DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #5

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Has NG been named as the person receiving the picture of the money? Link?

I have been wondering the same thing. I don't believe the names of any of the witnesses have been disclosed. I think it's easy to figure out who witness 1 is, but as far as i know they have never said who the other 2 are. If anybody has a link i would appreciate it too.
I have been wondering the same thing. I don't believe the names of any of the witnesses have been disclosed. I think it's easy to figure out who witness 1 is, but as far as i know they have never said who the other 2 are. If anybody has a link i would appreciate it too.
No, nobody released the name of W2. In fact I very much doubt W2 is NG.
There is nothing to suggest some planned cash delivery. Police affidavit doesn't say anything about any planned cash delivery.
Assistant was notified on Wednesday on what he was supposed to do on Thursday morning.
If anything was planned, SS wouldn't even need to call anybody. The money would just show up as planned.

The money wouldn't show up as planned if you didn't tell your courier what the plan was. That the text was sent out on Wednesday that the appointment had been made with the branch manager and the AIW employee to withdraw over $10K in cash shows that planning to withdraw the money started before 6 PM Wednesday night. If SS was kidnapped at 6 PM, it's not like he'd instantly have a plan and would instantly be able to get ahold of all these people and it is rather specific that the flurry of calls started Thursday rather than Wednesday, but instead the kidnappers would have to say what they wanted and SS would have to come up and explain his plan to the kidnappers who he is calling, what he's going to say and why so you're looking later and later into the night for the calls to even begin. If he wasn't flurring to call the bank, AIW employees and his accountant on Wednesday, that means the arraignments for that $40K weren't made on Wednesday. If you think the $40K was arranged the night before, why the subsequent flurry of phone calls to the bank, accountant, AIW and everyone else?
Yes, it's all very curious! I've always felt that W-1 was more of a driver/errand boy. After watching his videos I don't see him in the corporate meetings...although he does seem to be able to switch back and forth between the good ol' boy and frat bro personas. Kind of like a chameleon. (Just my observation.)

His self-written biography is full of grammatical mistakes. Some of these mistakes appear to a matter of not bothering to even re-read what he has written before he posts. He claims to be astute at marketing, but in this Bio, he is marketing his most important "product"....himself. But yet, he slaps up something that is poorly written and obviously never checked or edited.

Impulsive. Not an organized mind. IMO.

The Bio is sloppy and IMO would leave a very negative opinion of his ability to be "professional" and/or manage details.

I doubt a successful man like SS would see him as anything more than a driver for himself and perhaps a "driving teacher" for Phillip.
The money wouldn't show up as planned if you didn't tell your courier what the plan was. That the text was sent out on Wednesday that the appointment had been made with the branch manager and the AIW employee to withdraw over $10K in cash shows that planning to withdraw the money started before 6 PM Wednesday night. If SS was kidnapped at 6 PM, it's not like he'd instantly have a plan and would instantly be able to get ahold of all these people and it is rather specific that the flurry of calls started Thursday rather than Wednesday, but instead the kidnappers would have to say what they wanted and SS would have to come up and explain his plan to the kidnappers who he is calling, what he's going to say and why so you're looking later and later into the night for the calls to even begin. If he wasn't flurring to call the bank, AIW employees and his accountant on Wednesday, that means the arraignments for that $40K weren't made on Wednesday. If you think the $40K was arranged the night before, why the subsequent flurry of phone calls to the bank, accountant, AIW and everyone else?

Where is the time those tests were sent before 6pm???

SS got home in the middle of the kidnapping. He was told he needed to get money. So he started making the arrangements Wednesday night with who he could, and then Thursday morning started his "flurry of calls" to put the plan into motion.
Where is the time those tests were sent before 6pm???

SS got home in the middle of the kidnapping. He was told he needed to get money. So he started making the arrangements Wednesday night with who he could, and then Thursday morning started his "flurry of calls" to put the plan into motion.

Exactly. I think Amy was kidnapped first, and kidnapper made her to call SS to get him home under pretense of her wanting to go out. Then, once SS got home, kidnapper made his demands for money, and SS started to arrange what he could for next morning, because bank was already closed on Wednesday evening.
IMO ATM limits are common knowledge. I don't think the lowest grade school drop-out criminal would think they could pull $40K out of an ATM.

