Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #44

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From the Dulos Family Letter:
We, the family of this great man, feel let down by the State that pursued and harassed him and us relentlessly and with no mercy, without ever giving him or us a chance to speak our truth and to share, with a world that was too quick to call him a monster, our story.

Still trying to be sympathetic to this family's need to grieve, but Fotis Dulos REFUSED to speak to police to help with his wife's disappearance. For eight months he refused to speak to the police; he didn't speak through his lawyer before the gag order; and he says his lawyer has evidence to clear his name.

I'm waiting...the blame game will end, the moment Attorney Pattis shares the exonerating material The ball is in Attorney Pattis' court.
The Connecticut State Police declined to comment on the Dulos investigation, citing a gag order issued in the case. The state prosecutor in charge of the case did not respond to requests for comment.

One law enforcement official familiar with the case said investigators had gathered far more evidence than they have so far disclosed.


Welcome @xtrain. :):):)
It will be great when we hear of more evidence: hope just round the corner.
From the Dulos Family Letter:
We, the family of this great man, feel let down by the State that pursued and harassed him and us relentlessly and with no mercy, without ever giving him or us a chance to speak our truth and to share, with a world that was too quick to call him a monster, our story.

Still trying to be sympathetic to this family's need to grieve, but Fotis Dulos REFUSED to speak to police to help with his wife's disappearance. For eight months he refused to speak to the police; he didn't speak through his lawyer before the gag order; and he says his lawyer has evidence to clear his name.

I'm waiting...the blame game will end, the moment Attorney Pattis shares the exonerating material The ball is in Attorney Pattis' court.

Pray tell Rena ,

“Speak your truth”,
Tell us “your” Story .

Make your grand statement .

Been waiting .. still waiting .. always going to be waiting .
Absolutely...we had some years where we were $2,200 a month/oil because the furnace was at 78% efficiency and fluctuating prices..and it would cost x to fix the furnace efficiency only getting it to tops 88% or x to swap out for natural gas..and we do not have a giant mansion..this is for standard 68 degrees in a decent size house for yes 9 months of winter (not this winter which it was 51 today, bizarre).

So we did the conversion (and are at 98% efficiency with the boiler/natural gas) and it paid for itself with in one year..our heat bills are $300-500 month tops even when its 1 degree to 15 degrees for the entire month..*part of the reason why thinking of Dulos all warm and cozy in that big giant mansion with someone else paying for his heat, no pun intended made my CT blood boil...

When we first moved there and were looking at houses, one of the landlords said "you have to leave the oil tank full when you leave." I sort of chuckled because coming from California I had no idea what this oil tank thing she was talking about was. Something for the in for cooking oil? Seriously. I had never heard of such a thing. She explained and showed us the tank and I thought how awful and disgusting this is, even before knowing how expensive it was.
MOO circumstantial is a lot different now than it used to be, with video, DNA and other proofs, maybe better than an eyewitnesses.
Your opinion if I understand you, is that without FD being found guilty of killing JF ithere is no case againat the co-conspirators.
MOO MOO conspiracy is a charge that doesn't have to havr the intended crime happen to be a crime.
Conspiring to murder is its own seperate charge, which shares nearly the same penalty as murder.
What needed is proof of discussing the plan with a co-conspirator, and then any gesture in the furtherance of the plot.
25 years in CT, 21.25 years before parole can be sought.

MOO MT can explain her mamy versions of events to a jury and see what they think.

Yes, how many times have we seen DNA evidence help overturn cases where eyewitnesses swore they saw someone do the crime?

I've seen interviews with District Attorneys saying they'd prefer DNA over eyewitnesses any day....much more reliable.

Of course, in this case we have so much video in addition to DNA all over the place!
I was under the impression the GAL was because he was badmouthing Jennifer, and trying to turn the kids against her. She seemed like a good mother, I would think they would have divorced long ago if he was abusing the children.

Well-it was mental abuse that got worse as they got older, as some things do. He didn’t consider his behavior abusive, but this is what happens, when you ask the abuser. They got divorced when they did, because Jennifer found out that he was unfaithful (again). Then wanted to move the new girlfriend and her daughter into the family home, and the girlfriend’s daughter into the school his kids attended. The bad behavior accelerated and this is what caused the divorce that she might have sought earlier if her father had not been terminally ill.
YES, thank you for bring up the ongoing question about whether we would have ever seen Conspiracy to Commit Murder charges brought against BOTH KM and Fd for their role in a plot to murder KM STBX.

