DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #12

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"Originally Posted by Willow Knight Exactly. The perps would not want the dogs outside barking. Maybe they did drug the dogs. It wouldn't surprise me if they had easy access to drugs." bbm

Agreeing w above that drugging the dogs is a good possibility.

Respectfully w ~one hr actual time, ~$50, and a (borrowed?) dog, a vet visit c/h yielded Doggie Downers without any criminal activity. No need to slither into the criminal underworld.

Not even that... just give them some Benadryl.
I've lost 2 posts so far...let's see if I can post this without accidentally deleting it ;)
re: the shoes: There would've been a lot of blood from murdering 4 people...it would've splattered everywhere...

Also, how did Jordan get into the garage? Through the house? Did he have a key to the house? I find it hard to believe he wasn't involved...but then I think Wint was alone, as he couldn't take SS to the bank to get more $$$ (because if Wint were alone, he couldn't leave the other 3 at the house to drive SS to the bank)...

I often drive by the house (it's a shortcut through Rock Creek/ off Mass Ave Heights) ... there's not really 'neighbors' there...just a mansion across the street by the garage, with a tennis court on the side...and then, the house across the street ... is large...unfortunately, in DC, many 'hoods are cold and don't look out for neighbors...it'd be easy for the S's to be 'overlooked' by neighbors.

That said, the house is DARK at night...and that was noticeable...should've alerted people. Now, a man is in a truck watching the garage...it's just so damn sad.
Would you be willing to give him life with a possibility of parole as a deal?
Also, DC does not execute criminals and this case is highly unlikely to be made federal.

More importantly, as Amnesty International notes in its 2014 report, about a third of the world may have a death penalty, but only nine nations across the globe still regularly execute citizens. As one of those nine nations, the United States finds itself in the company of those bastions of human rights like Iran, China, Somalia, Sudan and North Korea.

While the United States has the third highest population in the world, by a large margin, no nation has more of its citizens incarcerated than the United States...we're #1 in that category and our lead is big.

Troubling to say the least..
Also, DC does not execute criminals and this case is highly unlikely to be made federal.

More importantly, as Amnesty International notes in its 2014 report, about a third of the world may have a death penalty, but only nine nations across the globe still regularly execute citizens. As one of those nine nations, the United States finds itself in the company of those bastions of human rights like Iran, China, Somalia, Sudan and North Korea.

While the United States has the third highest population in the world, by a large margin, no nation has more of its citizens incarcerated than the United States...we're #1 in that category and our lead is big.

Troubling to say the least..

It is troubling. And, unfortunately, many of the people incarcerated in the U.S. are held for such petty crimes or are even innocent of any crime and held in prison for years awaiting trial because the system is so overloaded. However, if anyone should be held in prison at all, it would be ruthless murderers such as DW.
I must have missed confirmation on this one but is there a link to "the man in the truck watching the garage?" Where is this coming from?
I must have missed confirmation on this one but is there a link to "the man in the truck watching the garage?" Where is this coming from?

No, that came from me...I live in DC, and take a shortcut from Rock Creek that goes up 32nd/ Woodland Drive...
There's someone parked in a truck on the driveway, 'guarding' the house..the house has a huge backyard...unfortunately, it's not truly 'urban' so even if one of the S's had broken a window or screamed, I doubt anyone would've heard them...large mansions/homes....feels more suburban.

moved here at age 20.................deportation? not a citizen............

A lot of good that will do... "If convicted, ICE would not take him into the agency’s custody until after he served his sentence."

Pfft... big deal... he'll get to eat and sleep on the dollars of taxpayers and THEN be deported.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...arron-wint-flagged-for-deporta/#ixzz3cbtPoOYG
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
A lot of good that will do... "If convicted, ICE would not take him into the agency’s custody until after he served his sentence."

Pfft... big deal... he'll get to eat and sleep on the dollars of taxpayers and THEN be deported.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...arron-wint-flagged-for-deporta/#ixzz3cbtPoOYG
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
Hopefully his prison mates will assure that he gets capitol punishment when they find out how he tortured a 10-y.o. kid. Despite the bulked up photos of DW from his facebook, he is a small person, 5'7" 150#. He won't be Mr. tough guy for long in prison.
I've lost 2 posts so far...let's see if I can post this without accidentally deleting it ;)
re: the shoes: There would've been a lot of blood from murdering 4 people...it would've splattered everywhere...