Yep, you're right. Like I said, there are holes in the possible scenario that DW tried to get cash from the ATM. But if the reports are that the car was taken out on Wednesday, I wonder where the driver went? And why then return back to the house and summon SS to come home?

And, FWIW, I don't think DW was after $40K specifically. I think he was after a big load of cash, with $40K simply being the amount SS could come up with in the timeframe.

And in that same thought, he could have called/text the assistant (aka W1) to tell him to be prepared to do this first thing in the am. There could have been a standing time (or prearranged sometime on Wednesday before this happened) for the assistant to come pick him up in the am. He would NOT have wanted the assistant to come to the house. Much like they sent a text to NG to stay away. I think he really did try to keep more people from getting involved.

Or SS knew that the assistant had plans that morning that didn't involve coming to pick him up, but to do other work. So he made arrangements for him to be free at ANY TIME that Thursday morning, since at that time, SS wouldn't have known exactly what time he would be able to get the cash together.

This is why I don't think it is suspicious that the assistant didn't respond to the 11:54am call...he had done what his boss told him, and then his boss gave him other tasks to complete, or he went about his regular day...not worried about SS. He had completed what his boss asked him to, and was just on about his day. I don't believe for one second that just because he missed a call from his boss after having been in touch with him that morning, that it makes him complicit.

People really do miss calls from their bosses, and call them back a couple of hours later. Especially if he had been told he wouldn't be needed the rest of the day. Which I can see SS telling him, to make sure again, that he stayed away.

I am pretty sure that unless SS left a message, we will never know why he called.

If like many of us believe, that the assistant was not involved, it is terrible the guilt he must feel (even if he shouldn't)...and the fact that he is being called a suspect could really traumatize him!!

I don't think it's been established that W1 didn't talk with SS in the last call. We just know it was the last incoming/outgoing call from SS's phone.
Thank you!! This is what I needed... I think he is involved. JMO.

I don't believe W1 and DW are friends. I think he knows him from his fathers neighborhood. He probably visits his father and is probably "cool" with people in the neighborhood. He may have even drove SS's car around there to show off. He seems like the showoff type. Men like fast cars... I could see the neighborhood guys crowding around the car and W1 loving it.

Here's a vid where some of the neighbors speak. http://www.washingtonpost.com/postt...39ce54-0029-11e5-8c77-bf274685e1df_video.html

Also vid of arrest scene, shows inside of truck, back and cab. http://www.washingtonpost.com/postt...960dc0-0078-11e5-8c77-bf274685e1df_video.html
I do think DW probably took any valuables from the family safe such as jewelry, coins and cash. But as of now there has been no suggestion that having cash delivered to the home was a regular event that an insider could have knowledge of.
Perhaps DW originally planned to take SS to the bank but SS tells him he can call the office and have someone bring over a wad of cash. Perhaps the employees or bankers would get a clue and call police. Thus the flurry of calls to make those arrangements.

I see what you are saying, however the courier received the text saying to go the bank prior to the flurry of calls rather than as part of the flurry of calls. It was the courier's original story that they got told to do this around the time of SS's call flurry, but LE had evidence showing this happened prior to that. At a minimum the courier knew about this on Wednesday that this was in the works and the courier did not want to admit to knowing about it prior to the day of the murders and the only reason the story changed was because LE showed physical proof...nothing precludes SS from previously telling the courier this was in the works with the text letting him know that now the exact time and date had been set.
I don't think it's been established that W1 didn't talk with SS in the last call. We just know it was the last incoming/outgoing call from SS's phone.

That's true. Affidavit doesn't say anything about call being missed. So we in fact don't know if anything was said.
In Petit case, the reason for police perimeter was due to the fact that mother notified a teller while she was in the bank withdrawing money. Which pretty much makes it obvious that it's dangerous to take a person to a bank and have them withdraw a large sum of money. Whereas here, money were delivered to the home and nobody apparently became suspicious enough to notify police. Thus, no police surrounded the house. So, from a criminal's standpoint, delivering money to the house is a safer alternative.

Yes, DW may have thought it was a safer alternative because he had insider knowledge that someone else besides SS could do it. Planning from the get-go that SS could get lots of money home delivered without having to go in and sign for it or raise suspicion is highly unusual.
Yep, you're right. Like I said, there are holes in the possible scenario that DW tried to get cash from the ATM. But if the reports are that the car was taken out on Wednesday, I wonder where the driver went? And why then return back to the house and summon SS to come home?

