Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #59

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Ok so the saving money motivation might make sense for someone who apparently couldn’t even budget for proper contracting trash removal without breaking the law by driving around to random dumpsters in other neighborhoods. But who on earth who is even modestly successful living in a house like 4 JC would elect to spend any of their free time doing this Instead of just paying for the service like everything else? What a far cry from the image FD assumedly used to hook MT - did she really accept this as the FD status quo and she innocently assumed she was being treated to an exciting date just to drive around in all directions to ultimately end up at a Starbucks on a holiday weekend Friday night?
On the issue of FD paying OR NOT for trash removal I do think that even our dire speculative estimates here on WS about the state of his finances, really underestimated how little cash he had. Highly likely he couldn't pay for dumpster tips. I also bet that MT paid for the Starbucks lattes on Albany too as by that time FD was in a huge financial mess, with little to no cash on hand, that he couldn't extricate himself from without assistance and he didn't have anyone raising their hands to help him! He was trying most likely to wind up Anna Curry to help but it all ended before he could try to save FORE one more time.

FD was living on credit cards until even those started getting cancelled and declined. FD assets were mortgaged to the hilt, he owed the Farbers millions (think it was $2.9 million+ per the Civil Trial but this never included whatever he had taken from JF over the course of their marriage or spent on MT and other mistresses over the years using JF cash), and his carrying costs on the FORE assets which weren't selling wasn't insignificant. I'm sure his tax returns make for an amusing read as well! The divorce fight had cost FD a good amount in legal fees but towards the end he was representing himself so this was another tip off as to how bad his cash flow situation was at the time. JF was at one point paying upwards of $60,000/month for legal fees in addition to paying all expenses relating to the children. FD was supposed to pay for the family insurance but he also cut this off without notice and JF only found out when she took a sick child to the doctor. I'm curious whether he paid for insurance for MT and her daughter whilst cutting off his own children from coverage?

From the Civil Trial we learned that FD wouldn't or couldn't even pay for 4JX which was an interest only mortgage. FD also never paid ANY child support during the period of the separation either so it can't be said his last penny was spent taking care of his children. FD NEVER FINANCIALLY TOOK CARE OF HIS CHILDREN (he said in Court depo I believe that he didn't pay support because no Court had ever required it of him). Taxes on JUST 4JX in 2023 were $43,000 per annum ($3,500/month) and were the tip of the iceberg in terms of FD cash flow problems. Its been awhile since I read about the farce of the final reconciliation of FD Estate. There was effectively zero left (most pilfered by attorneys associated with the process iirc and GF got some small amount for legal fees iirc) or some pitiful amount like $200 for the 5 children after all was said and done. Each of the houses I believe was in foreclosure and so any remaining equity was effectively sucked out of the properties by the bank fees and handling attorneys and at least one of the properties was over leveraged iirc (think it was Danbury Savings Bank and Sturbridge but its been a long time since all these issues were rehashed). Mike Dinan wrote the best article on his estimates of the financial issues so if you are interested search it out.

So, where did the money FD had go if it didn't go to pay for hauling? Its speculation and I truly think the only people that might know or have solid suspicions would be GF and Atty Weinstein or perhaps FD Sister Rena who I would bet might have been the beneficiary of FD largess courtesy of the Farbers for years. FORE Group always had a good sized staff until most of them left as FD didn't really do the work at FORE and left it to others (but he was surprisingly meticulous about only doing the books himself!). Given how he staffed FORE, I would be surprised if it ever made much money and certainly not enough to afford his lifestyle and 5 children in private school etc.

For my money I believe FD lived large with MT for more than a couple of years using Farber money before JF found out about the affair and FD (and MT) never thought the Farber cash spigot would end. The FD solution was to ask/demand JF to allow MT and her daughter to live with them all at 4JX. FD delusion and narcissism at its finest imo and yet MT still dreamed of a life with this man! I also believe he most likely spent years squirrelling away Farber money until possibly JF woke up and figured out how much he had actually taken but we don't know this for sure. Where this money might have gone is unknown but perhaps his sister knows?

I think one of the more tragic/amusing statements from Law Enforcement was when they told an angry MT in one of her interviews that they had FD texts going back months to JF saying that he wanted to get back together with her! Classic narc move its true (and God knows what he was telling MT at the time or even burning up the phone lines with Anna Curry saying she was the love of his life and he missed her desperately and that MT was nagging him to get married etc.), but the reality was FD didn't want to work and was truly broke and just didn't want to tell MT (she said in one of her statements to police that, "we fight all the time"). I do wonder how many times JF had taken him back over the years? We will never know. Its just so classic that as MT sat with law enforcement looking at some very serious charges that she had already been dumped by her lover who couldn't even pay to haul away his own garbage and who always had his eye on the next woman with money. MT had zero to offer FD but she didn't see it and he didn't tell her even though they were both hooking up during the time period the Court told them not to see each other.

To put the situation in perspective, my recollection was that when FD and Anna Curry perpetrated their bail bond scheme/fraud to keep FD out of jail (it failed and the rest we know), FD only contributed $1,000 and Anna Curry put up the rest for the bond along with what I suspect were false representations from FD on about of equity in the properties he put up for the bond. Whole fraud was shocking as Pattis had to have seen the package and known it to be untrue.

Frankly I'm surprised FD had $1,000 cash at that point as he had given Pattis & Co. I believe $250,000 or so (this was part of lawsuit eventually between GF and FD) for his defence. FDs final financial transaction in his sorry life was to perpetrate a bail bond fraud with the woman he dumped MT for, Anna Curry who was then living at 4JX.

One of the many mysteries of this case was WHY this fraud was never pursued by the State of CT or its Insurance Board who I believe might have jurisdiction over bail bonds. Did Anna Curry get her money back from the bail bond company? IDK. Nothing made sense about how Anna Curry and Norm Pattis were able to do what they did with the bond and Anna Curry melts away back to North Carolina after sitting at FD bedside in the NY Hospital. Perhaps we shall hear from Anna Curry as a witness at trial? IDK, still can't find the witness list....

