Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #44

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But why would FD's sister ship her brother's remains to Greece when she didn't bother to collect her parents. That makes no sense to me -- I think he should just be put to rest with his parents buried locally and end the charade. MOO
My guess is FD has already been cremated or will be shortly. Taking his "remains" as Rena
called them back to Greece is simple. They pkg.
them up in a cardboard box 12" X 12", all done at the crematorium. If they were taking the
body, I think she would have said "body" but
remains to me is the ashes.

The letter to HC should never have been given,
allow everyone to grieve in peace and give your brother some dignity in his death.

Surprised that HC is participating in the family fight by printing the letter. Sounds very "National Enquirer" to me.

Rena didn't live here or see her brother on a regular basis so she only has a small snapshot
of what his life here was like.
She obviously has not seen the evidence files
against her brother. My guess is she never will.
Denial protects many from the truth.
She has a right to rant her anger for her brother, but she should be doing this in private. Very, very poor taste.
This is why I think the staged suicide got away from him...and his being such a control freak, just needed a ploy for time..underestimating the gas..because he decides it won't kill him..when AC comes back they get to buy time (literally) the hospital, and find a new way to secure the bond..

Otherwise, why not kill yourself in the middle of the night Monday night..why wait til broad daylight, when LE and attorneys are looking for you, AC wide awake...sneak off in the middle of the night and do it..
I personally don't think it was staged. As for why he didn't kill himself in the middle of the night: no matter a person's circumstances, it is still a very tough decision to end one's life. They really don't want to die, just escape their situation. Some suicides are indeed impulsive, however many, many are contemplated a very long time. FD likely had hope against hope that something would change for him. Perhaps NP and KS really WERE giving him the cold shoulder. He knew he got that bond based on lies. Even the posters here knew it was a fraud. I think the bond company might have known too but just wanted to get their fee.

I think FD just waited until the last minute he could because really, hardly anyone REALLY wants to die. Men are statistically much more likely to use lethal methods and succeed as opposed to women. Whatever happened with the comings and goings of AC, FD knew what to do make things happen. This is all MOO.
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IMO both families should be left alone.
IMO, the evidence that FD referred to in his note, IMO cannot be released before a decision is made about the cases of MT and KM. IMO to release this 'evidence' would prejudice any trial against MT and KM.

fd family and attorneys are the ones talking and do not obey a GAG ORDER. They talk, media and people will talk.

Jennifer’s family is very silent .
My guess is FD has already been cremated or will be shortly. Taking his "remains" as Rena
called them back to Greece is simple. They pkg.
them up in a cardboard box 12" X 12", all done at the crematorium. If they were taking the
body, I think she would have said "body" but
remains to me is the ashes.

The letter to HC should never have been given,
allow everyone to grieve in peace and give your brother some dignity in his death.

Surprised that HC is participating in the family fight by printing the letter. Sounds very "National Enquirer" to me.

Rena didn't live here or see her brother on a regular basis so she only has a small snapshot
of what his life here was like.
She obviously has not seen the evidence files
against her brother. My guess is she never will.
Denial protects many from the truth.
She has a right to rant her anger for her brother, but she should be doing this in private. Very, very poor taste.

Rena probably was paid for any comment or letter...maybe that is where she got the money to ship fd back to Greece
From the Dulos Family Letter:
We, the family of this great man, feel let down by the State that pursued and harassed him and us relentlessly and with no mercy, without ever giving him or us a chance to speak our truth and to share, with a world that was too quick to call him a monster, our story.

Still trying to be sympathetic to this family's need to grieve, but Fotis Dulos REFUSED to speak to police to help with his wife's disappearance. For eight months he refused to speak to the police; he didn't speak through his lawyer before the gag order; and he says his lawyer has evidence to clear his name.

I'm waiting...the blame game will end, the moment Attorney Pattis shares the exonerating material The ball is in Attorney Pattis' court.
Dulos waived his right to a probable cause hearing on advice of his counsel Norm Pattis. That was his opportunity to present any exculpatory evidence he may have had. The ship has sailed, Norm.
Family of Fotis Dulos says he was ‘in a dead-end where he saw taking his own life as the only way to be granted peace’

In her statement, Dulos’ sister asks for people to pray for the couple’s five children.

“We ask that you pray for his five children and our family. We ask that you pause and reflect on how it is possible that, in today’s United States of America, a man sought justice and peace by hooking up a pipe on his exhaust and walking into his car to meet his death surrounded by pictures of his five children,” she wrote.

