DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #2

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I'm on the fence about him possibly being "hired" to do it. I don't see it as impossible for it to be set up this way... Someone conspiring with DW to extort money from the S family as a ransom. Maybe a case of, "hey, you have the ability to pull this off... take them hostage, have them pay you X amount of dollars to think you'll free them. Then, kill them and torch the house. You get you're money and valuables from the house and I get to move into his vacated position". Or something like that.

I know, it does seem crazy... but so does killing a family and their housekeeper and then setting the home on fire.

Who knows???

if there was someone behind this they are even dumber for hiring this idiot.

this seems personal to me. the money an afterthought.......JMO
Been gone so could someone clue me in a little.

Did NG do another interview and talk about the dogs. I would love to listen to it.

Wint use to work for AIW as a welder? When?

And lastly, if Vera was to leave at 3pm on Wed. but obviously she didn't. Then when Amy called SS to tell him she needed to go out (the 5:30pm call) was she forced to make that call to get Savvas home? And I am thinking SS had no clue that something was going wrong and Amy was unable to figure out a way to code him that it was. Darn it! This is when a secret family code could have possibly saved their lives. But who thinks this could happen to them!

Did I miss anything else?

Thanks a bunch!
Felony murder is charged when there are multiple suspects and police can't prove who did what. Here we only have one suspect (at least so far). I fail to see why felony murder would come into any consideration.

We have one named suspect because Wint left his DNA around and that DNA was already on record to be identified, not that LE is certain Wint acted alone with him solely pulling off the kidnapping and murders all by himself.

But no one knew about the delivery until Thursday morning when Savvas started the transaction. At that time the murderer had been in the home for some hours.

I am sorry but that theory just doesn't make sense to me, MyBelle. And I haven't picked up on one thing the Police Chief has said that remotely supports that theory either.

I am sure he did plan it out as a lot of robbery/murders are planned and premeditated beforehand but that sure doesn't make him a hit man anymore than the goons who went in and killed the Petit family.

I don't even think this guy did it for revenge because a family member was fired and he may have been fired by a sub-contractor that worked for AIW. This guy doesn't give a crap about anyone else including his family. His own father and step-mother are terrified of him and have been for sometime now taking a RO out on him.

So he didn't give a crap that his family member got fired. Anyone looking at his FB page can clearly see he was a misfit and a narcissist that only cares about himself.

This was done for the same age old motive that has happened forever and nothing more, imo. GREED...the root of all evil. There have always been those who take from others who work hard and will do whatever it takes including murder to get it too. Just like the scum who murdered the Petit family for the same reason.


BBM. This is your speculation and opinion, not fact.

I also don't share your opinion the motive was greed. I'll continue to hold the opinion the motive is revenge.

Here's what I think..He's wetting his pants that real men are looking for him.,He couldn't make it in the Marines, not tough enough. He bullies his Father,and women. The only reason he was not flattened to the floor by SS is because he was torturing his child. That's all this coward can handle...women and kids and loving fathers.

He's sniveling in a corner somewhere, needs a diaper. They'll have him soon, and then we'll hear some sob story from the MSM.

Great post!

I could barely look at "it's" photo's and information when it was posted here.

I think that the only reason he did not harm the dogs is because he was afraid of them. If he wasn't afraid, those dogs would be dead.

There are certain people that have an unusual fear of dogs.

I am a former AHT, I have no link but I knew our clients very well, both the 2 and the 4 footed. I'm speaking of the 2 footed clients atm.
I suspose there is something else I know about other than buckets.;)
Great post!

I could barely look at "it's" photo's and information when it was posted here.

I think that the only reason he did not harm the dogs is because he was afraid of them. If he wasn't afraid, those dogs would be dead.

There are certain people that have an unusual fear of dogs.

I am a former AHT, I have no link but I knew our clients very well, both the 2 and the 4 footed. I'm speaking of the 2 footed clients atm.
I suspose there is something else I know about other than buckets.;)

He doesn't have unusual fear of dogs. There is a photo of him on facebook with a dog.
Federal crimes include: major thefts, extortion, kidnapping (including holding someone against their will), crimes against children, larceny, violent crimes, arson.

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This story has interesting sound bites from NG & Robin Flicker (identified as Wint's former attorney). DDW is sounding more & more like a seriously sick individual. & they shouldn't call him a Marine, if he washed out after a few days of basic training.

