DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #3

DNA Solves
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I'm with you. I'm still not convinced Daron was the guy on tape. That guy looked slimmer and taller. Had long strides when walking.

I wish we had recent photos of the suspect.
Two possibilities: The assistant is involved or the assistant is the dumbest person on the planet.
They were crazy long like that on the first photo I saw where she was showing the text from AS, but they were reddish/pink. In later photos, they are bluish. Definitely had a color change sometimes in the first couple of days after the murder. Maybe she's just a nut job who wanted to be ready for her 15 minutes. But she has consistently placed herself at the middle of this investigation.
Regarding the hair, if suspect put it in the pony tail, it would appear he had short hair. I think he has dreads in his mug shot in 2008, yet it looks like he got short hair.
I think it's pulled back. So W3 could very well have seen him with his hair pulled back, making W3 think he saw a guy with short hair.
For someone who appears to be very wealthy, $40K is probably not that significant. And honestly, there's not much the employee can do. They have his social and all his info on file. I don't think he would be willing to be a fugitive for the rest of his life for $40K. Now $500K in cash might be a different story.

I don't think it was a huge sum to SS but given the significant need and access to many other people - why choose the assistant? Sorry but even if he was not a thief he could have dropped it been pick-pocketed etc. My co-worker withdrew $10K in cash the day she graduated from college - to take it home with her (hello you can transfer money) a nice woman stopped her asking for change to feed her baby. My coworker realized once in her care her $10K was gone - for good.

BBM. Where did you read that W-1 needs to be protected by LE?? Do you have a link?

It is in the charging documents and stated that some were under seal to protect witnesses. It didnt state specifically witness 1.
So the chatty housekeeper has zilch to do with the operation? No way you'd talk to the media thar much if you were involved.

I wish all LE worked with this swiftness.

This was briefly discussed a thread or so ago, but how/was the DNA processed so quickly? Killer on the run? Wealthy family? PD lab not backed up like other major American cities? Why?[/QUOTE]

Interesting question and one that I would like to know the answer to, too. IMO, it goes to show what we all know but many deny, the wealthy get preferential treatment!

The fact this mansion was blocks from the vice-president's mansion is just an excuse before the question is asked. The VP's house is highly guarded 24/7, I imagine
I don't think it was a huge sum to SS but given the significant need and access to many other people - why choose the assistant? Sorry but even if he was not a thief he could have dropped it been pick-pocketed etc. My co-worker withdrew $10K in cash the day she graduated from college - to take it home with her (hello you can transfer money) a nice woman stopped her asking for change to feed her baby. My coworker realized once in her care her $10K was gone - for good.

He was trying to pay up a ransom. Really he didn't have much choice at that moment.
Didn't the housekeeper's husband say that when he went looking for his wife, there were two cars on the street, one of them the Porsche? Wonder what the other car looked like...

I think he said only the Porche was out front................
I wonder if the perps knew the girls and knew they were away. The older girl posted on her facebook page (before she took it down - I took a screenshot because I thought it was important) that she attended an event in Adams Morgan on Tuesday night. Doubt she left for school that night, meaning she would be in DC on Wednesday. VERY POSSIBLE that she didn't actually attend the event, just posted that she did, but could lead someone interested in her to think she was home. I still think the motive is more than just money. There are easier ways to get $40,000 than holding an entire family hostage, torturing them, then killing them and burning the house down.
The amount is something that boggles me, $40,000 is simply odd-- if the demand was $25K, $50K, $100K I wouldn't question it, but $40K is a number one would demand if they knew that was the amount readily available... IDK...
DNA was processed so quickly because it was pushed to top of queue, most likely due to public safety concerns. Happens a lot with cases like this that terrify entire communities.
yes and the medium dreads would be harder to 'pull up' like longer ones would..........JMOO

As long as they are long enough to put in pony tail. Look at his 2008 mugshot. I think he still got dreadlocks yet it looks like he got very short hair.
Steffon's/Stephen's facebook profile was removed yesterday. Wish I had taken a screen shot!!!! He is taller and thinner with short hair (in the last photo I saw of him.) He is a big Dallas Cowboys fan and seems like a nice, hard-working guy. He might even be the guy shown talking to the US Marshal last night by the car, but I would not swear to it.