IMO the account of KM STBX which she delivered in her Family Court case regarding Fd reaching out to her to broker a 'meeting' with KM was compelling as well as chilling. Fd was never charged with his role in violating the KM no contact order. We know that the KM investigation is ongoing. KM has had his legal license suspended which perhaps might facilitate the investigation of his activities as well.


So in Greek-speak, FD's outreach to KM's STBX would fall under "unparalleled host"?
This is the letter Fotis Dulos’ family sent to the Courant by his sister, Rena Kyrimi, Monday:

Suicide – the last word anyone who knew Fotis would associate with him. Caring and nurturing father, son, brother, and uncle, achiever, hard worker, fighter, loyal friend, accomplished sportsman, book worm, a great cook, unparalleled host. This was Fotis. He would walk into a room and immediately light it up. He was the man everyone wanted to befriend.
Fotis was a loving man much loved by those who actually knew him.

We, the family of this great man, feel let down by the State that pursued and harassed him and us relentlessly and with no mercy, without ever giving him or us a chance to speak our truth and to share, with a world that was too quick to call him a monster, our story. We feel devastated that a man, only 52 years of age, found himself in a dead-end where he saw taking his own life as the only way to be granted peace. We are enraged with the Media that used him to make sensationalistic headlines, thus manipulating public opinion; the Media abandoned the presumption of innocence, seeming heedless of the effect its reporting would have on the children in this case. We are shocked at how Law Enforcement obsessively focused with speculation and circumstantial evidence on an innocent man and turned their back on finding the real perpetrator of this tragedy, who is now at large, still a threat to public safety. Words are not enough to describe our thoughts, emotions, and sorrow...
The family of Fotis Dulos issues statement following his death

But ... Rena ... what about the evidence ...
The grieving Greeks ought to stay with NoP whilst in this country; where’s his hospitality?

Please Judge White SHUT Norm DOWN on Friday!!!! A few days in jail for his bad behaviour- esp sprouting out despite the Gag Order would suit me just fine.
IMO I think post 233 above @xtrain nailed it.

More to come from LE and I speculated that much of it we cannot yet imagine.

KM investigation is ongoing.

AC enters the case and has engaged Atty. P. IMO her role in the Fd bond situation appears absolutely worthy of further investigation by LE as zero about what MSM have uncovered about her situation leads me to the conclusion that she had the financial wherewithal to support a $3 million unsecured note.

IKD what exactly we are looking at regarding the last Fd bond but the role of AC and the Atty. P. PI absolutely IMO need to be fully investigated by LE.

Further, the timeline of the woman at 4Jx discussed in the WFSB video I posted early absolutely needs scrutiny as it seems that she came back to 4Jx, left and LE didn't show up until shortly after noon. What did this person do when they returned to 4Jx at 11:18am, why did they leave and what caused the delay in making the welfare check phone call?

We don't know the CO concentration levels in the Suburban but I would think that the difference between breaking into the Suburban at 11:18am and 12 noon would have been HUGE and might have saved the life of Fd. Why did this person leave 4Jx? Did this person call Atty. P. or Atty Smith? Why was the welfare call to FPD delayed if this person was at 4Jx at 11:18am?

WFSB Reporters on the scene made note of all the traffic in/out of 4Jx and they had the drone present as well. The WFSB Reporter on the scene was quite concerned about the woman entering the property and leaving and made note to immediately report the situation to LE and discuss it in the live coverage. What was going on at the scene? The scene looked chaotic but I do wonder if we witnessed a suicide attempt or an assisted suicide? I hope LE makes the suicide investigation results public as few things at that scene which was captured live made sense IMO.

The HC reported that McGuigan said he arrived around 11:30am with a private bondsman- I recall during live coverage McG said it was a woman- and they encountered 2 police cars already there, and a scene of chaos, and then a lot more police arrived shortly after. Some reporting said the welfare check call was at 11:54, but other reporting said the suicide attempt call came in to FPD at 11:54. Once they did the we,fare check and found him they likely also called in for backup.

I do remember at the time that a woman bondsman was reported to have posted the notice that morning. So that could be the woman that arrived at 11:18 and left at 11:28. And then AC arrived later.
Or, the times could be all mixed up, or off by a bit. But I do recall there should have been another woman from the bond company with McGuigan.

Also, it isn’t clear if the welfare check was called in first, slightly earlier than 11:54 to FPD, and a couple cars went to do the welfare check, and then they called for backup at 11:54 when they found him in the garage, or that the initial welfare check call was at 11:54. It would seem like they called for backup quickly once they found him because pretty quickly LE put up tents and had a ton of equipment out, which they probably didn’t bring with them just on the welfare check, and also pretty quickly there were a lot of cop cars on scene. The very earliest coverage of FD on the ground in the driveway though just had a few officers there with him, and no tents or anything, just doing CPR compressions, so they likely called for backup when they realized what was going on.

