Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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Whoa. We know the vacuum was already broken on May 24th. Maybe that was his plan for JF. In her own garage. Zip ties on, zip ties off. Make it look like suicide. No blood, no clean up, no investigation. JMO

Have we talked about this? If he was the sole agent that morning, then he drove the Tacoma to Waveny, then biked to Welles. If he drove JF's Suburban back to the Tacoma, he STILL had to go back for his bike. Which we know he retrieved because it's visible in the stills of the Tacoma. Possible he threw it in the back of JF's Suburban, but maybe THIS is where it all went sideways. Maybe he never intended to drive away in the Suburban, maybe he never intended to leave with a body. Bike in, bike out. Be back at 4JC while the phone call from Greece was still greasing. (How angry was he when he learned the alibi call came in on the wrong phone, almost went unanswered and ultimately lasted mere SECONDS?!!!)

An apparent suicide (CO poisoning in at 69 W) with FD's choreographed alibi making it look like he was in Farmington all morning--

Interesting possibility, no?


I like this-I bet it could’ve gone sideways because she wouldn’t cooperate and let him gas her. Then he had to kill her in a bloody way because he couldn’t do it the way he wanted and she would call the cops if he didn’t.
After his suicide I also thought that perhaps FD original plan was to zip tie JD and then force her into her Suburban at Welles and set it up like a suicide, since NP kept harping on revenge suicide and FD on JD mental health.
However if this was his plan then why was the Tacoma at Waveny? Wouldn’t he have skipped the whole biking thing and just parked the Tacoma on Indian Waters or Thurton and made it easier on himself?
I think that leaving the Suburban at Waveny was part of his original plan since it required the extra step with the bike, so he wouldn’t have added that in unless necessary.
He set this up so she ‘ran away’ , he’d go get the kids and disappear to greece. Plan foiled every which way.
And why, given the gag order, was he allowed to disseminate the note to the press, without censure?

This is a big question. He shouldn't have been allowed to even state that there was a note, let alone what was in it. That does not typically happen, even WITHOUT a gag order!

The reason NP wants more info released may be so he can write a book about it, or decide about more trials. Doesn't work that way, Norm.

The court system shouldn't be about NP's profiting off of others' deaths - though he did do that successfully after the Sandy Hook killings of all those children. Disgusting.
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I thought in the suicide note he said he (FD) was innocent?

I know what you’re saying, I think. If he was lying about his own involvement, he could be lying about theirs, too. But as a few here have said, if he literally had nothing to do with it, he could not be sure that one or both of the co-conspiritors did, if he wasn’t there. My personal opinion is that he was far too much of a control freak to leave it in somebody else’s hands.
Richard Colangelo Jr. is best known for his work as prosecutor in the case of Fotis Dulos, a real estate developer charged with murder after his wife’s disappearance.
But before that, the man who Thursday became Connecticut’s chief state’s attorney had captivated the country during another high-profile case. And attorneys involved say what happened behind the scenes set the attorney apart.
“It’s very telling about the person Richard is,” said Ernie Teitell, who taught Colangelo at Quinnipiac University School of Law in the early 1990s, and later observed him in that case.
Back then, Colangelo had helped prosecute New Canaan resident Michael Farren, who was deputy counsel to then-President George W. Bush. Farren is serving a 15-year prison term for nearly bludgeoning his wife, Mary Margaret Farren, to death. He was arrested in 2010, and the case drew national attention.
Colangelo would later rise to become state’s attorney for the Judicial District of Stamford/Norwalk in July 2015, a job he held until his new appointment Thursday. He was sworn in as chief state’s attorney Friday afternoon.
But before that, Teitell had noted the prosecutor’s attentiveness.
Teitell, who represented Mary Margaret Farren in her civil case, said Colangelo’s involvement in easing his client’s pain, fear and worries during the proceedings was something unusual.
“He handled the criminal case with the utmost compassion. He showed such caring to my client in a very difficult situation,” Teitell said. “She had to retell a very difficult story of being severely beaten. The case went for a while and he was always in touch with her. He was always talking to her and, as a result, she stayed in touch with him over the years. She was so grateful for his compassion, for his caring and helping her get through that time. He went beyond the call of duty of a prosecutor, and that always stuck with me.”
Years later, as word spread in the first 24 hours of Colangelo’s elevation, Teitell said his client reached out to him.
“She just called me and told me she was so happy he was named chief state’s attorney,” Teitell said.
Colleagues described Colangelo as caring and compassionate.Edward Heath, a partner Robinson & Cole in Hartford, said he had a similar experience with the prosecutor.
That case didn’t get the publicity of the Farren case, but it’s always stood out for Heath.
Heath represented a client, whom he declined to name, in a case involving the Norwalk Police Department. He said Colangelo appeared to take a personal interest.
“What I saw was everything you want to see in a prosecutor: someone who is fair, open-minded, pragmatic and prepared,” Heath said. “Most of all, he listened. He was willing to hear us out in order to come to a fair result and the right outcome.”
Richard Meehan, an attorney for 46 years, oversees Bridgeport-based Meehan Law. He said he’s known Colangelo since “he was a baby prosecutor more than 20 years ago.”
“He is someone who is not about the convictions, but about doing the right thing,” Meehan said. “He has a good sense of fairness.”
Another former Quinnipiac law professor who taught Colangelo was Westport solo practitioner Mark Soboslai. He taught a class that Colangelo took in the early 1990s on alternative dispute resolution.
“He’s very level-headed and deliberates carefully,” Soboslai said Friday. “It’s important when you elevate someone to chief state’s attorney that they have experience at the level of the lawyers they will be supervising. He has extensive experience, and has distinguished himself as a state’s attorney, and developed a good reputation among members of the bar.”

