Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #57

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This notification is brought to you by the Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program.

This email is to inform you that MICHELLE TROCONIS, with docket number FST CR200241178T, has an upcoming court event.

A/An Hearing has been scheduled for 12/14/2023. This will take place in Stamford-Norwalk JD Courthouse located at the following address: 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT.

Please be aware that there is often more than one case scheduled for a particular date in this court. Please visit to check for any updates that may be available on this case.

For more information, contact the Office of Victim Services at 1-800-822-8428. For updates about this case or for driving directions to the courthouse, you can visit
Per the MSM above, good to finally hear what happened during MT's first hours in custody.

Police Interview #1

MT slept (blanket by NCPD) inside interview room waiting for her attorney to arrive (it's now Sunday).

Officer Kimball let MT use his phone to call her mother-- who reminds MT she doesn't have to say anything. Mom says she can't speak for FD but knows MT did no wrong. In other words, Troconis family suspected FD from the beginning.

Before Bowman arrived at NCPD, he told police MT would not be answering questions BUT once AB arrived at NCPD, MT decided she wasn't going to take her attorney's advice (because she's smarter than all the men in the room) and proceeded to talk to investigators with Bowman at her side-- violating the golden rule of defense: MT lied to police, over and over.

There's no language barrier to lie to police about details they know nothing about!

This was MT telling police what happened the morning of 5/24 and MT went all B-actress, sure to talk sex to the men in the interrogation room -- shower sex.

(Per MT's arrest warrant -- she participated in three police interviews where at the third interview, MT told police she was not 100% honest in the first two interviews).
Meanwhile, defense attorney Jon Schoenhorn argued it was unlawful for police to seize that phone without a warrant because there was no probable cause, and that as a result, the contents of the device should not be used as evidence. He added that police had time to get a search warrant for the phone, but didn’t get one.

Ok, so JLS gets 2 of 70+ Motions filed: Removal of MT's ankle monitor after 4 years, and evidence from MT's cell phone not admissible at trial.
Yuk, on both decisions.
Perhaps JLS tedious work is definitely helping MT.
What next???
Yuk, on both decisions.
Perhaps JLS tedious work is definitely helping MT.
What next???
Beginning 2020, the two Court rulings in favor of the defense, JLS has relied on constitutional law and he seems to be doing the same right now with the police interrogation videos. Here, I think his argument will be weak as MT was both Mirandized and had her attorney present during three interviews in question.

On the other hand, seems JLS is pulling out all stops on the eve of trial in his characterization of CT State Police especially. However, I trust viewing the 8+ hours of video will show MT went into the interviews (against the advice of counsel) intending to use her own brand of provocation and her lies had nothing to do with a language barrier or not not having an interpreter. JMO
CT's Superior Court Judicial Districts including Stamford/Norwalk have a sweet Virtual Courtroom Streaming (via YouTube) which seems to be used only for civil cases. When viewing, you can even click on "case detail" which takes you to the docket and all the court documents are available.
Probably would have been better for me not to see this. Just knowing that it exists and how streamlined it is BUT NOT UTILIZED FOR CRIMINAL CASES is upsetting.

CT Judicial - Public Access
CT's Superior Court Judicial Districts including Stamford/Norwalk have a sweet Virtual Courtroom Streaming (via YouTube) which seems to be used only for civil cases. When viewing, you can even click on "case detail" which takes you to the docket and all the court documents are available.
Probably would have been better for me not to see this. Just knowing that it exists and how streamlined it is BUT NOT UTILIZED FOR CRIMINAL CASES is upsetting.

CT Judicial - Public Access
Why do you say "probably would have been better for [you] not to have seen this"?
Well, MT’s fundraiser is up to a little over $8k, with 57 supporters. Who’s worried that she will have one, just one imbecile on that jury now? There are 57 of them out there, donating to her “legal fundraiser”!
Why do you say "probably would have been better for [you] not to have seen this"?

