Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I guess so because they didn't mention a 2nd knife.

I read that "Patterson admitted that a Rape Kit Test was discussed but never performed", but then further in the reading you find where a nurse stated it was performed and..... etc.....

Why are they now placing Darlie going outside to yell for help, when I thought all along it was Darren who stated he went outside to get help...:banghead:

Oh there's a part in the 911 tape when you can hear Darin tell her to get somebody, then she yells either Karen or Darin, it's hard to tell. She says she went to the front door opened it and yelled for Karen. She didn't go outside. Darin did and he was stopped by the second police officer to respond.

I think it was only a partial rape kit..an examination. There was no sperm anyway I think, indicating she did not have sex that night. I'd have to re read the testimony on that...I think it had something to do with Baylor.
Oh there's a part in the 911 tape when you can hear Darin tell her to get somebody, then she yells either Karen or Darin, it's hard to tell. She says she went to the front door opened it and yelled for Karen. She didn't go outside. Darin did and he was stopped by the second police officer to respond.

I think it was only a partial rape kit..an examination. There was no sperm anyway I think, indicating she did not have sex that night. I'd have to re read the testimony on that...I think it had something to do with Baylor.

Yeah here it is, full rape exams were done at Parkland not Baylor....

A. No, you didn't.
3 Q. Okay. Now, later on did you try to
4 coordinate some type of rape exam?
5 A. Yes, sir, I did
6 Q. Why was there a rape exam being
7 conducted, or going to be conducted?
8 A. I don't know why it was brought up. I
9 don't know if it -- I don't know who decided to do that.
10 One of the residents asked me how do we set up a rape
11 exam for someone in the intensive care unit. And I
12 called the emergency department and found out who the
13 OB/GYN that was on call for the day was, and set that up
14 through Dr. Santos and Dr. Gogel.
15 Q. Okay. Now, did you want to explain
16 that procedure to Mrs. Routier?
17 A. Yes, sir, I did.
18 Q. Okay. And, what did you say to her?
19 A. I tried to -- I asked her if she
20 understood what we were going to do. Did she understand
21 what a rape exam was? I explained to her that we didn't
22 do a full rape kit at Baylor Hospital, because those are
23 done at Parkland, but did she understand that it would be
24 like, just a normal GYN exam. Was she okay with that. I
25 had asked her, did she think she had been raped.
Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter

1 Q. What was her response when you asked
2 her that?
3 A. She told me something like, "Well,
4 when I woke up I felt a pressure down there."
5 Q. Okay. Now, you weren't present when
6 any rape exam was done, were you?
7 A. No, sir, I was not.

Did anyone else notice that it states that Darlie was leaning on vaccuum cleaner to steady herself? This would explain why it was knocked over.
Here's one thing I picked up on...."the butcher knife is an indisputable critical piece of evidence."

Both the State and Mrs.Routier agree that this knife was used in the murders of Devon and Damon and in the attack on Mrs. Routier

Are they now recanting the two knife theory?
If you read underneath this you will see what they mean. They are saying that, yes, the knife was used in the murders, & on darlie but it is probable that there was a 2nd knife as there was only traces of both darlies and damons blood - as you'd expect to find at least small traces of devons blood on knife if it was only weapon.
Did anyone else notice that it states that Darlie was leaning on vaccuum cleaner to steady herself? This would explain why it was knocked over.

Leaning on a vacuum wouldn't create the roll marks in various parts of the kitchen.
Did anyone else notice that it states that Darlie was leaning on vaccuum cleaner to steady herself? This would explain why it was knocked over.

I believe when Darlie was on the witness stand, this was discussed. She did state she was using the vacuum cleaner to steady herself. Honestly, what is the big deal with the vacuum cleaner? I read that there were roll marks on the floor showing that it was rolled in one direction, picked up and rolled in a new direction. Now, I asked this before, are they trying to say that she actually used this thing to clean up blood? It doesn't seem possible to me. :banghead:
Dena - did you read my post and can you help me with my confusion.. please t/y wendy
Dena - did you read my post and can you help me with my confusion.. please t/y wendy

Yep, I was about to respond. I am honestly not sure myself and it was something that I have thought about a lot.
I take it in a couple ways -

1) If she is in a frantic state of staging the scene, she may not even be thinking right. It could be that the vacuum was in a place that would make it awkward for an intruder to run out so she had to move it. Didn't like the spot she moved it to and moved it back.

2) The roll marks were over blood, so this means that while she was supposedly chasing an intruder or on the phone with 911, she was moving a vacuum.

In either case, what is she doing moving a vacuum?
Yep, I was about to respond. I am honestly not sure myself and it was something that I have thought about a lot.
I take it in a couple ways -

1) If she is in a frantic state of staging the scene, she may not even be thinking right. It could be that the vacuum was in a place that would make it awkward for an intruder to run out so she had to move it. Didn't like the spot she moved it to and moved it back.