Anyway, getting back to trash removal. My speculation is that FD simply couldn't pay for hauling as he didn't have the cash. His whole financial picture was money going out but no money coming in. MT contributed zero as she didn't work but my guess is that she might have used her support money to pay for food at 4JX and gas (similar situation most likely with Anna Curry). There was the local story in NC that FD was at local gas station and used a bunch of credit cards to fill up his truck but they all were declined. Who knows if this rumour is true but it made the rounds. Remember the dumpster at Sturbridge and the 'loud bang', speculation was that the dumpster was removed because FD couldn't pay for it. Haulers don't mess around with folks that don't pay. I also think many wonder if that Sturbridge dumpster was the last rising place for JF as who could forget FD asking PG many times, "...did you hear anything in NC when you were there..." or some such FD nonsense?

FWIW imo the MT story of the latte run to a different Starbucks than the one they usually went to with a little bit the bag tossing along the way in a neighbourhood she claims no knowledge of, has to be one of the most idiotic Defendant alibi claims yet. Thing is that she also alleges that she spent the trip speaking to her friend Petu on her cell phone, who I also believe provided some alibi support for MT earlier iirc. and also that she and FD had thrown out bags illegally before. Very curious if LE knew about this or perhaps the Farmington Recycling Center?

The MT Alibi always seemed scripted and many gaps have not yet been filled in by LE I look forward to hearing about the truth of the alibi in HD! Perhaps we will hear from Petu at trial as Judge Randolph tossed the MT cell phone from evidence? I have to admit to being quite curious about the details of the MT alibi from Petu or whomever, but I'm sure the State has matters regarding this particular claim well in hand if I had to place a bet. People sometimes tend to tell the truth when sworn in under oath too, so we shall see if Petu exists and whether any aspect of what MT says about her interactions and conversations with Petu are truthful.

But, like so much said by MT, there have been a few different versions about what she was doing on Albany and I seem to recall another story where she said she was talking with her daughter or her mother etc. Perhaps we shall finally hear from Mama Troconis who I believe has testified on her daughters behalf in one of the prior hearings for the case (I don't recall the details but I seem to remember it might have had something to do with the MT cell phone being seized - Ah Dios mio those evil police grabbed my dear Michi's phone etc). Very curious to see if Mama Troconis given her personal history with the US Federal Govt. in FL would be willing to subject herself to cross examination in a CT Court? Stay tuned on that one but I'm not holding my breath, but I have placed her on the bingo card so we shall have to wait and see!
Wednesday, January 24th:
*Trial continues (Day 9) (@ 10am ET) – CT – Jennifer Rebecca Farber Dulos (50) (May 24, 2019, New Canaan; still missing) – *Michelle C. Troconis (44/now 49) (Dulos’ GF) arrested & charged (6/1/19) & arraigned (6/3/19) with tampering with or fabricating physical evidence & hindering prosecution. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (on 6/3/19). These charges were dismissed (8/28/20) & recharged below.
*Charged (9/5/19) & arraigned (10/4/19) with tampering with evidence involving the borrowed car from work colleague. Plead not guilty. $100K bond. Posted bond (on 9/5/19). Off GPS 4/6/23.
*Charged (1/7/20) with conspiracy to commit murder. Plead not guilty. $2M bond. Bond reduced (1/8/20) to $1.5M & bonded out (on 1/9/20). Off GPS 4/6/23.
*Charged (8/28/20) with 2nd degree hindering prosecution, tampering with physical evidence & conspiracy to commit tampering with physical evidence. No plea entered yet. $500K bond. Posted bond. Off GPS 4/6/23.
The declaration of death for Jennifer was officially issued by Judge William P. Osterndorf on October 24, 2023.
Jury Selection began on 10/4/23 & ended 10/26/23. Started off with 6 jurors & 4 alternates. (6 men & 4 women). As of 1/4/24 2 more jurors were excused. 1/4/24: 6 jurors & 2 alternates. (4 men & 4 women). 1/10/24: 6 jurors & 5 alternates (no idea of gender).
Jury Selection (2nd one) began on 1/9/24 & ended on 1/10/24. 1 alternate juror (male) dismissed (1/17/24). 6 jurors & 4 alternates. 1/18/24: 1 juror was dismissed. Now 6 jurors & 3 alternates.
Trial began on 1/11/24. (will last about a month to 3/1/24)
Superior Court Judge Kevin Randolph presiding for trial. Assistant State’s attorney Sean McGuinness & Supervisory assistant State’s attorney Michelle Manning & defense attorneys Jon Schoenhorn & Audrey Felson.

Bond info & Court info from 6 3/19 thru 12/6/23 & Jury Selection Day 1-11 (10/4-10/26/23) & thru 1/4/24 & 2nd Jury Selection Day 1-2 (1/9 & 1/10/24) & Trial Day 1-7 (1/11-1/22/24) reference post #951 here:

1/23/24 Tuesday, Trial Day 8: State's witnesses: Sgt. Kevin Duggan of the Connecticut State Police, who worked in a crime scene van and retrieved items from trash containers on Albany Avenue in Hartford that will be submitted into evidence, the prosecutor told the judge. Supervisory Assistant State's attorney Manning continued to show the jury items Duggan seized from trash containers in Hartford. All items receiving & admitted into evidence.
Detective Krista O’Reilly, a civilian crime analyst working at the Hartford Police Dept’s C4 command center who obtained video from a bus showing what police believe was Fotis Dulos’ black Ford Raptor driving in Hartford, an assertion which Schoenhorn challenged on cross-examination. State showed video to jurors.
Steve Soares, a retired detective from State Police Central District Major Crimes Squad, who seized video depicting pickup trucks that looked like Fotis Dulos’ at three different Hartford area locations. Video shown to jurors.
Detective Daniel Dejesus, who obtained video of a truck similar to Fotis Dulos' at Valvoline oil change business on Farmington Avenue in West Hartford.
Detective Christopher Meier from Connecticut State Police, who has since been promoted to lieutenant, obtained video from a Shell gas station in the Bishop’s Corner area of West Hartford that showed a similar vehicle about 7:30pm that night headed west, then what looks like the same vehicle going the other direction about a half-hour later.
For more info see post #202 here:
Trial continues on Wednesday, 1/24/24.
But why throw them away?
good question. If it were to implicate pg, they would be at a location intended to-be found. My hunch is we will learn. They were relevant enough for the state to try to bring them in, and for the defense to try to quash them. Another witness will probably have some first hand way to introduce them as a relevant piece of evidence.