OK, had I not seen what a great system exits for the public to access and watch hearings and trials from inside of the very Stamford/Norwalk Superior Court (PLUS access the the docket and Court documents from the same link), albeit for what appears to be civil court cases only, I wouldn't have known what we are missing! In other words, I was saying ignorance is bliss... ;)

To my knowledge, there's no CT statute prohibiting live streaming (such as described above) any criminal court matter that is open to the public.**

Seems the discretion for criminal matters falls on the Court to determine whether or not streaming access will affect the defendants ability to receive a fair trial.

Without (public) access to the actual docket and docs for this case to confirm, I suspect the defense very early filed a Motion to deny expanded media coverage (EMC) for this case, making few exceptions such as first appearance and arraignment, all in the name of protecting the defendants rights, and the Court granted the motion.

In comparison to the wealth of info behind the link in post #49, the best I can access for MT's criminal case is limited to the "next event/status" and the "date" of that event, and all historical events/dates are excluded. (See example at post linked below).

ETA: **
Rules regarding the Electronic Coverage of Criminal Court
Proceedings by the Media

Now that Charlie Adelson was sentenced on 12/12 for the Conspiracy Murder and Solicitation charges of his ex-brother-in-law, his jail house calls following the days after he was convicted in November have been released.

Both the defendant and his family remind me so much of the Troconis herd with their mindset that unless you actually pull the trigger or slash the victim's throat yourself, you have no culpability and shouldn't even expect to be charged for your role in facilitating the murder of another person.

Even after hearing Momma Troconis state she could not speak for FD not being responsible, the deep delusion where FD murdered Jennifer but MT could not remotely be involved in his cover-up is complete nonsense! The words came out of MT's mouth and nobody else.

I don't think JLS is doing them any service by allowing them to think MT is being railroaded for something she did not do. It's not like MT was charged with first degree murder but charged appropriately for her actions per the investigation. MOO


We are continuing to gain insight into initial interviews Michelle Troconis did following the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos. Interviews Troconis’ attorney is trying to have suppressed, saying they lead to undeserving charges and nothing incriminating came out of them.

“Who was involved in the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos, and where Jennifer Dulos is right now?” asked an investigator in the second interview with Michelle Troconis following her arrest. “We know you know, we want you to come clean and give us everything you know.”


“Have you seen your face plastered every… I'll be honest with you, you’re probably the most hated woman in America right now, I'm not being mean, so this is the golden ticket,” another investigator said on camera, adding that Troconis’ insight is crucial to locating Dulos.

By the second interview, investigators also pressed Troconis about discrepancies with her first interview, including her involvement in alleged destruction of evidence along Albany Avenue in Hartford.


These interviews contain statements that Troconis’ attorney is attempting to suppress. But the state maintains investigators were doing their jobs, probing appropriately for information relevant to involvement and the whereabouts of Jennifer Dulos.


Schoenhorn is prepared to argue statements made in the interview were twisted and cherry-picked to prepare the third arrest warrant with the charge conspiracy to commit murder.

“To mislead a judge of a superior court to sign an arrest warrant that should never have been signed,” Schoenhorn said.
The prosecution scored a win on Thursday when JLS withdrew the defense motion to suppress MT's August interview (#3), or at least a win when it comes to JLS stopping himself from wasting the parties time! IMO, requesting the Court to suppress an interview where the defendant comes clean and tells authorities she was lying is a big insult to the Court and disrespect of the parties time!


In the first interview, Troconis had told police that she and Fotis Dulos had taken a shower together that morning around 7 a.m. During the second interview, Troconis said that she never actually saw Fotis Dulos at their 4 Jefferson Crossing home on the morning of May 24 — the day Jennifer Dulos disappeared.

Troconis also appeared to recant a previous statement that she had seen Fotis Dulos and Kent Mawhinney, a codefendant in the case, when she returned to 4 Jefferson Crossing on May 24 after dropping her daughter off at school around 8:15 a.m.

