GUILTY DC - David Messerschmitt, 30, murdered in Washington hotel room, 9 Feb 2015 #1

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Yes, and the lead singer from INXS. Just too sad that regular loving wasn't enough - not saying that's the case here, but I do totally believe David wanted to be with men sometimes. It's not that rare; most guys can't afford a $300 hotel room when the mood hits, though. Was nice for him that he could do that, shower, then go home like he's had a long day at the office. Things like this usually catch up with someone. As far as the perp, I think it was a woman and if not his sig other, it was someone who was mad about it. JMO, but that person on video TO ME looked like someone on a mission, not someone from an ad.
Agree, someone who knew he was in that room and why...and was sent to put an end to it. Someone who wanted the items LE found, someone who wanted total humiliation for DM. Who could he have disgraced in such a way that he would be found as he was?

Many married couples have separate accounts.
My husband and I have a couple that are shared and a couple that are not.
I have one card he couldn't check if I went missing.
He has one that I couldn't check if he went missing.
Our shared ones we could both check.

There is no guarantee that the wife had access to any of his accounts. :twocents:

I also have to think it is creepy that his name means "knife smith" originally.
What a coincidence that someone chose to kill him like THAT. :twocents:
Agree, someone who knew he was in that room and why...and was sent to put an end to it. Someone who wanted the items LE found, someone who wanted total humiliation for DM. Who could he have disgraced in such a way that he would be found as he was?


I think we have been tiptoeing around this very question. I'll assume LE is ruling out various people by means of polygraph.
I think we have been tiptoeing around this very question. I'll assume LE is ruling out various people by means of polygraph.

Thank you, WSers, for all your thoughtful posts. They provoke new ideas and I hadn't thought that possible with how little new is known in this case. The method of death, backstabbing, keeps nagging at me. Could that be a factor in the motive. The legal profession is competitive throughout. It makes for ruthlessly competitive people, however personable, it is par for the course, in many cases. Going off your various posts with some pure speculation:

It does seem more than rage on the spot, based on the POI going up to the room, if nothing else, especially the timing of when she went up. A few minutes after David sent his wife the 'home in an hour' (made up phrasing) text (7:34), the POI goes up (7:40ish). So the POI, I agree, had to be alerted by somebody either watching David's room or in the lobby waiting for whomever may have been in the room with him to leave. My vote for the watcher person would be darkly clad person who appears over the POI's shoulder at the beginning of the video and hovers around there as the POI goes toward the stairwell. If the POI had been alerted to the David being alone somehow, then POI must have been close to the hotel.

Whomever arranged for this murder and executed it knew where David would be; knew when he had company; knew who the company was; knew when this company left; and, knew when to strike. Nothing about this says spontaneous. Whether the rage was caused by David or brought to the scene by some nutty cross dressing perp with too big shoes out to get somebody that night or because David may have been with somebody the perp cared about, this seems to me the result of brewing rage whatever caused the rage.

I can see David opening the door to the voice of a women if he had just been with a woman. Or, the person who was with him may have had him subdued before the POI entered the room. This person sent David's wife the text, then the POI went up and finished the task once that person left. Maybe they handed off the key card to the POI or not. LE would have the video of the POI entering and existing the room and even video of the person in David's room before POI, most likely.
Thank you, WSers, for all your thoughtful posts. They provoke new ideas and I hadn't thought that possible with how little new is known in this case. The method of death, backstabbing, keeps nagging at me. Could that be a factor in the motive. The legal profession is competitive throughout. It makes for ruthlessly competitive people, however personable, it is par for the course, in many cases. Going off your various posts with some pure speculation:

It does seem more than rage on the spot, based on the POI going up to the room, if nothing else, especially the timing of when she went up. A few minutes after David sent his wife the 'home in an hour' (made up phrasing) text (7:34), the POI goes up (7:40ish). So the POI, I agree, had to be alerted by somebody either watching David's room or in the lobby waiting for whomever may have been in the room with him to leave. My vote for the watcher person would be darkly clad person who appears over the POI's shoulder at the beginning of the video and hovers around there as the POI goes toward the stairwell. If the POI had been alerted to the David being alone somehow, then POI must have been close to the hotel.