Ok so the saving money motivation might make sense for someone who apparently couldn’t even budget for proper contracting trash removal without breaking the law by driving around to random dumpsters in other neighborhoods. But who on earth who is even modestly successful living in a house like 4 JC would elect to spend any of their free time doing this Instead of just paying for the service like everything else? What a far cry from the image FD assumedly used to hook MT - did she really accept this as the FD status quo and she innocently assumed she was being treated to an exciting date just to drive around in all directions to ultimately end up at a Starbucks on a holiday weekend Friday night?
In my experience, contractors who dump in other dumpsters to avoid paying, are dumping things like asbestos, lead painted items. Not usually domestic bags either.
good question. If it were to implicate pg, they would be at a location intended to-be found. My hunch is we will learn. They were relevant enough for the state to try to bring them in, and for the defense to try to quash them. Another witness will probably have some first hand way to introduce them as a relevant piece of evidence.

Agree because keys, if FD gonna dispose, are a throw into the woods on roadside when you are driving by.
WhenFoley said the MIRA search was worth it, I feel that they found something significant. Perhaps it was the bag of the bloody paper towels.

Did you see the orange pliers in the photo of the trash contents? Were they mentioned today? Can you see the bottles? Looks like sneakers on the top left? I can’t see clearly. Thoughts? TIA
It’s impossible to say as we never had a representative imo from the State of CT charged with keeping the public apprised of the status of the case for the duration of the case.

Foley imo seemed more about misinformation rather than information as if you can recall he was the one who started the race baiting issue about the Albany Avenue situation which simply served to inflame the public during a volatile time regarding race in the US. I thought his statements on Albany were reprehensible and felt he should have been fired. Instead he was able to retire for the second time I believe with full pay courtesy of CT taxpayers! Whole thing imo was shameful and didn’t help justice and didn’t help the victim from public shaming and blaming.

State of CT State Police also didn’t see any need for communication with the public and imo it was a shameful performance all around. There was a public interest in the case and CSP didn’t care about the public and did zero imo to protect the victim from shaming and gross speculation by the public who had little information. It was probably one of the worst State communication efforts I’ve ever seen in a public missing/murder case ever.

We also had a CT Prosecutors office who chose not to speak in a coherent way and imo this had the same effect as CSP not speaking. The coordination of communication between CSP and the Prosecutors seemed non existent too but as neither was speaking to the public that particular dysfunction was an internal issue that had a big impact on public perception imo.

Frankly I think both CSP and Prosecutors Office forgot or didn’t care that they are public servants at the end of the day.

Sadly there has long been a disconnect between the Judiciary, Prosecutors and CSP in CT and the Public they are supposedly in place to serve. I’m not sure where accountability lies for the lack of communication in this case. If I had to speculate I would put the issue on the fact that CSP doesn’t have any requirements regarding public case communication, doesn’t have formal communication officers as are seen in other places and the Prosecutors Office, in this case Atty Collangelo was able himself to make the decision to not speak and nobody above him held him accountable for this decision
And the impact on the victim and the public.

IMO I think this missing case will be studied in Law enforcement Communications classes in schools and workshops as an example of how not to communicate with the public. Law enforcement thought the AAs were enough for the public but the reality imo was that they were not. Ongoing dialog from the State might have stopped the speculation and the eliminated the victim shaming. The gag order was imposed too late in the process to have much of an impact and the public saw CSP use the gag order to contine not to speak to the public while Atty Pattis seemed to simply feed stories to the press to fuel speculation. It was horrible and totally avoidable but nobody from the prosecutors office or CSP ever seemed to care much about the impact on the victim or their family and certainly not the public.

Nobody knew what was going on and the lack of information from the State simply fueled wild speculation from others with no information including Norman Pattis. A non working press simply made things worse too as they simply reposted tidbits from either Pattis or law enforcement imo.

The entire victim shaming and blaming went on for months and the creation of the Gone Girl insanity happened because there was zero narrative from the police or prosecutors in ct imo.

I listened to the Foley statements and never heard any suggestion from him that MIRA was productive mission for CSP. They spent a long time there so who knows? Perhaps the case benefitted from their efforts? Who knows? Hopefully there were results and we will hear about it at trial.

Fwiw on the big lessons from this case and listening to the CSP troopers on the stand is that the organization structure of the group seems Byzantine and imo highly inefficient. I’m not even sure that Atty Manning could explain it! Why no org chart at trial? God only knows how much it costs the taxpayers or its impact on keeping citizens safe. Fairfield County case was mostly handled out of Litchfield. How does this remotely make sense?

This inefficient structure simply layers cost into investigation and does zero imo to make the people of CT safer to say nothing of the travel burden on officers which imo is impt!

Effectively it seemed that JF investigation was being run out of Litchfield with some assists from Bridgeport and Hartford.

The people of Fairfield County frankly deserve better than this as each CSP officer that had testified so far seems to have been from out of area and so would have spent most of their day on the highly congested roads stuck in traffic in areas they weren’t familiar with imo. Great. Whole thing seems highly inefficient given the congestion and there must be a better way. Will it change? Unlikely as I’m not even sure who has oversight of CSP or a Prosecutor like Collangelo (once he was fired it was unclear who replaced him) but I don’t get the sense anyone in Hartford cared to explain things to the public either?

