DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #3

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Just the past day I have heard from the press or TV that Tatum also purchased a shovel. Why can't these news sources state what the man bought in it's entirety. First I heard industrial bags only! Then the bags and lime!! And now it's the bags, lime and shovel!!!

I still think he meant to hide Relisha and resume his life. I still think he purchased the lime as a caustic to mask what he had done to the child if she was recovered. Lime also heats up and perhaps accelerates decomposition. I think his wife put two and two together and realized Relisha was killed and freaked and Tatum killed her. At that point he panicked and probably realized there was no going back.

He left his dead wife for the world to find in a hotel room. Why go back to a park to move Relisha? Why hide her someplace else? IMO he went back to the park to relive the time he had had with the child. To be close to her before he killed himself.


I think some of them did report that earlier - not sure why they all didn't continue to report it in its entirety.

I agree with you regarding your theory of events... unfortunately. :(
Can anyone tell if all these pics are of the same horse? Maybe he worked there before his job as a janitor at the shelter?

Two different horses, one just has a star and is bay, the other has a star and a snip and is chestnut.

I think he either killed her by accident (I mean, she's only 8.... :cry:... and who knows what he was doing to her). Or he killed her because he knew she would tell and he couldn't take that chance.

Then when the padoody hit the fan, he killed his wife so she wouldn't tell, probably wanted to run, but in the end realized it was futile - and killed himself.

Quoting myself because I want to return to the timeline a moment. He did not have her when the school called about her absences.

- Feb 25: school called mom about Relisha' absences
- Feb 26: mom gave Relisha to Tatum

There was some reason that she could not return to school at that point. I think he had already raped her and she was recovering from injuries (and that is very hard to type out and actually see it rather than just think it). And they needed the extra time for her to recover. Which is why he took her to a hotel, and not to his home.

But I think he was ruthless and continued to abuse her. I think it's very possible that she may have died of internal injuries (or suffocation trying to keep her quiet). This is just horrific...

I think we're looking at two different camera angles: one camera is situated at one end of the hall, and the other one is at the other end of the hall. I think they're showing us both angles.

I will have to look at it again because I know Relisha grabs Tatum hand as they are moving toward the camera but I do not remember seeing this same gesture while they are moving away?

Thanks belimom!
NBCWashington ‏@nbcwashington 2m
Today is the last day that police are searching in Kenilworth Park for #RelishaRudd. New details coming up at 11 on #News4Midday, tune in.
:tantrum: I'm up here on vacation for the Cherry Blossom Festival :tantrum: and so far one day of rain, one day of sleet and snow and now you are telling me winter mix of sleet and snow tonight :tantrum: Guess those trees won't be budding while I'm here durn it.

Welcome to Washington DC! Sorry you're missing the Cherry Blossoms! However, I don't think there's a wintery mix for tonight. It is rather nice, though maybe a little rain tomorrow.
I forgot to ask him last night about the chemical breakdown of lime. I just called him and asked him figure it out in re: this case. It'll be tonight when I get home before I can get an answer.

I will have to look at it again because I know Relisha grabs Tatum hand as they are moving toward the camera but I do not remember seeing this same gesture while they are moving away?

Thanks belimom!

I haven't watched it that closely - makes me ill and makes me think of Shaniya, clutching on to that perp. :banghead:

I'll be AWOL - I really should already be out of here for the day. You guys rock... :seeya:
Two different horses, one just has a star and is bay, the other has a star and a snip and is chestnut.


Thank you coldpizza because that tends to make me think he may have worked there cleaning out stalls or something and knew the property fairly well vs someone who purchase an hour or two of horse back riding.
Quoting myself because I want to return to the timeline a moment. He did not have her when the school called about her absences.

- Feb 25: school called mom about Relisha' absences
- Feb 26: mom gave Relisha to Tatum

There was some reason that she could not return to school at that point. I think he had already raped her and she was recovering from injuries (and that is very hard to type out and actually see it rather than just think it). And they needed the extra time for her to recover. Which is why he took her to a hotel, and not to his home.

But I think he was ruthless and continued to abuse her. I think it's very possible that she may have died of internal injuries (or suffocation trying to keep her quiet). This is just horrific...

And the longer it takes to find this baby the harder it will be for a jury to convict the 'mother' for what Relisha endured. :banghead: If this child was brutalized I want it known and if the 'mother' is hauled in for obstruction of justice and whatever else can be thrown against her the world knows what happened to this child because of her abetting this pedophile.
I haven't watched it that closely - makes me ill and makes me think of Shaniya, clutching on to that perp. :banghead:

I'll be AWOL - I really should already be out of here for the day. You guys rock... :seeya:

IMO this video or rather how it was played and replayed is very important. It is the difference between Relisha being shown leaving the hotel alive or no video of Tatum leaving the motel and I'm sure the motel has video of it. If I remember right the number of bags the child and man are carrying are consistent in both 'parts' of the video. So where is the video of Tatum leaving that room???
They need to check his finger prints too.