Edited- now, the DailyMail is calling him a 'wannabe' & 'failed' Marine, after dropping out after 5 weeks.

Just FYI, Robin Ficker is known around the DC area as a big ... let me just "whack job." He has made a name for himself as being "heckler in chief" for the Washington Wizards. He has seats behind the visiting team's bench and literally just yells offensive things to them throughout the Wizard's games. He has also run for various political offices, but he's such a joke, no one in their right mind would vote for him.



According to a police source and Gutierrez, the employee says Savopoulos was going to use the cash at an auction for the martial arts center he planned to open the next day in Chantilly, Virginia.

If that was the plan, then it was known ahead of Thursday morning.
He may well have personally committed the murders, just I think it would be far easier to try him under Felony Murder based on what we know so far. Under straight Murder and Felony Murder you have to prove specific acts, just what acts you have to prove differ. Under straight Murder you wouldn't for instance have to prove that any kidnapping or robbery took place, but you would have to prove that the accused personally did the killing in a premeditated (or at least reckless if going for M2) way. While for Felony Murder you do not have to prove any premeditation or that the accused even touched the victims, but you have to prove they were a participant in the underlying violent felony that resulted in the family getting killed (for Felony Murder you can be found guilty of that even if someone dies of a heart attack without any intention of the felons to kill anyone). Based on what I've heard, it sounds like it would be easier to prove this guy was a participant in the underlying felony that resulted in deaths than proving he personally wielded the murder weapon.

What WE know so far is not everything the police know.
It is very possible they have his DNA and/or prints in several other places.

Saying "We found his DNA on the pizza crust" would be the least hurtful for the family.
If they also found his DNA in, on or around victims they likely wouldn't say that if it could be avoided.

We also don't know if they have the murder weapon... if he used one from the house he probably left it there.
Fingerprints in blood, footprints in blood, DNA, blood mixed with the victims... there are so many possibilities.

He clearly thought it would all be destroyed so who knows what else he left behind.
I don't think it will be an issue to prove he personally killed them if he is the only perp. :twocents:
Federal crimes include: major thefts, extortion, kidnapping (including holding someone against their will), crimes against children, larceny, violent crimes, arson.

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Seems like should be easy enough to charge him with federal crimes.
BBM. This is your speculation and opinion, not fact.

I also don't share your opinion the motive was greed. I'll continue to hold the opinion the motive is revenge.

However, The Washington Post reported that Savopoulos's personal assistant dropped off a package containing $40,000 in cash at the home the morning of May 14 after a flurry of phone calls between Savopoulos, a bank, an accountant, the personal assistant and his company.

Been gone so could someone clue me in a little.

Did NG do another interview and talk about the dogs. I would love to listen to it.

Wint use to work for AIW as a welder? When?

And lastly, if Vera was to leave at 3pm on Wed. but obviously she didn't. Then when Amy called SS to tell him she needed to go out (the 5:30pm call) was she forced to make that call to get Savvas home? And I am thinking SS had no clue that something was going wrong and Amy was unable to figure out a way to code him that it was. Darn it! This is when a secret family code could have possibly saved their lives. But who thinks this could happen to them!

Did I miss anything else?

Thanks a bunch!


According to a police source and Gutierrez, the employee says Savopoulos was going to use the cash at an auction for the martial arts center he planned to open the next day in Chantilly, Virginia.

If that was the plan, then it was known ahead of Thursday morning.

We can argue about this until cows come home. NG also claimed she knew nothing about the money being dropped of in published msm reports. If you want to believe the story she told one newspaper but not the other, so be it.
I didn't think you were blaming the dogs, I know Taz would trip ME for a pizza bone. It's easier to focus on the dogs, rather than what might have gone on in that house (which is the stuff of nightmares).

Ha!! That made me laugh :) I'm pretty sure our rottie Bling would rip any of us apart if we came between her and a piece of chicken too.
Your dog is adorable :)

Thanks, I know it seems like a tangent, but my kids & my dogs, I would fight to my death to protect them. That's why it's so painful to think about what the Savopoulos family & Ms. Figueroa had to endure-you always think about what you could do in a situation like that, but sometimes you are helpless.
His DNA on pizza crust is enough to nail him. I think police have said it because it is true!
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