DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #21

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I wonder if one of the daughters had a stash of money at home. When my son was away at school he used to keep some of his savings here in his old room. I asked him to put it in the bank and he said " NO, I might spend it if it is in the bank. " :facepalm:

The parents might not have known about it. But the cops might have found it in a purse or a drawer?
I agree that the background noise( Philip screaming) indicates more that one perp. It sounds to me that he is saying, " no she's not." I believe someone was telling him that his mom or Vera was ok, and he knew they were lying. Do you remember the photo of Amy with her inscription to Philip about how much she loved him and how she was going to be ok?
All phone conversations would have to be closely monitored that is for sure. In fact it's most probable that Saavas was completely bound and someone else held the phone. If this is true who is Philip yelling at?

The child could have been screaming whether someone was in the room with him or not. It's also very hard to make out any words in that scream. People will hear what they think they hear.
BBM. How would Wint have known whether or not there were any male cousins or second cousins, or third or half or step-cousins, etc. with the name? This motive seems unlikely to me.

Savvas was the only male child born through Phillip Sr and Philip was the only male child born through Savvas. Sadly no remaining [biological] male is alive to pass on the S name through the lineage of Phillip Sr/Savvas. This crime was personal and the hatred ran deep
But couldn't Wint have simply hated the child out of jealousy--the child appeared to have the charmed life he felt he deserved and never got? And torturing the boy was also a convenient way to torture Savvas.
But couldn't Wint have simply hated the child out of jealousy--the child appeared to have the charmed life he felt he deserved and never got? And torturing the boy was also a convenient way to torture Savvas.
It is doubtful that wint knew much about Philips life. Others have speculated that JW might have had jealousy of Philip as a motive to be involved though, after all the Family was reported to be moving to Puerto Rico and I doubt that JW was invited.
It is doubtful that wint knew much about Philips life. Others have speculated that JW might have had jealousy of Philip as a motive to be involved though, after all the Family was reported to be moving to Puerto Rico and I doubt that JW was invited.

Wint would know everything he needed to know by breaking into the home. He would see a big beautiful house, and the boy had a great big room full of electronics, and he had a maid, and his mommy, and a dad who had a garage full of exotic cars.

Wint has a violent criminal history, and had no job, and no future. JW had no criminal history and had a good job history and a bright future. Big difference between the two as possible suspects, imo.
Well, I think one can make the case for someone disliking or even hating any rich boy but jealousy usually grows over time and it generally fixates on a particular person. It's entirely possible that wint was jealous of Philip, but what 34 year old welder is jealous of a ten year old boy?
Savvas was the only male child born through Phillip Sr and Philip was the only male child born through Savvas. Sadly no remaining [biological] male is alive to pass on the S name through the lineage of Phillip Sr/Savvas. This crime was personal and the hatred ran deep
I like this theory. I can see someone using Philip to get at Savvas. I still don't see wint being capable of pulling this off alone though. If wint did do it alone why wait for the money drop? If he didn't do it alone what is the odds that he would partner up with someone who hated Savvas too ?
Well, I think one can make the case for someone disliking or even hating any rich boy but jealousy usually grows over time and it generally fixates on a particular person. It's entirely possible that wint was jealous of Philip, but what 34 year old welder is jealous of a ten year old boy?

Oh, I wasn't trying to make the argument that Philip was the motivation for the crime--the boy was clearly a pawn meant to control and torture dad.
But he also had to hate the child to some degree to do the things he did to him. And yes, just walking into the house and seeing everything the boy had and photos of him driving the race cars or whatever would be enough to set off someone who was was extremely angry about his own "deprived" upbringing.
It's just my two cents, but that seems much more likely to me than Wint, or whoever, being so logical and forward-thinking as to intentionally try to wipe out the family name. To be able to ignore (and sadly, probably take pleasure in) the boys cries just feels like a much more primal attack to me.
The child could have been screaming whether someone was in the room with him or not. It's also very hard to make out any words in that scream. People will hear what they think they hear.

Agreed, but I do think there had to be more than one perp on the scene to handle so many people--especially since Savvas had so much experience with martial arts.
Agreed, but I do think there had to be more than one perp on the scene to handle so many people--especially since Savvas had so much experience with martial arts.

If I walked into my home and was surprised by a stranger who had a knife to my wife or child's throat I would do what he said even if I was a black belt. That's why I have a concealed handgun license
I like this theory. I can see someone using Philip to get at Savvas. I still don't see wint being capable of pulling this off alone though. If wint did do it alone why wait for the money drop? If he didn't do it alone what is the odds that he would partner up with someone who hated Savvas too ?

