials of MT and KM? Would that be an exception to hearsay?
The Judge has sealed everything, there is a no gag order too, then why was the suicide note printed for all to see?

I would think the suicide note would have been sealed for now also. It has been printed for all to see very quickly, IMOO.

Who released the note, well none other the Pattis himself, not surprised. NP said he did not see it according to posters above, but he provides it to NBC?

This smells rotten, NP spinning what he wants to. Why does the Court system, State or whomever shut this man up? He makes money selling his weird ideas and opinions, leaking info, hurting 5 children with his horrible tactics.

IMO, Np is not going to make a name for himself, he will drift away into thing after the trials are finished.

Norm Pattis you do represent the Law, Lawyers or clients in any positive way. You make a mockery of the system. I don’t know how any lawyer can work with you. Yes lawyers can defend criminals but do it legally, even if the media and public don’t like it. People would respect you a lot more, you would get more clients, your dirty ways hurt everything the Justice system stands for.

I am ashamed of you...but you really don’t care and that is frightening for clients, the system and your fellow lawyers.

‘Enough is Enough:’ Note Found With Fotis Dulos Declares Him Innocent

The note, provided to NBC New York by Attorney Norm Pattis, is dated Jan. 28, the day Dulos was found in medical distress in his Farmington home when he failed to appear at an emergency bond hearing. After receiving treatment at UConn Health and Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx, New York, Dulos was declared dead Thursday evening.
This is what PGs attorney sent someone implying PG was involved and should be deported.
Lindy R. Urso, Attorney at Law
He cooperated before he came to me and he even cooperated when i advised him not to. And he is a Lawful Permanent Resident - “shipping” not an option. And his life has been turned upside down enough; he doesn’t need his face plastered all over unsocial media.
PG along with the nanny were the shining stars in this. Shame on some people.

I found it quite telling in FD’s AW3 when FD was trying to manipulate PG telling him not to talk to LE, didn’t have a green card...then he referred him to an attorney. You can bet that was KM, who then referred him to Urso. Even though KM did this because of his involvement with FD and JF’s murder, he actually did PG a big favor in the end.

Why didn't AC write a Bank of America check to Famous PI and have Famous PI write a personal check to the court? Famous PI balked at something and he is no dummy. Something AC did regarding the bail money put her on the receiving end of laundered funds that the Feds were tailing and Famous PI was NOT going to touch that with his personal bank account. Naive AC believed that her socialite credentials (gee would Ralph Lauren's daughter sit next to a nobody?) would save her personal checking account from scrutiny? It must be kinda obvi that AC is not trust fund baby, just a regular working stiff who would lose her meal ticket if she didn't cut the check for her best client. The fact that she got her start at CapGemini meant she had to work hard pleasing clients just like Fd because they both came from humble beginnings. Lots of folks live with Fd because they would be homeless and carless otherwise. MOO.

What is it about these so-called “socialites” who can’t even manage to get their own car when they move, rent-free, into a house with Fd?

And-did we ever figure out what happened to the jeep MT was always tooling around in? Is it still in MT’s possession (even though she is on house arrest), does LE still have it, or what?
Yes Jennifer seems like the type that I’ve met in my work before who don’t see the signs until it’s too late (stuck with kids, etc.).

But I wasn’t actually thinking about her. I was thinking about AC and MT. AC helped this dude even knowing he likely killed his wife. MT helped him do so before he did!

I don’t think Jennifer is like them. She seemed like an angel. But reading her blog and hearing from friends it seems she was a somewhat introspective and quiet person who could easily withdraw into herself. She also seemed to have the type of nice life (until FD) that doesn’t compel a person to be on the lookout for danger in the world.

I agree with this-Jennifer was the one who didn’t see him coming at her like an incubus, ready to drain her dry. The other two may have known, although it’s my contention that MT is actually stupid. Just stupid.
I tend to agree that his “wealth” was a shell game, especially after Jennifer left and took her trust fund payments with her. I am actually astounded, though, that he was still able to buy the best “everything”, though. We can’t afford a BMW, and we’ve worked all of our lives-couldn’t afford the electricity payments on a house the size of 4JX, etc. I realize he was using credit cards all over the place, but how was he paying them, if he was? How did he get credit extensions for as long as he did, to continue to buy things? I do know people who have the illusion of wealth, without the actual money to back it up-much of his credit was based on a sham; nice clothing (except for the velvet blazer), expensive car, pretend business, and a big fat attitude. It really is remarkable to me how he managed as long as he did.
great questions, I've considered this also.
FD had funds hidden, first off, so that lasted
a while. The pile of nuts the squirrel hides in summer eventually runs out in winter.

Plus he had the aura of wealth and money and
this works for awhile. People think, this is just a blip, can't be true he's outta money. Credit
ratings can take a while to catch up but keep the minimum payments going and you're OK for awhile. Friends and family were the same.
Oh, he'll pull out of this abyss, I mean he's been
such a success his whole married life.
Look at the friends who did not live near him,
but came to his rescue. Did they really know his whole financial game was built on his wife's money? Don't think so. He fooled lots of people.
But the mask was deteriorating. He knew it.
NP knew it. But still took his 401K as retainer.
The judge then knew it but said to Norm, "you can't steal the man's whole retirement account,
just part of it."
The balloon that kept his fascade afloat so long was popped and floating to the ground. It just takes a little time but it's coming down.
Fotie was pretty dumb not to have foreseen he
would be broke eventually and that by killing that golden goose it would eventually kill him.

