Darlie Kee

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Goody said:
Not one single one of you has yet to present a list of traits or behaviors that make Darlie appear to be narcissistic. Without that, you folks got nuttin'!:croc:
Goody! Sweetie! You know I adore you, but come back to earth! Are you off your meds again...
Darlie's whole demeanor screams selfish, screams attention-seeking. We've all discussed this. There is no place to go and get a list of Darlie's issues! This whole entire thing has been about Darlie, from the time she was arrested up to now! "Look at me" scream her clothes, jewelry, hairdo, cleavage, thong! If she hadn't murdered her boys, people who knew her would think well Darlie's a bit of a show-off, but she's harmless. No! She's not! All of those things add up. How well do you think her supporters know Darlie? It happens even out here in the real world. You meet a new friend, think they're the funniest, sweetest person, then boom, they do something awful. This can happen after years of thinking you know the true person. Her supporters write and possibly even speak with her briefly. They cannot truly know her in the amount of time, even over a period of 10 years, they are given. Darlie certainly does not sound like a . She does not look like a criminal. She may be very sweet in interviews and even with her family. How long are they with her now though? She is a person who was taught manners growing up, who was taught right from wrong. She knows of all society's little niceties. She knows proper grooming. This is no way makes her a true to the core stable person. There are stories even you've passed along about her various histronics/narcissism. Darlie is younger than Diane Downs too. She is not the wronged one here, her boys are. Justice is needed for them. If her family believes so much that she is innocent then they should want to punish the real killer. The sites should be named Justice for Damon and Devon. They could still pursue everything to release Darlie, but the main focus should be on catching the killer. It's obvious Darlie has always been the Princess in the family.
Jeana (DP) said:
No, me personally. She TOLD me herself that Darlie asked Darin for a separation that night of the murders and they had a "terrible fight." She asked me not to say where that info came from, so I never did, but I did tell about the fight. She told everyone who would listen that I was a liar. Then, it comes out of Darin's own affidavit that it WAS true and once again, Darlie Kee was made the liar. I see no reason to believe that I'm the only person she's done this to and I see no reason to believe that she only started doing this after this case. I think she's got a history of it and I think it goes with the "pathology" of Darlie Lynn's mental problems. I think Darlie Lynn probably came by them honestly. So, while I can to a certain extent agree with you that Darlie Kee is a victim of her daughter, she's got her own crosses to bear in all of this.
The apple didn't fall far from that tree, huh? Somewhere on this board or another, Cami listed the symptons of a histronic personality. When I read it I agreed that Darlie fit most of them if not all. JMO
Goody said:
DP???? Heck, Goody is the one in trouble. Did you see the way Cami jumped my behind? :bang: Goody's been tarred and feathered. Hahahahahahahah.

LOL Well, what do you expect?? LOL Saying loving things about Darlie Kee? ;) ;) :D
texassnuboots said:
The apple didn't fall far from that tree, huh? Somewhere on this board or another, Cami listed the symptons of a histronic personality. When I read it I agreed that Darlie fit most of them if not all. JMO

Goody said:
Not one single one of you has yet to present a list of traits or behaviors that make Darlie appear to be narcissistic. Without that, you folks got nuttin'!:croc:
I tried really hard to stay out of this Goody bashin........but here I am !!!!!....

What us folks got.... is this.......A mother on death row for killing her two precious children in cold blood, as they layed sleeping next to her, probably after laughing with her and watching tv before they fell asleep--- It doesnt matter what she is, why she did it, or if she would do it again.......all your excuses...( I know---I know...they arent excuses) or reasons...( I know you say thay dont make the matter go away) dont matter....she is where she belongs.................
Goody said:
Thank goodness. :waitasec: I was beginning to think I was adrift in a sea of sharks. hahahaha.
Oh Goody, we love you, we just think you're crazy, or well forgetful!
*logs off humming theme from Jaws"
Jeana (DP) said:
LOL Well, what do you expect?? LOL Saying loving things about Darlie Kee? ;) ;) :D
I guess. I must have missed a whole lot of DK drama. Like they say in the south, "Well, hush my mouth!!"
j2mirish said:
I tried really hard to stay out of this Goody bashin........but here I am !!!!!....

What us folks got.... is this.......A mother on death row for killing her two precious children in cold blood, as they layed sleeping next to her, probably after laughing with her and watching tv before they fell asleep--- It doesnt matter what she is, why she did it, or if she would do it again.......all your excuses...( I know---I know...they arent excuses) or reasons...( I know you say thay dont make the matter go away) dont matter....she is where she belongs.................
Technically, you are correct, of course. Dare I say any more?
Originally Posted by j2mirish
I tried really hard to stay out of this Goody bashin........but here I am !!!!!....

What us folks got.... is this.......A mother on death row for killing her two precious children in cold blood, as they layed sleeping next to her, probably after laughing with her and watching tv before they fell asleep--- It doesnt matter what she is, why she did it, or if she would do it again.......all your excuses...( I know---I know...they arent excuses) or reasons...( I know you say thay dont make the matter go away) dont matter....she is where she belongs.................

Goody says-
Technically, you are correct, of course. Dare I say any more?

j2mirish said:
Originally Posted by j2mirish
I tried really hard to stay out of this Goody bashin........but here I am !!!!!....

