DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #4

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I have been trying to keep quiet, because I am so angry at SY over this.

IMO MOO The reason Shamika Young didn't want to lose her other children IMO is because they are her meal tickets. Without them she gets no welfare, no food stamps, no medical.......... MOO IMO

Not only are the boys her meal ticket, they are her tie to TW. No boys, no man may have been her thought process.
I'm looking through the FB and news article comments about the unknown man to see if anyone drops a name but nothing so far.

Most people still think KT was RR's father based on looks.
I think that this guy is looking around to see where there are security cameras.
That makes me think that.
#1. He is not familiar with the station. He may not be from the area and has arrived for a specific purpose.
#2. He wants to be able to avoid the camera's when he meets whomever he has come to see or do whatever he has come to do.
It may also be just the simple fact that he is someone who is a criminal type and is always avoiding LE , security cameras and anyone who pays too much attention.

I also have to wonder if he actually never left the station other to get back on a bus or train. If he did, I would think that LE would already know more about who he is or where he went or who he met by following him with the cameras and by connecting him to others that he came in contact with.

I wouldn't be surprised if he comes up dead too. I said earlier there might be a few dead bodies associated with this case.
It looks like he is wearing uniform pants. Anyone local have any idea who might wear that color. . .bus driver, security guards, etc?

Yeah, might be jeans, but my first impression was some type of uniform pants, like military, work pants, for some reason I don't think jeans. Nike boots matches, but again, first thought was work boot, again military hit me. I doubt this guy is military though. Not sure why it was my first thought.

Sadly if this guy was standing beside me, I probably still wouldn't recognize him, or have a second thought about him. Other than the gloves, nothing about the video or stills screams "DANGER" to me. He appeared to enter that area alone. IMO, he met with Tatum shortly after, and that's why LE wants to speak to him.

JMO, but doubtful he is on either Tatum's facebook pages. FBI would have found that by now. Could have a past criminal record, as in either Tatum met him in jail/prison.. I don't know of course.

Sadly again, nothing about this guy stands out! Nothing defining to say
"Oh look at that crooked nose" Or "Oh that looks just like so and so because ABC"....nothing stands out to me about him, except the gloves. BUT, we're talking winter! Sooooo... :banghead:

Praying someone knows him, and calls the police!!!!
I hope they are getting lots of tips and leads regarding the new poi.

It would have helped though, if they had released the date of the footage.
I'm wondering if he was meeting KLT? Do any locals know if it appears he is heading out of the station or towards the platform to either board a train or meet someone of it?

It does look like he is looking around abit, x

He is going into the train station, towards the train platform area. imo
Shomari Stone ‏@shomaristone 1m
#RelishaRudd mom says she doesn't know man in photo. Sources tell @nbcwashington he may have had contact w/ Tatum pic.twitter.com/dw8ebMnxT3
Thank goodness truth telling SY has confirmed she doesn't know this man, hopefully knowing her track record it means she does and someone else will know she does too!
To me it looks like what the airport workers on the Tarmac wear with those headphone thingies when they load /unload the plane
I don't remember that but I have to think something happened that made her living impossible for Tatum and his plans to continue. Since I've read here that she had filed for divorce in February of this year and he had Relisha at this time that Tatum decided that if he couldn't get her to change her mind and keep her mouth shut she would have to go. He killed her after luring her to the motel. IMO

Someone had posted a screen shot of the divorce filing and it said KLT was divorcing AKT. I don't know what to make of it though. But, since KLT was looking for a gun on the internet all month before the murder, I'm starting to wonder if he did plan on killing his wife. But why at the hotel?
Off subject, my cousin committed suicide and did exactly what you described but the gun wasn't in his lap. There's also a group here but I can't think of the name of it and there's a retired female police officer that said she thinks Relisha wouldn't be found in the park and was possibly sold. Messed up to think but that's where I got the idea from plus with the recent police involvement in the other cases I mentioned... it wouldn't be hard for a police officer to cover up something... they wouldn't have to sneak anything into the park. IJS, IT'S JMO.

I'm so glad that you mentioned this line of thinking. I found a Huffington post article that reported 110 DC Officers arrested since 2009...many off duty hours and many were traffic related BUT several were serious and sometimes violent or domestic crimes. Then of course there were the two biggies in December 2013 involving sex offenses...one resulting in the supposed suicide of one of the officers (in the Tidal Basin.)

About the latest video of the man in blue/gray clothing.
Could be a cop or a metro bus driver with those shoes and pants...even with the gloves...He just added the hoodie and leather jacket because it was cold, IMO.

Some think he looks 25-35. I tend to think he looks like he could be closer to 40.

Someone had posted a screen shot of the divorce filing and it said KLT was divorcing AKT. I don't know what to make of it though. But, sincew KLT was looking for a gun on the internet all month before the murder, I'm starting to wonder if he did plan on killing his wife. But why at the hotel?

yeah that makes no sense , a hotel would be the last place I would PLAN a murder!
I have a question please. I think I remember reading in one of the news paper articles the LE saying Mrs Tatum died doing the right thing? What was that? I'm trying to find that article. I don't know where it is.

this has probably been answered, her kid said that..

