GUILTY DC - David Messerschmitt, 30, murdered in Washington hotel room, 9 Feb 2015 #1

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I am still wondering why LE checked The Donovan to see if he was there.
A) Wife had access to his CC and saw a charge
B) He has stayed there before (and someone knew about it)
C) His phone pings were obtained (super fast).
Since the hotel is only approximately three miles from the family home, and it is in a large city, I would rule out phone pings to the exact location. That would leave open the possibility of A or B and A (find out if the credit cards have been used) is one of the first things LE would do in a missing persons case.

Thanks - and with that it appears rather obvious why he was there. Question remains who else knew, and if he was indeed meeting with someone, who did they tell. Unless the perpetrator is the one meeting with DM in the room, someone else knew....


It makes me wonder more about the last txt (or texts to his wife).

Was it just "I'll be home in a couple hours" or was anything else mentioned?

I wonder what he said (if he said anything) about what he was doing?
If he did, I wonder if it was honest, non-specific or "cover-up-ish" since he was at the hotel at that time. I said "honest" in that he may have not known what he was really there for (when it could have been something he thought wouldn't involve trick-turning). But him renting the room makes that less likely.
Adding to my previous post #417...

I think the additional items (condoms, lubricant and enema) were omitted from initial police "verbal" reports to the press... which helped to protect the victim/his family. Once the search warrant became public, well, there's nothing left to hide. (imo)
I'll bet my last dollar The Donovan" management is in full damage control too.
I'll bet my last dollar The Donovan" management is in full damage control too.
I agree. Guests will not feel safe if it is deemed that a total stranger (who the victim did not know nor requested services from) came up to his room and killed him. So they could have planted things as well. Or what if a hotel worker had sent the poi over there to have sex with the victim but things turned bad. Either way, the hotel can be held civily liable since a murder took place in their establishment. People and any lawyer in the yellow pages will quickly sue this 4 star hotel. Because it's the American way. Lol
I agree. Guests will not feel safe if it is deemed that a total stranger (who the victim did not know nor requested services from) came up to his room and killed him. So they could have planted things as well. Or what if a hotel worker had sent the poi over there to have sex with the victim but things turned bad. Either way, the hotel can be held civily liable since a murder took place in their establishment. People will tend to sue a 4 star hotel before suing the dump motel by the truckstop.

Still, I don't think it was a "total stranger" (or at least someone whose services weren't solicited). He rented a room when he was going to be home in a couple hours (per the txt from wife).
DM may have been quickly located at The Donovan via tracking his phone or auto.

About the timeline, wife last saw him on Sunday ~ had she been working overnight & was not home until after he left for the office on Monday? Has it been revealed whether they had any other contact before the be home soon text? What time did he check in & what time was the text to his wife?

Obviously, I am late catching up ~ has there been an actual timeline posted anywhere?
I agree. Guests will not feel safe if it is deemed that a total stranger (who the victim did not know nor requested services from) came up to his room and killed him. So they could have planted things as well. Or what if a hotel worker had sent the poi over there to have sex with the victim but things turned bad. Either way, the hotel can be held civily liable since a murder took place in their establishment. People and any lawyer in the yellow pages will quickly sue this 4 star hotel. Because it's the American way. Lol
And this makes the answer to the following even more important: Was DM "involved" with someone, or was he just meeting someone for the first time, perhaps arranged by a 3rd party?

I agree. Guests will not feel safe if it is deemed that a total stranger (who the victim did not know nor requested services from) came up to his room and killed him. So they could have planted things as well. Or what if a hotel worker had sent the poi over there to have sex with the victim but things turned bad. Either way, the hotel can be held civily liable since a murder took place in their establishment. People and any lawyer in the yellow pages will quickly sue this 4 star hotel. Because it's the American way. Lol

I don't think management planted anything, but having a down-low hookup on Capitol Hill isn't new. No matter the situation, he was brutally murdered and I hope the perp is found.
And this makes the answer to the following even more important: Was DM "involved" with someone, or was he just meeting someone for the first time, perhaps arranged by a 3rd party?

Exactly. If he spoke directly to a staff member to arrange this tryst then LE will not find anything in his computer. Some of these hotel workers are from impoverished parts of town and could have seedy connections. Now I doubt that a hotel worker would have wanted this to happen; But once it did there was nothing that they could do without implicating themselves. Especially if they dont actually know the poi because they went through a friend of a friend of a friend.
I wonder if it was an in-law that he was fooling around with or an in-law used this way to trap him for some reason or another? The person in the video footage looks like they could be SE-Asian.
If she had family around, that would be possible. If she immigrated herself, not as likely.
If the POI is related to the family in any way, then LE would know that by now, I'd expect. It's been over a week since they released the video to the public for help in identifying the suspicious person (on Feb. 11).

