DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #5

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Where is the time those tests were sent before 6pm???

SS got home in the middle of the kidnapping. He was told he needed to get money. So he started making the arrangements Wednesday night with who he could, and then Thursday morning started his "flurry of calls" to put the plan into motion.

So the first person SS told what the plan was happened before the plan was put in motion? The driver was the last part of the equation, yet the driver is the first to know when the appointment is before the appointment has even been made? You think a national bank is going to release $40K in cash in a non-standard transaction for the account it is coming from and do this between when the bank manager arrived at work that morning and when the bank lobby opened and not have the one demanding the cash come in and sign for it? I could perhaps see this happening if SS regularly dealt in large cash transactions with this not being a unique transaction that just came out of the blue. Some bank customer calling you as soon as you get into work and saying they need $40K cash immediately as soon as the doors open but this same bank customer won't actually be coming in would be awful strange, particularly if they've never done that before.
[Q]Why would Wint have jealousy for a boy he presumably had never met before that?[/Q]

I think he had a lot of anger towards his own family, hence the Restraining Order, and death threats he made towards them. He was one of nine kids, with a rough hard scrabble childhood. And here is the 'little Prince', living in a mansion with a dozen cars. I think he had some underlying anger and jealousy. JMO :moo:
Even with the lying to police documented in the Charging Doc (which indicates, imo, that LE consider the lies to be significant), I can't figure out a realistic motive, at this time and with what we know now, for W1 to be involved with the crime.

He had a plum job with a rich boss who let him drive fabulous cars. I can't see him jeopardizing that or even considering it.

I also can't see W1 as wanting anything to do with Wink. Wink is a loser and W1 wants to be a winner.

I could be wrong, but I think W1 was very foolish to lie to the LE but I don't think he was in on the crime.

JMO, subject to change as more info is revealed.
So the first person SS told what the plan was happened before the plan was put in motion? The driver was the last part of the equation, yet the driver is the first to know when the appointment is before the appointment has even been made? You think a national bank is going to release $40K in cash in a non-standard transaction for the account it is coming from and do this between when the bank manager arrived at work that morning and when the bank lobby opened and not have the one demanding the cash come in and sign for it? I could perhaps see this happening if SS regularly dealt in large cash transactions with this not being a unique transaction that just came out of the blue. Some bank customer calling you as soon as you get into work and saying they need $40K cash immediately as soon as the doors open but this same bank customer won't actually be coming in would be awful strange, particularly if they've never done that before.

I have already explained all of this in a previous post. And I am sorry, but you seem to be talking in circles and I just can't follow. Probably because I am listening to a live trial...

You clearly have your theory and some of us don't buy it. I doubt any of us could change your mind.
That seems like a lot of effort for $40K.

True, but I don't think $$$ was the sole motivation. This was a crime of passion filled with a lot of rage against the S family, in particular a male child. It was intended to cause pain, torture, suffering as if in the killer(s) psychotic mind to make the family "pay" for causing pain that the killer(s) felt was caused upon them by the S name. AIW is the connection. Who was new in the life of this family both professionally & personally that had a connection with the killer(s) & wouldn't raise suspicion?
I find it curious that it doesn't appear DW had a gun (only surmising since none of the victims are reported to have been shot). They were all stabbed I believe, so obviously he had at least one knife or similar. I have to assume he had AS, PS, and VF tied up before SS got home because if it was just 1 person coming into the house with 4 people, SS could have (easily?) taken him down at some point with his black belt level martial arts skills. I'm still surprised SS couldn't take DW down even with a knife - makes me really think maybe more than 1 person? Maybe the other person ate his pizza crust?

But if DW had a knife/machete to the little boys throat, there would not be much that Dad could do at that moment. He would have to comply. And DW looks like a pretty buff guy. He had the element of surprise and SS was probably in shock. JMO

From the obit it sounds like the studio has opened and the students live there?

