Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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@MsBetsy, I think this quote of yours so perfectly captures why I stepped back and said, "WHAT" when Atty. P. blamed the public for what happened to Fd!

I do hope Atty. P. looks at his role in all of this as there is zero way IMO of disconnecting Atty. P. from any level of involvement and responsibility in the death of Fd. Sure, nobody can predict a suicide but Atty. P. sure seemed to create the perfect storm around a volatile and horrific situation that simply laid the framework for a negative outcome for Fd IMO.

Well, Narcs are famous for trying to get others to kill themselves. NP probably thought of FD as stupid for making so many mistakes and the dismantling of the memorial was the final straw. Pretty sure the atty/client relationship was full of contempt at that point. Contempt is #1 predictor of a failed relationship. NP got some money and some press coverage. NP was at the point where FD was a stone around his neck. FD suicide was palatable at that point. IMO.
I wonder if we've been looking at this a bit in the wrong direction. Yesterday I mentioned in passing that maybe FD didn't kill JD. Rather KM killed her and FD just cleaned up. Not that that matters. But it might answer why FD thought he didn't kill JD and was being wrongfully accused. He's wrong of course. Someone presumably as smart as him should know that, but in his head, maybe he thought he was in the clear if he could just prove it. It gets worse. One thing that made no sense to me was why JD's shirt and bra were thrown away. This would lead one to assume that they were taken off JD. From pictures of KM, he seems like a creep. Maybe FD told him he could do what he likes with her. And maybe he did. That would explain the zip ties, bra, and shirt. After he was through, he killed her and left a mess. FD was hoping to make it look like a home invasion. That was the plan. But something changed. I'm hoping some of you sleuths can apply the timeline to this scenario. Maybe FD never intended to go to the house, never intended to clean up, never intended to throw stuff away in Hartford, never intended to get her car to the park, and never intended to be caught on the myriad of cameras all around town. Is it possible that the sightings of FD were actually KM? The don't really look alike but I never saw a really clear picture of him either. Maybe this is why FD felt he was innocent. There was kind of a quid pro quo going on between KM and FD. You kill my wife, I'll kill yours. And the cops will think you did yours in and I did mine in but they will be wrong and we can prove it.

I believe this is why KM and MT will not be off the hook. I'm now suspicious that KM did the deed. If so, he'll need to be held accountable. It doesn't matter that FD is dead. MT was probably the side kick. But MT would know one way or the other. Particularly because KM and her were in the office together afterwards answering the phone.
Speaking of KM, could someone tell me where I might find the information about what LE is charging him with and the details?

I missed the discussion when he was charged so I don't really know his involvement.

Or just a short summary if it can be done easily...

All I remember is that he is the lawyer FD claimed he had an appointment with early in the morning the day of Jennifer's murder.

Has anyone looked for FD's ebay acct?
I tried. I can't find it, but maybe there are no listings now.
Speaking of KM, could someone tell me where I might find the information about what LE is charging him with and the details?

I missed the discussion when he was charged so I don't really know his involvement.

Or just a short summary if it can be done easily...

All I remember is that he is the lawyer FD claimed he had an appointment with early in the morning the day of Jennifer's murder.

Here is his arrest warrant:
Mawhinney Arrest Warrant (01!07!20)
Fotis stated in his note that he wants it to be known that MT and KM had nothing to do with JF’s disappearance! Wow! Hmmmm, how do you know that, Fotis? What information do you have that you can make and prove that claim? If you state that then you obviously know what happened. Isn’t that so telling and highly suggestive? If he was so confident about the truth and what happened including Albany Ave. then why not shout it from the rooftops?!!! If Fotis was so adamant on not going to jail for another hour, why not cooperate with police and share why he and MT disposed of multiple bags with Jennifer’s bloody clothes, cleaning supplies etc. instead of killing yourself.

Think about it...its actually quite simple, if you are innocent (as claimed) then why not cooperate????????? They were ever so quick to share their alibis, why not any other pertinent information?

Why vandalize a memorial of your wife? Why not go to court and defend yourself if you’re so innocent? He already had Anna’s money so the bond would be swiftly settled so jail time would have been avoided. So WHY commit suicide? Well we know why.

