DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #11

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Likely the stolen registration would serve as a template for a phony reg. to be made up on another car, perhaps already stashed, or could be doctored to sell Mosler to a black market dealer. Another option, ship it in parts to a buyer (West Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe above price they get here). Organized crime runs luxury car theft rings. How hard for JW to run across some flasher at the track or online? Lots of forums where contacts can be made.

That SS and AS owned a fleet of high-end luxury cars, and JW was a car guy, is no coincidence JMO.

JMO lying about Mosler being locked figures. Maybe JW thought the first story that it was locked and he had to unlock it was a good answer, but then decided "locked" was "wrong," so switched story to car unlocked.
Were investigators pressing him for how he would have access to the key? No, no, I didn't. Not at all interested in it so how would I know where key is?
He starts to think someone told them Mr. Savopoulos kept Mosler locked and never let anyone except family know where keys kept. He's thinking they think he got the key from DW who got it off of its owner. If so, why would DW not kill him so as to be sure he didn't run to police?

He starts thinking his having access to the key will lead them to think he could make off with the Mosler.
He hears the Tell Tale Heart beating. Ironically, interrogators might not actually know anything about the Mosler security drill, locked or unlocked, JW given access to key or not.

He kept lying to cover the big lie, that he was part of a scheme to get money and steal cars.

Thinking he heard a tell-tale heart and that everyone else could hear it too is what made investigators look for a body under the floorboards. JMO they have found some of the parts.

Maybe I've missed this, but haven't seen any discussion on SS' coworkers (at AIW or dojo) wondering where he was on the morning/early afternoon of his death. Sure, he's the CEO and comes and goes as he pleases. But he probably had some sort of schedule and appts for that day. Especially with the dojo opening. Would be interesting to see if his employees were texting or calling him to see what's up. Wonder if he had a real assistant at AIW....

Speaking of other assistants......JW..Even if he is not involved in this at all, he was not a very mature or trustworthy employee. He had quite the gig (for a guy who was in to racing cars, this could be a dream job), but seems a little shady to me.
Two of us looked up the registration using two different databases (last thread) and both of us found that the last time it had been registered was in 2011 (we both found the same date). The other poster had access to more information and said that the registration expired two years later on that day (I believe it was November 8, 2013). Both of us looked it up by VIN. Both of us found it was registered in Hyattsville, MD. I'm not sure what happened in the meantime to make anyone think that it was more recently registered in Florida or that a current registration was in the glove compartment.

As far as I know, it had an expired registration matching the one that was found on JW.

ITA that it's surprising that SS let JW take it for a spin without it being registered since it would be hugely risky from an insurance point of view. I have a feeling that it had some sort of special insurance because I am pretty sure that if I called up State FArm and told them I wanted to insure a $700K car my agent would laugh. Maybe this special insurance didn't require a current registration?

That doesn't make a lot of sense to me either, but it's the best I've got.

The only "source" we have for JW "taking the car for a spin" is an admitted liar and self-promoter, JW himself.
Maybe he had to enter the house/garage to get the registration out of the Mosler, if he hadn't nicked it earlier. If JW had stolen the registration earlier, I would imagine the replacement title would have arrived around the time of the murders. I think the flaw in the plan is that DW can't drive a manual transmission. For all his hot car photos on his facebook page, he can't drive a stick. So the automatic Porsche was the hottest car he could drive as a getaway car. He may have planned on selling it, but then it got too hot when police put out an APB on the Porsche.

I think JW wanted the quasi-paperwork because with enough smoke and mirrors, and charm, he'd be able to sell the car to anyone willing to not look to carefully at its accuracy, probably for pennies on the dollar.

But what I really think JW wanted to do, is drive that car on the race circuit. If he had the title, he could make up some tear-jerker story about how his employer saw such promise in him that he wanted him to have the car if anything ever happened to him... And just weeks later, his family died in a horrible fire. I can't bear to write the rest. Maybe Emmavoberry can take over. :)
With this theory, I'm missing how JW gets the car in his name to sell it? Or are you saying he could just hand the title over in SS name and that would be good enough? Because there's no way JW could get that title in his name to sell it. And you can't just jump owners on a title. I worked in the va dmv for a few years and my husband has been there 10 years (not on the front counter luckily lol). Anyways, he'd never get out the door with a title in his name.
Maybe I've missed this, but haven't seen any discussion on SS' coworkers (at AIW or dojo) wondering where he was on the morning/early afternoon of his death. Sure, he's the CEO and comes and goes as he pleases. But he probably had some sort of schedule and appts for that day. Especially with the dojo opening. Would be interesting to see if his employees were texting or calling him to see what's up. Wonder if he had a real assistant at AIW....

