DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #14

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Fine if he wanted to credit WSers and publicize their fine work in his use of it, but I think he plain out committed an act of intellectual theft, in ethical terms--I know what he did is not illegal as WSers hold no copyright and that is not the grievance.
Has anyone put the record straight on his blog or contacted him? Can we? Should we?
Can we write to or comment at People.com?
Just the record straight. No need for remonstrance.

Whew, you made me google it.

Full Definition of REMONSTRANCE

1: an earnest presentation of reasons for opposition or grievance; especially : a document formally stating such points

2: an act or instance of remonstrating
Thank you for a terrific post! This is pretty much along the lines of my current "opinion."
I'm intrigued by the quote from DW's lawyer today. Is he too insinuating that things got out of control?

I think JW might be cooperating and DW also giving up his "associates." It may turn out that killing was not on the original plan. I'm assuming these guys could get a gun if they wanted one. I think it was to be knives and intimidation.
But when things went sour, and maybe a certain key person in the operation was "identified" by SS...desperate measures by desperate, frightened, inexperienced perps were put in place. That may be Phillip's bat. The overkill might be because of a lack of "experience"...doing killings that were not in the original plan.

Burning the house and the car...more panic.

One reason I suspect JW is the feeling that the brains of the operation wasn't on scene to control the people inside. "Mistakes were made" and they led, IMO, to an unplanned tragic outcome.

Oh, my. Some fine thinking. Oh, my.
I am confused about a few things and would like some clarification if possible . SS told his assistant to get a package . Did he tell him the amount of money? I wouldn't think he would . He told the accountant obviously . So how did the assistant know the amount of money ? I assume the accountant gave him the money but did he tell him how much ? Does not seem what an accountant would do- seems it would between him and SS. Assistant must have either counted it or knew how much it was . Also was AS porsche a stick ? Could DW drive a stick ? Sorry if this was discussed already .Thanks
This was a dumb move by the Wint family. They just made it easier for the prosecutors. You do not go to a Podiatrist to deliver your baby. He should have stuck with the PD.

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Maybe the Wint Family wants DW locked up and forever out of their hair.. *Just my thought *
Fine if he wanted to credit WSers and publicize their fine work in his use of it, but I think he plain out committed an act of intellectual theft, in ethical terms--I know what he did is not illegal as WSers hold no copyright and that is not the grievance.
Has anyone put the record straight on his blog or contacted him? Can we? Should we?
Can we write to or comment at People.com?
Just the record straight. No need for remonstrance.


paraphrasing so as not to get in trouble here: he has no problem with true crime reporting; it's readers of true crime stories who he thinks appear disproportionately a few fruit loops short of a nutritious breakfast.

Websleuths is mentioned further down.

Emails to him are posted as well as his responses.

So, how unusual would it be for LE to suspect someone (such as some of those picked up in the convoy with DW, or even JW) yet hold off on arresting them for weeks as they gather more hard evidence? It seems like from what people are saying that it is unheard of. One person on another forum said that, you make the arrest and build your case later. Are there any scenarios where an arrest would be strategically delayed for investigative purposes.

Scott Peterson wasn't arrested right away when he became a suspect. Laci Peterson disappeared on 12/24/2002, police began to suspect him not long after LP disappeared and then Amber Frey came forward on 1/17/2003. They sat tight, surreptitiously recording his phone conversations with Frey and collecting more evidence, until they arrested him on 4/18/2003.
Maybe the Wint Family wants DW locked up and forever out of their hair.. *Just my thought *

The "other" half. Maybe the other side scrambling to hide their involvement. I still want more info from the girlfriend.

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I am confused about a few things and would like some clarification if possible . SS told his assistant to get a package . Did he tell him the amount of money? I wouldn't think he would . He told the accountant obviously . So how did the assistant know the amount of money ? I assume the accountant gave him the money but did he tell him how much ? Does not seem what an accountant would do- seems it would between him and SS. Assistant must have either counted it or knew how much it was . Also was AS porsche a stick ? Could DW drive a stick ? Sorry if this was discussed already .Thanks

I can't speak to DW's stick abilities, but I've been slightly obsessed with whether or not JW was told ahead of time he'd be picking up money or just a package. So, here is what I have gathered:

JW said that he that he thought he was picking up a package, and, indeed, in both of his texts to SS he referred to a package: one on Weds night 8:30 (I think) "Got your messages. Will let you know when I pick up the package"; and the one on Thurs at 10:26 AM "dropped off the package." (I could be off by a couple words.) AND in all the language LE used in the charging docs, JW relayed how he and SS discussed "the package."

Furthermore Fox in DC reported that JW said that he didn't know what was in the package, let alone how much money it was, until the accountant told him.