Whomever arranged for this murder and executed it knew where David would be; knew when he had company; knew who the company was; knew when this company left; and, knew when to strike. Nothing about this says spontaneous. Whether the rage was caused by David or brought to scene by some nutty cross dressing perp with too big shoes out to get somebody that night or because David may have been with somebody the perp cared about, this seems to me the result of brewing rage whatever caused the rage.

I can see David opening the door to the voice of a women if he had just been with a woman. Or the person who was with him had him subdued before the POI entered the room. This person sent David's wife the text, then the POI went up and finished the task once that person left. Maybe they handed off the key card to the POI or not. LE would have the video of the POI entering and existing the room and even video of the person in David's room before POI, most likely.

good points! I did find it odd that the poi, while standing in front of the elevator, notices the figure in the background but doesn't seem to pay them any mind. I would have expected poi to look over their shoulder to make sure no one was approaching but that doesn't happen. I hadn't put it together so much but they very well could have been in collusion which required a whole lot of planning.
good points! I did find it odd that the poi, while standing in front of the elevator, notices the figure in the background but doesn't seem to pay them any mind. I would have expected poi to look over their shoulder to make sure no one was approaching but that doesn't happen. I hadn't put it together so much but they very well could have been in collusion which required a whole lot of planning.

Yes, too much planning, it seems, and hopefully not enough. To free speculate some more... My first take (.25 speed every portion reviewed and reviewed) on the video was that the POI was out of their depth. The dark clad guy who'd been hovering around that end, by the hotel entrance, before the POI enters is just over her shoulder, then there again just as the POI comes back from the elevators, then the watcher walks away and turns his back, odd non-interactive hovering that doesn't seem natural, to me, more like concern and instructional.

The watcher person was a witness, at least, who saw the POI face to face, watched her as she entered the hotel, his gaze following the POI. The watcher walked toward her three times at least, in view on the video, and walked away from POI, to look outside at the cars, walking from side to side, like a doorman, as the POI went to the stairwell. Was the watcher a doorman who saw who came and went? If he was, then why the same kind of gait as the POI and same kind of bulky face covered clothing, maybe just the weather? Why did LE release the video of person of interest ¨1¨? Are there more? There may be.

So, that would mean at least two people involved, if this suspicion about the watcher person is correct. The question would be who David was with before 7:34 pm, since he seems to have checked in at 5:30 pm? It could have been a woman. A woman was reported to have been questioned in MSM. Now, if it was a woman with David before the POI goes up, and this woman who was with David had nothing to do with David's murder, she leaves, then a lookout lets the POI know to go up when the woman comes down. The POI being a woman too, tricks David into opening the door. But then, how do you explain the backstabbing? Maybe the lookout person, if they exist as such, got to David to subdue or kill him before the POI got there? It still seems to me the POI was there to do the backstabbing. Why else? To "strew" stuff?
Yes, too much planning, it seems, and hopefully not enough. To free speculate some more... My first take (.25 speed every portion reviewed and reviewed) on the video was that the POI was out of their depth. The dark clad guy who'd been hovering around that end, by the hotel entrance, before the POI enters is just over her shoulder, then there again just as the POI comes back from the elevators, then the watcher walks away and turns his back, odd non-interactive hovering that doesn't seem natural, to me, more like concern and instructional.

The watcher person was a witness, at least, who saw the POI face to face, watched her as she entered the hotel, his gaze following the POI. The watcher walked toward her three times at least, in view on the video, and walked away from POI, to look outside at the cars, walking from side to side, like a doorman, as the POI went to the stairwell. Was the watcher a doorman who saw who came and went? If he was, then why the same kind of gait as the POI and same kind of bulky face covered clothing, maybe just the weather? Why did LE release the video of person of interest ¨1¨? Are there more? There may be.

So, that would mean at least two people involved, if this suspicion about the watcher person is correct. The question would be who David was with before 7:34 pm, since he seems to have checked in at 5:30 pm? It could have been a woman. A woman was reported to have been questioned in MSM. Now, if it was a woman with David before the POI goes up, and this woman who was with David had nothing to do with David's murder, she leaves, then a lookout lets the POI know to go up when the woman comes down. The POI being a woman too, tricks David into opening the door. But then, how do you explain the backstabbing? Maybe the lookout person, if they exist as such, got to David to subdue or kill him before the POI got there? It still seems to me the POI was there to do the backstabbing. Why else? To "strew" stuff?