Speaking of other assistants......JW..Even if he is not involved in this at all, he was not a very mature or trustworthy employee. He had quite the gig (for a guy who was in to racing cars, this could be a dream job), but seems a little shady to me.
I brought this up several threads ago and no one commented! Lol! But I was wondering this too! Surely a man of his stature had to be missed that day??
The only "source" we have for JW "taking the car for a spin" is an admitted liar and self-promoter, JW himself.

Now THAT is an interesting thought. So the theory would be that he snagged a photo of a mosler off the internet and posted it?

I looked through lots of google images and didn't turn up the exact photo, but that doesn't mean it's not on some specialized racing/automotive blog/pinterest board, etc. someplace.
Here's the car at Euro Motorcars on 6/8/12. Beautiful car.


In post 884 in yesterday's thread #10, I posted that the last plate number for the Mosler was 3AM3708 (Maryland). In this video at 0:49, I can see the 3708 on the plate. The 2011 Maryland registration was still valid when this video was shot.
I brought this up several threads ago and no one commented! Lol! But I was wondering this too! Surely a man of his stature had to be missed that day??

He may have cleared his schedule for the week due to the dojo opening. Had his Deputy performing on his behalf. The dojo seemed to be very important to SS so he most likely wanted to commit to that, especially the week it was due to open.
Funny thing... I was looking at the threads listed at the bottom and saw "Jordan Wallace" under the current users browsing this thread. My heart skipped a beat. Then I realized i was looking at the "Tags for this thread" LOL!
WOW!! This is THE scenario which explains it all. YUP!
Obsession with the car he saw himself racing. And you point out how he could have made that happen. Explains setting up the fiction of how he was trusted, posting pix of Philip, befriending AS and PS on FB, selecting himself to deliver the money and making it look like he'd been SS's choice--all of it.
What is this? The Talented Mr. Ripley?
I think this was the sick goal.
But for the slip-ups....
I see him winning the cup for SS, AS, and PS. Tears as he pops the champagne cork, holds the bottle aloft and says "to one of the greatest guys I've ever met. He believed in me and it's because of him blah blah blah"

JW, founder of the Annual Savopoulos Tribute Race
JW announces the Philip Savopoulos scholarship Go-Kart blah blah

One silver lining. He will never race their Mosler now.

JMO re: your finding the WHY that has so eluded us. You know LE might never ever get any of this out of him or be able to substantiate it, but they will get him.

Just my opining.

PS read today that some owners of super-valuable, desirable cars, you know "the bomb," get the stick because it's an added anti-theft device. A huge percentage of folks, even die-hard car aficionados can't drive stick.

Plausible. Insane, but plausible. In this context, though, since we are looking for others involved in an insane sequence of events, it is worth considering. But, nobody has the definitive link between the two men, Wallace and Wint.

Until that is sorted out, or there is forensic evidence, this theory has huge holes. I believe.

What's the connection?
He may have cleared his schedule for the week due to the dojo opening. Had his Deputy performing on his behalf. The dojo seemed to be very important to SS so he most likely wanted to commit to that, especially the week it was due to open.
Nikki, you're right and that's where I was headed originally. Was it just a coincidence this happened the week he was dedicated to the dojo and would not be missed at some important meeting on Thursday?
Nikki, you're right and that's where I was headed originally. Was it just a coincidence this happened the week he was dedicated to the dojo and would not be missed at some important meeting on Thursday?

Oh man. Deep down, I don't think it's a coincidence. I was going back and forth between JW's involvement but since finding the registration for the Mosler in his backpack, I am back on the thought that he is involved.
He may have cleared his schedule for the week due to the dojo opening. Had his Deputy performing on his behalf. The dojo seemed to be very important to SS so he most likely wanted to commit to that, especially the week it was due to open.

That seems plausible. But wouldn't his employees at the dojo be wondering where the heck he was?
Not sure if any of these thoughts make sense or fit or are relevant, but maybe the Mosler had Florida plates because that's the last place it was driven, in the earlier spring with the nicer weather down there. Can you have license plates from more than one state for a car? Would you? IDK, I am clueless in this arena.