Also, how did Jordan get into the garage? Through the house? Did he have a key to the house? I find it hard to believe he wasn't involved...but then I think Wint was alone, as he couldn't take SS to the bank to get more $$$ (because if Wint were alone, he couldn't leave the other 3 at the house to drive SS to the bank)...

I often drive by the house (it's a shortcut through Rock Creek/ off Mass Ave Heights) ... there's not really 'neighbors' there...just a mansion across the street by the garage, with a tennis court on the side...and then, the house across the street ... is large...unfortunately, in DC, many 'hoods are cold and don't look out for neighbors...it'd be easy for the S's to be 'overlooked' by neighbors.

That said, the house is DARK at night...and that was noticeable...should've alerted people. Now, a man is in a truck watching the garage...it's just so damn sad.

I have seen you say this a couple of times...where is this coming from? I have no idea what this is in reference to...and find it very curious!
All a very thoughtful analysis. I think the perp(s) must have either cased the house or had insider knowledge and known about the dogs' demeanor/routine OR they just got incredibly lucky that the dogs were docile enough not to draw attention to them.

By all accounts from locals it would not have been easy to case the joint. I've seen tall hedges in the front of the house. What about the remaining perimeter on the two sides? Did the hedge continue to the left and right? The house was so close to the road on 2 sides I'm inclined to think they tried to enhance their privacy some way? I've seen overheads but just don't remember.
I guess the family hired private security since they probably haven't had time to move everything out.
re: the truck watching the garage.
I posted that. I drove by the house today...take a shortcut regularly that takes me by the house...have always admired the gorgeous homes on Woodland Drive. Unfortunately, the large mansions don't make for intimate neighbors (have tried to post this and forgive me if a repeat comes along).
re: the truck watching the garage.
I posted that. I drove by the house today...take a shortcut regularly that takes me by the house...have always admired the gorgeous homes on Woodland Drive. Unfortunately, the large mansions don't make for intimate neighbors (have tried to post this and forgive me if a repeat comes along).

That's really not fair to us DC residents. Neighbors don't have to be "intimate" to notice things. I think this is one of those unfortunate situations where things fell through the cracks. Doesn't mean that DC has neighbors that aren't intimate.
re: the truck watching the garage.
I posted that. I drove by the house today...take a shortcut regularly that takes me by the house...have always admired the gorgeous homes on Woodland Drive. Unfortunately, the large mansions don't make for intimate neighbors (have tried to post this and forgive me if a repeat comes along).

Thank you for the explanation...I get it now! I kept racking my brain trying to go through everything I have read on this case, and was coming up empty.

Thanks for the local perspective. I assume as another font mentioned, private security. The girls have such a long, rough road ahead of them, and I hope they get the privacy they deserve to deal with all of this - in their time.
It's a hard decision to me to decide if they should plead with him. If he is the only one in on this then there is no reason for the state to plea. If they can prosecute all involved without his help no plea either. If there are others that the state cannot prosecute with his help then I think they may just have to plea. Don't get me wrong I think he deserves all the state can give him. I just also think all involved need the severest punishments possible.
The boot mark on the door, and the water bottle lead me to believe there was at least one more in the house. With DW's past history I believe he is capable of committing all of the crimes that night, but we don't know if another person did the most heinous ones. I would not want for that person to be walking free, if a plea could also catch that person.
Maybe a plea to a long prison sentence and a guarantee of immediate deportation.
I want all involved held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, but I know sometimes pleas have to be made.
No, that came from me...I live in DC, and take a shortcut from Rock Creek that goes up 32nd/ Woodland Drive...
There's someone parked in a truck on the driveway, 'guarding' the house..the house has a huge backyard...unfortunately, it's not truly 'urban' so even if one of the S's had broken a window or screamed, I doubt anyone would've heard them...large mansions/homes....feels more suburban.