Love for your children would mean that you would spend every waking moment to help the investigation of your FIVE children’s mother for their sake! If you’re innocent, why not cooperate? Why would you cross your arms and refuse to cooperate from day ONE and every day after since 24 May!!!!

To Norm and all of his family and supporters: please dish... Now that he’s dead, case closed...he voluntarily chose not to clear his own name so now we welcome your proof of his proclaimed innocence.

If he was wrongly accused as you assert.... Please bring it on... we are all EARS!

We are all waiting to hear your thoughts about the fictitious alibis, burner and phone antics, Albany disposal, car seat switch, cleaning of coffee from the Tacoma, license plates alterations, car wash, bicycle ride/disposal of French plate, and all dna/forensic/surveillance/discovery evidence etc.


ITA!!! They immediately spouted their airtight alibis (I’d have turned blue waiting for the Greek to fly in per Norm!) but no mention of the Albany Odyssey. Of course, long before the gag order!

Imvho Norm did nothing to truly help his client. I believe his outlandish theories, interviews, scathing comments, talk/radio shows, statements/pressers, utmost disrespect for JF (a woman he never even met), contemptuous behavior in court and towards the judges and public, etc. hindered more than helped his client’s case. His gibberish and condescending remarks just made them appear desperate and foolish. The State or other attorneys remained tight lipped and professional.

Norm, perhaps in the future take some cues from Bowman or Urso. Moo

I think NP tactics made FD even more unlikeable..
How is it doubletalk? Do you really believe Michelle and KM were not at all involved?

You don't think it's possible that he is just saying that because he is insisting he is innocent himself?

Just because he made it clear does not mean it's the truth.

No he had Michelle help him. She looks like a pansy that would do anything he asked her to do. I do not think for a New York minute she knew what she was throwing out. She talks one way one time and another way another time. Looks like he coached her and she is totally confused. The other guy I don't think was in on her killing either. It was all on Fotis who was very angry with JD. The other two could care less.
If KM had been there, his dna would have been as well. THere is no mention of unknown dna at the scene, Pattis would have seized on that.
You’re probably on to something in some way. I can still vividly (and it’s been years) my horrible ex trying to teach my kids to .. when confronted with an accusation of doing something wrong ... lie lie lie and stick to the lie no matter what. This guy and this situation reminds me so much of my own , except mine was a step below the severity in terms of murder, money, suicide etc.

Thanks- there is plenty of data against criss-cross, most notably the relative charges and that Pattis does not seem to know of KM DNA.

On the other hand, the case wasn’t so far along that all evidence had to be shown, was it? And KM’s warrant was thin on shared evidence, but for a very serious charge. And it was AW 1. FD wasn’t charged with murder until AW 3. Would “just” riding around on a bike, giving info on entering, and having to help clean up a garage because your friend couldn’t rape and kill without making a mess be a murder charge in CT? Would charging 1 with murder when 2 left DNA around in hopes that the first one charged fingers the other be ethical?
Speaking of KM, could someone tell me where I might find the information about what LE is charging him with and the details?

I missed the discussion when he was charged so I don't really know his involvement.

Or just a short summary if it can be done easily...

All I remember is that he is the lawyer FD claimed he had an appointment with early in the morning the day of Jennifer's murder.

For his domestic issues Kent has his own thread but it hasn't been updated with the latest court info I believe. But this will give you the basics.

CT - CT - Kent Mawhinney, 54, South Windsor, 21 Jan 2019 *Arrest*
Interesting to watch this last court hearing again that FD attended where he was put on house arrest in light of what soon followed.

Fd was reared with a sense of Entitlement, not only with the thought that the World Revolved around Him, but also with the thought that He was the ONLY Person that Mattered, even Above his own Children.

He was Also reared to think that it was his Duty to lie, steal, cheat, and scheme to maintain the Status and/or the Illusion of His Self Importance.

Because Fd was Never told the word No as he was growing up and on into his adult life, he Absolutely Fostered this sense of Entitlement.

When someone has this sense of Entitlement, they will do Anything and Everything to Protect that Illusion. They do Not see it as an Illusion, but it Is an Illusion, non the less.

Fd spent his Entire life Protecting that Illusion.

I have said over and over, that had anyone in the Court cases, in this sad Greek Tragedy, held Fd Accountable from the very beginning, we may still have Jennifer and yes, even Fd among us.