In the second interview video, Troconis said she only really saw Mawhinney at the house that morning, and never really saw Fotis Dulos. She later tells police in the interview that she didn’t see Fotis Dulos at all that day until some time between noon and 2 p.m., when the two had lunch together.

At multiple points during the interview video, Troconis appears flustered and she tells police repeatedly that she’s “nervous.”


Investigators also asked Troconis why Fotis Dulos had decided to shave his head and entire body around the time of his estranged wife's disappearance.

Prosecutors are expected to show the remainder of the second interview Thursday afternoon. Schoenhorn withdrew his request to suppress her Aug. 13 interview Thursday morning.
OK, had I not seen what a great system exits for the public to access and watch hearings and trials from inside of the very Stamford/Norwalk Superior Court (PLUS access the the docket and Court documents from the same link), albeit for what appears to be civil court cases only, I wouldn't have known what we are missing! In other words, I was saying ignorance is bliss... ;)

To my knowledge, there's no CT statute prohibiting live streaming (such as described above) any criminal court matter that is open to the public.**

Seems the discretion for criminal matters falls on the Court to determine whether or not streaming access will affect the defendants ability to receive a fair trial.

Without (public) access to the actual docket and docs for this case to confirm, I suspect the defense very early filed a Motion to deny expanded media coverage (EMC) for this case, making few exceptions such as first appearance and arraignment, all in the name of protecting the defendants rights, and the Court granted the motion.

In comparison to the wealth of info behind the link in post #49, the best I can access for MT's criminal case is limited to the "next event/status" and the "date" of that event, and all historical events/dates are excluded. (See example at post linked below).

ETA: **
I'll try the link you gave to access an upcoming hearing in a civil case I'm interested in. Thanks for all the good info. Audios of hearings are available for $25. I assume it applies to criminal matters too.

Now that Charlie Adelson was sentenced on 12/12 for the Conspiracy Murder and Solicitation charges of his ex-brother-in-law, his jail house calls following the days after he was convicted in November have been released.

Both the defendant and his family remind me so much of the Troconis herd with their mindset that unless you actually pull the trigger or slash the victim's throat yourself, you have no culpability and shouldn't even expect to be charged for your role in facilitating the murder of another person.

Even after hearing Momma Troconis state she could not speak for FD not being responsible, the deep delusion where FD murdered Jennifer but MT could not remotely be involved in his cover-up is complete nonsense! The words came out of MT's mouth and nobody else.

I don't think JLS is doing them any service by allowing them to think MT is being railroaded for something she did not do. It's not like MT was charged with first degree murder but charged appropriately for her actions per the investigation. MOO
“Both the defendant and his family remind me so much of the Troconis herd with their mindset that unless you actually pull the trigger or slash the victim's throat yourself, you have no culpability and shouldn't even expect to be charged for your role in facilitating the murder of another person.”

Seattle, I feel the same way about these two families. I just fear that MT may sneak away, consequence-free, like she always seems to do. For so many reasons, I think it’s correct to conclude that she was involved and fully invested in JFD’s murder-we don’t have long to wait now, at least, to find out what will happen.
To establish the crime of conspiracy under § 53a-48 of the General Statutes, the state must show that there was an agreement between two or more persons to engage in conduct constituting a crime and that the agreement was followed by an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy by any one of the conspirators. The state must also show that the defendant intended for a person in the conspiracy to perform a criminal act. The state does not need to prove the existence of a formal agreement, it is sufficient to show that they are “knowingly engaged in a mutual plan to do a forbidden act.” State v. Holmes, 160 Conn. 140, 149 (1970).

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53a-48 explains what constitutes conspiracy under Connecticut law.

FD was drowning in $7M of debt and barely treading water on May 24, 2019. He had to disappear Jennifer now so he could immediately begin using his own children to finance the lifestyle he was accustomed to-- a life that MT also wanted to live with FD.