A Woman He Helped Years Ago Is Quietly Celebrating Richard Colangelo's Elevation | Connecticut Law Tribune
I don't think we know where they are staying. NP may have just used them to argue for picking the receiver for the property. In any case they need access to the property so I have no issue with them staying there. More than likely it will just be a handful of relatives making arrangements for FD's burial or cremation and the handling of personal effects.

I believe they were seen at the house-Fd’s neighbors didn’t like him, and it makes sense that they’d be keeping an eye on the comings and goings there.
I wonder if we've been looking at this a bit in the wrong direction. Yesterday I mentioned in passing that maybe FD didn't kill JD. Rather KM killed her and FD just cleaned up. Not that that matters. But it might answer why FD thought he didn't kill JD and was being wrongfully accused. He's wrong of course. Someone presumably as smart as him should know that, but in his head, maybe he thought he was in the clear if he could just prove it. It gets worse. One thing that made no sense to me was why JD's shirt and bra were thrown away. This would lead one to assume that they were taken off JD. From pictures of KM, he seems like a creep. Maybe FD told him he could do what he likes with her. And maybe he did. That would explain the zip ties, bra, and shirt. After he was through, he killed her and left a mess. FD was hoping to make it look like a home invasion. That was the plan. But something changed. I'm hoping some of you sleuths can apply the timeline to this scenario. Maybe FD never intended to go to the house, never intended to clean up, never intended to throw stuff away in Hartford, never intended to get her car to the park, and never intended to be caught on the myriad of cameras all around town. Is it possible that the sightings of FD were actually KM? The don't really look alike but I never saw a really clear picture of him either. Maybe this is why FD felt he was innocent. There was kind of a quid pro quo going on between KM and FD. You kill my wife, I'll kill yours. And the cops will think you did yours in and I did mine in but they will be wrong and we can prove it.

I believe this is why KM and MT will not be off the hook. I'm now suspicious that KM did the deed. If so, he'll need to be held accountable. It doesn't matter that FD is dead. MT was probably the side kick. But MT would know one way or the other. Particularly because KM and her were in the office together afterwards answering the phone.

I’m not ready to fully develop a theory, but I do think a crisis cross could have been planned... and km did the deed but Fotis... (luckily, to the humane among us) did not keep his word to Mawhinney.

I was flamed for that suggestion, btw.

It does match Fotis’ weasel ness, as you pointed out, Mawhinney’s creepiness (And hx of rape), the weird, “ I know what I did and didn’t do,” line, and...

It matches the suicide note. If he were referring to the death of Jennifer that he had NOTHING to do with, and if the disappearance of Jennifer’s body was what he meant by the others not being involved with, it could be that he meant he hid the body.

(Of course, it is more than a stretch that planning a crisis-cross, wiping up blood, screaming for others to swap out seats, shuffling cell phones, throwing away bloody clothing and zip ties, for a few examples, is having nothing to do with a murder or hiding a body. But think like an amoral narcissistic child in a man’s body and it makes twisted sense.)
This thinking may not be popular here but I think it is worth exploring.

The case against MT and KM will be very important to follow now that Fd is gone. I think with NP out of the picture (spinning the narrative) we will be able to see how much the state has against these two remaining defendants. This could be a great opportunity for either one to disclose where Fd said he placed JFd's body and get a deal (at least, this is what I am hoping for). I could see either one getting a very light sentence for this disclosure. It would make sense on two fronts: 1. JFd's family could bury her and 2. it would cement the fact that Fd killed her and was responsible for her death.

KM has other issues that he will be tried on (ex-wife and crimes committed against her) and his ability to practice law is gone. If he had a drug/alcohol problem, he might get clean, serve his time on other crimes and get his life together. I would be okay with that.