He also vastly underestimated the abilities of LE just as he vastly overestimated his smarts to
outfox them.
He played a fast game of chance here. As in his life he played hard and fast and on the edge.
But he lost.
They are now a family in mourning, and their safe haven to mourn is Mr. Dulos’ home at 4 Jefferson Crossing, Farmington, Connecticut. As they put his final affairs in order and prepare to honor his memory, his home is their safe haven. The Court should not, and cannot in the name of basic human decency, allow the Plaintiff to make a self-aggrandizing grab at Mr. Dulos’ home through a person who has proven to be hostile and contentious with Mr. Dulos at the expense of his grieving family, who are already bearing the added pressure of intense public and media scrutiny.
During his life, Mr. Dulos zealously preserved his property for his own interests, and his estate intends to do the same.
LOL at this [REDACTED] drivel! Espcially this:
Defendants were caught by surprise while handling the tragedy that befell Mr. Dulos, the Court should hold a hearing to enable the Defendants to adequately protect their rights and determine how to best proceed.

No tragedy befell Mr. Dulos. Tragedy is when a person has no control over what happens to them. LM[REDACTED][REDACTED]O. ROTFL!

And this:
They are now a family in mourning, and their safe haven to mourn is Mr. Dulos’ home at 4 Jefferson Crossing, Farmington, Connecticut. As they put his final affairs in order and prepare to honor his memory, his home is their safe haven. The Court should not, and cannot in the name of basic human decency, allow the Plaintiff to make a self-aggrandizing grab at Mr. Dulos’ home through a person who has proven to be hostile and contentious with Mr. Dulos at the expense of his grieving family, who are already bearing the added pressure of intense public and media scrutiny.

Who the [REDACTED] cares??? I did not know that basic human decency plays a part in court proceedings!!!
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There was NO Exploitation.

JFd's Father and Mother put up Cash Money as a Guarantee for the Mortgage on 4JC when Fd and JFd chose it as their family home.

In the Fall of 2018, Fd called Dr.GF to say that he was Intentionally Defaulting on the Loan, since he Knew that Mellon Financial would then look to Dr.GF for payment.

Mellon Financial looked to Dr.GF for payment instead of Foreclosure due to the Cash Money Guarantee she and HF provided.

One year later, Dr.GF was still paying the 4JC Mortgage and decided to be more Fiscally Responsible and Bought the Mortgage that She was paying. Allowing Fd to live in the home RENT/MORTGAGE FREE for OVER a YEAR.

Dr.GF did Not just 'pay off' the Mortgage and therefore the home was paid in full.

She is Not 'going after' anything.

Instead, Dr.GF 'Bought' the Mortgage itself with ALL Legal Rights attached to the Mortgage.

Dr.GF Legally OWNS the MORTGAGE Loan on 4JC as if she were a Bank or Mortgage Lender.

When Dr.GF Bought the Mortgage, ALL Legal Rights of Foreclosure were Assigned to Her.

What Mortgage Lender does anyone Know that Consider's a Mortgage to be 'Paid in Full' when the Mortgagee dies?

I am sure that Dr.GF is more than willing to Sell the Home/Mortgage to Whomever is willing to buy it, including Fd's Greek family.

This is Not a Grandmother being spiteful. With 4JC, she is the Legal BANK Owner of the Mortgage.

Therefore the Mortgage LOAN is Still OWED and she is Legally Entitled to seeking payment of said Mortgage LOAN.

What is she supposed to do? Just hand a multi million dollar home over to whomever?

This Foreclosure began last fall. This did Not start when Fd decided to take his life.

The Owner of the 4JC Mortgage chose to protect the Investment by Filing for a Receivership of the Property to PROTECT the Property so that the Value of the Property remains.

This is Nothing New. Banks and Mortgage Lenders Do this All The Time. It is their Job to Protect the properties that they fund.

For Example: FORE Property at 61 Sturbridge Hill in New Canaan, CT. Just Last Week - The Mortgage Lender of this property Also Filed for Receivership to Protect the Investment so that the Value of the Property remains while on the Market, until Sold.

Dr.GF has Absolutely Nothing to do with the Bank that Owns the 61SH Mortgage. Should this Mortgage Company just GIVE the home to the Greek Relatives, just because Fd passed away?

No. That would be silly, Right?

So, Why is the Mortgage Company of 4JC any different?

Because the Legal Mortgage Company is Dr.GF?

Dr.GF is Protecting the Farber Inheritance for her Grandchildren.

IF the Mortgage Company of Dr.GF were to just hand 4JC over to the Greek Relatives, then her Grandchildren will be out Millions of Dollars of THEIR Inheritance.

I can Guarantee that the Mortgage Lenders of the other FORE Properties will Also be filing their Own Receivership documents.

It is STANDARD Practice for ALL Mortgage Lenders. Why should it be any different just because the 4JC Mortgage Lender has the last name of Farber?


Even if GF did just forgive the mortgage the house would belong to the children. They are his rightful heirs. The Greek grifters need to get their "rear" admiral and selves head straight and stop trying to make a buck. The gravy train has come to a screeching halt as far as Fo is concerned.
If it comes out that ANYONE but the kids (aside from a memento or 2) is getting a chunk of his estate I hope GF objects on their behalf and ties up and swindles it away so they get NOTHING more.
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