SO, if you are to take some of JW's story as true, he did not know he was picking up money, or the money was always referred to as a "package." And it would make sense that he brought a big enough bag to carry a package.

However, some WS'ers strongly believe that SS told JW he was picking up money and it needed to be delivered at God's speed (because his family's and VF's lives depended on it--not that that part would have been revealed) and so JW brought his own bank bag to pick up the money, which in his second story he put in the envelope and IMO the car.

The text to his GF implies that he shared with her that he'd be picking up money (or at the very least "thought" he'd be picking up money) but did not share with her how much, because she clearly blown away by the $40k figure.
What I infer from all this (IMO/gut/could be wrong) is that JW played dumb in his texts to SS (and probably any calls in which they spoke) to pretend he thought he was picking up a package, but, in fact, he knew he'd be picking up money. How much did the accountant tell him? We don't know.
But JW did tell NG that the money was for the dojo. And there is still some discussion over whether there WAS a plan ahead of time for SS to take out cash for the opening. All spec.

But, according to JW, he was picking up a package and the rest he learned in action.

Dunno if that helps.

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I think an employer can't lie about why an employee was terminated. As long as it's true, they can say it. I don't know what benefit a company sees in providing that information to the media, but if a prospective employer asks a previous employer about a candidate, the previous employer absolutely can tell why the employee was let go. Yes, the employee can always sue or threaten to sue, but unless the case has grounds, they won't win. It can end up costing time and money that an employer doesn't want to waste, but that is the employer's choice, not law. I personally think if a previous employer isn't honest with the prospective employer, he/she is doing a disservice by not warning of the employee's actions that precipitated the firing.

As someone posted earlier, that's why it usually takes a little while to fire someone, as the company wants to create a record of what leads to the firing. The fact that JW was fired in apparent haste makes the cause seem more egregious. In fairness, we have no idea how long Autobahn was planning to fire him. We just know that according to SM, JW didn't seem to see it coming.
If we are talking child molester (but probably have to PROVE), could be a liability to employer if in next job a child is abused and the previous employer never mentioned the risk.
Many companies today to avoid defamation suits or suits claiming a person lost a job to their reference, there's a blanket policy--just say she worked here.
So right. You are right to say it is not illegal to tell the truth as an assessment of a person's performance,, the good and the bad.
But it would be a problem to say "We suspected so and so had such and such" and possibly incur a suit because if you did not make a report to authorities, win a claim against your employee, you open yourself up to legal action.
I agree that in JW's case he probably really screwed up for the reasons you state.
I think his former employer just wanted him to go away quietly.
I think he turned out to be "bad news" of some sort and that your speculation about his firing rings true!
And LE would have already talked to the accountant.

I'd like to know if there is more than one accountant and if this is the person hired, 2012, on a work visa that expires in August 2015.
I'm not sure about the original wording - the last incoming/outgoing call to/from SS' phone - working from memory.

That's the problem with MSM repeating each others' reports and never checking the original source. An assumption becomes fact if it's repeated frequently enough. I think someone on WS said the signal at Lowe's (and Home Depot) in Chantilly is really bad, and that became JW didn't pick up because of poor reception... Someone else may have a better recollection.

I wonder if LE has JW's phone. JW let them look at his phone during the interview. I'm sure they took notes. The search warrant of JW's car included "electronic devices", so I'm thinking if he didn't give his phone up willingly, they would have gotten a warrant - if they needed it. The records from AT&T might tell them everything they could get from the actual phone. IDK. Someone in thread #13 (I think) said phone records can be obtained on an emergency basis even from a police cruiser (or something like that) before a warrant can go through. If so, that may be how they got SS' records so quickly.

BTW, I see where NT took credit for the WS' work in the PEOPLE magazine article! http://www.people.com/article/dc-mansion-murders-why-are-police-investigating-jordan-wallace
OMG!!! Now I'm really pi$$ed off!!! Who is this guy? Prior to this case, I had never heard of him. Ugh!!!!!!
If we are talking child molester (but probably have to PROVE), could be a liability to employer if in next job a child is abused and the previous employer never mentioned the risk.
Many companies today to avoid defamation suits or suits claiming a person lost a job to their reference, there's a blanket policy--just say she worked here.
So right. You are right to say it is not illegal to tell the truth as an assessment of a person's performance,, the good and the bad.
But it would be a problem to say "We suspected so and so had such and such" and possibly incur a suit because if you did not make a report to authorities, win a claim against your employee, you open yourself up to legal action.
I agree that in JW's case he probably really screwed up for the reasons you state.
I think his former employer just wanted him to go away quietly.
I think he turned out to be "bad news" of some sort and that your speculation about his firing rings true!

