Darlie Routier on Death Row

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Well, Cathy Henderson, Brittany Holberg, and Erica Sheppard are all on the Texas execution "watch list" which means they could possibly be executed the next few years.

Wanna talk about how this will effect Darlie and her mental state? Or not......just wanted to let you all know that her roomies are at the end of their appeals. Darlie shouldn't be too far behind......

That Brittany Holberg is one mean b-----! :eek:
This caught my attention. I've read all about what Brittany did.

And she's one of the one's who claiming that she's wrongfully convicted.

What a beast.
I remember reading about Brittney too. It'll be a happy day when she's gone. What a sick BEE-YOTCH....
Jules said:
I remember reading about Brittney too. It'll be a happy day when she's gone. What a sick BEE-YOTCH....
I remember reading some letter she wrote crying about how badly she's being treated on death row.(Waaah, Waaah, cry me a river.) She said they treat her like an animal. But she's the one who butchered and brutally murdered an old man. :waitasec:
Jules said:
I remember reading about Brittney too. It'll be a happy day when she's gone. What a sick BEE-YOTCH....
Indeed. She didn't just kill that man, she mutilated him. An 80-year-old man!
SanQuentinvisitor said:
Well, Cathy Henderson, Brittany Holberg, and Erica Sheppard are all on the Texas execution "watch list" which means they could possibly be executed the next few years.

Wanna talk about how this will effect Darlie and her mental state? Or not......just wanted to let you all know that her roomies are at the end of their appeals. Darlie shouldn't be too far behind......

That Brittany Holberg is one mean b-----! :eek:
Hi SQV. I wonder what Darlie's mental state is, knowing that her pals' appeals are coming to an end? There are so few women on DR compared to men- a drop in the ocean really- that having one less inmate around must really make a difference. Then again, maybe Darlie doesn't care!

It's been discussed before but I do wonder if the possible imminent execution of a fellow inmate is likely to propel Darlie towards confession- would she think, well, looks like it's really going to happen to me too so I'd better go with a clean conscience...or is she so utterly pig-headed that she will continue to protest her innocence. Goody, I remember you saying you think Darlie's already confessed to a pastor? It affected Erica Sheppard in a different way- she had given up on her appeals and was preparing for execution, but at the last minute changed her mind and cited a vision of God...

Interesting stuff. I suppose it depends on the psychology of the person.
wenchie said:
This caught my attention. I've read all about what Brittany did.

And she's one of the one's who claiming that she's wrongfully convicted.

What a beast.

I thought they were all claiming they were wrongfully convicted. :rolleyes:
britgirl said:
Hi SQV. I wonder what Darlie's mental state is, knowing that her pals' appeals are coming to an end? There are so few women on DR compared to men- a drop in the ocean really- that having one less inmate around must really make a difference. Then again, maybe Darlie doesn't care!

It's been discussed before but I do wonder if the possible imminent execution of a fellow inmate is likely to propel Darlie towards confession- would she think, well, looks like it's really going to happen to me too so I'd better go with a clean conscience...or is she so utterly pig-headed that she will continue to protest her innocence. Goody, I remember you saying you think Darlie's already confessed to a pastor? It affected Erica Sheppard in a different way- she had given up on her appeals and was preparing for execution, but at the last minute changed her mind and cited a vision of God...

Interesting stuff. I suppose it depends on the psychology of the person.

I don't think she will ever confess, she will continue to protest her innocence. I can imagine the panic setting in though as her pals go to be with Jesus.
britgirl said:
Hi SQV. I wonder what Darlie's mental state is, knowing that her pals' appeals are coming to an end? There are so few women on DR compared to men- a drop in the ocean really- that having one less inmate around must really make a difference. Then again, maybe Darlie doesn't care!

It's been discussed before but I do wonder if the possible imminent execution of a fellow inmate is likely to propel Darlie towards confession- would she think, well, looks like it's really going to happen to me too so I'd better go with a clean conscience...or is she so utterly pig-headed that she will continue to protest her innocence. Goody, I remember you saying you think Darlie's already confessed to a pastor? It affected Erica Sheppard in a different way- she had given up on her appeals and was preparing for execution, but at the last minute changed her mind and cited a vision of God...

