DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #9

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Dozens rally to shut down D.C. General homeless shelter

Dozens rallied outside the D.C. General homeless shelter, as activists from community and faith-based groups – along with families who reside there – told us that conditions are less than ideal.

Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2014/0...al-homeless-shelter-103776.html#ixzz33g6ATsx4

question? Where do these folks think they are going to go if this shelter (imperfect, far less than ideal) is shut down? I get that there are problems with the shelter. But isn't a shelter supposed to be a place of last resort and not a Resort?

I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, but when you are unable to support yourself or your family to the point you are homeless, isn't someplace to land with a roof over your head better than being on the street or in your car (if lucky enough to have one)?

I totally get that the shelter has huge issues. But what is the alternative if it is closed? Where do all those families go?

Just guessing here and nothing more. Perhaps they should separate the men from the boys.... Etc. a place, a church room ....anyplace for families separate from the chronic users and abusers. Moo
the school did not have a record of her attending on the 5th. On that day I believe it was reported the other siblings arrived late (tardy) and the teacher who thought Relisha was at school on the 5th was mistaken. That teacher saw the other children arriving late and assumed Relisha was among them but attendance records show she was not present that day although her brothers were however and had been marked tardy.

I hope that helps. The ever evolving timeline has been difficult to stay on top of.

I see. thank you. wow seems like everyone involved in this child's life was inconsistent.
I am praying the judge told Shamika she should not get pregnant again.
They are marching for better living conditions???

IMO if each adult resident put either a scrub brush, mop, paint brush etc into their hands and helped clean their own assigned area plus a small portion of the common area - they could get the shelter sparkling in no time.

Instead of organizing marches - why don't they organize a resident clean up event? Imagine how much that they could accomplish in one weekend!

my response to this was going to be that some of these folks are single women with no chance of financially supporting their families with cost of living and housing in the DC area being as high as we have been told it is comparatively speaking to surrounding areas. While other residents are your chronics (drug abusers, etc) who are probably the main contributors to the crappy conditions and safety issues that threaten the child residents. So while some families might be urged to participate I feel that the chronics would not lift a finger and many families might have such a depressed fatalistic attitude that they might not even be willing to participate in making their own situations better.

Just guessing here and nothing more. Perhaps they should separate the men from the boys.... Etc. a place, a church room ....anyplace for families separate from the chronic users and abusers. Moo

Then I read yours and thought well duh, separating the families from the chronics and single males would probably help at least with some of the safety issues.

But I still don't know that it would cause any big improvement.
very busy day at work just had the opportunity to check on how the custody hearing went.

Very relieved to read that for now, at least, Relisha's siblings are removed from the volatile family situation and the General.

thanks posicle for the updates, was great to read that just coming in after a long day. Those kids have been on my mind all day.
Exactly what I though would happen. AW & SY didn't do what there were suppose to; parenting classes, drug free testing, etc., so they get more time to get the s*&# together, and they can return back to court in a year. Now those boys have to have their lives put on hold and live in the foster system for another year waiting for these two adults to grow up.

As far as the rally for shutting down DC General --- it always amazes me how those who have done very little, it anything at all to help themselves, demand that others do it for them. I agree with the others posters that have said "pick up a broom, a mop, a paint brush, and help make where you are living a better place, and stop demanding that others do what you are not willing to do for yourself. Basically "charity begins at home"

Graham said he'll introduce legislation to shut down the shelter once new permanent space for the families is found, and he's hoping progress can be made before winter.
The Rev. Michael Wilker, of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, says he and several other members of the Washington Interfaith Network met Monday with representatives of The Community Partnership, which operates the shelter.
Wilker says he hoped to use the meeting to share some of the requests shelter residents had made in recent weeks, but things did not go well. Wilker says The Community Partnership's Deputy Director, Cornell Chapell, "amazed" him by saying that Relisha Rudd wasn't abducted or stolen. "It was shockingly clear to us that they did not want to take responsibility," Wilker said of The Community Partnership.
Source:Source: http://www.wtop.com/41/3635062/In-the-name-of-Relisha-Rudd-shelter-residents-rally

And for those who are were shocked that the shelter didn't want to take responsibility for Relisha being missing; the child did not go missing from the shelter. Even her mother says so. You want to blame someone, then blame the mother for allowing KLT, a janitor who worked at the shelter, to take that little girl.

