Darlie Routier's Appeals & Court Rulings

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Bhodirasta said:
My grandfather knew that man well. Thought and knew he was guilty from day one. My grandparents literally lived right around the bend from Mockingbird Lane. I used to sneak over there and stare at the house when I was a kiddo. My grandma knew Pricilla quite well. Just shows ya what money can buy... :bang: :sick:
This was my first real look at how bad money and power can really be...


Pricilla (and Darlie) are both proof positive that money can't buy good taste. Two of the tackiest women ever.
camillllla said:
Hi everyone!

I dont know if this thread is still active, but I just wanted to say that DP is doing a great job at informing about this case. There is of course tons more to read, the transcripts for example. There is also a new site coming, with photos, including autopsy and some crime scene photos. However, it will be a pro-Darlie site, so what is there in addition to the transcripts is there to try to convince veiwers that she is innocent.
The site is not ready for public access as I am writing this, but here is the llink: www.routiertranscripts.com ( you ARE allowed to access the transcripts now, and on the top of the page there is a link to the main site with the photos etc, hopefully coming soon)

DP and I know quite a lot about this case so if you have any questions we will do our best to answer them. (My area of 'expertise' in this case is the blood and fiber and crime scene photos. )

So if any of you have any doubt about her guilt, we'll convince you that she is, and why she is, guilty as charged !! :D


Convince me, convince me. LOL Just kidding you two. It's me fugi. GAC must be shut.
cami said:
Convince me, convince me. LOL Just kidding you two. It's me fugi. GAC must be shut.

I was just about to pick up my transcript and my MTJD and arm myself!! LOL Welcome Fugi!! I don't know what happened to GAC?????
Jeana (DP) said:
The doctor said he would have released her immediately had it not been for the media hype. He thought she wouldn't get any rest because they were hounding her and remember at that time, they thought she was really odd, but not a suspect.

They were burried in the same coffin with Swiss Army Knives. Their parents said that they always wanted them, so now they've got them. I guess they didn't realize how the rest of the world would interpret this (and other) acts in the days and weeks after the murders.

Don't worry about not knowing enough to know all this crap! Sometimes I wish I didn't!!!
My theory, after studying this case, is that the husband battered Darlie and gave her the bruises, which led to her killing her children in a fit of rage, or possibly revenge against him. They had some physical fights before, I had read. And I am familiar with abused wives who then take it out on the kids. This is simply an extreme case of the same thing. It was clearly a rage killing, that's for sure. But he caused the bruises, in my opinion, setting off that chain of events. Hence him being so quiet about what he knows, most likely. Make any sense??
NewMom2003 said:
Jeana, you've given a wonderful synopsis here of Darlie's various "stories". :clap:

I've seen a few shows on tv (American Justice, etc.) about the Routier case, but I've never read any of the books. It's very hard for me to read about children being murdered (books about Susan Smith almost did me in). I don't know enough about this case to know if she's guilty or not.

Anyway, my questions is about the bruises on her arms. In one of the shows I saw, they showed pictures of Darlie in the hospital with these horrible bruises. They interviewed one of the jurors that said the pictures were never shown to them in court. They also went on to say that the nurses that treated her lied on the stand about her emotional state and bruises. What do you make of this.

I don't feel the AJ program is a good outlet for the Routier case. It's entertainment after all and not journalism. It's geared to her innocence if you ask me. Invisible Intruder on Medical Detectives is the best documentary to watch if you can ever find it. It covers the forensics, the blood evidence. That cast-off blood is a real eye opener and it was for me. I was on the fence until I saw this program and it threw me right off in to the guilty side of the yard.

Both Pros and Def attorneys agree that all the photos of her bruises were shown to the jury.

I don't know about the nurses. The way I see it is the focus notes are bound by law and doctor/patient confidentiality which extends to nurses I think. They can only report on the patient's wellbeing and the course of treatment in their notes and not their personal opinions. On the witness stand, they were voicing their personal opinions and observations of Darlie when she was their patient. As for the lying about the bruises, it's only Darlie's family and Darin that have made that accusation.