MT's relationship with Fd was certainly bizarre but if she told where JFd was and what happened it would allow her to also move somewhere and move on. I believe she is in this neck deep and is lucky that Fd was caught because I have no doubt she would have been harmed when her usefulness was determined to be at an end. She could spend minimal time in jail in exchange for knowing what happened to JFd.

While I would love for each of them to spend eternity in jail. I just don't think it will happen. They are linked and could probably be found guilty but I hate that it is probable rather than a slam dunk.
and this may be the reason FD spoke of their innocence in his parting note- thinking "If I
clear the 2 of them, neither will spill the beans
on where JD's body is." We'll all still look innocent.
I'm convinced now that both MT and KM know where the body is and I'm convinced they both participated in the macabre way she was disposed of. I think it was shameful what all 3 did.
I’m betting there’s a pretty good possibility that MT is really #$&@#, that she was involved enough not to be able to spill what she knows without self incrimination, but that she doesn’t have the answer to the get out of jail card, namely, where is the body. Which would put her in a miserable situation with regard to cutting a deal, any remaining vestiges of which went down the toilet with FDs last puff of CO, anyway.
As I was reading your OP I couldn't help but laugh that it seems that it would be typical to rope MT all the way in yet not leave her any way to save herself. She was probably too involved and lost in the weeds that she didn't see that he left her with nothing to work with if she got caught.

Wow, totally sucks to be MT! No wonder she has been lying for months and sounds about as delusional as Fd too. I do wonder if there is any way to legally finesse something for MT but given the extent of even the parts we know about I just can't see it? Curious what the legal folks think???

But, the was LE fleshed out Anna Curry was brilliant as they forced Fd to play his final ace and he did and now she and Andreas and Yannis are all out and public with no place to hide.

By all accounts MT knew about AC and so most likely was aware that she was living at 4Jx as early as October. Just have to wonder how all this hit her?

The Fd money situation also seemed 'dire' as Atty Weinstein said he was selling furniture on eBay for cash. The electrical and utility situation at 4Jx was also an issue and it seems that AC might have been supporting Fd.

How can one guy spend a lifetime being supported by others? What would make AC willing to get involved with the sinking ship that was the life of Fd? I do think the money she was splashing around was his and not hers but we have no way of knowing absent a statement from LE and that isn't happening anytime soon IMO. I do wonder if more charges will be filed against her soon.

Its all quite a lot to process and understand...

Thinking about the timeline going back to Aug-Sept-Oct, and new info that AC had been living at 4JC since September.

Also, end of timeline shows how increasingly desperate the FD/NP team was as FD desecrates memorial and NP resorts to bring into court FB comments. While still blustery, this isn’t a bold “bring it on” tactic but more of a victimization defense, foreshadowing the end.

-LE learned about the KM gun club grave on 8/7. [interviews with KM had been back in June]
-3rd interview with MT on 8/13.
-CSP LE went to Gun club and seriously scoped grave on 8/14. [local PD went there earlier but it was “too hot” that day]
-MT/FD AW2 on 9/5.
-LE searches reservoir behind 4JC 9/12; NO “Bring it on!” Statement
-MT teary court appearance 9/19. [this is likley when FD learns that MT goes off alibi script and confesses she didn’t see him that morning. Remember how FD was grinning while flipping through AW2 in NPs car as they drove away from Bridgeport? Guess he hadn’t gotten to that page yet].
-MSM reports Uhauls, MT moves stuff out of 4JC around 10/11 (reported by HC 10/25 saying “two weeks ago”).
-“Anna” lists 80MS on Airbnb 10/25

Depositions (LA, MT, Giuffria), filings, re Civil case in much of November/December

-civil trial vs Farber first week December
-12/6 MT granted permission to pick up daughter at JFK on 12/13
- 12/21 briefs filing deadline in civil case
-1/2/2020 MM files GAL request for status conference on kids in family court
-1/7/2020 AW3 murder charges, FD in jail
-1/9 FD released on bond, house arrest except for work, religious, medical, and legal appts
-1/22/2020 emergency hearing for stopping at JD memorial, FD house arrest work permission rescinded. NP reads names of FB posters in court.
-1/24 fracas over man “breaking in” to 4JC and recording FD “We know who you Are!”
-1/28 emergency hearing for bail revocation, suicide attempt
-1/30 FD declared dead

so if MT picked up her daughter from airport on 12/13, then from that date and airport pick up, I hope the daughter is with the dad and away from all the mess in CT.

Another innocent person damaged
I’m not ready to fully develop a theory, but I do think a crisis cross could have been planned... and km did the deed but Fotis... (luckily, to the humane among us) did not keep his word to Mawhinney.

I was flamed for that suggestion, btw.