Interesting stuff. I suppose it depends on the psychology of the person.
Hi Britgirl-
That was my reasoning behind posting this. There are so few females on DR and they tend to be a close knit family. Same here in CA. There are like 16 or so here and they are all housed in a small contained area at Chowchillia prison...........I know when Karla Faye Tucker was executed, the women went into sort of a combined depression for a while. They only have each other and are isolated from working, exposure to other inmates or limited visitors.........it struck me that 3 of her 'family' of women are coming dangerously close to being executed which is probably making them all a bit nervous and sad.........sad that it will be them someday. How many total on TX dr? Anybody? I did see a total count......

It's my opinion that Darlie will never confess. It just wouldn't serve her to do that. If she were God fearing, she wouldn't have 'killed' in the first place.....So fear of the unknown isn't going to persuade here now. I just can't see how it will help ease her in her anguish. She would know that all of these supporters would then know what a liar and murderer she really was all along...... Nope, she'll never say a word and take her chances in hell...
Do you think she might leave a confession to be read after her death or something (not saying she is or isnt guilty, just hypothesising). Sometimes people start to lie and deceive and quickly get to a point from which they can never return. Say you managed to convince your own mother that you didnt rob her of her own grandchildren and, relying on this as the truth, they had campaigned tirelessly to profess your innocence for years and years. If this is the case with Darlie she'll have done this with her lone son etc. Can you imagine what it would be like if you wanted to come clean before meeting your maker. It would take some guts to do it "Hey Mom/Son, you know I said I didnt stab your granchildren/brothers....well..... If she didnt have the guts to come clean in the first place, I'm not sure she'll have what it takes to face her family before the end.
Britlaw said:
Do you think she might leave a confession to be read after her death or something (not saying she is or isnt guilty, just hypothesising). Sometimes people start to lie and deceive and quickly get to a point from which they can never return. Say you managed to convince your own mother that you didnt rob her of her own grandchildren and, relying on this as the truth, they had campaigned tirelessly to profess your innocence for years and years. If this is the case with Darlie she'll have done this with her lone son etc. Can you imagine what it would be like if you wanted to come clean before meeting your maker. It would take some guts to do it "Hey Mom/Son, you know I said I didnt stab your granchildren/brothers....well..... If she didnt have the guts to come clean in the first place, I'm not sure she'll have what it takes to face her family before the end.

I have no inside info about Darlie, but from all that's taken place so far, I don't think she'll ever admit publicly that she's ever done anything wrong. :twocents:
gentleheart said:

There are currently 9 women on death row in TX.


Thanks for all of the information you bring to WS,

Oh thanks for the info, Gentleheart (and the compliment :blushing: )......I thought there were only a handful, but wasn't sure. This impacts them even more because a third of them will be executed in a relatively short period of time...

Britlaw said:
Do you think she might leave a confession to be read after her death or something (not saying she is or isnt guilty, just hypothesising).
If this was directed at me, no, I don't. I do happen to believe that her mother does know she did this, but that instinct to protect is driving her mother's need to save her flesh and blood. I think they've spoken at depth and that her mother somehow has convinced herself that Darlie did this for 'her own good reasons' of which her mother has come to accept as necessary for the time. I think she just says "the damage is done, now we have to save Darlie". Maybe the sister knows too........BUT THAT IS IT. Oh, and Darin.......

Sometimes people start to lie and deceive and quickly get to a point from which they can never return.
I think she has been able to convince her diehard supporters for this very reason.....You say something enough, you begin to believe your own lies.
Say you managed to convince your own mother that you didnt rob her of her own grandchildren and, relying on this as the truth, they had campaigned tirelessly to profess your innocence for years and years. If this is the case with Darlie she'll have done this with her lone son etc. Can you imagine what it would be like if you wanted to come clean before meeting your maker. It would take some guts to do it "Hey Mom/Son, you know I said I didnt stab your granchildren/brothers....well..... If she didnt have the guts to come clean in the first place, I'm not sure she'll have what it takes to face her family before the end.
Which is exactly why I don't feel she will ever come clean....now or at death. She will leave this world being a Martyr to her supporters......It makes for a better story ending. ;)
I think she has been able to convince her diehard supporters for this very reason.....You say something enough, you begin to believe your own lies.

