DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #18

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With this new revelation, we can assume that DW's intentions must have been to hold the family hostage, and not and in/out burglary. He must have had some insight
that SS wasn't at home yet, but I'm scratching my head, wondering how he contained the 3 victims so quickly? How did he know what part of the home they were in? I saw an arial view of the home, and it's much larger than the street view implies.

Great questions! I'm scratching my head too. It does seem as if he would have had some help...

And Vera was supposed to leave at 3...

I think he possibly had help, but the help has turned informant... maybe?
 Megan Cloherty ‏@ClohertyWTOP · 3h3 hours ago  Washington, DC

Police timeline #Savopoulos fam, Figueroa held starting at 6p on 5/13 partially based on security system detecting glass broken at 5:56p

So great to 'see' you on this thread, Bootsctr. I hope you have been doing well. :)

We also have glass shatter sensors along with our security/camera system. I cant believe the security company did not immediately call whatever number was in their records. Even though I have sixty seconds to disarm my alarm within 30-40 seconds they come over the intercom system asking me is everything ok wanting our password and code. I know they would do the same if there was glass breakage in our home.

It will be interesting to find out if they did call and Amy had to make up some excuse for why it got broken. If they didn't call, then I think that may be a lawsuit right there for the daughters to file since it did register the glass breakage.

I'm trying to understand why we should take the 9:57 time as gospel but not the 9 am time that was given by LE in the original affidavit/SWs/AW. I guess I'll have to wait for more documents to come out or for LE to go on MSM and explain the discrepancy.

IMO Absolutely all LE needed to do today was get the judge to find probable cause to charge DW & keep him in his holding tank. They succeeded in what they needed to do. Any mysteries or things that do not compute i.e. timeline on bank & JW text time does not really matter at this moment. All to keep DA guessing & off balance so to not know their precise game plan. All can be cleared up later. Think its a bit of a cat & mouse game. I like it. But it keeps it difficult for us sleuthers.
He is on tape at the bank at 9:45 am. Then the text to girlfriend is send at 9:57 am. Looks like police were off in their affidavit, that's all.


The affidavit said W2 stated IT received a text from W1 on Thursday, May 14, 2015, at approximately 9:00 AM W2 opened the text for detectives to view.

IMO W2 gave the 9am info. But investigation revealed the actual time was 9:57am
Probably have.....but I wonder if peeps in the traveling circus & the fam member who was part of it, have all been dna swabbed???? Hope so!
Great questions! I'm scratching my head too. It does seem as if he would have had some help...

And Vera was supposed to leave at 3...

I think he possibly had help, but the help has turned informant... maybe?

May I ask you why you think he had to have some help?

The reason I ask is this seems to come up often when multiple persons are murdered yet many times one sole perpetrator killed all of the victims right by themselves and have even murdered more than four.

Personally, I don't think he had to have help or even needed/wanted help to complete these murders.

Like most murderers who kill multiple people they grab one and threaten to harm them and the others there comply thinking they can save that victim and themselves if they do exactly as the perp demands they do.

There have been several victims that even let the murderer restrain them with duct tape or zip ties and they were still bound when found dead.

May I ask you why you think he had to have some help?

The reason I ask is this seems to come up often when multiple persons are murdered yet many times one sole perpetrator killed all of the victims right by themselves and have even murdered more than four.

Personally, I don't think he had to have help or even needed help to complete these murders.

Like most murderers who kill multiple people they grab one and threaten to harm them and the others there comply thinking they can save that victim and themselves if they do exactly as the perp demands they do.

There have been several victims that even let the murderer restrain them with duct tape or zip ties and they were still bound when found dead.

JMO--DW may have come in w a bat (breaking window???), (attacking everyone to initially subdue them??) & left w a cache of japanese swords. (left the bat behind... no value to him I guess) huh!
May I ask you why you think he had to have some help?

The reason I ask is this seems to come up often when multiple persons are murdered yet many times one sole perpetrator killed all of the victims right by themselves and have even murdered more than four.

Personally, I don't think he had to have help or even needed/wanted help to complete these murders.

Like most murderers who kill multiple people they grab one and threaten to harm them and the others there comply thinking they can save that victim and themselves if they do exactly as the perp demands they do.