Those arm bruises are very strange. No weapon pattern. How do you bruise your arm in one complete bruise from wrist to armpit? Very strange.
DK, they did have a fight that night. They said it was not "physical," but they "said" a lot of things that turned out to be lies. She asked him for a separation that night. Her mother, lawyers, and supporters all thought this was a big enough deal that they lied about it before, during and after the trial. Her mother told me the truth though and then lied about even telling me that. It wasn't until the appeal was filed and affidavits came out that Darin confessed that they had argued and she asked him for a separation. So, while I don't remember hearing about them ever having a "physical" fight, I tend to believe it was the case. I seem to recall that Darlie has been diagnosed as having a histronic personality (let's hope I'm not getting her confused with Diane Downs). Anyway, I believe that Darin was completely "P-whipped" and Darlie was pretty used to being able to throw a temper tantrum and running her mouth and Darin would usually cave in and give her what she wanted. Its been my theory that this particular time, he probably told her to "f" off. She flew into a rage and murdered the boys.
lisafremont said:
Jeana, I've got a case for you! They just began jury selection. It's the trial of Daniel Pelosi for the murder of Ted Ammon. I started a thread and have posted some links to newsarticles.

It's got money, sex and mystery. Come on over!

I didn't really want to comment on your post, just your Peterson thingy, I don't know what you call it, I LOVE IT, aaaaahahahahahaah it's great.
cami said:
Those arm bruises are very strange. No weapon pattern. How do you bruise your arm in one complete bruise from wrist to armpit? Very strange.

I think they were caused by Darin pinning her arms down with his legs during the fight.
Fugi, now that you're here, check out the rest of Websleuths!! You're going to be drawn into conversations you've never dreamed of having on the internet. There are good people here! I think you'll like it a lot better than GAC.
Jeana (DP) said:
DK, they did have a fight that night. They said it was not "physical," but they "said" a lot of things that turned out to be lies. She asked him for a separation that night. Her mother, lawyers, and supporters all thought this was a big enough deal that they lied about it before, during and after the trial. Her mother told me the truth though and then lied about even telling me that. It wasn't until the appeal was filed and affidavits came out that Darin confessed that they had argued and she asked him for a separation. So, while I don't remember hearing about them ever having a "physical" fight, I tend to believe it was the case. I seem to recall that Darlie has been diagnosed as having a histronic personality (let's hope I'm not getting her confused with Diane Downs). Anyway, I believe that Darin was completely "P-whipped" and Darlie was pretty used to being able to throw a temper tantrum and running her mouth and Darin would usually cave in and give her what she wanted. Its been my theory that this particular time, he probably told her to "f" off. She flew into a rage and murdered the boys.
I read that they were at some party and got into a huge fight that apparently caused some pushing and shoving, if my memory serves me right, which isn't a guarantee, lol! But I remember that is what led me to theorize he had battered her that night, causing the bruises, and sending her into the rage against the boys, and keeping him very quiet about it all.
DK, you must be referring to another argument. They were not at a party the night of the murders. There was one fight they had that should have been a huge red flag and 20/20 eyesight into Darlie's personality. At Darin's graduation party, she was not getting the attention she apparently needed and wanted to leave. He did not want to go, so she went without him. According to the "source," she came back to the party not too long after she left, claiming to have been attacked by someone. Of course, this got the attention focused back on her (where it apparently belonged) and she got her way. I think she had an awful lot of that over the years - until the night of the murders anyway.
Jeana (DP) said:
DK, you must be referring to another argument. They were not at a party the night of the murders. There was one fight they had that should have been a huge red flag and 20/20 eyesight into Darlie's personality. At Darin's graduation party, she was not getting the attention she apparently needed and wanted to leave. He did not want to go, so she went without him. According to the "source," she came back to the party not too long after she left, claiming to have been attacked by someone. Of course, this got the attention focused back on her (where it apparently belonged) and she got her way. I think she had an awful lot of that over the years - until the night of the murders anyway.
Yes, I meant another arguement, that showed how bad their fights got. This is from Crimelibary.com:

"Roots of domestic problems surfaced. Celebrants at a Christmas party silently watched as Darlie and Darin argued violently when Darlie danced too many times with another man."

Guess you can interpret "violently" how you wish. But another fight like that the night of the murders, and it would be enough for her to snap and teach him a lesson, so to speak. It was also said she was losing interest in her kids as well as her patience with them. Maybe they said or did something during or after her fight with him that caused her to finally snap.
You're absolutely right DK!! I lived about 5 minutes away from them when the murders happened. There are a lot of people who talk still about this case. I've heard that the boys used to stand outside and beg her to be allowed to come back into the house. She'd lock them out. Darin said she was a "cleanaholic," or some such nonsense. IIf even half of the rumors that I've heard are true, she deserves to be jailed on child negligect charges alone.
I really believe she is guilty then the sock they found down the street makes me wonder.
Can you explain this to me. Thank you.
Jeana (DP) said:
Fugi, now that you're here, check out the rest of Websleuths!! You're going to be drawn into conversations you've never dreamed of having on the internet. There are good people here! I think you'll like it a lot better than GAC.