This statement makes me sick to my stomach. What a horrible thing for those children to hear.

One would think that photos of your children would give you every reason to keep on living and fighting...
Who is hurting the Greeks? They are hurting themselves and cut from same cloth as FD. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

It is the Farber family that is not being left alone. Having to be involved with ridiculous motions about getting the Greeks out of GF's and the children's house. NP wanting to get control of the estate and floating the ridiculous idea of trying FD posthumously.

NP and the Greeks need to just go away and their problems will be solved.

Not sure what you mean that the note shouldn't be released. It's already been released. By NP. Also, ALL evidence presented by the State is prejudicial to the defendants by it's very nature. The defense could try to suppress the note on those grounds but not sure why they would want to. The note says MT and KM have done nothing wrong.

What decisions are needing to be made about the cases of MT and KM? FD being dead has no bearing on their cases. Their cases have gotten worse because there is much less if any bargaining power now. Neither conviction nor prosecution of the primary defendant is needed in order to try the conspirators. Their cases will go on just as if FD was still around.

Quite frankly, some posts have been quite distasteful, insulting and IMO bordering on racism. Some posters seem to forget, that FD relatives are also relatives of the children, the eldest of which, could quite readily browse the internet and come across these posts.

If you had taken the time to read my post, I said the EVIDENCE mentioned in the note (e.g. that NP has) should not be released. This is quite different to evidence released by the State,
In regards to the house, its seems to me that GF has graciously allowed the family to remain for a while. IMO GF wants to be seen as being fair to the childrens extended family.
BBM, No, I don't.

IMO - There is a lot missing from the AW for NM - and on the face of it, not very much evidence at all mentioned in the AW for KM - he was at 4JX on the morning that Jennifer went missing, then left and his phoned pinged twice at the gun club (where there was previously discovered an alleged grave shaped hole). It is what is not said in the AW re KM that is interesting.
Question - how does LE know that the alleged hole is related to Jennifers case at all?
Question - what else does LE have on KM?
Question - Why was KM at 4JX when he knew FD would not be there?

I have flip flopped a few times on who was more involved in the murder of JFD. Is it MT or KM? I have come to the conclusion that in the planning it was KM. IMO MT did not help plan but did help with fake alibis and cleanup.
IMO FD and KM are misogynistic jerks who would not give her, a mere female, "ideas" a second thought. The 2 of them thought they were so much smarter than anyone else. The part in the AW3 that says KM had to tell MT to answer the phone is very telling. I think it was the signal that the job is done to carry on with the next phase of the plan.

FD either had a burner phone to call his greek friend or he was there. We dont know for sure he was on the other end of that call or if it was just from his phone in Greece. Somehow the message was relayed to KM and MT back in Farmington. If the whole office story is true that is. I would love to see the greek phone records. I wonder if LE can even get their hands on those. I bet that info would help piece things together.
Family of Fotis Dulos says he was ‘in a dead-end where he saw taking his own life as the only way to be granted peace’

In her statement, Dulos’ sister asks for people to pray for the couple’s five children.

“We ask that you pray for his five children and our family. We ask that you pause and reflect on how it is possible that, in today’s United States of America, a man sought justice and peace by hooking up a pipe on his exhaust and walking into his car to meet his death surrounded by pictures of his five children,” she wrote.

This statement makes me sick to my stomach. What a horrible thing for those children to hear.

One would think that photos of your children would give you every reason to keep on living and fighting...

IMO, People who are suicidal only want the pain to end, they don't have much thought for anyone else.
Quite frankly, some posts have been quite distasteful, insulting and IMO bordering on racism. Some posters seem to forget, that FD relatives are also relatives of the children, the eldest of which, could quite readily browse the internet and come across these posts.

If you had taken the time to read my post, I said the EVIDENCE mentioned in the note (e.g. that NP has) should not be released. This is quite different to evidence released by the State,
In regards to the house, its seems to me that GF has graciously allowed the family to remain for a while. IMO GF wants to be seen as being fair to the childrens extended family.
FD is the one responsible for whatever his children will see on the internet. Nobody here has to post a thing. The AWs tell all anyway and they are public. It is truly a pity that the children are related to FD family. Nothing they have done or not done has been helpful to the children in any way. They are kin to a monster. You know what would be helpful? If they were publicly truthful and sincerely acknowledged and apologized for what FD has done to Jennifer. It's not going to help the kids to have dueling points of view about JD murder and who is responsible for it. IF they cared ANYTHING about the kids, they would give up this ridiculous facade and do the right thing. But they won't. There is no decency in them.
But ... Rena ... what about the evidence ...