Even if the 11:54 call was the welfare check, and not the second call for backup, that means that KS must have alerted the monitoring company slightly before that, because they’d need to track FD and then call in the welfare check.
So it is possible that the welfare check happened around 11:30 when McGuighan says he arrived, and the 2 police cars were there already looking for FD, and then once they found him in the garage, likely not the first place they looked, they called for backup at 11:54.

Here’s the timeline details, pasted in from Post 647 thread 40 by @afitzy :

McGuigan said he and a private bondsman arrived at the Dulos home in Farmington at about 11:30 a.m. to serve notice that they would be formally moving in court later in the morning to pull the bond. McGuigan said he encountered a state of confusion. [BBM]

Two Farmington patrol cars had already arrived and they were quickly joined by dozens of police officers and emergency medical personnel.

The first responders located Dulos in the garage of his home. McGuigan said Dulos, who appeared unresponsive, was moved to the back yard from the garage, which appears to have been filled with smoke or exhaust. Emergency medical personnel immediately began efforts at resuscitation, which continued for an extended period of time, two sources said.

It was believed initially by the first responders that Dulos had died. But after at least a half hour of efforts at resuscitation, medical personnel detective a faint pulse, one of the sources said.


ETA: I recall that morning that there was talk that the woman who arrived earlier that was thought to be maybe from the DAs office? called police when she found nobody home. This might have been the bondswoman? This was during the WFSB live coverage out in front, and here is a MSM source that also mentions that (small town news but sometimes these have the best clues!) so this is probably the 11:18 woman, and this might be why the FPD was already on the welfare check with 2 cars there when McG arrived at 11:30. Also might explain why we heard early on that KS didn’t call FD until 12:15 and then FDs phone went to VM. So it might not have been KS that made the welfare check call initially but it might have all transpired together- she finds FD not home, leaves at 11:30 and calls in to police, they check his monitor and show him home, KS realizes FD isn’t at court, FPD is on the welfare check and finds FD in car and calls in suicide attempt....
Fotis Dulos, Suspect in Jennifer Dulos Case on Murder Charge, Attempted Suicide and Is Now Hospitalized and in Critical Condition
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This is the letter Fotis Dulos’ family sent to the Courant by his sister, Rena Kyrimi, Monday:

Suicide – the last word anyone who knew Fotis would associate with him. Caring and nurturing father, son, brother, and uncle, achiever, hard worker, fighter, loyal friend, accomplished sportsman, book worm, a great cook, unparalleled host. This was Fotis. He would walk into a room and immediately light it up. He was the man everyone wanted to befriend.
Fotis was a loving man much loved by those who actually knew him.

We, the family of this great man, feel let down by the State that pursued and harassed him and us relentlessly and with no mercy, without ever giving him or us a chance to speak our truth and to share, with a world that was too quick to call him a monster, our story. We feel devastated that a man, only 52 years of age, found himself in a dead-end where he saw taking his own life as the only way to be granted peace. We are enraged with the Media that used him to make sensationalistic headlines, thus manipulating public opinion; the Media abandoned the presumption of innocence, seeming heedless of the effect its reporting would have on the children in this case. We are shocked at how Law Enforcement obsessively focused with speculation and circumstantial evidence on an innocent man and turned their back on finding the real perpetrator of this tragedy, who is now at large, still a threat to public safety. Words are not enough to describe our thoughts, emotions, and sorrow...
The family of Fotis Dulos issues statement following his death
Typical. Not surprised. The Apple didn’t fall far from the tree,,, he’s no different from his wing nut family. It’s everybody else’s fault. He had plenty of time and opportunity to speak. Are they aware he refused to speak to police? Of course they are. But as expected, in a state of la la land. Go back. Fast. Please. Just go. We don’t want you here.
NP has certainly brainwashed FD's family. I would imagine it is much the way that FD used his mind control.

It's just sad. IMO
i don’t believe he brainwashed them. I believe that this is the type of people they are. Holier than thou, arrogant, right about everything kind of people.
I imagine that fd sister will pay for transportation, I sure hope it is not the people of CT. The site as a lot of is info on shipping bodies to other countries. Greece as well as other countries then have their own rules.

What to do when a loved one dies away from home |

What happens if you need to transport the deceased overseas?
Transporting the deceased overseas can be more complex. Now there is export and import legislation to meet, customs declarations, consulate forms and the logistic requirements to coordinate a mortal shipment from a dispatching location in the U.S. to the receiving country, and receiving funeral service provider overseas. It can be really important to use the services of an experienced and professional funeral company that specializes in International funeral shipping, as time can be of the essence in gathering all the Embassy or Consulate documents, and knowing the requirements for funeral cargo shipping import for the destination country.