Also, I am definitely in the group that believes JW is involved. I don't trust him in the least, gut feeling speaking to me. Could the whole story about putting the money in the "red car" in the garage be a way to explain at a later date why he was accessing the "red car" anyway. (This guy calling the Mosler the "red car" is eyebrow raising to me. Why not call it the Mosler??) Being the car guy that he is, and given there was more than one red car, it seems odd. JMO, but maybe the plan was for DW to get the title/registration to the Mosler from SS, using whatever means necessary, and for his effort, he would be given some cash. Maybe DW and JW planned to meet together in the garage to exchange the title/registration for the cash. Only, DW wasn't able to get the current title/registration from SS, for whatever reason, and that's when things went from hell, to worse for the victims.
Not sure if any of these thoughts make sense or fit or are relevant, but maybe the Mosler had Florida plates because that's the last place it was driven, in the earlier spring with the nicer weather down there. Can you have license plates from more than one state for a car? Would you? IDK, I am clueless in this arena.

Also, I am definitely in the group that believes JW is involved. I don't trust him in the least, gut feeling speaking to me. Could the whole story about putting the money in the "red car" in the garage be a way to explain at a later date why he was accessing the "red car" anyway. (This guy calling the Mosler the "red car" is eyebrow raising to me. Why not call it the Mosler??)

Good question about the plates...
IIRC, "red car" was the terminology of the text instructions sent by SS (DW) ...leave the package on the drivers seat of red car in the garage
That seems plausible. But wouldn't his employees at the dojo be wondering where the heck he was?
Yes, maybe, but definitely not to the extent of him missing a big meeting with a potential client had he been at AIW at week. Much easier to explain to those helping out at the dojo imo
Yeah, I tend to agree it is bothersome.

And like was mentioned already. Even before the delivery of the $$$.

Like what is he on call 24X7 just waiting for an unexpected phone call to go pick up 40K?

How come he just happened to be available ?

And then when he gets his orders, its all business with no questions asked of SS as to what is going on? Are you OK?
And if he did get concerned, he sure didnt tell anyone like authorities or relatives. But what does he do but text his friend and starts bragging about 40K.

I dont buy it. Its all too fishy combined with the known inconsistencies that LE has talked about.

ITA, I don't believe it.

Hey JW, get $40K, put it in my locked/unlocked Mosler in my locked/unlocked garage tomorrow morning.

No questions, no gut feelings, any discussions with accountant? not buying it. He seriously wants everyone to believe a highly successful bussiness man would have him put 40K in a car with a few text messages. Then all his word games with red bag and manila envelope. You don't have to be Ms. Cleo to see handcuffs in his future. Too many stretches for reasons for passport, old car reg., other things. JMO
So many posts, so little time. Finally somebody has said what I've thought all along. JW wanted to race/own that Mosler. I've quit positing theories because it's so tiring to have to defend them. It's just a theory. :) But look at JW. He has spent his young adulthood doing everything he can to rub shoulders with the people he envies. Did you guys take a look at that Imagine Lifestyles place he worked for? Fancy cars, yachts, homes - all for rent for incredible sums of money. Why would he choose to work there? Networking. Contacts. Sponsorships. Maybe marks.

This Mosler registration in his backpack.... That just has "plan" written all over it. His lies seem to revolve around that Mosler. Maybe he was supposed to drive it away to a storage place when he dropped the money off to DW. But something happened. Maybe the key wasn't where he though it was. Maybe DW was only supposed to get money out of SS because JW already thought he knew where the keys were. I don't think he ever got that car unlocked. I think their plan was foiled somehow. By the time the money arrived, thinking he would just get the key and hide the car for later somewhere, SS was dead or unresponsive. Now the Mosler was stuck.

This is one possible scenario. There are too many things that point directly to the Mosler. Maybe DW was supposed to drive it away. I don't think this was just about money. JW wanted the lifestyle. Imagine Lifestyles.

I can't include the registration for the Mosler on a list of "explainable" coincidences. He wanted it. If he didn't plan to keep it but fence it, then he needed someone with the connections to get that done. Enter DW. As we looked at many threads ago, there is a market abroad for high-end stolen cars and a big racket that supplies them.
So sell me on this theory

Let's say W-1 succeeds filing for a duplicate title, lets forget he has to check the mail for the dupe title. Expertly fills out the dupe title in his name and gets back a nice clean title in his name.

Does he then go knocking on the front door and saying pardon me, I own that Mosler.

If the Mosler was the object or motive then why not steal it outright without entering the house?

I agree, if it was about the cars/Mosler, why didn't they take it? Why burn up the Porsche and leave all the other beautiful cars? makes no since! except on SW return
he had the Mosler registration (besides all the lies) and DW was found with a Amerit
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