She knows about the evidence.

Rena, here is some unsolicited advice.

I am sorry for your loss.

Get out of Pattisville and take care of yourself. I pray you get to a point where you can stop pretending Fotis did not abuse and kill Jennifer, and stop pretending he was blameless in his family court troubles. You can love your departed brother; I hope you love and miss him.

For the sake of your nephews and nieces in the USA, I pray you are able to accept what happened, continue to love your brother, and wish he had made different decisions for his own sake. Then, maybe you can widen your focus a see this more clearly from the point of view of others, especially of your nephews and nieces.

Otherwise, how can you have a relationship with them? Ever? Luckily, this family has the resources that, even absent technology, geography is not a barrier to a relationship. But if the relationship deal is, “believe a delusion to hang with me,” nobody is going to allow a child into that relationship with you. At their majority, young adults won’t tolerate it. If the relationship is built on, “I loved your father and he loved you, but there was really something wrong with him. He caused you so much harm, taking away both of your parents. I wish he.... I still can’t help remembering Fotis things like.....Dad things like....”

Maybe the children can learn ways that you are like Fotis. And ways you are different. Some day, the children are going to have to wrap their heads around what their father did, and around ways they might share traits with him. (“If I hate a mess is the house, does that mean I’m a murderer?”) They need to know that being like their father does not mean they are destined to be like him in every way, or make horrific choices.

How prepared would you think the Farber family to help in this area? They have been super with the children, and understand the impact of loosing both parents. But they know Jennifer and can build on shared memories of her. Could they do the same about Fotis?

You could do that about Fotis. And you are not heading that direction sucked into Pattisville. What an absurd accusation that his grave would be harmed.

(Ummm, yes people are angry with him, of course! But surely you understand it, or you will when you get your head out of Pattisville. And arguing with the angry only keeps it stirred up. For the kids sake, the angry people will let the kids feel their more complicated feelings. There is no reason to think his grave would be touched.)

Speaking of the Farbers, they are protecting your nephews and nieces from documented emotional abuse by Fotis. Jennifer did so until she was murdered. This is protection for people you love, not keeping the kids away from anyone. You have to accept this, too, to have an honest relationship with your nephews and nieces.

Are you really the aunt who says ,”Don’t believe what you see, read, hear, touch or feel?” Or are you the aunt who says, “It’s okay to have good memories and to have some Fotis traits. It’s okay to have bad memories; you have endured what few can imagine. You survived, and now you can just be.”

Rena, you know what happened. Deal with it. Love and miss your brother from a realistic point of view. Pattisville is is fantasy, and no shelter to you. It will keep you from real mourning, and keep you from having a relationship with your nephews and nieces.

Peace, and I am very sorry for your loss.

On Saturday, February 1, 2020, the Receiver, Mr. Giuffria, visited the subject
property “with the Farmington police” and proceeded to photograph “two key holes…
the SUV that [Defendant] Fotis [Dulos] left running… the doors that first responders
breached to get to [Defendant] Fotis [Dulos] just prior to administering CPR, and… a
BMW sedan.”1
On Monday, February 3, 2020, at 12:36 pm, less than twenty (20) minutes after
this Honorable Court concluded a telephonic status conference with Plaintiff’s Counsel
and the Undersigned, FOX61 WTIC published a news story entitled “FIRST ON FOX:
Pictures surface from inside garage of Dulos’ Farmington home,” (appended hereto as
“Exhibit A”), which included statements from and a recorded interview with the
receiver appointed by this Honorable Court, Robert M. Giuffria, Jr.
BBM, No, I don't.

IMO - There is a lot missing from the AW for NM - and on the face of it, not very much evidence at all mentioned in the AW for KM - he was at 4JX on the morning that Jennifer went missing, then left and his phoned pinged twice at the gun club (where there was previously discovered an alleged grave shaped hole). It is what is not said in the AW re KM that is interesting.
Question - how does LE know that the alleged hole is related to Jennifers case at all?
Question - what else does LE have on KM?
Question - Why was KM at 4JX when he knew FD would not be there?

Good questions. I agree- but did not see how you got from available info to theorizing KM is more involved than MT. I guess we will see.
FD is the one responsible for whatever his children will see on the internet. Nobody here has to post a thing. The AWs tell all anyway and they are public. It is truly a pity that the children are related to FD family. Nothing they have done or not done has been helpful to the children in any way. They are kin to a monster. You know what would be helpful? If they were publicly truthful and sincerely acknowledged and apologized for what FD has done to Jennifer. It's not going to help the kids to have dueling points of view about JD murder and who is responsible for it. IF they cared ANYTHING about the kids, they would give up this ridiculous facade and do the right thing. But they won't. There is no decency in them.