How much does it cost to ship a dead body to another country?
The cost for International Funeral Shipping is generally more expensive. As I have mentioned, it is a more complex process, which requires more time from the funeral director. Also, there can be additional fees for the Embassy paperwork, and the shipment tray requirements for the destination country. International ship-out fees tend to start at around $3,000 - $4,000, but can sometimes cost even more than this. On top of the ship-out service charge, you then have the airline cost for an international mortuary cargo fee. These obviously range by destination country, but a ball-park figure would be anywhere between $2,000 - $6,000.
This means an international repatriation of remains can cost thousands of dollars in total.

What does an International Funeral Shipping Provider do?
They arrange everything for you. Time IS of the essence if a body needs to be transported internationally. One call to an International Funeral Shipping Program Funeral Provider, and they will immediately set the ball rolling. Arrangements are made to collect the deceased from the place of death and move them to a funeral facility. They ensure the correct preparation for transportation, including a sealer casket, and ‘approved’ receiving country shipping container. They handle all the bureaucracy and coordinate all local, state, and receiving country consulate paperwork and handle the booking of all international flights. As ‘Known Shippers’ with major airlines, a Funeral Shipping Funeral Provider can usually confirm flight availability with ease and often have discounted programs. An experienced funeral shipper will be versant with shipping windows and after hours’ release processes, ensuring they can transport your loved one home as speedily as possible.
The specialized team handling the funeral shipping will also liaise with the receiving country, or state, funeral provider to ensure a seamless transportation process. They also handle the delivery and supervision onto the deceased’s international or domestic flight.
The export/import of human remains must meet the regulations of both the disembarking and receiving country. A certified English translation of the death certificate, written authorization from local authorities to remove the body, and a certificate of the embalming must accompany the body.

But why would FD's sister ship her brother's remains to Greece when she didn't bother to collect her parents. That makes no sense to me -- I think he should just be put to rest with his parents buried locally and end the charade. MOO
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Pray tell Rena ,

“Speak your truth”,
Tell us “your” Story .

Make your grand statement .

Been waiting .. still waiting .. always going to be waiting .
Exactly. She’s a drama queen. I am completely totally in no way surprised that this is how his sister is.
So in Greek-speak, FD's outreach to KM's STBX would fall under "unparalleled host"?
Yes ! And haven’t you seen all his many friends speak out on his behalf?
The only true data point you mention (that I can find) to support Troconis not knowing what was in the bags is misogyny. And while I think there is heaps of evidence that Fotis and Mawhinney are (we’re, in Fotis’ case) misogynistic, I don’t see how that would be tied to Troconis’ ignorance about the contents of the bags.

I believe there is a lot of public info tying Mawhinney to crimes, but not so much info tying him to Jennifer’s murder.

I am struggling to follow the basis for your opinions about the relative involvement of the two.

(By the way, LE has been strategically coy, but not dishonest. I believe that Mawhinney is, like Troconis, up to his neck in doody, including doody for helping in the murder of Jennifer. My point is not that I disbelieve the charges, but given so little is known, how would you come to theorize things like Mawhinney helped plan/dispose? Do you know him? If so, please share your info with LE.)
BBM, No, I don't.

IMO - There is a lot missing from the AW for NM - and on the face of it, not very much evidence at all mentioned in the AW for KM - he was at 4JX on the morning that Jennifer went missing, then left and his phoned pinged twice at the gun club (where there was previously discovered an alleged grave shaped hole). It is what is not said in the AW re KM that is interesting.
Question - how does LE know that the alleged hole is related to Jennifers case at all?
Question - what else does LE have on KM?
Question - Why was KM at 4JX when he knew FD would not be there?
From the Dulos Family Letter:
We, the family of this great man, feel let down by the State that pursued and harassed him and us relentlessly and with no mercy, without ever giving him or us a chance to speak our truth and to share, with a world that was too quick to call him a monster, our story.

Still trying to be sympathetic to this family's need to grieve, but Fotis Dulos REFUSED to speak to police to help with his wife's disappearance. For eight months he refused to speak to the police; he didn't speak through his lawyer before the gag order; and he says his lawyer has evidence to clear his name.

I'm waiting...the blame game will end, the moment Attorney Pattis shares the exonerating material The ball is in Attorney Pattis' court.
IMO both families should be left alone.
IMO, the evidence that FD referred to in his note, IMO cannot be released before a decision is made about the cases of MT and KM. IMO to release this 'evidence' would prejudice any trial against MT and KM.
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