There have been several victims that even let the murderer restrain them with duct tape or zip ties and they were still bound when found dead.


I do certainly believe it is possible Wint carried this out alone, but...

I believe the reason the people with Wint when he was arrested were let go was with hope they would provide more answers about the crime and if they had helped, but weren't okay with a child being stabbed and set on fire they might be more forthcoming with information regarding the crime and their involvement.

At this point, it looks like Wint acted alone, although his defense is going to be SODDI. I don't think JW was the only one the lawyer tried to throw under the bus today.

Megan Cloherty ‏@ClohertyWTOP · 6h6 hours ago

 Washington, DC
Defense attny says Wint's ******* was passenger in truck. Judge sustains. Then detective testifies passenger told others to buy money orders
Why did the Detective answer "I don't know." The bank has had weeks to tell them they made special arrangements. As would the Acccountant who actually picked up the money.

One reason I can think of is, unless the Detective answering knew for absolute certainty, it would be best to answer "I don't know". The less information prosecution gives to the defense the better for a conviction. Let the defense work for their information, no reason for LE to help them out. KWIM?
Hold up......so JW took a photo of the money and sent it to his girlfriend "45 minutes before" bank surveillance shows him picking it up?????? How is that?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

He's a magic man, mama, aahhhhh, he's a magic man. :D

Seriously, what time did JW call SS for the 10 minute warning?

Today's hearing just messed me up in the timeline. argh.
So SW may mean "bookbag" when they say "backpack"?

I'm not sure what a "bookbag" looks like, I'm not sure it's a "thing" other than a bag that can hold books. I always carried my books in a backpack, and so do lots of students, so maybe that's why it was put that way. IDK.
So great to 'see' you on this thread, Bootsctr. I hope you have been doing well. :)

We also have glass shatter sensors along with our security/camera system. I cant believe the security company did not immediately call whatever number was in their records. Even though I have sixty seconds to disarm my alarm within 30-40 seconds they come over the intercom system asking me is everything ok wanting our password and code. I know they would do the same if there was glass breakage in our home.

It will be interesting to find out if they did call and Amy had to make up some excuse for why it got broken. If they didn't call, then I think that may be a lawsuit right there for the daughters to file since it did register the glass breakage.


What's weird to me is that our security company requires the customer make up a hostage code. Obviously, if a perp sets off an alarm, he would force the victim to lie when they call to check. So in addition to the personal code you have, you also have a hostage code. The perp won't know the difference and you just give them the latter and they say "Thanks" but send the police.

This was supposed to be a very sophisticated alarm system from a company in a large metropolis.

Another odd detail.
JMO--DW may have come in w a bat (breaking window???), (attacking everyone to initially subdue them??) & left w a cache of japanese swords. (left the bat behind... no value to him I guess) huh!

I wonder where those swords are?

I think the child was in the bed. The maid ? maybe on her way out. Amy upstairs checking on Philip. Wint grabs Vera knife to her throat and tells her to take him to the others. ?

And like OceanBlueEyes stated, why didn't the glass breaking alarm cause someone to respond to the home? 60 seconds is not long to turn off an alarm in such a horrifying situation. I would hope I would remember the code...
May I ask you why you think he had to have some help?

The reason I ask is this seems to come up often when multiple persons are murdered yet many times one sole perpetrator killed all of the victims right by themselves and have even murdered more than four.

Personally, I don't think he had to have help or even needed/wanted help to complete these murders.

Like most murderers who kill multiple people they grab one and threaten to harm them and the others there comply thinking they can save that victim and themselves if they do exactly as the perp demands they do.

There have been several victims that even let the murderer restrain them with duct tape or zip ties and they were still bound when found dead.


I agree that DW could have carried it out alone, except that there are a couple things that make me think it may not be the case in this situation. One is that we aren't allowed to sleuth certain people -- like those who were in the convoy when he was caught -- and so we don't know that no one else was arrested. We just know that no arrests were announced. Second, LE seems convinced -- at least they were at the time the SWs were issued -- that there was more than one person involved. Perhaps it's just because they have the same false belief that a lot of people do that a number of people can't be restrained by just one person, but maybe it's because they know more than we do and there is evidence that points in that direction. For example, we learned today about a third person's DNA on the vest found in the burned car (the first two being DW and SS).
I'm sure LE could care less who is being dissected, accused, or targeted on social media or sleuthing Boards.