Okay will do. I just hope I can contribute. Thanks DP!

Still no GAC, LOL. I guess we broke it!
Jeana (DP) said:
I think they were caused by Darin pinning her arms down with his legs during the fight.

When I first saw that arm, I thought it was bruised due to the trauma to the forearm bone!!! I've had that happen to me before. But then when I saw how massive it was and black, it looked more like blood settling! Then I thought it was slammed down on something, now I can honestly say I haven't a clue. LOl
Quick - one of us has to go to medical school so we can figure this darned thing out!!! LOL I've heard other explanations that sound plausible, so I'm kinda with you - I go back and forth.
sassy_texasbelle2 said:
I really believe she is guilty then the sock they found down the street makes me wonder.
Can you explain this to me. Thank you.

Not me, ST. I haven't a clue about that sock. Some think she needed to get rid of it, some think it was planted in an attempt to incriminate the homeowners near where it was found. I know the authorities believe it was left there in an attempt to stage by Darlie but I don't have a clue what she might have been staging it out there for. Maybe DP or Camilla have a better explanation than me.
sassy_texasbelle2 said:
I really believe she is guilty then the sock they found down the street makes me wonder.
Can you explain this to me. Thank you.

Who me???? If yes, I'll try. It depends on who you ask. Some think Darlie put it there herself. I don't have my photos up here with me, but there is one photograph taken inside the house by the front door. Half propped up against a trunk that is inside by the door is a pair of Darin's tennis shoes. HI-TOPPED tennis shoes. However, the laces are done up all the way. Some theorize that its impossible for the actual owner of the shoe to get his foot out unless the laces are undone to a certain degree. I've heard supporters say its possible. I played basketball in school and I can tell you, I had to unlace mine to get my foot out. Darlie's foot is much smaller than Darin's foot, so if she wore his shoes when she went outside to place the sock, there would have been no need for her to unlace these shoes. There is also a nice spot of blood dropplets that says someone stood by that door for longer than just a second. Darin's sock was used at some point during the murders as it contained DNA from Darlie and blood from the boys.

Then, there are other people who think Darin put the sock out there to help Darlie cover up. Darin and Darlie cannot seem to even agree whether Darin (a) heard Darlie's screams and then came down stairs; or (b) heard the glass break and then came down stairs or (c) whether he heard glass break and then heard Darlie scream and then came down stairs.

Darlie and Darin also can't seem to agree on what Darin was wearing when he came down stairs. Darin claims to sleep in the nude (which to me is strange on its own). When you've got an infant in the house that you expect to wake you up sometime in the middle of the night, most parents I've talked to say they wear something to bed. Anyway, Darin at one point says that he came downstairs wearing nothing but his glasses, which he cannot see without. Then, another time, I read somewhere that he said that he put the glasses and the pants on. Then another time I read that he just put the pants on.

When you've got not one, but two people who continually tell different stories to different people, its hard to say with any degree of specificity what exactly happened. The fact is that Darin failed miserably on the lie detector tests. According to whom you believe, so did Darlie. Darlie also had hypnosis type regression therapy, which also must have hurt her, since we're not hearing much about it.

The bottom line for me was the tiny blood dropplets on the back shoulder of the shirt she slept in that night. Sure, most people say that it was cast off blood as she raised the knife again and again, but what troubles me is the fact that this mother of three didn't have any other blood on her. What loving mother would just stand there and watch the life drain out of her babies? How could you keep a mother away? Wouldn't most mothers at least be trying to stop the bleeding? Wouldn't most mothers at least hold and comfort their dying children? Talk to them? Tell them you're there with them? Not just stand there and watch as the police officer tells her not once, not twice, but THREE times to put pressure on the wounds!!!! She just stood there. No. Darlie Routier should have been covered with blood because she was cradling the boys in her arms and telling them that she's there with them and she loved them. A few specks of blood on the back of her nightshirt spoke louder to me than anything else.
Jeana (DP) said:
Thanks for coming over Camilla. I'm hoping to get the discussion going once the Peterson case wraps up. Between the end of that case and the Lori Hackings murder trial (if there even is one), we'll need a good case to talk about. In the meantime, please feel free to post any links or other information that might get things started.

We've also got some posters here that are interested in the West Memphis Three case. Do you know of that one?

Jeana: I haven't read this whole thread yet, I stopped when I read this post. I followed this case minimally, but have always been very interested in it. Not just the murders, the their whole life style, the money, her behavior at the graves, etc. I don't know all the details and would love if you started this topic. I think there would be enough interest. Are you game?


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