The kids have a strong support system and the ability to fund it. It is horrific what they are going through. But they are surviving, and can thrive in the future. Just because they are related to Fotis does not mean they need pity. First of all, his family is bigger than Fotis and Rena. Secondly, Fotis and Rena can’t be devoid of strengths to pass on to the kids. Right now, I am so angry with their selfish delusional world, that I am not the one to name them. But please don’t pity the kids for their biological relationships.
But why would FD's sister ship her brother's remains to Greece when she didn't bother to collect her parents. That makes no sense to me -- I think he should just be put to rest with his parents buried locally and end the charade. MOO

He probably will he buried locally-she is just being dramatic. When she finds out how much it’ll cost, she won’t take him back to Greece. I don’t think anybody cares enough about him to go to the trouble of desecrating his grave. People MIGHT want to leave flowers at Jennifer’s, if only she had a grave to visit.
Family of Fotis Dulos says he was ‘in a dead-end where he saw taking his own life as the only way to be granted peace’

In her statement, Dulos’ sister asks for people to pray for the couple’s five children.

“We ask that you pray for his five children and our family. We ask that you pause and reflect on how it is possible that, in today’s United States of America, a man sought justice and peace by hooking up a pipe on his exhaust and walking into his car to meet his death surrounded by pictures of his five children,” she wrote.

This statement makes me sick to my stomach. What a horrible thing for those children to hear.

One would think that photos of your children would give you every reason to keep on living and fighting...

Did he have photos of the children in the car with him? Not that it really matters-everything he did appears to be a fraud.
She knows about the evidence.

Rena, here is some unsolicited advice.

I am sorry for your loss.

Get out of Pattisville and take care of yourself. I pray you get to a point where you can stop pretending Fotis did not abuse and kill Jennifer, and stop pretending he was blameless in his family court troubles. You can love your departed brother; I hope you love and miss him.

For the sake of your nephews and nieces in the USA, I pray you are able to accept what happened, continue to love your brother, and wish he had made different decisions for his own sake. Then, maybe you can widen your focus a see this more clearly from the point of view of others, especially of your nephews and nieces.

Otherwise, how can you have a relationship with them? Ever? Luckily, this family has the resources that, even absent technology, geography is not a barrier to a relationship. But if the relationship deal is, “believe a delusion to hang with me,” nobody is going to allow a child into that relationship with you. At their majority, young adults won’t tolerate it. If the relationship is built on, “I loved your father and he loved you, but there was really something wrong with him. He caused you so much harm, taking away both of your parents. I wish he.... I still can’t help remembering Fotis things like.....Dad things like....”

Maybe the children can learn ways that you are like Fotis. And ways you are different. Some day, the children are going to have to wrap their heads around what their father did, and around ways they might share traits with him. (“If I hate a mess is the house, does that mean I’m a murderer?”) They need to know that being like their father does not mean they are destined to be like him in every way, or make horrific choices.

How prepared would you think the Farber family to help in this area? They have been super with the children, and understand the impact of loosing both parents. But they know Jennifer and can build on shared memories of her. Could they do the same about Fotis?

You could do that about Fotis. And you are not heading that direction sucked into Pattisville. What an absurd accusation that his grave would be harmed.

(Ummm, yes people are angry with him, of course! But surely you understand it, or you will when you get your head out of Pattisville. And arguing with the angry only keeps it stirred up. For the kids sake, the angry people will let the kids feel their more complicated feelings. There is no reason to think his grave would be touched.)

Speaking of the Farbers, they are protecting your nephews and nieces from documented emotional abuse by Fotis. Jennifer did so until she was murdered. This is protection for people you love, not keeping the kids away from anyone. You have to accept this, too, to have an honest relationship with your nephews and nieces.

Are you really the aunt who says ,”Don’t believe what you see, read, hear, touch or feel?” Or are you the aunt who says, “It’s okay to have good memories and to have some Fotis traits. It’s okay to have bad memories; you have endured what few can imagine. You survived, and now you can just be.”

Rena, you know what happened. Deal with it. Love and miss your brother from a realistic point of view. Pattisville is is fantasy, and no shelter to you. It will keep you from real mourning, and keep you from having a relationship with your nephews and nieces.

Peace, and I am very sorry for your loss.
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