Also, DM and his wife had been married since 2012, but had been together since they were undergrads at Ohio State University. (
After dwelling on this case a bit, here are my present hypotheses:
*Someone, aside from the Perp, knew he was there; a colleague, relative, etc.
*This wasn't a trick that went bad, the Perp went to the appointment with the intent to kill (The video showing the Perp entering the hotel looks like someone getting ready for a physical act. Getting pumped up, etc.
*I am almost 100% convinced the Perp is male and Polynesian or Asian, but I'm seeing Islander
*My guess is this is a bouncer, or someone like that. Around the fringes of adult entertainment; might even be a stripper himself
*Probably transsexual
*The murder was payback for someone the victim might have hurt or injured in a previous meeting
*If anything was robbed, it was a secondary act; the prime intent was murder
*The wife knew of his proclivity, probably turned a blind eye
*Perp was probably "brought in" to commit the murder, and has most likely left the area immediately. NYC? (Approx. 4 hours drive time); looked like a "pro" hit

I think it would be very interesting to carefully study the cameras a week leading up to the murder, including the cameras on the outside of the building. I think we might find our Perp conducting a "dry run". All speculation, of course.
Exactly. If he spoke directly to a staff member to arrange this tryst then LE will not find anything in his computer. Some of these hotel workers are from impoverished parts of town and could have seedy connections. Now I doubt that a hotel worker would have wanted this to happen; But once it did there was nothing that they could do without implicating themselves. Especially if they dont actually know the poi because they went through a friend of a friend of a friend.

I can not believe that DM had a staff member or assistant arrange this. Straight, gay or other. IMO
So this is all getting tedious, so I'm going to wait until there is an arrest. However it crossed my mind after reading the glowing obituary, that no matter his "pedigree", fancy prestigious education, prestigious law firm he worked for, at the end of the day, most people will remember him the way he died.

I tell ya, it's not the way to go.
I can not believe that DM had a staff member or assistant arrange this. Straight, gay or other. IMO
Many hotels, upscale or otherwise, will turn a blind eye and some will even make arrangements for their guests. The sad truth in this case, however, is whether he was with someone he knew (in a relationship) or someone arranged for him, no one is going to want to come forward.

Many hotels, upscale or otherwise, will turn a blind eye and some will even make arrangements for their guests. The sad truth in this case, however, is whether he was with someone he knew (in a relationship) or someone arranged for him, no one is going to want to come forward.


No doubt a hotel will "spoil" regulars with perks. I was talking about his own assistant or associate from his firm.
No doubt a hotel will "spoil" regulars with perks. I was talking about his own assistant or associate from his firm.

I know of some admins who facilitate, and others who quit when asked to assist with such tasks. If you want to know the dirt, ask an Admin, they know everything. Everything.
Just my two cents after reading as much as I could (while the Oscars are on) - but IMO this was not DM's first hotel room/hook up thing, I think he's been doing it for a while (probably some *advertiser censored* site). Somebody knew he lived this way and wanted it stopped, I think. No robbery only adds to that for me. Plus, I 100% feel this POI was notified when to go into the hotel, most likely hired by someone, JMO. Hope this doesn't offend, but to me, it wasn't anybody that cared about him or they wouldn't have left those sex items in view. From what I've read, he sounds like a great person to know, no matter what his preferences were - just a good guy. But somebody wasn't happy with him.
So this is all getting tedious, so I'm going to wait until there is an arrest. However it crossed my mind after reading the glowing obituary, that no matter his "pedigree", fancy prestigious education, prestigious law firm he worked for, at the end of the day, most people will remember him the way he died.

I tell ya, it's not the way to go.

Unfortunately, this is so very true. Reminds me of David Carradine....
Unfortunately, this is so very true. Reminds me of David Carradine....

Yes, and the lead singer from INXS. Just too sad that regular loving wasn't enough - not saying that's the case here, but I do totally believe David wanted to be with men sometimes. It's not that rare; most guys can't afford a $300 hotel room when the mood hits, though. Was nice for him that he could do that, shower, then go home like he's had a long day at the office. Things like this usually catch up with someone. As far as the perp, I think it was a woman and if not his sig other, it was someone who was mad about it. JMO, but that person on video TO ME looked like someone on a mission, not someone from an ad.
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