April 9
Young also revealed to Jeffcoat for the first time that her daughter often spent time away from the shelter with other family members where she said Tatum would pick up Relisha. "Relisha didn't go missing from the shelter. It is a rule at the shelter that kids are not allowed to enter nor exit the facility without their parents and I feel that I should put that out," Young said.
Source: http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/dc/2014/04/09/relisha-rudd-mother-interview/7532971/

This is nothing but more of the same old BS. :banghead:

I'd better stop now before I end up getting banned.

Justice for Relisha
it's been said before, but kudos to wusa for staying on this story. just watched the local NBC affiliate's hour-long newscast. no mention of Relisha or the custody hearing. :-(

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Exactly what I though would happen. AW & SY didn't do what there were suppose to; parenting classes, drug free testing, etc., so they get more time to get the s*&# together, and they can return back to court in a year. Now those boys have to have their lives put on hold and live in the foster system for another year waiting for these two adults to grow up.

As far as the rally for shutting down DC General --- it always amazes me how those who have done very little, it anything at all to help themselves, demand that others do it for them. I agree with the others posters that have said "pick up a broom, a mop, a paint brush, and help make where you are living a better place, and stop demanding that others do what you are not willing to do for yourself. Basically "charity begins at home"

Graham said he'll introduce legislation to shut down the shelter once new permanent space for the families is found, and he's hoping progress can be made before winter.
The Rev. Michael Wilker, of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, says he and several other members of the Washington Interfaith Network met Monday with representatives of The Community Partnership, which operates the shelter.
Wilker says he hoped to use the meeting to share some of the requests shelter residents had made in recent weeks, but things did not go well. Wilker says The Community Partnership's Deputy Director, Cornell Chapell, "amazed" him by saying that Relisha Rudd wasn't abducted or stolen. "It was shockingly clear to us that they did not want to take responsibility," Wilker said of The Community Partnership.
Source:Source: http://www.wtop.com/41/3635062/In-the-name-of-Relisha-Rudd-shelter-residents-rally

And for those who are were shocked that the shelter didn't want to take responsibility for Relisha being missing; the child did not go missing from the shelter. Even her mother says so. You want to blame someone, then blame the mother for allowing KLT, a janitor who worked at the shelter, to take that little girl.

April 9
Young also revealed to Jeffcoat for the first time that her daughter often spent time away from the shelter with other family members where she said Tatum would pick up Relisha. "Relisha didn't go missing from the shelter. It is a rule at the shelter that kids are not allowed to enter nor exit the facility without their parents and I feel that I should put that out," Young said.
Source: http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/dc/2014/04/09/relisha-rudd-mother-interview/7532971/

This is nothing but more of the same old BS. :banghead:

I'd better stop now before I end up getting banned.

Justice for Relisha

thanks button did not nearly cover my appreciation of this post.
They are marching for better living conditions???

IMO if each adult resident put either a scrub brush, mop, paint brush etc into their hands and helped clean their own assigned area plus a small portion of the common area - they could get the shelter sparkling in no time.

Instead of organizing marches - why don't they organize a resident clean up event? Imagine how much that they could accomplish in one weekend!

Well said, friend. As an African American man I felt the same way about the Million Man March. I say: March your behinds down to the courthouse and pay your child support. Then things will get better!

"More than three months after 8-year-old Relisha Rudd disappeared, a judge decided that her three younger brothers could be reunited with their mother if she meets certain conditions. Until then, they will remain in the foster-care system, under the government’s custody."

At a hearing Wednesday, D.C. Superior Court Magistrate Judge Janet Albert said that if Shamika Young complies with conditions ordered by the court, she could regain custody of the boys, ages 7, 5 and 4, in a year. The same ruling was issued for Antonio Wheeler, the father of the two younger boys.

Read the rest of this outrage here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local...019fee-ec21-11e3-93d2-edd4be1f5d9e_story.html

This is horrible. Until Relisha's case is resolved there should be no way she gets those innocent children back. I was failed by CPS as a child and returned to a totally unsuitable home. I still struggle on a daily basis as a result of what I went through.