But let's not forget that they sort of shoved the discussion/suspicion in the direction of JW but choosing to release HIS SWs. The media picked up the scent from there.

Sometimes the suspicions just evolve on a Board. The suspicions about JW were pretty much handed out like candy.
I wonder where those swords are?

I think the child was in the bed. The maid ? maybe on her way out. Amy upstairs checking on Philip. Wint grabs Vera knife to her throat and tells her to take him to the others. ?

And like OceanBlueEyes stated, why didn't the glass breaking alarm cause someone to respond to the home? 60 seconds is not long to turn off an alarm in such a horrifying situation. I would hope I would remember the code...

I don't think we know there was an alarm sent out to the monitoring station when the glass break detector responded. We just know that the security system recorded a glass break. My glass break detector occasionally is triggered by doors slamming and it won't send out a signal to the alarm company unless the alarm system is armed. Mine is rarely armed during the day because there's too much chance one of us will set it off by accident letting the dogs in and out, answering the door when the UPS guy comes, going outside to sit in the garden, etc.
He's a magic man, mama, aahhhhh, he's a magic man. :D

Seriously, what time did JW call SS for the 10 minute warning?

Today's hearing just messed me up in the timeline. argh.

Me too. I thought AS called SS home around 5 p.m. This puts everything happening about an hour later than we thought.
9 am was never an exact time, it was approximately 9 am. In addition, it would be impossible to send photos of money before getting such money. But I guess we can keep on trying to come up with convoluted theories instead of believing the exact time prosecution said the text was send at.

Just like with JW's stories of how he got the money, we have two stories and they can't both be accurate. LE has previously and repeatedly said the pic of the money was sent at approximately 9 am. That is nowhere near 9:57, which would be approximately 10 am. LE must have really screwed up royally when they saw the text from JW to W2 on both JW's and W2's phones. Then they must not have checked the times on the phones against the phone records when they received them. It might be zany to come up with possible scenarios where JW took a photo of money that didn't match the amount withdrawn from the bank 45 minutes before the bank transaction. Since there were numerous texts to/from JW and W2, we can't be sure that one text contained all the limited information we have - the pic, the response to W2 about the amount of the money and the "don't tell anyone" text could have been sent at different times. In fact, from what I'm reading it appears that the text from JW saying "my job is insane, don't tell anyone,” was sent at 9:57. That doesn't have to be contained within the same text as the photo of the money in the red lined bag. The only text that LE told us was sent at a specific time, after seeing it at least twice before the affidavit was written, is the photo of the money at approximately 9 am.

If we can't believe what LE wrote in the affidavit, why should we believe the prosecutor has the time right? We don't even know how this information was conveyed - in a question, as a statement, as a possibility? We know the investigator said "I don't know." He doesn't know, but the prosecutor does? Is it possible the prosecutor is scrambling when confronted with a photo he can't explain?

I don't know what happened. I know that at least some of what we've been told happened, can't have happened, because if there are two conflicting stories, they can't both be correct. I'm just keeping an open mind and not relying on a second or third hand report to be accurate. For all we know the photo the defense showed is erroneous and we won't know how that happened until either LE explains it or it comes out in court. All JMO.
I don't think we know there was an alarm sent out to the monitoring station when the glass break detector responded. We just know that the security system recorded a glass break. My glass break detector occasionally is triggered by doors slamming and it won't send out a signal to the alarm company unless the alarm system is armed. Mine is rarely armed during the day because there's too much chance one of us will set it off by accident letting the dogs in and out, answering the door when the UPS guy comes, going outside to sit in the garden, etc.

And lest the boogeyman is reading this thread, it's armed during the day nowadays!
I'm trying to understand why we should take the 9:57 time as gospel but not the 9 am time that was given by LE in the original affidavit/SWs/AW. I guess I'll have to wait for more documents to come out or for LE to go on MSM and explain the discrepancy.

Didn't the original SW say it was texted @ APPROXIMATELY 9 am...
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