And, FWIW, I don't think DW was after $40K specifically. I think he was after a big load of cash, with $40K simply being the amount SS could come up with in the timeframe.


To get gas to burn the house/evidence?
Any yes IMO the 40K was the most that could be gathered in those few hours on that morning. DW was going to kill them no matter how much money SS got for him IMO. He wasn't going to let four people go who he had kidnapped and beaten during a home invasion and had seen him for 18 hours and could identify him live
Actually the Petit case points to differences between that one and this one. The Petit case was about doing the usual robbery of items and it was only after they weren't satisfied with their haul that they then decided to go after the line of credit. Also unlike the Petit case it involved one of the Petits actually going into the bank rather than having half a dozen others working on it without requiring anyone in the Petit home to leave. In the Petit case they didn't kill the family once they got the money, but rather after there was a police perimeter around the home where they were surrounded by LE and one of the Petits had escaped, which no escapes or police perimeters occurred here.

This is a little O/T, but I followed the Petit case closely because I used to live not very far from them.

I don't even think that Hayes and Komisarjevski were dissatisfied with their haul. H&K found a bank statement that showed they had a fairly big cash balance in their BofA account and that's how the idea of taking Mrs. Petit to the bank came up, so basically, it was opportunistic. Hayes took containers from the home and went to the gas station to buy gas prior to taking Mrs. Petit to the bank, so most people believe that arson was part of his plan (it's debatable whether it was part of Komisarjevsky's plan, some say he was the mastermind, others say he was just into theft). Komisarjevsky molested the youngest daughter while her mother was at the bank and many believe that the motive all along on K's part was sexual, since he had spotted the mother and youngest daughter at a grocery store the night of the crime, followed them home to find out where they lived, and enlisted Hayes to join him in the home invasion. Komisarjevsky had a history of dating girls who were inappropriately young. Finally, Dr. Petit escaped from the house after/while it was being set on fire, K&H didn't set fire to the house because he escaped.
Just a thought, who hires a personal assistant/driver who lives in Annapolis? On a good day, that is at least an hour away from Upper NW DC.

On a good day i can get from NW DC to Annapolis in roughly 45 minutes. But since it's rarely a "good day" traffic-wise in the DC/Bmore region, especially on a weekday, you're right in it taking about an hour or even, especially if one hits rush hour. There's back roads but they, too, can be hit or miss.
This is a little O/T, but I followed the Petit case closely because I used to live not very far from them.

I don't even think that Hayes and Komisarjevski were dissatisfied with their haul. H&K found a bank statement that showed they had a fairly big cash balance in their BofA account and that's how the idea of taking Mrs. Petit to the bank came up, so basically, it was opportunistic. Hayes took containers from the home and went to the gas station to buy gas prior to taking Mrs. Petit to the bank, so most people believe that arson was part of his plan (it's debatable whether it was part of Komisarjevsky's plan, some say he was the mastermind, others say he was just into theft). Komisarjevsky molested the youngest daughter while her mother was at the bank and many believe that the motive all along on K's part was sexual, since he had spotted the mother and youngest daughter at a grocery store the night of the crime, followed them home to find out where they lived, and enlisted Hayes to join him in the home invasion. Komisarjevsky had a history of dating girls who were inappropriately young. Finally, Dr. Petit escaped from the house after/while it was being set on fire, K&H didn't set fire to the house because he escaped.

I followed that case too. I also believe the motive on the part of Komisarjevsky was sexual, because he followed mother and daughter to their home, while the other perp's motive was the robbery. I also believe Komisarjevsky was the mastermind, because he seems much smarter than the other perp.
I don't think it's been established that W1 didn't talk with SS in the last call. We just know it was the last incoming/outgoing call from SS's phone.

I think that was implied when it was reported that he returned the call at 1:40 and got no answer. They were already dead, and the fire department was already at the house (or would be very shortly there after).

But that is based off reporting (or it could have been in the arresting paperwork) And we know that reporting in this case has been all over the place...
I think that was implied when it was reported that he returned the call at 1:40 and got no answer. They were already dead, and the fire department was already at the house (or would be very shortly there after).

But that is based off reporting (or it could have been in the arresting paperwork) And we know that reporting in this case has been all over the place...

But potentially he could have gotten some task from SS in earlier call, and called back that the task was completed. So I am not sure that means earlier call from SS wasn't answered.
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