And let's be honest. She doesn't want those children back. She just wants to keep getting their checks. Notice that RR had "headaches". I bet she was getting an SSI check for her. I'll bet the boys have issues too- they're probably on meds for ADD (docs are really pushing these meds on people of color and low income folks) and therefore qualify for a check too. I'm just disgusted.
I am frustrated by the "reunification" issue as well but I am not terribly worried because I get the feeling SY and AW are far too wrapped up in themselves and their own selfish needs to follow through with any of the requirements in a month or a year.

A token effort may be made by SY because IMO the kids are key to getting access to more resources at a higher priority but even if she makes minimal efforts, I don't see her having the follow through to complete the tasks.

This is the same woman who claimed her mother handed her child over to a pedophile countless times without her permission and who she alleges is responsible for Relisha being in Tatum's care so he could disappear her - AND YET - told police her child was not missing but was with the child's Godfather, Tatum.

MOO give her a year, give her ten. It won't matter because her priority is not and has never been her kids. Whether it is because her own childhood damaged her to the point of not being capable of being a mother I don't know or care. She is who she is now, whatever the cause and IMO she will not do what is required to get those kids back ragardless.
Single men are not allowed to stay at DC general. It is strictly a family shelter.
It's too bad little Relisha had to become ' disappeared' before family services really got serious about the issues .

May today be the day Relisha comes ' home' ! :) :) :)
I don't think SY and AW will ever get their kids back, because they will never meet the parenting class, counseling, and drug free testing requirements. I don't think that good parenting is a behaviour or skill that can be taught and learned; people either have the morals, beliefs, and priorities of a good parent, or they don't. If SY and AW never received first hand experience with someone that is a good parent in their youth, then they had no framework to build an idea of "good parenting" on. It's a classic belief that anyone can be saved, changed, etc., but the reality is, not everyone change, not everyone succeeds, and not everyone has the foundation to know the difference between right and wrong.

Even with the horrors of the foster system, I think that Relisha's brothers stand a much better chance of having a stable life than if they were returned to SY and AW, or even to IR. So, I'm very happy about the outcome of the custody hearing.
It's too bad little Relisha had to become ' disappeared' before family services really got serious about the issues .

May today be the day Relisha comes ' home' ! :) :) :)

FS might have never helped, sounds like they were familar with how to get around that, I would have taken her and about a million other kids that have met a bad end, but I would never be considered to be able to adopt or foster, makes me sad, Relisha deserved better than this, I stand by the fact that you must know who your kids are with, I know its hard to raise kids esp. by yourself but it time for people to realize that no one has the best interest for your child but you. I never thought I would say this but, If you arent going to take care of them , stop having them. China might be on to something:facepalm:
Sweet girl...I think about you everyday. I pray we at least get some justice for you. I'm so sorry this happened to you Relisha. So many have come to love you during this time. You are loved baby girl.
Goodnight, Relisha.
May the night angels whisper lullabies as you dream.
May the dawn angels sing songs of hope as you awake.
Goodnight, Relisha.
May tomorrow be the day that brings you home.
:bump: for the precious eight year old BabyGirl with the hauntingly beautiful brown eyes that speak volumes of the world she's had to grow up in. The saying the "eyes are windows to the soul" has never applied more to anyone IMO - and yet, you are so young. It hurts me that you've been through so much hell on this earth in less than 108 cycles of the moon. It's just not right.

:tears: for the days that have turned into weeks, and now months. We refuse to believe this will become years before you are found. :no:

:justice: in some respects has already come to fruition for your siblings. But we are awaiting the process to evolve for you as a family unit. Most of all, we are fighting for your justice.

The relentless pursuit for you will NOT cease. Our voices will be heard. We are united in our love and concern. Thismovement continues, globally, where it began, on Thread #1. I am thankful for my dedicated fellow WSers who have refused to give up on this case. Relisha will know one day that there are many people who never, ever gave up on her - finally! :heartluv:

I pray we won't need a 10th thread to announce your homecoming.


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