All I can think of with the CSP is that because of their organization issues and sending people driving all over the state, we had a senior officer at 4jx doing a search of a key location who allegedly never read the search warrant for whatever reason and didn’t know about the issue with MT cell phone. Judge Randolf (third Judge on this tragic case which also imo should never have been allowed to happen as he had zero imo actual understanding of the situation on the ground at the time which made it easy for him to disallow the MT cell phone issue).

The MT cell phone being disallowed allegedly due to CSP not reading the warrant and the Judge not seeing exigent circumstances because he wasn’t present at the time to me says the possible CSP shift pass off didn’t happen properly or something along these lines happened to cause such a major blunder or the right didn’t know what the left was doing. I also wonder if Judge Randolph even spoke with his colleagues who were present at the time and signing search warrants to understand the time pressure of what was going on? My guess is probably not but who knows? Who knows what Judge Randolph’s working relationship with the police might be?

This case management in the dulos matter seemed like a very inefficient and highly decentralized operation across many offices and various police organisations with people tasked with small tasks but with what looked to be no knowledge of the overall case as that seemed to have been done either in litchfield or bridgeport. Idk.

All this to say that CT Govt whether it be the Judiciary or the Police has never seemed remotely connected to either the citizens who pay for them and who they are supposed to protect OR the victims who have no voice and so depend on the State to protect them and their interests. It’s sad and imo pathetic and shameful as the state doesn’t suffer from lack of financial and human resources but rather a simple lack of caring what the public thinks or what happens to victims of crime that cannot speak for themselves. So far as I can seen there is no accountabilities govt and piece of evidence number one had to be Family Court in CT who didn’t serv JF or her children well in this matter either with Judge Heller still on the bench with no reprimands at all for her handling of the case file. Welcome to Corrupticut.

Just to be clear, none of what I’m saying is meant to dismiss some wonderful work by individual officers in this case. At trial we have seen some great work done. Rather my issues are with the connection of judiciary, police and govt to the people they are supposed to serve and I would argue that in Connecticut there is zero connection between the public and govt. and that I find this shameful and a system that does nothing to protect victims of crime. Nothing.

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Glad something was said to put this in perspective and shut down the ongoing absolute denial by TP and the Troconis Family that JF is deceased and a victim of violent crime at the hands of FD, MT and KM.

To see TP stand up in court and yet again spout an iteration of Gone Girl nonsense started by Pattis was disrespectful to the victim and their family and imo should have been objected to by the State and disallowed by the Judge and stricken from the record. But the Judge didn’t do this and there was no objection to TP statement that JF could have gotten on Metro North to escape her life. Shameful imo and wrong and the State did nothing!

We’ve also tragically seen the Victim allowed to be routinely dehumanized by Judge Randolph and reduced to the point of being referred to as a toothbrush for purposes of DNA discussion and as alleged victim in the courtroom! Why? JF was a VICTIM and was declared deceased by another CT Court!

Insanity and why is this being permitted by the Judge? JF is dead and has been declared so by the CT Probate Court. Why is this not being allowed in the Courtroom where reality seems suspended?
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What was with JS pressing the witness about the differences in the static stills (fixed cctvs) versus the dynamic ones (from the moving bus)? The State's withdrawn question pounded it home. On the Defense's head. Man without an arm.

JS had already kindly testified for the defendant, conceding she and FD were the figures in the Raptor, in the photos. He forget that when trying to draw a distinction between FD and random other guy with no logo?

I have only one theory: he's being paid by the word and his strategy is blowhard.

In my experience, contractors who dump in other dumpsters to avoid paying, are dumping things like asbestos, lead painted items. Not usually domestic bags either.
So agree. The Sturbridge house was done and just finishing work was taking place. All the other houses were complete. The MT argument that they did these trash run frequently imo is implausible and no doubt just another in a long line of lies.
What was with JS pressing the witness about the differences in the static stills (fixed cctvs) versus the dynamic ones (from the moving bus)? The State's withdrawn question pounded it home. On the Defense's head. Man without an arm.

JS had already kindly testified for the defendant, conceding she and FD were the figures in the Raptor, in the photos. He forget that when trying to draw a distinction between FD and random other guy with no logo?

I have only one theory: he's being paid by the word and his strategy is blowhard.

So agree. So far TP has had more uninterrupted airtime in court as a witness than anyone that has hit the stand so far.

Insanity reigns. Judge said he has no issue with objections. So why not simply ask where the TP question is located in his rambling testimony? There is rarely or never a question in these ramblings and it’s wasting time and worse is distracting the jury which imo is his intended purpose and possibly even hindering justice imo.
So agree. So far TP has had more uninterrupted airtime in court as a witness than anyone that has hit the stand so far.

Insanity reigns. Judge said he has no issue with objections. So why not simply ask where the TP question is located in his rambling testimony? There is rarely or never a question in these ramblings and it’s wasting time and worse is distracting the jury which imo is his intended purpose and possibly even hindering justice imo.
I think jury is just as annoyed with him as viewers, he is wasting their time. Being the annoying defense lawyer not a good look in front of jury, they will tune him out and wait for judge or prosecutors concise words.

His badly fitting beige/brown suits are also a bad look, we know that in court, appearance is important and there are deliberate choices made by the lawyers and defendant. Yesterday prosecutor, knew she would be handling “remains” and dressed accordingly, like going to a funeral
What is his beige suit strategy? Is he trying to potentially downplay her affluence by dressing badly, looking like “common man,” or clueless guy? Or I’m just a here for innocence (just an average guy, not a sharp lawyer), or creating the beige wall to block her? She is matchy in beige/cream/neutrals and new beige hair.

Google images of Jon L Schoenhorn, he is NEVER photographed wearing beige or brown.
As best I can determine, the ring of keys (now in post #100 in this thread, ~8 or so keys) appear to be for door knob mechanism and dead bolt latches. I don’t think they are automotive in nature? But I could be wrong. MOO

And with the many properties associated with the Fore Group, that might be the case? IMO
Could they be Jennifer’s house keys? I don’t know why they wouldn’t be on her car key ring though.
It’s impossible to say as we never had a representative imo from the State of CT charged with keeping the public apprised of the status of the case for the duration of the case.