Savvas enjoyed numerous activities including martial arts, where he excelled in both knowledge and technical skill. Savvas was the current headmaster of a traditional style of Japanese swordsmanship dating to mid 1800's. His love for the martial arts started at the young age of seventeen and it was his dream to have a Japanese style center both in architecture and spirit of teaching traditional Japanese martial arts. This center, that recently opened, has about 2,000 square feet of mat space, two libraries, a kitchen, sleeping quarters and other amenities where live-in students can excel in their pursuit of the martial arts. - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/wa...&pid=174935916&fhid=2167#sthash.vgS1IDhd.dpuf
So the first person SS told what the plan was happened before the plan was put in motion? The driver was the last part of the equation, yet the driver is the first to know when the appointment is before the appointment has even been made? You think a national bank is going to release $40K in cash in a non-standard transaction for the account it is coming from and do this between when the bank manager arrived at work that morning and when the bank lobby opened and not have the one demanding the cash come in and sign for it? I could perhaps see this happening if SS regularly dealt in large cash transactions with this not being a unique transaction that just came out of the blue. Some bank customer calling you as soon as you get into work and saying they need $40K cash immediately as soon as the doors open but this same bank customer won't actually be coming in would be awful strange, particularly if they've never done that before.

SS needed money. The banks were closed Wed evening so he notified an employee that they would be responsible to get the money together first thing Thurs morning. The driver is directed to be ready to pick up the money at AIW and deliver it to the home Thurs morning , calling when he is ten minutes away. Thursday morning calls are making sure the plan is being followed or dealing with any issues with the bank etc. SS was trying to get the maniac out of his house and away from his family ASAP
To get gas to burn the house/evidence?
Any yes IMO the 40K was the most that could be gathered in those few hours on that morning. DW was going to kill them no matter how much money SS got for him IMO. He wasn't going to let four people go who he had kidnapped and beaten during a home invasion and had seen him for 18 hours and could identify him live

I am for instance open to the kidnapping having gone on longer than 6 PM with SS. It isn't for instance clear how and in what circumstances SS went to the dojo on Wednesday. It's been reported that NG said that she drove with SS and at 5:30 PM SS got a call from SA to come home, but if she was in the car (as the driver?), why didn't she get kidnapped as well when going back to SS's or if W1 was driving why didn't he get kidnapped then? I don't think SS could get more than 40K cash with the only notice being the time between the bank manager got in and the bank's doors opening, unless perhaps this was a common occurrence with a cash transaction history on the account of doing similar activities previously, which would point to DW learning about SS's ability to get cash finding its way to him somehow or another.
If the cash withdrawal was planned prior to the crime, I wonder what SS wanted with $40,000 in cash. The supposed reason was his martial arts studio, but why would he need cash (beyond petty cash) for that? In my mind, either the cash withdrawal was something that was required of him by Wint, or something very fishy was going on that might be a potential whole new avenue to explore. Bribes, drug money, hit money, untraceable political "donation" are the only things I can think of that require cash over a wire transfer, ACH, check, etc. Can anyone think of a legit reason for needing or wanting a huge pile of cash like that?

There are car/equipment auctions that are CASH ONLY. Many businesses find great deals on used machinery, vehicles etc there.
True, but I don't think $$$ was the sole motivation. This was a crime of passion filled with a lot of rage against the S family, in particular a male child. It was intended to cause pain, torture, suffering as if in the killer(s) psychotic mind to make the family "pay" for causing pain that the killer(s) felt was caused upon them by the S name. AIW is the connection. Who was new in the life of this family both professionally & personally that had a connection with the killer(s) & wouldn't raise suspicion?

So W1 and perhaps other employees were "planted" so DW could get psychotic revenge on the family? I'm not seeing that, sorry.

Nothing I've read about the S family shows any animosity toward them. They seem like very decent people without enemies. Every business of their size has some lawsuits and business conflicts to deal with, but we've seen nothing to indicate shadiness or scandal about the family.

I do think DW had rage against them, but someone in SS's business circle helping DW fulfill that rage didn't happen, imo. And if the rage came from a business associate, I don't think anyone of any sophistication would hire DW to get a job done.

Just MY opinion, don't have to agree with me.
This morning on CNN, Ficker said the family doesn't want DW to have a court app attorney and this week he will be appointed his lawyer. :scared: This will be a :trainwreck: . imo

Oh NOOOOO....:facepalm: This guy is such an idiot. After he is convicted, DW is going to have a strong case for appeal on incompetence of defense attorney. :no:
I have already explained all of this in a previous post. And I am sorry, but you seem to be talking in circles and I just can't follow. Probably because I am listening to a live trial...

You clearly have your theory and some of us don't buy it. I doubt any of us could change your mind.