Or did someone approach Wint? Is he a patsy? Maybe the person didn't hate Savvas but Philip Sr? Knew about Wint's history at AI and methodically put the plan into motion. Money drop was a payoff for Wint. What better way to get at Philip Sr but through his son and grandson? The brutality of this case was definitely personal which means digging deeper.
Cars, art, or jewelry would be easy to be traced back to the crime scene. Wint wanted cash. He made SS get a large amount of cash then he killed them and left. He then went to an immigration lawyer and paid him $1,000 cash.
There are so many ways that they could have offloaded jewelry without raising much suspicion; that's why I originally assumed he went to NYC.

Am I correct that there was also a significant amount of cash (unrelated to the bank money) in the house?
Agree. Maybe since he was arranging to get the maniac $40k SS didn't feel like he needed to mention the extra cash he had hidden in the home.
Wouldn't one's starting point be to offer the money in the house to hopefully give the intruder(s) what he/they want so hopefully they'll leave?

At that point your goal is to get the intruder(s) out of your home as quickly as possible while keeping everyone safe. If you have money and items that would satisfy the intruder(s), wouldn't you offer that up instead of having to spend hours and hours being held hostage waiting for the bank to open and funds delivered?
I agree--and you'd think the perps would rather that too, as every moment they are in the house increases the chance of something going wrong. Waiting as long as they did was a huge risk to take and, IMO, for not much money.
Wouldn't one's starting point be to offer the money in the house to hopefully give the intruder(s) what he/they want so hopefully they'll leave?

At that point your goal is to get the intruder(s) out of your home as quickly as possible while keeping everyone safe. If you have money and items that would satisfy the intruder(s), wouldn't you offer that up instead of having to spend hours and hours being held hostage waiting for the bank to open and funds delivered?

We don't know Wint wasn't offered cars, jewelry etc. It seems that what Wint wanted was cash. Was he going to take a diamond necklace to the immigration lawyer? He knew this family had access to large sums of cash and that was the plan he carried out.
IIRC he went to NYC to see his gf. He had family and a gf in the USA...he wouldn't want to be forced to go back to the very poor country he came from

We don't know Wint wasn't offered cars, jewelry etc. It seems that what Wint wanted was cash. Was he going to take a diamond necklace to the immigration lawyer? He knew this family had access to large sums of cash and that was the plan he carried out.
IIRC he went to NYC to see his gf. He had family and a gf in the USA...he wouldn't want to be forced to go back to the very poor country he came from
Excellent thoughts!

With your comment in mind, let's assume that Mr S offered the money in the home to the intruder(s), why did the intruder(s) leave that money behind after committing the murders?
Excellent thoughts!

With your comment in mind, let's assume that Mr S offered the money in the home to the intruder(s), why did the intruder(s) leave that money behind after committing the murders?

I don't know if he did. There's one report that cash was found in the home but not how much or where. Perhaps it was spattered with blood or he forgot to grab it before starting the fire.
Do you have a guess?
Wint would know everything he needed to know by breaking into the home. He would see a big beautiful house, and the boy had a great big room full of electronics, and he had a maid, and his mommy, and a dad who had a garage full of exotic cars.

Wint has a violent criminal history, and had no job, and no future. JW had no criminal history and had a good job history and a bright future. Big difference between the two as possible suspects, imo.

JW did not have a good job history. Not sure where you got that.
So just for a hypothetical:

Wint needs cash, for immigration lawyer most likely. Sits around with his buddies or cousins for a few months trying to think of ways to hustle some money. (What evidence supports this?)

Somehow he stumbles upon the idea of robbing his former employer. Why? He must realize the plan is risky. He must have had to google them to find address? Would he have told no one that he was planning to go to the house in broad daylight in search of cash? Must have cased the house to determine routines. (Surveillance video?)

So he picks a day for the crime, expecting the housekeeper to be leaving (depending on actual timeline) and maybe thinking no one else will be home, but is surprised by two of the residents. If he expected them to be home and anticipated a hostage situation, I can't imagine why no gun. So much easier.

The cash on hand must not have been much (or enough) so he subdues the victims, lures the husband home. Husband proposes the idea of a cash drop from work but since banks are closed, it has to wait till morning.

Wint gets hungry, not having expected to stay overnight, orders pizza.

After the the drop next morning, Wint knows he has to dispose of evidence and witnesses using weapons found at the house. (What was accelerant and where did he find it?)

One perp.

All JMO and pure conjecture.
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