It does match Fotis’ weasel ness, as you pointed out, Mawhinney’s creepiness (And hx of rape), the weird, “ I know what I did and didn’t do,” line, and...

It matches the suicide note. If he were referring to the death of Jennifer that he had NOTHING to do with, and if the disappearance of Jennifer’s body was what he meant by the others not being involved with, it could be that he meant he hid the body.

(Of course, it is more than a stretch that planning a crisis-cross, wiping up blood, screaming for others to swap out seats, shuffling cell phones, throwing away bloody clothing and zip ties, for a few examples, is having nothing to do with a murder or hiding a body. But think like an amoral narcissistic child in a man’s body and it makes twisted sense.)
You’re probably on to something in some way. I can still vividly (and it’s been years) my horrible ex trying to teach my kids to .. when confronted with an accusation of doing something wrong ... lie lie lie and stick to the lie no matter what. This guy and this situation reminds me so much of my own , except mine was a step below the severity in terms of murder, money, suicide etc.
I wonder if we've been looking at this a bit in the wrong direction. Yesterday I mentioned in passing that maybe FD didn't kill JD. Rather KM killed her and FD just cleaned up. Not that that matters. But it might answer why FD thought he didn't kill JD and was being wrongfully accused. He's wrong of course. Someone presumably as smart as him should know that, but in his head, maybe he thought he was in the clear if he could just prove it. It gets worse. One thing that made no sense to me was why JD's shirt and bra were thrown away. This would lead one to assume that they were taken off JD. From pictures of KM, he seems like a creep. Maybe FD told him he could do what he likes with her. And maybe he did. That would explain the zip ties, bra, and shirt. After he was through, he killed her and left a mess. FD was hoping to make it look like a home invasion. That was the plan. But something changed. I'm hoping some of you sleuths can apply the timeline to this scenario. Maybe FD never intended to go to the house, never intended to clean up, never intended to throw stuff away in Hartford, never intended to get her car to the park, and never intended to be caught on the myriad of cameras all around town. Is it possible that the sightings of FD were actually KM? The don't really look alike but I never saw a really clear picture of him either. Maybe this is why FD felt he was innocent. There was kind of a quid pro quo going on between KM and FD. You kill my wife, I'll kill yours. And the cops will think you did yours in and I did mine in but they will be wrong and we can prove it.

I believe this is why KM and MT will not be off the hook. I'm now suspicious that KM did the deed. If so, he'll need to be held accountable. It doesn't matter that FD is dead. MT was probably the side kick. But MT would know one way or the other. Particularly because KM and her were in the office together afterwards answering the phone.
Whoa. We know the vacuum was already broken on May 24th. Maybe that was his plan for JF. In her own garage. Zip ties on, zip ties off. Make it look like suicide. No blood, no clean up, no investigation. JMO

Have we talked about this? If he was the sole agent that morning, then he drove the Tacoma to Waveny, then biked to Welles. If he drove JF's Suburban back to the Tacoma, he STILL had to go back for his bike. Which we know he retrieved because it's visible in the stills of the Tacoma. Possible he threw it in the back of JF's Suburban, but maybe THIS is where it all went sideways. Maybe he never intended to drive away in the Suburban, maybe he never intended to leave with a body. Bike in, bike out. Be back at 4JC while the phone call from Greece was still greasing. (How angry was he when he learned the alibi call came in on the wrong phone, almost went unanswered and ultimately lasted mere SECONDS?!!!)

An apparent suicide (CO poisoning in at 69 W) with FD's choreographed alibi making it look like he was in Farmington all morning--

Interesting possibility, no?

I think your theory is great! However, the Greek call was around 8:30 so FD would not have been there for that no matter fast he got things taken care of.
MT must be boiling like Vesuvius before it rained down on Pompei. She let herself get so incredibly used that she will never get over the repercussions. I thought maybe FD had helped her with bail, but I guess not since he had someone else paying his own bail. She will have many days, weeks, and years pondering how incredibly stupid she was to get mixed up with a user and an abuser.
I posted quite some time ago about this. Once she started to spill, however ineptly to LE, FD was absolutely done with her. FD type do not tolerate that.
I agree.

Isn't it usually standard for lawyers to say very little about a case like this to the media?

I don't recall Patrick Frazee's lawyer even making a public statement at all.

In fact I don't recall any cases where an attorney stirred up this kind of drama
Pattis is doing the same thing he has been doing all along. He's been defending the client by publicly shifting the focus and blame off him and on to the victim or the media.

Except this time he's trying to take the focus off himself.

The first comment he made about the suicide was defensive: He never saw any signs that this was coming.

I wonder if Fotis had a moment of realization and wondered why in the world he ever hired this guy.

BBM Jose Baez comes to mind - I think this is his grab at fame
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