Foley imo seemed more about misinformation rather than information as if you can recall he was the one who started the race baiting issue about the Albany Avenue situation which simply served to inflame the public during a volatile time regarding race in the US. I thought his statements on Albany were reprehensible and felt he should have been fired. Instead he was able to retire for the second time I believe with full pay courtesy of CT taxpayers! Whole thing imo was shameful and didn’t help justice and didn’t help the victim from public shaming and blaming.

State of CT State Police also didn’t see any need for communication with the public and imo it was a shameful performance all around. There was a public interest in the case and CSP didn’t care about the public and did zero imo to protect the victim from shaming and gross speculation by the public who had little information. It was probably one of the worst State communication efforts I’ve ever seen in a public missing/murder case ever.

We also had a CT Prosecutors office who chose not to speak in a coherent way and imo this had the same effect as CSP not speaking. The coordination of communication between CSP and the Prosecutors seemed non existent too but as neither was speaking to the public that particular dysfunction was an internal issue that had a big impact on public perception imo.

Frankly I think both CSP and Prosecutors Office forgot or didn’t care that they are public servants at the end of the day.

Sadly there has long been a disconnect between the Judiciary, Prosecutors and CSP in CT and the Public they are supposedly in place to serve. I’m not sure where accountability lies for the lack of communication in this case. If I had to speculate I would put the issue on the fact that CSP doesn’t have any requirements regarding public case communication, doesn’t have formal communication officers as are seen in other places and the Prosecutors Office, in this case Atty Collangelo was able himself to make the decision to not speak and nobody above him held him accountable for this decision
And the impact on the victim and the public.

IMO I think this missing case will be studied in Law enforcement Communications classes in schools and workshops as an example of how not to communicate with the public. Law enforcement thought the AAs were enough for the public but the reality imo was that they were not. Ongoing dialog from the State might have stopped the speculation and the eliminated the victim shaming. The gag order was imposed too late in the process to have much of an impact and the public saw CSP use the gag order to contine not to speak to the public while Atty Pattis seemed to simply feed stories to the press to fuel speculation. It was horrible and totally avoidable but nobody from the prosecutors office or CSP ever seemed to care much about the impact on the victim or their family and certainly not the public.

Nobody knew what was going on and the lack of information from the State simply fueled wild speculation from others with no information including Norman Pattis. A non working press simply made things worse too as they simply reposted tidbits from either Pattis or law enforcement imo.

The entire victim shaming and blaming went on for months and the creation of the Gone Girl insanity happened because there was zero narrative from the police or prosecutors in ct imo.

I listened to the Foley statements and never heard any suggestion from him that MIRA was productive mission for CSP. They spent a long time there so who knows? Perhaps the case benefitted from their efforts? Who knows? Hopefully there were results and we will hear about it at trial.

Fwiw on the big lessons from this case and listening to the CSP troopers on the stand is that the organization structure of the group seems Byzantine and imo highly inefficient. I’m not even sure that Atty Manning could explain it! Why no org chart at trial? God only knows how much it costs the taxpayers or its impact on keeping citizens safe. Fairfield County case was mostly handled out of Litchfield. How does this remotely make sense?

This inefficient structure simply layers cost into investigation and does zero imo to make the people of CT safer to say nothing of the travel burden on officers which imo is impt!

Effectively it seemed that JF investigation was being run out of Litchfield with some assists from Bridgeport and Hartford.

The people of Fairfield County frankly deserve better than this as each CSP officer that had testified so far seems to have been from out of area and so would have spent most of their day on the highly congested roads stuck in traffic in areas they weren’t familiar with imo. Great. Whole thing seems highly inefficient given the congestion and there must be a better way. Will it change? Unlikely as I’m not even sure who has oversight of CSP or a Prosecutor like Collangelo (once he was fired it was unclear who replaced him) but I don’t get the sense anyone in Hartford cared to explain things to the public either?

All I can think of with the CSP is that because of their organization issues and sending people driving all over the state, we had a senior officer at 4jx doing a search of a key location who allegedly never read the search warrant for whatever reason and didn’t know about the issue with MT cell phone. Judge Randolf (third Judge on this tragic case which also imo should never have been allowed to happen as he had zero imo actual understanding of the situation on the ground at the time which made it easy for him to disallow the MT cell phone issue).

The MT cell phone being disallowed allegedly due to CSP not reading the warrant and the Judge not seeing exigent circumstances because he wasn’t present at the time to me says the possible CSP shift pass off didn’t happen properly or something along these lines happened to cause such a major blunder or the right didn’t know what the left was doing. I also wonder if Judge Randolph even spoke with his colleagues who were present at the time and signing search warrants to understand the time pressure of what was going on? My guess is probably not but who knows? Who knows what Judge Randolph’s working relationship with the police might be?

This case management in the dulos matter seemed like a very inefficient and highly decentralized operation across many offices and various police organisations with people tasked with small tasks but with what looked to be no knowledge of the overall case as that seemed to have been done either in litchfield or bridgeport. Idk.

All this to say that CT Govt whether it be the Judiciary or the Police has never seemed remotely connected to either the citizens who pay for them and who they are supposed to protect OR the victims who have no voice and so depend on the State to protect them and their interests. It’s sad and imo pathetic and shameful as the state doesn’t suffer from lack of financial and human resources but rather a simple lack of caring what the public thinks or what happens to victims of crime that cannot speak for themselves. So far as I can seen there is no accountabilities govt and piece of evidence number one had to be Family Court in CT who didn’t serv JF or her children well in this matter either with Judge Heller still on the bench with no reprimands at all for her handling of the case file. Welcome to Corrupticut.

Just to be clear, none of what I’m saying is meant to dismiss some wonderful work by individual officers in this case. At trial we have seen some great work done. Rather my issues are with the connection of judiciary, police and govt to the people they are supposed to serve and I would argue that in Connecticut there is zero connection between the public and govt. and that I find this shameful and a system that does nothing to protect victims of crime. Nothing.