FD, MT, and KM formed an agreement where MT and KM would provide FD an alibi that he was home in Farmington during the time Jennifer was murdered inside her garage-- more than 70 miles away.

FD, MT, and KW conspired to allege the couple got out of bed together on Friday and were home all morning when KM arrived at 4 Jefferson Crossing. MT would also say that when she left the house to take her daughter to school, FD was meeting with KM inside the home office. MT also gave herself plausible deniability -- an alibi with persons and places from
9 AM - 11:30 AM, the time of Jennifer's murder, and when MT was away from home.

Starting on 5/24/19 when Jennifer was first reported missing, NCPD personnel reached out to MT several times and left messages for her to call back. MT never called NCPD. When MT was arrested on 6/1/19, in the presence of her attorney, MT began telling police a story about her recollection of 5/24/19 that appeared to mirror an "alibi script" written in MT's handwriting, secured from the trash inside the home office, under a police warrant. When MT was presented with evidence of FD and MT going on a trash dump along Albany Ave (omitted from the alibi script), MT began changing her story to fit the evidence.

When investigators met with KM on 6/9/19 and 6/25/19 to seek his personal knowledge of what occurred in the Fore Group office on the date Jennifer reported missing and believed murdered, he provided the police with vague or evasive and sometimes self-contradictory statements -- citing a fall down the stairs on 5/25/19-- affecting his memory. KM's statements included he arrived at 4 Jefferson Crossing around 7:40 AM on the date in question for a meeting not scheduled, then the meeting was pre-scheduled, and he left about an hour later. However, KM maintained at all times he did not see FD on 5/24/19 and that he had no contact with him on 5/24/19. However, phone evidence indicates FD and KM had contact while FD and MT were surveilled together making trash stops on Albany Ave on 5/24/19.

While KM alleges he was aware of FD's relationship with MT, he met MT for the first time about 30 days before Jennifer was murdered. Other than MT writing KM's name on the alibi scripts, it's not known what he knows about MT, her relationship with FD, or what he will testify to. IMO, as long as KM confirms the co-conspirators had an agreement with FD to give him an alibi for Friday morning during the time he was committing murder, I believe he will help satisfy the burden the state must meet. MOO
Defense suppression hearing to be continued next week!


The cross examination of John Kimball was central in court – Troconis’ attorney making his case that investigators’ tactics were unconstitutional and invasive.

“She was detained in a way to overcome her will, and deprivation of her right to freedom after an arrest,” Jon Schoenhorn said in court Friday.

He centered a large part of his argument around the first arrest warrant. He argued it was not executed correctly, allowing investigators to attempt to coerce Troconis into making an incriminating statement or waive her right to council.


“The issue is whether the warrant was supported by probable cause, and was it executed in a constitutionally reasonable manner,” Assistant State’s Attorney Sean McGuinness said.

The state said it was supported by probable cause, and there was no plan in place to pin charges to Troconis or pry statements out of her.

Kimball’s testimony was then put on pause, allowing for testimony from Troconis’ first attorney when she was initially arrested – Andrew Bowman. The defense again arguing statements made during interviews should be suppressed because of coercive tactics. But the state maintains communication with Bowman was standard.

Troconis’ mother also testified, largely to demonstrate a language barrier that Michelle Troconis had at the time of the arrest.

“When she worked at ESPN what language did she report in?” asked attorney Schoenhorn. “Spanish,” replied Troconis’ mother. Schoenhorn follows with, “When she went to college or school in Venezuela, what language was that course taught?” Troconis’ mother replies, “Spanish.”

They also dove into the day before Troconis was arrested, her mother describing police officers remaining close by for their every move throughout the day on May 31, 2019.

“We went to the movies and two police officers came to the movies and sat next to us,” her mother said.


The suppression hearing is expected to head into next week, with more testimony from lead investigator Kimball.
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