Yep- I've been saying that about Darlie for years. I don't thik she'll ever confess. I'm convinced on some level she really believes her lies are the truth and that she has been wrongfully convicted.
SanQuentinvisitor said:
Well, Cathy Henderson, Brittany Holberg, and Erica Sheppard are all on the Texas execution "watch list" which means they could possibly be executed the next few years.

Wanna talk about how this will effect Darlie and her mental state? Or not......just wanted to let you all know that her roomies are at the end of their appeals. Darlie shouldn't be too far behind......

That Brittany Holberg is one mean b-----! :eek:
How do you find out when someone is on the watch list?
britgirl said:
Hi SQV. I wonder what Darlie's mental state is, knowing that her pals' appeals are coming to an end? There are so few women on DR compared to men- a drop in the ocean really- that having one less inmate around must really make a difference. Then again, maybe Darlie doesn't care!

It's been discussed before but I do wonder if the possible imminent execution of a fellow inmate is likely to propel Darlie towards confession- would she think, well, looks like it's really going to happen to me too so I'd better go with a clean conscience...or is she so utterly pig-headed that she will continue to protest her innocence. Goody, I remember you saying you think Darlie's already confessed to a pastor? It affected Erica Sheppard in a different way- she had given up on her appeals and was preparing for execution, but at the last minute changed her mind and cited a vision of God...

Interesting stuff. I suppose it depends on the psychology of the person.
A pastor who was close to some family member befriended her after the murders and visited her a huge number of times while she was in the country jail before her trial. Can't remember how many but I recally being very surprised at the number. I wouldn't stake my life on it, but I will bet that she did. It seems like something was said one time that indicated it was a good possibility but I can't remember now what gave me that impression. For some reason, I am thinking it came from Darin's cousin who was quoted a couple of times of implying or coming right out and saying he thought her to be guilty. Probably in one of the books since there is not much other outside info available to us.

As for Darlie being effected by other women getting put to death, you bet your sweet bippy she is scared. Scared feces-less if you ask me. Who wouldn't be except maybe that idiot Moussoui!
SanQuentinvisitor said:
Hi Britgirl-
It's my opinion that Darlie will never confess. It just wouldn't serve her to do that. If she were God fearing, she wouldn't have 'killed' in the first place.....So fear of the unknown isn't going to persuade here now. I just can't see how it will help ease her in her anguish. She would know that all of these supporters would then know what a liar and murderer she really was all along...... Nope, she'll never say a word and take her chances in hell...
Darlie did demonstrate religious beliefs before the murders so I don't think it is fair to assume she isn't godfearing. I don't think she ever was devout but I think she probably had normal Christian beliefs. How that played into the crime, I don't know. History is filled with godfearing folks killing people, sometimes even in the name of God, so I don't know how accurate that bar you set is in this respect. :waitasec:
Britlaw said:
Do you think she might leave a confession to be read after her death or something (not saying she is or isnt guilty, just hypothesising). Sometimes people start to lie and deceive and quickly get to a point from which they can never return. Say you managed to convince your own mother that you didnt rob her of her own grandchildren and, relying on this as the truth, they had campaigned tirelessly to profess your innocence for years and years. If this is the case with Darlie she'll have done this with her lone son etc. Can you imagine what it would be like if you wanted to come clean before meeting your maker. It would take some guts to do it "Hey Mom/Son, you know I said I didnt stab your granchildren/brothers....well..... If she didnt have the guts to come clean in the first place, I'm not sure she'll have what it takes to face her family before the end.
I think Darlie's mother and sisters know she is guilty, they just can't admit it publicly. They want to save her life, and who can blame them for that?

I don't think they see her as a monster though. Someone here said DK said one time that if Darlie did do it, she would forgive her. I am sure that she has come to terms with whatever outside influences she believes drove her daughter to do such a deed. They can't bring the boys back. All they can do is try to save Darlie.

Once Darlie's appeals are denied and she knows she is not getting a new trial, that is when she will start facing reality and decide whether to come clean or not. Until then she will looking at getting that new trial. As long as she thinks she has a chance at freedom, she isn't going to cave. She is a risk taker and risk takers will go pretty far out on a limb if they think have have a chance at winning.
Jeana (DP) said:
I have no inside info about Darlie, but from all that's taken place so far, I don't think she'll ever admit publicly that she's ever done anything wrong. :twocents:
Do you think she will go to her grave leaving Darin flapping in the wind under a cloud of suspicion?

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