This was the article where Foley mentioned

It’s impossible to say as we never had a representative imo from the State of CT charged with keeping the public apprised of the status of the case for the duration of the case.

Foley imo seemed more about misinformation rather than information as if you can recall he was the one who started the race baiting issue about the Albany Avenue situation which simply served to inflame the public during a volatile time regarding race in the US. I thought his statements on Albany were reprehensible and felt he should have been fired. Instead he was able to retire for the second time I believe with full pay courtesy of CT taxpayers! Whole thing imo was shameful and didn’t help justice and didn’t help the victim from public shaming and blaming.

State of CT State Police also didn’t see any need for communication with the public and imo it was a shameful performance all around. There was a public interest in the case and CSP didn’t care about the public and did zero imo to protect the victim from shaming and gross speculation by the public who had little information. It was probably one of the worst State communication efforts I’ve ever seen in a public missing/murder case ever.

We also had a CT Prosecutors office who chose not to speak in a coherent way and imo this had the same effect as CSP not speaking. The coordination of communication between CSP and the Prosecutors seemed non existent too but as neither was speaking to the public that particular dysfunction was an internal issue that had a big impact on public perception imo.

Frankly I think both CSP and Prosecutors Office forgot or didn’t care that they are public servants at the end of the day.

Sadly there has long been a disconnect between the Judiciary, Prosecutors and CSP in CT and the Public they are supposedly in place to serve. I’m not sure where accountability lies for the lack of communication in this case. If I had to speculate I would put the issue on the fact that CSP doesn’t have any requirements regarding public case communication, doesn’t have formal communication officers as are seen in other places and the Prosecutors Office, in this case Atty Collangelo was able himself to make the decision to not speak and nobody above him held him accountable for this decision
And the impact on the victim and the public.

IMO I think this missing case will be studied in Law enforcement Communications classes in schools and workshops as an example of how not to communicate with the public. Law enforcement thought the AAs were enough for the public but the reality imo was that they were not. Ongoing dialog from the State might have stopped the speculation and the eliminated the victim shaming. The gag order was imposed too late in the process to have much of an impact and the public saw CSP use the gag order to contine not to speak to the public while Atty Pattis seemed to simply feed stories to the press to fuel speculation. It was horrible and totally avoidable but nobody from the prosecutors office or CSP ever seemed to care much about the impact on the victim or their family and certainly not the public.

Nobody knew what was going on and the lack of information from the State simply fueled wild speculation from others with no information including Norman Pattis. A non working press simply made things worse too as they simply reposted tidbits from either Pattis or law enforcement imo.

The entire victim shaming and blaming went on for months and the creation of the Gone Girl insanity happened because there was zero narrative from the police or prosecutors in ct imo.

I listened to the Foley statements and never heard any suggestion from him that MIRA was productive mission for CSP. They spent a long time there so who knows? Perhaps the case benefitted from their efforts? Who knows? Hopefully there were results and we will hear about it at trial.

Fwiw on the big lessons from this case and listening to the CSP troopers on the stand is that the organization structure of the group seems Byzantine and imo highly inefficient. I’m not even sure that Atty Manning could explain it! Why no org chart at trial? God only knows how much it costs the taxpayers or its impact on keeping citizens safe. Fairfield County case was mostly handled out of Litchfield. How does this remotely make sense?

This inefficient structure simply layers cost into investigation and does zero imo to make the people of CT safer to say nothing of the travel burden on officers which imo is impt!

Effectively it seemed that JF investigation was being run out of Litchfield with some assists from Bridgeport and Hartford.

The people of Fairfield County frankly deserve better than this as each CSP officer that had testified so far seems to have been from out of area and so would have spent most of their day on the highly congested roads stuck in traffic in areas they weren’t familiar with imo. Great. Whole thing seems highly inefficient given the congestion and there must be a better way. Will it change? Unlikely as I’m not even sure who has oversight of CSP or a Prosecutor like Collangelo (once he was fired it was unclear who replaced him) but I don’t get the sense anyone in Hartford cared to explain things to the public either?

All I can think of with the CSP is that because of their organization issues and sending people driving all over the state, we had a senior officer at 4jx doing a search of a key location who allegedly never read the search warrant for whatever reason and didn’t know about the issue with MT cell phone. Judge Randolf (third Judge on this tragic case which also imo should never have been allowed to happen as he had zero imo actual understanding of the situation on the ground at the time which made it easy for him to disallow the MT cell phone issue).

The MT cell phone being disallowed allegedly due to CSP not reading the warrant and the Judge not seeing exigent circumstances because he wasn’t present at the time to me says the possible CSP shift pass off didn’t happen properly or something along these lines happened to cause such a major blunder or the right didn’t know what the left was doing. I also wonder if Judge Randolph even spoke with his colleagues who were present at the time and signing search warrants to understand the time pressure of what was going on? My guess is probably not but who knows? Who knows what Judge Randolph’s working relationship with the police might be?

This case management in the dulos matter seemed like a very inefficient and highly decentralized operation across many offices and various police organisations with people tasked with small tasks but with what looked to be no knowledge of the overall case as that seemed to have been done either in litchfield or bridgeport. Idk.

All this to say that CT Govt whether it be the Judiciary or the Police has never seemed remotely connected to either the citizens who pay for them and who they are supposed to protect OR the victims who have no voice and so depend on the State to protect them and their interests. It’s sad and imo pathetic and shameful as the state doesn’t suffer from lack of financial and human resources but rather a simple lack of caring what the public thinks or what happens to victims of crime that cannot speak for themselves. So far as I can seen there is no accountabilities govt and piece of evidence number one had to be Family Court in CT who didn’t serv JF or her children well in this matter either with Judge Heller still on the bench with no reprimands at all for her handling of the case file. Welcome to Corrupticut.

Just to be clear, none of what I’m saying is meant to dismiss some wonderful work by individual officers in this case. At trial we have seen some great work done. Rather my issues are with the connection of judiciary, police and govt to the people they are supposed to serve and I would argue that in Connecticut there is zero connection between the public and govt. and that I find this shameful and a system that does nothing to protect victims of crime. Nothing.