Respectfully speaking, there is not a huge backyard. The house is very close to the neighbor in back and also very close to the road on both Woodland and 32nd Street, certainly as compared to the neighbors. I know the neighborhood and setting (live nearby, friends in neighborhood, here often). It is possible that they would not have been heard had they broken a window, etc, but I think not likely. I have posted a photo with an aerial view below. You can see the house in relation to it's back door neighbor on 32nd Street. The door that LE has said was kicked in was on the left hand side of the house, which is the most private and shielded. The three areas more public are the front, the garage side, and the rear.
ObliqueHybrid (1).jpeg
Not to beat a dead horse with dogs...

I entertain the following, which gives rise to my speculating about plans vs. no plans and perp identity : 1)provision to ensure dogs would not gain neighbors' attention was made 2) dogs attended to by someone known to the dogs (could be owner) 3) dog's circumstances such that no need to consider them a "threat" (i.e. that their behavior might draw a neighbor to investigate, call ACC, get the lawn crew poking about). Could be doggie door led to area apart from the action--utility or laundry room where food placed and then they sheltered inside as per usual and went back out in the a.m.
On the other hand, dogs were kept in back of house IIRC, and that back space could be such that dogs would not be seen or heard, a fact that would be obvious without need to case or to know (prior) their temperament and routine.

Still, IF #1 or #3 the case, implies prior knowledge or observation. JMO perps knew prior that no need to disable dogs. Perhaps benefit in dogs frolicking outside as usual in a.m. to give impression nothing amiss.
I concede an on-the-spot observation might have indicated to perps that dogs not an issue, their behavior moot.
#2 is the usual thinking: an accomplice familiar with dogs tended to them.
OR dogs had access to a guardian without him or her being seen by outsiders. No duct tape, bindings, threatening "other" while guardian interacted though. Otherwise dogs could get agitated and bark loudly enough to be heard by passerby.
Or is it that the house is hedged, set back far enough, insulated well enough from outsiders that sound not an issue?

JMO Dogs drugged, dogs most laid back dogs ever, provisions made, prior knowledge of dogs, or perp/s know how to read and handle dogs in general , or perp/s so dog crazy would rather risk discovery than harm dogs in pre-emptive strike.

I tend to think NG, though mis-identified "Ginger" as vicious guarder, she was right that perps had to have prior knowledge through casing or through insider info. I think she meant that dogs are protective, would bark if they felt threatened or felt guardians were, and that they would react to strangers, invasion, the "unusual" in some way so as to draw attention unless perp/s had factored them in to the equation, knew how to deal with them, what time dogs out of earshot, out of the house, their day to day routine.

I don't know THESE dogs, but I do know dogs in general as a dog trainer and long-time kennel attendant and dog volunteer. Friendly dogs who approach anyone and everyone react to changes in routine, bark when left outside over night, scratch at doors when they expect to see guardians and don't, sense danger, hear glass breaking, see people carrying stuff in and out of a house and get curious...

JMO not drugged as kept to usual morning routine outdoors as attested to by lawn crew and neighbors IIRC.

someone liked dogs and no people...killer......no harm to animals........JMOO
That's really not fair to us DC residents. Neighbors don't have to be "intimate" to notice things. I think this is one of those unfortunate situations where things fell through the cracks. Doesn't mean that DC has neighbors that aren't intimate.

I agree. I don't think this is something that anyone "missed". That neighbors, or employees, or friends/family or anyone else needs to have any weight on their shoulders that they could have done something to prevent this...or save the family. I hope none of them are holding onto any of that!!

This type of horrific, evil crime is just not...thank God!!...something that is forefront in anyone's mind. That being said, home invasions seem to be on the rise (and I don't know why?)

We can put all sorts of security measures in place, have plans (code words, etc) but sadly, bad things happen to good people. No one deserves to have this type of thing happen to them...but life needs to be lived. We don't live in bubbles - and I don't think most people, including this family, want to.
I was just stating that the houses are far apart due to their largeness...and that it would be easy to miss something amiss...
I keep thinking that the boot print is made by someone coming through that door while someone else came through another door. Or it was done after the fact to make it look like a random home invasion with no insider involved.

Yeah, and it makes you wonder why LE would release information about "forced entry" after initially saying "no forced entry". I can't believe they hadn't done a thorough dusting of all exterior doors before the press conference where they announce "inside job" (paraphrasing). So is this old evidence being released with a new spin. Is it possible they're trying to give POIs the opportunity to incur lesser charge if they come forward? Would the fact that it was a forced entry imply less premeditation regarding the ensuing events?
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