That is because you haven't explained how there was appointment set when the relevant parties couldn't have been contacted on Wednesday to set the appointment. You said the relevant parties to the appointment were contacted the next morning after SS told the driver when the appointment with those people was.
I am for instance open to the kidnapping having gone on longer than 6 PM with SS. It isn't for instance clear how and in what circumstances SS went to the dojo on Wednesday. It's been reported that NG said that she drove with SS and at 5:30 PM SS got a call from SA to come home, but if she was in the car (as the driver?), why didn't she get kidnapped as well when going back to SS's or if W1 was driving why didn't he get kidnapped then? I don't think SS could get more than 40K cash with the only notice being the time between the bank manager got in and the bank's doors opening, unless perhaps this was a common occurrence with a cash transaction history on the account of doing similar activities previously, which would point to DW learning about SS's ability to get cash finding its way to him somehow or another.

There's no reason for whoever brought him home to go inside. They drop him off and as he enters the house he's taken hostage. We do not know that the money was taken from one account. If there were four BOA accounts the employee (who could sign on these accounts) could easily withdraw 10K from each without having to explain anything to bank managers.

DW knows enough to figure out that a wealthy man will be able to get resources together if his loved ones are being threatened and tortured
I agree with whoever posted that they believed that Amy was taken first.
It would explain his easy access to the house
That could have happened anywhere and I don't believe we have any information about the days activities other than the HK being told she was going out

So, why did DW choose that day to commit these horrible crimes?
If you believe that the money was coming to the house for business reasons, then its easy to believe someone on staff informed him that there would be a lot of money at the house
Personally I don't believe the money was expected, I feel it was ransom, pure and simple.

This lovely family was very generous to charities, drove great cars, had an impressive address
Not exactly low profile
There were probably many who knew who they were based on their good works, standing in the community, etc
I think DW chose them thinking that they would have cash at home , went crazy when there was not much for him to take. And then it all started.
At this point, he runs empty handed or he takes them hostage and waits. There is no way he is going to let them live. They have seen him .. for hours
That little boy was his edge over everyone

All my opinion and may change at any moment
There are car/equipment auctions that are CASH ONLY. Many businesses find great deals on used machinery, vehicles etc there.

I believe the housekeeper said that he wanted the money for the studio. The supposed niece said it was for art. I've never heard any mention other than here that he was withdrawing money to attend an auction.
I have tried to find the viideo This <modship>took my breath away:

He is not the guy that did this. His DNA was found on pizza that was delivered outside the home, and then later that pizza crust was found in a dumpster, but the murders were committed inside the home. They've got the wrong guy.

It's a group grope, a rush to judgment. There's a presumption of innocence which is not being mentioned by the police.

FICKER: Every mother's child at some point becomes angry, becomes hostile towards their parents. We know that. I'm a parent three times over and I've seen it in my kids who are wonderful successes. I think we're nitpicking here trying to brand him in the public's eye, in the court of public opinion, the police should take their case to court. There is no evidence of DNA -- his DNA on any of the victims, is there? No.

He was not a mean, aggressive person at all, he was a young man finding his way, a student of Prince George's Community College. He tried to get into the Marines, he was patriotic, he was well-meaning and he remains that way as far as I know.


Can this guy say this stuff with a straight face?

Is he implying that his client stole the pizza from the porch, ate some, threw it in the dumpster and left? :facepalm:

And yes, every mother's child becomes angry at some point. Mine included. But I never had a Restraining Order on any of them for death threats. :no:

If he was 'not mean and aggressive' then he would not have been arrested for Domestic Violence, and a concealed machete, imo. '
I believe the housekeeper said that he wanted the money for the studio. The supposed niece said it was for art. I've never heard any mention other than here that he was withdrawing money to attend an auction.

The question I was replying to was not what he wanted it for. The question was something like ' does anyone know a valid or legal reason a business would need wads of cash.'

Maybe he was going to an art auction?

eta: here is the question I was directly answering:

"Bribes, drug money, hit money, untraceable political "donation" are the only things I can think of that require cash over a wire transfer, ACH, check, etc. Can anyone think of a legit reason for needing or wanting a huge pile of cash like that?"
I think it started with Amy too and it may have started away from the house. That would explain why VF was still there after 3pm. She expected to be able to leave early but she was too responsible to leave a sick child alone.

DW restrained Amy somehow and HE drove her back to the house. Hence the sighting of her car being driven by someone else.

When they get into the house, they wait for SS and finally, Amy is made to call him to get home. He gets home at 6Pm and the nightmare "officially" begins.
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