It’s impossible to say as we never had a representative imo from the State of CT charged with keeping the public apprised of the status of the case for the duration of the case.

Foley imo seemed more about misinformation rather than information as if you can recall he was the one who started the race baiting issue about the Albany Avenue situation which simply served to inflame the public during a volatile time regarding race in the US. I thought his statements on Albany were reprehensible and felt he should have been fired. Instead he was able to retire for the second time I believe with full pay courtesy of CT taxpayers! Whole thing imo was shameful and didn’t help justice and didn’t help the victim from public shaming and blaming.

State of CT State Police also didn’t see any need for communication with the public and imo it was a shameful performance all around. There was a public interest in the case and CSP didn’t care about the public and did zero imo to protect the victim from shaming and gross speculation by the public who had little information. It was probably one of the worst State communication efforts I’ve ever seen in a public missing/murder case ever.

We also had a CT Prosecutors office who chose not to speak in a coherent way and imo this had the same effect as CSP not speaking. The coordination of communication between CSP and the Prosecutors seemed non existent too but as neither was speaking to the public that particular dysfunction was an internal issue that had a big impact on public perception imo.

Frankly I think both CSP and Prosecutors Office forgot or didn’t care that they are public servants at the end of the day.

Sadly there has long been a disconnect between the Judiciary, Prosecutors and CSP in CT and the Public they are supposedly in place to serve. I’m not sure where accountability lies for the lack of communication in this case. If I had to speculate I would put the issue on the fact that CSP doesn’t have any requirements regarding public case communication, doesn’t have formal communication officers as are seen in other places and the Prosecutors Office, in this case Atty Collangelo was able himself to make the decision to not speak and nobody above him held him accountable for this decision
And the impact on the victim and the public.

IMO I think this missing case will be studied in Law enforcement Communications classes in schools and workshops as an example of how not to communicate with the public. Law enforcement thought the AAs were enough for the public but the reality imo was that they were not. Ongoing dialog from the State might have stopped the speculation and the eliminated the victim shaming. The gag order was imposed too late in the process to have much of an impact and the public saw CSP use the gag order to contine not to speak to the public while Atty Pattis seemed to simply feed stories to the press to fuel speculation. It was horrible and totally avoidable but nobody from the prosecutors office or CSP ever seemed to care much about the impact on the victim or their family and certainly not the public.

Nobody knew what was going on and the lack of information from the State simply fueled wild speculation from others with no information including Norman Pattis. A non working press simply made things worse too as they simply reposted tidbits from either Pattis or law enforcement imo.

The entire victim shaming and blaming went on for months and the creation of the Gone Girl insanity happened because there was zero narrative from the police or prosecutors in ct imo.

I listened to the Foley statements and never heard any suggestion from him that MIRA was productive mission for CSP. They spent a long time there so who knows? Perhaps the case benefitted from their efforts? Who knows? Hopefully there were results and we will hear about it at trial.

Fwiw on the big lessons from this case and listening to the CSP troopers on the stand is that the organization structure of the group seems Byzantine and imo highly inefficient. I’m not even sure that Atty Manning could explain it! Why no org chart at trial? God only knows how much it costs the taxpayers or its impact on keeping citizens safe. Fairfield County case was mostly handled out of Litchfield. How does this remotely make sense?

This inefficient structure simply layers cost into investigation and does zero imo to make the people of CT safer to say nothing of the travel burden on officers which imo is impt!

Effectively it seemed that JF investigation was being run out of Litchfield with some assists from Bridgeport and Hartford.

The people of Fairfield County frankly deserve better than this as each CSP officer that had testified so far seems to have been from out of area and so would have spent most of their day on the highly congested roads stuck in traffic in areas they weren’t familiar with imo. Great. Whole thing seems highly inefficient given the congestion and there must be a better way. Will it change? Unlikely as I’m not even sure who has oversight of CSP or a Prosecutor like Collangelo (once he was fired it was unclear who replaced him) but I don’t get the sense anyone in Hartford cared to explain things to the public either?

All I can think of with the CSP is that because of their organization issues and sending people driving all over the state, we had a senior officer at 4jx doing a search of a key location who allegedly never read the search warrant for whatever reason and didn’t know about the issue with MT cell phone. Judge Randolf (third Judge on this tragic case which also imo should never have been allowed to happen as he had zero imo actual understanding of the situation on the ground at the time which made it easy for him to disallow the MT cell phone issue).

The MT cell phone being disallowed allegedly due to CSP not reading the warrant and the Judge not seeing exigent circumstances because he wasn’t present at the time to me says the possible CSP shift pass off didn’t happen properly or something along these lines happened to cause such a major blunder or the right didn’t know what the left was doing. I also wonder if Judge Randolph even spoke with his colleagues who were present at the time and signing search warrants to understand the time pressure of what was going on? My guess is probably not but who knows? Who knows what Judge Randolph’s working relationship with the police might be?

This case management in the dulos matter seemed like a very inefficient and highly decentralized operation across many offices and various police organisations with people tasked with small tasks but with what looked to be no knowledge of the overall case as that seemed to have been done either in litchfield or bridgeport. Idk.

All this to say that CT Govt whether it be the Judiciary or the Police has never seemed remotely connected to either the citizens who pay for them and who they are supposed to protect OR the victims who have no voice and so depend on the State to protect them and their interests. It’s sad and imo pathetic and shameful as the state doesn’t suffer from lack of financial and human resources but rather a simple lack of caring what the public thinks or what happens to victims of crime that cannot speak for themselves. So far as I can seen there is no accountabilities govt and piece of evidence number one had to be Family Court in CT who didn’t serv JF or her children well in this matter either with Judge Heller still on the bench with no reprimands at all for her handling of the case file. Welcome to Corrupticut.

Just to be clear, none of what I’m saying is meant to dismiss some wonderful work by individual officers in this case. At trial we have seen some great work done. Rather my issues are with the connection of judiciary, police and govt to the people they are supposed to serve and I would argue that in Connecticut there is zero connection between the public and govt. and that I find this shameful and a system that does nothing to protect victims of crime. Nothing.