Some will say that he would have just murdered JFd sooner.

I say No.

The Fact that Fd got away with Everything during the two years of the divorce, just Reinforced his Entitlement even more and Absolutely Emboldened him even more.

Throughout the Divorce, Fd was coddled by the Courts and his Many No Shows and Failures to provide Accurate Financials in all the Court cases, and yet, was Never held Accountable.

No Wonder Fd was Shocked, Astounded, and Yes, DEVASTATED when Judge White recently Laid Down the Law.

Fd was OUTRAGED that This Judge would DARE to tell HIM, that HE, FD would NOT leave 4JC for work.

Fd was Outraged that This Judge would DARE to tell HIM that 3 Strikes and you are back in Jail and/or Double the Bond.

Fd had Become Accustomed to Not being held Accountable in Court. It was Absolutely Devastating for him to loose that CONTROL.

SO Devastated to be told NO, that he would End his life?

Or, was he SO Devastated, that he wanted to Regain his Control by Staging a Suicide Attempt?

It must have been really tough on Fd to be knocked down a peg or two after all this time of 'Playing' the court system.

It was all a Game to Fd, to be WINNING.

How many times have we seen him grinning and smiling like a Cheshire cat as he walks out of court or after being released from jail?

This last time with Judge White? Not so much.

I am not familiar with Fd's favorite book, The Art of War, but surely there was a chapter on how to Regain his Control?

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MT must be boiling like Vesuvius before it rained down on Pompei. She let herself get so incredibly used that she will never get over the repercussions. I thought maybe FD had helped her with bail, but I guess not since he had someone else paying his own bail. She will have many days, weeks, and years pondering how incredibly stupid she was to get mixed up with a user and an abuser.
think about this for a minute- other than to solidify the case against each other- MT and KM have very little to negotiate with since the main culprit is dead and there's no longer a case against him. The state doesn't need any
dope on FD- his case is dismissed. So basically these two are left to fight it out. Who's more culpable here? And who does the state want
to see spend some solid years behind bars?
What's to plea anymore? MT may be in deeper
doo doo w/ FD gone. She may be in LE's target
now more so than KM. What do you all think?
I like this-I bet it could’ve gone sideways because she wouldn’t cooperate and let him gas her. Then he had to kill her in a bloody way because he couldn’t do it the way he wanted and she would call the cops if he didn’t.
I like it too. No way was there supposed to be blood all over the place. But then again, what were the ponchos for? I guess maybe to prevent DNA transfer. Or dismemberment later. KEY is what date the Suburban was on Thurton. Even before that revelation, based on satellite pics, I posted that I thought it possible that JD body was somehow transferred thru the back of the property but I was thinking Indian Waters instead.
think about this for a minute- other than to solidify the case against each other- MT and KM have very little to negotiate with since the main culprit is dead and there's no longer a case against him. The state doesn't need any
dope on FD- his case is dismissed. So basically these two are left to fight it out. Who's more culpable here? And who does the state want
to see spend some solid years behind bars?
What's to plea anymore? MT may be in deeper
doo doo w/ FD gone. She may be in LE's target
now more so than KM. What do you all think?
think about this for a minute- other than to solidify the case against each other- MT and KM have very little to negotiate with since the main culprit is dead and there's no longer a case against him. The state doesn't need any
dope on FD- his case is dismissed. So basically these two are left to fight it out. Who's more culpable here? And who does the state want
to see spend some solid years behind bars?
What's to plea anymore? MT may be in deeper
doo doo w/ FD gone. She may be in LE's target
now more so than KM. What do you all think?
There’s also MT involvement in the “shady loan” for 123 Hunter Drive. So she may have had some motive too for JD to disappear, if JD knew about this which she obviously did since she called SM the banker and GV the Fore employee in the divorce case. So that’s another notch in MTs case
We don't know.
Also how did Pattis know right away while FD was in the ambulance, that he had a slight pulse.
Who is tipping this guy off and why?
Upthread it’s posted NP gave it to the media
Jennifer Dulos Case: Fotis Dulos' Suicide Note Released
The note, released by Dulos’ lawyer, was found beside Dulos in the vehicle he was in when police found him unresponsive on Tuesday, overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to take his own life.
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