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Ok, I have watched this video numerous times and I keep seeing a shadow, it looks like a crease at first glance in the pants ,but this crease never changes shape. Its on the inside of the right leg, on the calf just about where the top of the boot would come to.

He also keeps his right hand in his pocket, but his right shoulder is dropped down a bit, not naturally relaxed like it should be if you just have you hand in your pocket. He movement is stiff, which makes me think he is holding onto something in his pocket and wants to make sure it doesn't move.

I guess I have two questions:

If he is wearing jeans, like so many of you think, would this be shadow be nothing more than a natural crease in the material, based on how the pants fall down overtop of the boots, or is there possibly piece (gun) strapped to the inside calf of the right leg. Is there any type of metal detectors at this station?

If he has something in his pocket that he is holding onto, what would that be? A wallet that he doesn't want to have pick-pocketed or maybe a roll of money.

Trying not to make a nothing into a something . Just that this guys body movement is not at all natural to me --- he is hiding something.
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Russ Ptacek, WUSA9 ‏@RussPtacek 7m
Relisha Rudd mom, grandma explain wads of cash http://on.wusa9.com/1jLR2R2 via @wusa9

Relisha's grandmother, Melissa Wheeler says the stacks of money on step-father Antonio Wheeler's Facebook page came from cashing two checks, one of which she described as a Social Security disability check.

Wheeler is Relisha's maternal grandmother.

In a very brief conversation, Relisha's mother, Shamika Young, said the other check was a tax refund and that money she received was from a car accident.
I can't help but feel that this is related to human trafficking. I've always felt that a place like a homeless shelter would be ideal for procuring women and children for modern day slavery and sex trafficking. It would make sense for organizations to have a person on the inside...someone trusted by the desperate folks who come and go.

This is the angle I personally would be perusing.
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Russ Ptacek, WUSA9 ‏@RussPtacek 7m
Relisha Rudd mom, grandma explain wads of cash http://on.wusa9.com/1jLR2R2 via @wusa9

Wheeler says she and Relisha's mother, both received $4,000 settlements for injuries suffered in an April 10, 2013 car accident.

She said an attorney could confirm the settlement, and provided his name.

The attorney hasn't returned our calls.
First time posting here - but would be remiss to not say how impressed I am with everyones input, knowledge and overall concern of this case. Being from the area - Capitol Hill and Northern VA, I am obviously heartbroken over this - something about this little girl - has touched all of us here...

Here is a few IMO's on this case I thought might be worth sharing...

New video released -
Yes, this person is at a METRO station. Contrary to what a previous poster noted - this individual is ENTERING where the trains come in...not leaving the station. Looks like they are about to get on the platform. Because all floors are the same - it is so hard to tell where this is...

The guy - for some reason does not strike me as a DC dude...just a gut feeling...(with nothing to support that theory though):blushing:.

He is wearing Nike ACG boots...
What really stands out to me - again with nothing to back this up :blushing: - is that he is wearing gloves. Young dudes normally don't wear gloves...just my insight on that.

He looks VERY shady....either looking for someone, watching someone or waiting for something...
He is not RSL - nor does he seem to resemble any of the folks on his FB page...

I have said from DAY 1 - that the reason his wife was murdered was either because she found out what he was doing or she threatned to tell what she knew once the girl went missing.
However, as time has gone on...and the more I have researched and read...I am starting to think that he didn't kill himself - and maybe didn't kill her (AT) either...
WHY would a man, his wife and two or three other men, check into a hotel not far from their home together...then everyone leave (other than KT and AKT) an hour later??? Why would RSL return in the morning to pick him up??? he had not only his car, but hers too....there was a meeting and they ALL had an agenda.

When SY was interviewed and they asked her why she hadn't reported it...
Her response (and the only time I have ever seen any genuine emotion) was that she said "I thought they would take my other kids"
Lets think about this a minute...
yes, she may be a loser
Yes, she may be too ignorant to get out of the rain by herself
Yes, she may have made bad choices....
Yes, she is def not someone worthy of the blessing of children...

BUT - if she had no guilt other than what I have mentioned, why would her first response be that? Why would you think if you reported your daughter missing - off the break, that they would take your sons???
I think that little clue is a huge emission of guilt.

The Hotels -
The area that they are discussing - that all of these hotels are in...is KNOWN for prostitution...specifically - THOSE motels.
There is no pool....lol, not at those dumps...

If you watched the video of the shelter when they were dancing...did you notice someone seemed to knock on the door?? when TW/AW went to answer the door, did you see how he manhandled RR out of the way?? a little rougher than a man should be with a small girl.

There are too many lies, disconnects and misc. to consider this anything other than what it seems to be leading to - I didn't believe it at first but I am starting to think that this is a ring of people...

PRIVATE EYE 006......very good first post!!! I'm new to the forum also, but you have a great eye for detail. You get 2 thumbs up and you have me getting ready to go back and look over some videos again. I love your thoughts!!!
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