Here is the article where Foley was quoted as saying their efforts at MIRA were worth it.

I hope there’s truth to it snd we learn about it soon in court!

I think jury is just as annoyed with him as viewers, he is wasting their time. Being the annoying defense lawyer not a good look in front of jury, they will tune him out and wait for judge or prosecutors concise words.

His badly fitting beige/brown suits are also a bad look, we know that in court, appearance is important and there are deliberate choices made by the lawyers and defendant. Yesterday prosecutor, knew she would be handling “remains” and dressed accordingly, like going to a funeral
What is his beige suit strategy? Is he trying to potentially downplay her affluence by dressing badly, looking like “common man,” or clueless guy? Or I’m just a here for innocence (just an average guy, not a sharp lawyer), or creating the beige wall to block her? She is matchy in beige/cream/neutrals and new beige hair.

Google images of Jon L Schoenhorn, he is NEVER photographed wearing beige or brown.
Just did a quick search and found this little blurb from an online suit/ clothing retailer:

All the beige in the world is not going to blur, erase or help convince the jury that MT is innocent of the charges. Beige will never trump crimson red:(,to%20people's%20empathy%20and%20generosity.

The psychology of color behind your lawyer suits

Beige/Tan Lawyer SuitsEarth tone lawyer suits help you to look more humble, approachable, trustworthy and honest. It helps with the underdog story, in appealing to people’s empathy and generosity. Great if dealing with people you have to convince to your side, perhaps a jury, or in a class action, or when talking to people with small town values, like the elderly or country folk. Whenever it is the individual that is making the decision, not corporate, beige or tan suits are the way to go.

Ok so the saving money motivation might make sense for someone who apparently couldn’t even budget for proper contracting trash removal without breaking the law by driving around to random dumpsters in other neighborhoods. But who on earth who is even modestly successful living in a house like 4 JC would elect to spend any of their free time doing this Instead of just paying for the service like everything else? What a far cry from the image FD assumedly used to hook MT - did she really accept this as the FD status quo and she innocently assumed she was being treated to an exciting date just to drive around in all directions to ultimately end up at a Starbucks on a holiday weekend Friday night?
FD's suicide note said his lawyer would explain all to support FD's innocence. Postmortem, NP filed to keep his defense of FD alive. That move was denied by the court, but NP revealed he was told by FD that FD found the bloody material on one of his porches, and was afraid someone was trying to frame him, so that's why he was disposing of it in Hartford. Maybe NP will explain that "defense" of FD if and when they put him on the stand.
Could they be Jennifer’s house keys? I don’t know why they wouldn’t be on her car key ring though.

This was the article where Foley mentioned

Here is the article where Foley was quoted as saying their efforts at MIRA were worth it.

I hope there’s truth to it snd we learn about it soon in court!

FD's suicide note said his lawyer would explain all to support FD's innocence. Postmortem, NP filed to keep his defense of FD alive. That move was denied by the court, but NP revealed he was told by FD that FD found the bloody material on one of his porches, and was afraid someone was trying to frame him, so that's why he was disposing of it in Hartford. Maybe NP will explain that "defense" of FD if and when they put him on the stand.
If that was the truth the the camera which captured Fotis getting his mail that day would show the car that would’ve dropped off the bags on his porch. Unless of course Fotis was speaking of PG and we know where that lead.
On that ring of keys…. I am not recalling where they were located, but might it be as simple as they fell into a dumpster even without realizing it, and/or the perpetrators were not going to go dive in for them?

Maybe those keys were for locations they later were going (or had already been) as FD and MT were on the evidence disposal and disbursement mission?

I am also hoping (like always happens on a TV show), that one of those keys’ actual use will be discovered or disclosed and maybe lead to more evidence or other leads? MOO

One other observation, a few of the keys appear to be an original mechanism key. Some appear to be a copy of another key, like one would obtain at a hardware store. iMO
Last edited:
Just did a quick search and found this little blurb from an online suit/ clothing retailer:

All the beige in the world is not going to blur, erase or help convince the jury that MT is innocent of the charges. Beige will never trump crimson red:(,to%20people's%20empathy%20and%20generosity.

The psychology of color behind your lawyer suits

Beige/Tan Lawyer SuitsEarth tone lawyer suits help you to look more humble, approachable, trustworthy and honest. It helps with the underdog story, in appealing to people’s empathy and generosity. Great if dealing with people you have to convince to your side, perhaps a jury, or in a class action, or when talking to people with small town values, like the elderly or country folk. Whenever it is the individual that is making the decision, not corporate, beige or tan suits are the way to go.

thanks @Curious-A

interesting color analysis about lawyers suits - I would submit however that once JS opens his mouth all that beige effort in the clothing department goes out the window - once you see his behavior and listen to his incessant yadayada he looks quite the opposite of humble/ approachable/ trustworthy or honest. So that is a massive fail on that front, much like every day so far has been for the D. They have nothing. JS cross examines by reiterating the witnessess testimony, trying to poke holes, catch inconsistencies etc but these people are solid. ( I do have a litle doubt about thatpicture of the ford raptor with the tarp appearing pulled across the back/ and the plain white shirt on the man that appeared on Christa Oreillys map - but I don't think that impacts the case at all)

As far as the Keys - I suspect they were inadvertently tossed/scooped up with other items byr F or MT, and thrown in to a bag during cleanup.They were not intended to be thrown away. Perhaps the key ring was grabbed at 4 Jeff Xing that let MT/Fotis in to the Mountain Spring house. I suspect maybe /the Nanny/Pawel and others from the Fore group at that time can prob ID the keys if indeed that happens to be the case jmo

Could they be Jennifer’s house keys? I don’t know why they wouldn’t be on her car key ring though.

This was the article where Foley mentioned

Here is the article where Foley was quoted as saying their efforts at MIRA were worth it.

I hope there’s truth to it snd we learn about it soon in court!

I hope so too!
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