What us folks got.... is this.......A mother on death row for killing her two precious children in cold blood, as they layed sleeping next to her, probably after laughing with her and watching tv before they fell asleep--- It doesnt matter what she is, why she did it, or if she would do it again.......all your excuses...( I know---I know...they arent excuses) or reasons...( I know you say thay dont make the matter go away) dont matter....she is where she belongs.................

Goody says-
Technically, you are correct, of course. Dare I say any more?

Ask and you shall receive.

:laugh: So what shall we post about now? The weather in Laos? How about tribal customs in South American jungles? Or...I've got it....how the Bird Flu is progressing. Speaking of the flu, I need to go check the flu map to see how much it is narrowing in on me.
Goody said:
Ask and you shall receive.

:laugh: So what shall we post about now? The weather in Laos? How about tribal customs in South American jungles? Or...I've got it....how the Bird Flu is progressing. Speaking of the flu, I need to go check the flu map to see how much it is narrowing in on me.
you asked...I simply answered..:angel:
j2mirish said:
you asked...I simply answered..:angel:
Can't think of anything, eh? That's cool. Neither can I. Maybe we should wait here until someone comes by and insults us. Then we won't have to pick a new topic. hahahahahahahaha!
Goody said:
Can't think of anything, eh? That's cool. Neither can I. Maybe we should wait here until someone comes by and insults us. Then we won't have to pick a new topic. hahahahahahahaha!
well- someoene did insult me---- or at least try--:doh:

we both know we think each other is nuts at times--- dont need someone to try to tell me how I can post to you!! we seem to take care of that ourselves!!:croc:
I have been on the fence for a LONG time on this case, swaying back and forth. Even since posting my 'my conclusion' thread, I have swayed back to believing that Darlie was innocent.

And then I focused on the damning luminol tests. And the blood spatter evidence. But, alongside this irrefutable evidence, do you want to know what else also wholly convinced me of Darlie's guilt?

-Three e-mails to Darlie Kee (E-MAILS OF SYMPATHY AND SUPPORT) in recent months which have NEVER received replies.

-The broken links on Darlie' Kee's website of support for her daughter. Links which have been inactive for months, and seem nowhere close to being fixed.

And, of course,

-Darin filing for divorce.
If Darlie is so innocent, WHY ISN'T DARLIE KEE DOING MORE?! Why didn't Darin stand by her?

I rest my case.

I would be grateful if somebody could cross-reference this post in the 'Justice for Devon and Damon' page on Facebook.
I have been on the fence for a LONG time on this case, swaying back and forth. Even since posting my 'my conclusion' thread, I have swayed back to believing that Darlie was innocent.

And then I focused on the damning luminol tests. And the blood spatter evidence. But, alongside this irrefutable evidence, do you want to know what else also wholly convinced me of Darlie's guilt?

-Three e-mails to Darlie Kee (E-MAILS OF SYMPATHY AND SUPPORT) in recent months which have NEVER received replies.

-The broken links on Darlie' Kee's website of support for her daughter. Links which have been inactive for months, and seem nowhere close to being fixed.

And, of course,

-Darin filing for divorce.
If Darlie is so innocent, WHY ISN'T DARLIE KEE DOING MORE?! Why didn't Darin stand by her?

I rest my case.

I would be grateful if somebody could cross-reference this post in the 'Justice for Devon and Damon' page on Facebook.

Just wondering if you send the emails to Darlie Kee from the Darlie website or did you send them via facebook?
Darlie Kee has to know that Darlie is guilty by now. She just might still be in some sort of denial. I'm sure it is a tough pill for her to swallow knowing her own child killed two of her grandsons. I just never have been able to understand how her family can think she didn't do this. All of the blood evidence points to just one person and that is Darlie Lynn. I'm sure Darlie will never own up to what she did. She is just gonna play the victim. I always thought Darlie was trying to kill herself that night but she chickened out at the last minute and couldn't do it so she staged everyting. She just did a really bad job doing the staging. I still can't figure out how she got that sock down the alley and back to the house without anyone seeing her. I guess it was easy since it was so late at night on a week night. This case still haunts me to this day. If they are ever able to prove that Darlie really didn't do it I'll have alot of crow to eat!
Darlie Kee has to know that Darlie is guilty by now. She just might still be in some sort of denial. I'm sure it is a tough pill for her to swallow knowing her own child killed two of her grandsons. I just never have been able to understand how her family can think she didn't do this. All of the blood evidence points to just one person and that is Darlie Lynn. I'm sure Darlie will never own up to what she did. She is just gonna play the victim. I always thought Darlie was trying to kill herself that night but she chickened out at the last minute and couldn't do it so she staged everyting. She just did a really bad job doing the staging. I still can't figure out how she got that sock down the alley and back to the house without anyone seeing her. I guess it was easy since it was so late at night on a week night. This case still haunts me to this day. If they are ever able to prove that Darlie really didn't do it I'll have alot of crow to eat!

And I'll be making the gravy for our crow pie Jennifer.
Both Facebook and the official website.

She'll never answer unless you have the name of the killers for her.

I know for a fact Jennifer that she believes Darin committed the murders,not Darlie.

Never, ever ever will she admit Darlyn is guilty.

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