Perhaps POI also had a gun, pointed it at him, and ordered him to turn him around so he/she could then stab him in the back. Have you ever watched hidden camera shows about arranged murders? Usually they ask, "how do you want it done?" If this was a hit, the person could have said, "stab him in the back."
Yes, and the lead singer from INXS. Just too sad that regular loving wasn't enough - not saying that's the case here, but I do totally believe David wanted to be with men sometimes. It's not that rare; most guys can't afford a $300 hotel room when the mood hits, though. Was nice for him that he could do that, shower, then go home like he's had a long day at the office. Things like this usually catch up with someone. As far as the perp, I think it was a woman and if not his sig other, it was someone who was mad about it. JMO, but that person on video TO ME looked like someone on a mission, not someone from an ad.

No offense meant toward you, but I'm queer and know a little about "straight" hook-ups.

Carradine and Hutchence (sp?) were both purportedly victims of auto-erotic asphyxia (getting turned-on by having your air/blood cut off).

If there is some kind of fetish involving getting stabbed to death, no one is around to have documented it.
I have something to say about the relationship (or records of such) too...

My parents are BOTH (father moreso than mother) crazy as f^ck. They're both Doctors (father PhD, mother MD) but my dad has a "spending" (or lack thereof) fetish. My mom had to get separate accounts so she could spend "her" money. Literally.

Last night, I had to walk AROUND their house (an extra couple-hundred feet in total darkness since lighting costs money and would be noticed if it was purchased) to get into their house.
How does the back door waste more heat (set in the 50's - or at least that's what it gets up to) than the front?

So spouses can (and cannot) hide certain things from one another.
No offense meant toward you, but I'm queer and know a little about "straight" hook-ups.

Carradine and Hutchence (sp?) were both purportedly victims of auto-erotic asphyxia (getting turned-on by having your air/blood cut off).

If there is some kind of fetish involving getting stabbed to death, no one is around to have documented it.

bbm, I must say that I appreciate you using this word and not the other. Thank You.
I have something to say about the relationship (or records of such) too...

My parents are BOTH (father moreso than mother) crazy as f^ck. They're both Doctors (father PhD, mother MD) but my dad has a "spending" (or lack thereof) fetish. My mom had to get separate accounts so she could spend "her" money. Literally.

Last night, I had to walk AROUND their house (an extra couple-hundred feet in total darkness since lighting costs money and would be noticed if it was purchased) to get into their house.
How does the back door waste more heat (set in the 50's - or at least that's what it gets up to) than the front?

So spouses can (and cannot) hide certain things from one another.

As much as this thread is not funny at all...
Your post made me laugh. I have an uncle who must be your father's twin.
No heat, very little lighting, minimal really is a sickness. My aunt had lived her entire life shrouded in silly secrecy. For the fear of him finding out she got a haircut or bought an extra piece of chicken.

Thank you for your straight forward posts.
bbm, I must say that I appreciate you using this word and not the other. Thank You.

I ain't that down with internet lingo, but what does BBM mean?

I can only think of bisexual-black-male. If that's not the case, I'm a 35-yr/old cracker with a head injury back in the day and dunno WTF that means. Seriously.
As much as this thread is not funny at all...
Your post made me laugh. I have an uncle who must be your father's twin.
No heat, very little lighting, minimal really is a sickness. My aunt had lived her entire life shrouded in silly secrecy. For the fear of him finding out she got a haircut or bought an extra piece of chicken.

Thank you for your straight forward posts.

But they both are DOCTORS. I'm not bragging about that part, but shouldn't EACH know a little better than that?

There are educated "idiots" in all of our social levels.
I ain't that down with internet lingo, but what does BBM mean?

I can only think of bisexual-black-male. If that's not the case, I'm a 35-yr/old cracker with a head injury back in the day and dunno WTF that means. Seriously.

bbm, bolded by me. It's a way to highlight what you are responding to in a post.
But they both are DOCTORS. I'm not bragging about that part, but shouldn't EACH know a little better than that?

There are educated "idiots" in all of our social levels.

My uncle was a secret service man. My aunt a high level international excutive.
Book smarts will only take one so far. IMO
In your opinion and if you had to guess...
Would you say hook-up gone wrong? Or a complete set up to shame DM and family?
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