DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #13

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The Metals Fabulous connection may hold something interesting. I recall Robin Ficker (ugh!) making a remark some time ago that police should be looking at connections with Metals Fabulous and not blame DW. I don't save stuff on Ficker so I don't have the link.

Frederick is not close to Hyattsville. DW doesn't have a car It's this business where he worked not the one w similar name in Frederick. I wish I'd kept notes but I think I remember this business as Being owned by RICHARD T. ROSS who was in a lawsuit with AMERICAN IRON WORKS. Or was this part of their joint venture together. I'm sorry that I can't quite recall.
I have a question that I would love to know the answer to.... Why burn the Porsche in DW old neighborhood ? what criminal does that ? Apparently he could have chosen a more neutral site to burn the Porsche. Was it so he could jog away conveniently to his family's residence and wouldn't have to spend any more money on cab fare? Did his accomplishes ( if he had any ) ditch him later.. Does anyone have any ideas ?
I have a question that I would love to know the answer to.... Why burn the Porsche in DW old neighborhood ? what criminal does that ? Apparently he could have chosen a more neutral site to burn the Porsche. Was it so he could jog away conveniently to his family's residence and wouldn't have to spend any more money on cab fare? Did his accomplishes ( if he had any ) ditch him later.. Does anyone have any ideas ?

I think a lot of criminals, while under the stress of doing a major crime, do stupid things. One of the things they do is seek out their comfort zones when stressed. Often they get caught because they bury a dead body or dump evidence in an area close to their own stomping grounds. Thankfully so.
I agree. I think that SS harbored hope that the monster would leave when the money arrived. And he knew that even if the cops drove up his driveway, the family would not be out of danger. DW would probably slit his wife and son's throats if that happened. So he did not try and send any signals. He did the opposite. Sadly enough.

I agree with many points you make 123. Certainly takes balls to invade the home in broad daylight and take four people hostage. The logistics of being successful in doing this without one person being able to send out a 911 call would not be too favorable if this was a one person show. And then to hold them for 19 hours! Very bold. So many things can go wrong in 19 hours. Unexpected guests could show up, PS's classmates could stop by to drop off homework,or the daughters could call and freak out being unable to reach anyone in the family. How would DW have known what to expect? Wouldn't he have noticed bedrooms that were obviously those of teenage girls? When were they going to walk in the door?

I also agree that $40,000 was nothing compared with easy pickings in the house. Jewelry, watches, artwork, high-end electronics, collectibles, etc. would have made this a profitable day's work. Why risk the possibility of getting caught by staying overnight.

And then the fire. Yes, what else could you do to bring the authorities to the house as quickly as possible.

So many actions that are very difficult to explain.

He did a lot of stupid things because people who do these kinds of crimes are often impulsive and erratic and impatient.

But I don't think he was that worried about someone else walking in the door. He probably had the door bolted from the inside or locked from the inside. And everyone was upstairs, duct taped. If anyone did come inside, they would have to come up the stairs before finding out what was going on. And then they would be trapped too.

I don't think they were worried about Phillips friends coming over. They would just not answer the door. Vera's husband was a real problem because he had a good reason to be worried and might call for help from LE. But most visitors would call first or just ring the bell and leave.

As for the daughter rooms, I am sure he asked where they were. He was told they were away at school. I am sure he knew that the parents would make sure the girls did not stumble into this mess too.

I am not so sure there were a lot of super expensive things laying around the house for them to cash in on. I think they wanted cash. It is very dangerous to pawn jewelry from dead people that you have killed. And the cars are too noticeable and bulky. JMO
What about school for Little Philip on Thursday? My daughter's school would have called if she was a "no show!"

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We don't know do we about all unanswered incoming calls to Savopolous's cell phones, only those mentioned by NG and Alfaro Figeroa to press, and those JW says he made in interview with investigators.
AIW officials, Savopolous's relatives (daughters, parents) or friends, PS's school, any could have phoned and got VMs from SS and AS's cells.
It is unfortunate but understandable that whoever did call and get a VM didn't cross-check with others, but they didn't all know each other, wasn't appropriate in some cases, and various entities had either spoken personally with SS or received a VM or text from AS or SS. How would they have guessed that the in-person calls or VMs were scripted by evil monster/s holding all of them or texts entered by a monster with control of their cells?
That aspect, anticipating calls to the house, forming responses to them, was considered in advance or someone thinking well on her/his feet who did not want to raise suspicions. A bit of both JMO.
As a WS member has already posted, one evening and part of the next day is a relatively short window in which to raise a group alarm.
Early reports emphasized how on Thursday, while insanity reigns within, dogs playing in backyard and lawn crew humming along in front presents a veneer of utter normalcy.
I believe it was Garrett on 20/20 who pointed out that holding family and VF upstairs allowed for keeping a window open and some curtains downstairs while hiding bound victims and perpetrator/s.
JMO these elements and several others suggest knowledge, planning, and ability to trouble-shoot and foresee problems.
As Columbo says "ah, just one more thing..." DW could have covered all the bases by himself, though I think evidence suggests to LE not the case, but why would he have needed to? He had friends in low places JMO
That's an excellent question! I never thought about this before, but are there protocols in place as a whole or would some families have specific instructions in a case like this where a child isn't at school when expected and parents can't be contacted. What happens next?