I have no idea how big this go kart company is, but I have had the unfortunate responsibility of letting people go who are not working out in both large and med size companies. (Also hiring, much more fun!)

While it is strongly advised to create a paper trail, anyone who is an at-will employee can be fired at any time for any reason. Of course, the fired employee can sue. But if that person isn't viewed as a potential legal threat or in a protected class, a verbal explanation, even as obtuse as "I no longer have a job for you" is acceptable.

Depending on how sophisticated the go kart place was (did they even have an HR dept?) JW could have been let go with no advance probation and for something big or small. Or just because his boss didn't like him.

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I am confused about a few things and would like some clarification if possible . SS told his assistant to get a package . Did he tell him the amount of money? I wouldn't think he would . He told the accountant obviously . So how did the assistant know the amount of money ? I assume the accountant gave him the money but did he tell him how much ? Does not seem what an accountant would do- seems it would between him and SS. Assistant must have either counted it or knew how much it was . Also was AS porsche a stick ? Could DW drive a stick ? Sorry if this was discussed already .Thanks

Hi xanthe:wave: The Search Warrant document linked by Skigirl and others was helpful to me regarding the communication for the package. It's part of the story JW changed. Sections 7 and 8 of the warrant cover this issue. In his second version, we learn JW received a text from SS's phone on Wednesday regarding the package. He didn't actually talk to him.
Hope that helps.

I can't speak to DW's stick abilities, but I've been slightly obsessed with whether or not JW was told ahead of time he'd be picking up money or just a package. So, here is what I have gathered:

JW said that he that he thought he was picking up a package, and, indeed, in both of his texts to SS he referred to a package: one on Weds night 8:30 (I think) "Got your messages. Will let you know when I pick up the package"; and the one on Thurs at 10:26 AM "dropped off the package." (I could be off by a couple words.) AND in all the language LE used in the charging docs, JW relayed how he and SS discussed "the package."

Respectfully snipped for focus. I think that even though SS by all accounts was asking DW to pick up a "package," JW probably suspected the "package" was money and that SS just didn't want to advertise that fact in an insecure communication (like a text). He would have been especially clued in by the fact that he was sent out to meet an accountant at AIW. Otherwise, it would be more likely that SS would say "I'd like you to stop and pick up my boxing gloves," or "my briefcase," "my dry-cleaning," or "that contract I need to sign," or, or, or. Unless someone is Agent 007 and routinely trying to secrete their doings, usually people are pretty specific, even with subordinates, except when trying to be discreet, as would be the case in dealing with cash. I think the discrete language was a tip-off, and coupled with where he was told to go, he was pretty sure it would be money.
My guess is the band around each bundle indicated the amount. My problem with any scenario is if the bands were removed. Even from a family which makes almost $200,000 a year, which is great for our area, . I have personally wired in the millions in an old position with Citibank and other companies. I have NEVER held more than a couple thousand in my life. I realize companies with large cash transactions it may be the norm. I never inquired or asked since it was not my place. Again, part of the old fashioned times. Heck, even 300 bucks made me me nervous. Why? Because I have met people who were not honest. And, I am odd because I am God/humanistic driven. Money is a powerful thing to some. It is not powerful to me because I am realistic. I would never steal or harm someone. Some people have zero morals. I remember YEARS ago, one of my BFFs told me later her brother was the best man at a wedding. The entire family believed he orchestrated the robbery while he was acting as the best man. I have zero doubt. He is still a loser and milks everyone. Never really worked a day in his life. But a great thief.

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IMO the bulk of $40K was recovered during the arrest of Wint. Let's wait and see the final tally before blaming a guy SS trusted to deliver cash he thought would save his family. LE hasn't listed how much the "large stack of $100 bills" added up to.

$1,000 DW paid Uber livery NY to DC (no link)
$10,000 in cash in truck - http://www.washingtonpost.com/postt...a1dca4-0be9-11e5-951e-8e15090d64ae_video.html video @01:06

$10,000 in money orders in car - http://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/manhunt-killed-dc-mansion-murder-victims-31738740 video @6:45

$5,000 in money orders cashed by two women after the arrest (no link)

Total $26,000
Scott Peterson wasn't arrested right away when he became a suspect. Laci Peterson disappeared on 12/24/2002, police began to suspect him not long after LP disappeared and then Amber Frey came forward on 1/17/2003. They sat tight, surreptitiously recording his phone conversations with Frey and collecting more evidence, until they arrested him on 4/18/2003.

Scott Peterson was arrested after the remains of Conner and Laci Peterson washed ashore on 4/13/03 and 4/14/03.
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