Thanks so how many brothers does he have? So far Steffon and Darrell? Anyone know ages and DOB on them? This is so confusing cause they are using Steffon as an alias in th charging papers. I would be livid if my sibling used my name and it was included in the charging documents. That makes no sense. If Steffon Wint is not involved his name should not be on those papers!
I am not sure about Maryland law. But generally "aiding and abetting" refers to: occurring before, during and/or after commission of a crime but it depends on the aider(s) intent to aid perp, knowledge of perp's crime, perp's commission of crime and aider assisted perp etc.

"Harboring a fugitive" is when someone hides a person after commission of a crime from LE/authorities. IDK about the individuals in the car, but it may be they were cooperating with LE/FBI and did not know about Wint? Idk though.

Just to clarify, both the murders and the apprehension took place in DC, not Maryland.
I'm going to sleep peacefully tonight knowing the suspect is in custody. Such a beautiful family, such a sad case, but LE did an awesome job and now have the main suspect in custody so I hope Philip's scream won't haunt me tonight as much as it did for the past couple days, it was really hard sleeping and resting. Such a tragedy all of this, for 40k and a pizza, I can't understand and I'm glad I don't. My prayers are for the victims family and that suspect families as well. This case just really got into me. Such a senseless thing. JMHO

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I wish we had recent photos of the suspect.
I have wondered about whether Daron was the guy on the tape. But looking at his FB pics shirtless, I think I got focused on how big his arms were but in proportion to his body they are big he is really not that big chested (in my opiniion) and he is only 5'7. If I did not know his height when looking at the FB pics I would think he was a much bigger guy overall.
The runner in the tape seems to be about the right height.
So, it seems to me that some people are willing to blame the victims because they didn't have what they deem to be the 'proper' security systems in place.

I'm not sure about that.
I'm trying to disagree in a polite manner. :peace:

In the interest of healthy debate on the thread, I try to give the benefit of doubt to the poster.
I hope that I don't come across as lecturing, acting as if I am mod., (I would never want the job) or that I am a goody two shoes.

I'm not explaining this correctly.

Lemme think for a sec.

Okay, when I have the choice while reading a post; whether to choose between an incendiary statement as opposed to a informative opinion that lacks malice, I chose the latter.

Although, I do get upset and concerned when I see a post that is obviously agenda driven.
I am not a perfect poster, that is for sure.

I hope that you take my post with the respect that I'm intending to convey.
It's not directed at you. I was just reading along the thread and ran into your post.

I'm sorry to all mods. and members for my OT thoughts and feelings. I would completely understand if my post was deleted or edited.

Meanwhile back to this case.

I try as hard as I can to not focus on the tortuous details. My heart can't take it, I guess.

Additionally, although I appreciate the posts of "it's" mug shots, I looked once and that was enough for me, for a lifetime.
I've yet to visit "it's" Facebook page and I have no intention of doing so.

If this case is not plead and goes to trial and is permitted to be live streamed, I plan to watch it.
It will be extremely difficult for me to handle emotionally.
I want to watch the justice process, though.
I want to be a part of seeing that this lovely family gets justice. I am hoping for the death penalty even though DC does not have the DP. I understand that if the charges are federal crimes, that perhaps the DP is possible? I can't remember?

I want see that the lovely, hardworking, sweetheart housekeeper gets justice.

My heart and soul hurt for these victims.

Once again, I've managed to ramble in a post that is most likely full of grammatical errors.

:grouphug: for all of us and a :gift: for i.b.nora
He has an extensive criminal record, including attempted 1st degree murder. I would definitely consider him a suspect. I worried once I heard Lanier say that the DNA came "primarily" from the pizza. But wouldn't his DNA be in the system like his brother's? Wonder if Durwood Wint is the cousin. He was convicted of sex assault.
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