Fingerprints are submitted along with the DNA. I was licensed to collect the pre-release DNA from inmates. It was done at least 3 months prior to release. You package the DNA (blood sample), along with fingerprints and send it to the state police crime lab of your state. There is a biohazard stamp and it is sealed with red evidence tape along with your initials partly on the red tape and partly on the paper itself to ensure it has not been tampered with.

Hey popsicle wasn't there a tweet that said press update at 11:00am?
It was the 11am news...live report from the park but absolutely nothing new.

I saw this teaser tweet, and was hoping for something - anything! :banghead:

Today is the last day that police are searching in Kenilworth Park for #RelishaRudd. New details coming up at 11 on #News4Midday, tune in.

7:52am · 2 Apr 14 · SocialFlow



JVM just tweeted this:

Jane Velez-Mitchell

Tonight I'm talking to the nephew of Kahlil Tatum. Tune in at 7pmET on @HLNTV http://on.hln.tv/1AD7RC #FindRelisha #RelishaRudd

8:50am · 2 Apr 14 · HootSuite

A couple of thoughts regarding the horse pictures. (I apologize for the redundancy if I missed previous comments that addressed these points.)

I don't think he looks all that at ease with the horses. I think he has been around horses enough that he doesn't look nervous, but he doesn't look like a horse person either. If he worked in a stable and was around horses all the time he would a lot more connected to the animal. You have to learn to trust them (and vice versa) if you are tacking up, grooming, etc. Some wont let you do it in a stall, some bite when you go to tighten the girth (personal experience). YOu develop relationships with individual horses. He is pictured with two different horses and doesn't look that interested in either of them. Did he do a brief stint in a prison rehab or word release program at a stable where contact with horses was secondary to mucking out, etc?

Was he there taking a child riding (I was one of those little girls who loved riding), and holding the horse for a picture? There are riding programs for kids in high-needs neighborhoods and if KLT could get himself loosely associated (even just being able to tell children and families he had access to horses), the established nature of such intervention programs would engender (false) legitimacy to his little pony club. (My opinion and musings, not based on cited evidence!!)

And I right that Virginia is pretty big horse country? Do many correctional facilities still use farm and animal programs? Maybe his wife was involved with horses in some capacity or other family members? I find it interesting that he has horse pictures on his facebook as the riders I know have pictures with their beloved horses that show the deep relationship or people with farms or stables have pictures that are selected for a particular reason - more than just holding the halter or bridle looking indifferent. (More of my opinion.)

My knowledge of prisons and horses is a bit out of date and the wrong continent but I know in Australia they used to teach stable management skills so that guys who had no other employable skills could at least work at the stables at the racetracks after they were released to earn some legit money. (This may be a totally irrelevant bit of Colonial nostaligia unrelated to the American Industrial Prison Complex, but I thought I'd throw it out there.)

I wonder if this horse business can provide some insight into KLT's manure filled mind, leading to locating darling Relisha? (Who deserves a sweet little Palamino named Butter Cup who nuzzles and gives kisses.) (Sorry for the Odyssean post.)

All my opinion. :)
The horse photos:

Most definitely from a prison. There are programs for retired race horses in VA. Those about to be released are sometimes used on the farm to take care of the horses, and get the prisoner accustomed to bonding, and ready for release. Earlier in this case, I posted newspaper articles about the program.

Boarding a horse is expensive. Their tack is expensive. Their care is expensive. Tatum was living in section 8 housing. While it appears he had money from somewhere, he wasn't paying his rent. I've never gotten govt money so not sure how it's handled. Why doesn't the money go straight to the landlords?? No idea, but apparently it doesn't if the Tatums didn't pay their rent. Still no idea where Mrs. Tatum worked. But again, we look at the housing and can see their verified income wasn't high, or they wouldn't have qualified for Section 8.

Those that board their horses expect good care, and good people working with their horses. Even in my small area, background checks and word of mouth go a long way. Without good references from the vets, and other horse folks, you won't be working on their farm. I know of only one farm that hoards and breeds horses (last check they had almost 100 horses) that locals know about, and avoid. Vets know about them, animal control, etc. There's been numerous attempts to shut them down. They let anyone on the farm to work, but you aren't paid!!

Now if you own your own land, having a horse is a bit different, but we've nothing with the Tatums to indicate they own land, or horses.

Posing beside a rock star does not make one a rock star. ;)
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