Ooh, great question. Looking forward to an answer :)

The school calls so the parent will know if their kid is skipping school. They don't call the police if you don't answer. They do want you to call if your child will be out so they know you know they don't have your child.
No, I meant exactly what I posted.
Not to quibble, but you said SS would not have trusted the task to someone he knew. He knew JW, so I took you to have meant someone more in the inner circle, like a company official. Maybe you meant not have trusted the unconventional drop off to someone he'd known a long time or someone who was an intimate. You can mean exactly what you posted all you want, but that does not make it clear in the context of exploring the case. I re-framed not to be snarky, but to hazard a guess. I re-framed not to advance my own agenda either. I did not think my "I think what you might have meant.." would occasion offense. I probably should have said "Did you mean..." and left you to say "I meant exactly what I said" in response, or better yet, "I don't mean to put words in your mouth/on your keyboard, but if I understand you correctly, yeah makes sense because blah blah." A re-frame to help me understand and respond to your post is not a challenge to it or a correction or a criticism of it. I was just clumsy at it.
Dominos spoke with a woman on the phone. They wouldn't know Mrs. S's voice from any other woman who answered the phone. They only state it was AS because that's what she said. Was there a female accomplice with DW?

This is not meant to be racist. One can usually tell the difference between a white and African American's voice on the phone. DW probably did have AS make the call in case the person answering was someone who knew her voice. If you are a frequent customer, the people know your voice as soon as you start talking.

My guess would be if DW had a female accomplice, she would be AA.

My opinions only.
Frederick is not close to Hyattsville. DW doesn't have a car It's this business where he worked not the one w similar name in Frederick. I wish I'd kept notes but I think I remember this business as Being owned by RICHARD T. ROSS who was in a lawsuit with AMERICAN IRON WORKS. Or was this part of their joint venture together. I'm sorry that I can't quite recall.
1.) Many welders work jobs off site from the head shed. That is where the fabrication takes place, e.g. the projects on AIW page has welders at those sites.
2.) Ficker's said they should look at Metals Fabulous for possible other suspects, as he was trying to deflect away from DW. He may well have been referring to the lawsuit that you mention and another person with a grudge against SS.

I believe this conversation happened on a CNN broadcast in last week of May.
Dominos spoke with a woman on the phone. They wouldn't know Mrs. S's voice from any other woman who answered the phone. They only state it was AS because that's what she said. Was there a female accomplice with DW?
The very first local news reports here (DC) said the order was placed on line and then the customer called in with the special request (to leave the pizzas on the porch) and to let them know that the tip would be in an envelope on the porch.

Sorry, no link b/c it was heard on a TV news report.
I'm taking a guess. She was tired, didn't want to be "on call"anymore that evening, so turned her cell off and let msgs. go to VM. As far as she knew, she's not needed, and JMO didn't want to be.
She's on a job, checks her msgs, gets SSs from night before and AS's, thinks a little weird and redundant, but nothing alarming. IDK she tried to call VF hub or not to let him know his wife had spent the night. Didn't she try VF's cell? She tried AS's.
Was VF hub still at work? Would she have known that? Did she have his cell #?
All the questioning is good as far as I am concerned, but personally I have no reason to suspect NG, view her as a survivor and a victim, and she's not listed in CD or SWs.
PS Not trying to step on the discussion about why she might have acted as she did