2) The roll marks were over blood, so this means that while she was supposedly chasing an intruder or on the phone with 911, she was moving a vacuum.

In either case, what is she doing moving a vacuum?

Thank you Dena...:blowkiss: Yea, what is she doing moving a vacuum around? I wonder if it was a wet-vac?
Thank you Dena...:blowkiss: Yea, what is she doing moving a vacuum around? I wonder if it was a wet-vac?

:laugh: Ha, or a swivel sweeper!

I am going to finish reading the appeal today.
:laugh: Ha, or a swivel sweeper!

I am going to finish reading the appeal today.


Wonderful Mary is going to look back at her notes in regards to the vacuum and get back to me. Looking forward to clearing this vacuum issue up!!!:confused::confused::confused:
If you read underneath this you will see what they mean. They are saying that, yes, the knife was used in the murders, & on darlie but it is probable that there was a 2nd knife as there was only traces of both darlies and damons blood - as you'd expect to find at least small traces of devons blood on knife if it was only weapon.

Thanks I haven't read it all....it's just bull to me anyway. There was no second knife.
I believe when Darlie was on the witness stand, this was discussed. She did state she was using the vacuum cleaner to steady herself. Honestly, what is the big deal with the vacuum cleaner? I read that there were roll marks on the floor showing that it was rolled in one direction, picked up and rolled in a new direction. Now, I asked this before, are they trying to say that she actually used this thing to clean up blood? It doesn't seem possible to me. :banghead:

No, they are not because they could have checked the inside the vacuum..the bag, etc. They are saying that she used it to make it look as if she and the attacker fought near it and he knocked it over or knocked it over as he fled...

Looking forward to clearing this vacuum issue up!!!:confused::confused::confused:

Sorry it took me so long, Wendy.

LE didn't think Darlie used the vacuum to clean up; they believed she overturned it as part of the staging.

Darlie's blood had dripped all over the vacuum, the handle was smeared with her blood, and her bloody footprints - going toward the family room, not toward the utility room/garage - were found underneath it.

She rolled the vacuum in her blood, and then dumped it over. I know what you're thinking...could the intruder have done it? No, because Darlie never mentioned the vacuum cleaner in any of her statements to LE. Also, the vacuum was overturned in front of the sink, which was not the path Darlie said the intruder took.

Supporters claim that she was leaning on it because she was dizzy, which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why lean on a very unstable vacuum when there's kitchen counters nearby? One supporter went so far as to say Darlie was leaning on it in the hallway, and a paramedic threw it over the counter into the kitchen. I kid you not!

Anyway, I hope this makes sense :)
Baloney, the only towel she placed was on her own neck.

Yeah that's their timeline, not the real one. She could have gone out the front door. Darins reboks were found at the front door, laced up I might add.

Yep - that's what Darlie's has been trying to save all along...
Sorry it took me so long, Wendy.

LE didn't think Darlie used the vacuum to clean up; they believed she overturned it as part of the staging.

Darlie's blood had dripped all over the vacuum, the handle was smeared with her blood, and her bloody footprints - going toward the family room, not toward the utility room/garage - were found underneath it.

She rolled the vacuum in her blood, and then dumped it over. I know what you're thinking...could the intruder have done it? No, because Darlie never mentioned the vacuum cleaner in any of her statements to LE. Also, the vacuum was overturned in front of the sink, which was not the path Darlie said the intruder took.

Supporters claim that she was leaning on it because she was dizzy, which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why lean on a very unstable vacuum when there's kitchen counters nearby? One supporter went so far as to say Darlie was leaning on it in the hallway, and a paramedic threw it over the counter into the kitchen. I kid you not!

Anyway, I hope this makes sense :)

:clap: Thank you Mary :blowkiss: So basically the vacuum cleaner was innocent bystander....:crazy:
Kitty...you poor thing. I see you are under the "spell".

1. You can only do a partial DNA match for hair found without a folicule.
Hair is also "transfer" matter. You walk out into the world every day, and the breeze in the air blows up little particals of matter from EVERYONE else who has been outdoors. These specks of matter get into clothing fibers, shoe grids, even your own hair. These 'HAIRS' are worth absolutely nothing. Actually, it's surprising to me that more foriegn matter was not found, but I guess we can thank the day cleaner for that. But any rate, you can't make a positive match without a suspect. Convenient, eh? And not only that, but one hell of a long stretch.

2. I can't believe you are thinking the phyciatrically medicated "neighbor" knew what the heck was going on.... My contention with this should be self evident.

This is known and was testified to 11 years ago. Again, transfer.

Darlie's "Mamma" is not a trained investigator. Darlie's "Mamma" only knows what she is told, and then I suspect it's interpreted kindly.
Mamma Darlie has been known to ignore things that aren't convenient.
If you are basing your assumptions on what Mama Darlie tells you, then there is little I can say to you. Reason would not effect you in the slightest.

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