She's not listed on any of the SWs as far as we know... Many more must be under seal. :whistle:
Frederick is not close to Hyattsville. DW doesn't have a car It's this business where he worked not the one w similar name in Frederick. I wish I'd kept notes but I think I remember this business as Being owned by RICHARD T. ROSS who was in a lawsuit with AMERICAN IRON WORKS. Or was this part of their joint venture together. I'm sorry that I can't quite recall.
DDW, did have cars throughout the mid 2000s because he kept getting pulled over and ticketed...I'll go look at the mid to late 2000s charges and see where they stopped him.
Not to quibble, but you said SS would not have trusted the task to someone he knew. He knew JW, so I took you to have meant someone more in the inner circle, like a company official. Maybe you meant not have trusted the unconventional drop off to someone he'd known a long time or someone who was an intimate. You can mean exactly what you posted all you want, but that does not make it clear in the context of exploring the case. I re-framed not to be snarky, but to hazard a guess. I re-framed not to advance my own agenda either. I did not think my "I think what you might have meant.." would occasion offense. I probably should have said "Did you mean..." and left you to say "I meant exactly what I said" in response, or better yet, "I don't mean to put words in your mouth/on your keyboard, but if I understand you correctly, yeah makes sense because blah blah." A re-frame to help me understand and respond to your post is not a challenge to it or a correction or a criticism of it. I was just clumsy at it.

No. I said... Do you think anybody that knew him would have left that money in the car in his garage? That is why I think he had JW do it.
DDW, did have cars throughout the mid 2000s because he kept getting pulled over and ticketed...I'll go look at the mid to late 2000s charges and see where they stopped him.

2008 and 2009 they are mostly in Hyattsville and Upper Marlboro
Do rich people order people differently than poor or middle class people?

I need 2 large pizzas, one cheese, one pepperoni. My child is sick. I won't be able to come to the door. The money/card will be left in an envelope on the porch.

Have we heard Wint speak? Have we heard the two women being investigated as being involved speak? I think Wint's father is well spoken from the statement that was issued.
I speak Texan... No one usually asks me what state I live in when ordering anything by telephone... Just saying!
So true with very few facts being publicized. :/ We all have life experiences that bring great information and insights into what little we are provided so far. Not to be a Pollyanna, but I've learned so much here in my short time on WebSleuths and am thankful for the discussions and back-and-forth. Not only do I learn from everyone else, but I also learn about myself from my own posts, lol. I both enlighten and disappoint myself when I react emotionally, but its fun to discover, nonetheless.

There is such a rich variety of members here; lifestyles, occupations, professions, geographic locations, education, (temperament) points of view, life experiences, etc.

I sometimes view it as an educational site in addition to exploring the cases.

Beautiful and insightful comment. All kinds of different problem-solving strategies here and what we learn goes beyond these monstrous and tragic and often inexplicable crimes themselves which JMO need not dismiss or diminish their human toll, but can replenish and sometimes inspire us as a community who can engage the "banality of evil," but with some degree of abstraction, based on scant facts, and as you say, from the perspective of our individual personalities etc. But you said it best, so I won't re-frame those specifics.
We have represented here, all in one place, by the book, just the facts mam "sleuths," classical Sherlock Holmes sleuths, specialists (forensics, LE, finance, psychology, justice system, medicine), visionaries (the "what if...."), writers (let me cast this crime as a piece of creative non-fiction and see where that gets us), actors (let me channel this character, adapt that persona, get into the mind of ...), intuitives (when I close my eyes here's what I see), critics (the problem with/flaw in your theory is...), researchers and scholars, et al.
And in one contributor, we can find multiple skills and approaches. I say, let's be tolerant of all the above approaches as long as we observe TOS, acknowledge not one of us is all-knowing, and "do not harm."
A smorgasbord means you get to skip the dishes you don't have a taste for, and indulge in those you prefer.
Felicity Lemon, your post could serve as a credo for many forums in many fields.
I will master this "quick reply" thing soon!
Do rich people order people differently than poor or middle class people?

I need 2 large pizzas, one cheese, one pepperoni. My child is sick. I won't be able to come to the door. The money/card will be left in an envelope on the porch.

Have we heard Wint speak? Have we heard the two women being investigated as being involved speak? I think Wint's father is well spoken from the statement that was issued.

BBM I'm assuming you're being sarcastic? *i really really hope so*.

I don't think we have heard Wint speak.
DDW, did have cars throughout the mid 2000s because he kept getting pulled over and ticketed...I'll go look at the mid to late 2000s charges and see where they stopped him.

The owner of Metalfab (aka Metal Fabulous) was not a party in the AIW litigation. I believe the person owns the Fredericksburg and Hyattsville locations. The person you mentioned did own a company related to the metal manufacturing sector. Perhaps DW worked for him but worked on site of Metalfab as Facundo mentioned for another company IMO.

I think we should be cautious about discussing without the approval of a moderator:)
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