DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #5

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But if you were in a situation in which a lunatic had invaded your house, wouldn't you say, "gee, I don't have much cash -- here's everything I have -- here's also some jewelry, some paintings, and there are at least a million dollars worth of cars in the garage. The keys are on hooks down there. Here's my ATM card, here's the code, here are some credit cards. Help yourself." Seems like you would want to avoid a sleepover with the guy.

Sounds like the perp specifically wanted cash.
IIRC SS was at the chantilly business on wednesday with ? housekeeper helping. This housekeeper is not the normal thursday housekeeper that was asked to not come in on thursday. The housekeeper that was with SS at the chantilly business then left there about 5:30 according to a worker associate of SS. IIRC it has been stated (yet again) that is all started about 19 hours before the fire. If that is true and the fire started/reported at about 1:15pm, then that would put the (this started about) at 6:00pm wednesday. So my ? is did SS go straight to the home or did he stop by the AIW office then proceed home. It's my opinion that he stopped and that is where he encountered dw and was told to drive home. Remember that is where wint is from and where he used to work and where he showed up with a machete and bb pistol. jmo idk

eta the house that was with SS is the ones that husband showed up there thursday looking for her, so she must have been with SS and not driven herself. jmo idk
My understanding the assistant was more of a driver. He was driving SS to and from work, that sort of thing.

I dont get the "driver" job. Did he drive SS to work in his own vehicles? Whats the point of having such cool cars if you dont even drive them? I guess I dont get it.
But if you were in a situation in which a lunatic had invaded your house, wouldn't you say, "gee, I don't have much cash -- here's everything I have -- here's also some jewelry, some paintings, and there are at least a million dollars worth of cars in the garage. The keys are on hooks down there. Here's my ATM card, here's the code, here are some credit cards. Help yourself." Seems like you would want to avoid a sleepover with the guy.

DW must have wanted cash, and I do think SS kept stringing him along for as long as he could, making as many phone calls as he could.
It doesn't work that way. Remember I used to work at BOA and I received training on how they deal with transactions. It's the transaction you do in a day and both the bank as well as the government are monitoring how much cash your pulling out of there whether it's from 1 account or 100 accounts. I'm not saying he couldn't have pulled it off in a few hours, just that if he did, it wasn't his first rodeo withdrawing large sums of cash. For this not to have triggered regulatory paperwork on the transaction a prior arrangement with the bank would have had to have been made creating an exception for AIW that they've used large amounts of cash on a recurring basis and this transaction was part in line with that and hence no need to fill out the special paperwork. The bank manager may have created the exception that day and not required the regulatory paperwork and approval from higher ups, but if so it would be something would get the bank manager fired as opposed to something that is normal and acceptable banking practice.

Has it been fully ruled out that this money didn't come from a safety deposit box?? It may have...
I dont get the "driver" job. Did he drive SS to work in his own vehicles? Whats the point of having such cool cars if you dont even drive them? I guess I dont get it.

It's not unusual for rich people to have drivers. They would still be in their cool car, only somebody would be driving them.
I believe the housekeeper said that he wanted the money for the studio. The supposed niece said it was for art. I've never heard any mention other than here that he was withdrawing money to attend an auction.

that is what they were told after the fact, one of those reasons is probably what SS told everyone that morning, he wasn't going to tell people he was being held for ransom. NG and the niece were just relaying the early information that they more than likely heard from the people that SS called that morning, of course everyone now know's that the money was used to payoff Dw.
I do think SS (or his managers) had probably taken out large amounts of cash out before. Cash for auctions etc. For that reason the bank and the employee might not be alarmed when SS calls them Wed and prepares them to get the cash. I do not think that when this had been done in the past that it was delivered to the home. More likely the cash was taken directly to the business. But all SS has to do is tell them some story that he can't come by the office because his wife/son is sick or there's something else he had to attend to. He's the boss so they will do what he asks.
There is nothing to suggest that this was a planned, regular, weekly, monthly occurrence that some insider could disclose to a random **** who also needed money. In fact, an insider would realize there would be a limit (apparently $40K) that could be raised in a matter of hours. IMO no employee is going to risk losing a nice job and life in jail for a share of $40K

It would not surprise me if the courier has transported cash for AIW previously and somehow the word got around on that with the courier being an unknowing accomplice who just happened to brag about how he was driving around in fancy cars and toting lots of cash. DW could know generally that SS has lots of cash being picked up and transported around by others without knowing the specific details, hence the need for the sleepover.
It doesn't work that way. Remember I used to work at BOA and I received training on how they deal with transactions. It's the transaction you do in a day and both the bank as well as the government are monitoring how much cash your pulling out of there whether it's from 1 account or 100 accounts. I'm not saying he couldn't have pulled it off in a few hours, just that if he did, it wasn't his first rodeo withdrawing large sums of cash. For this not to have triggered regulatory paperwork on the transaction a prior arrangement with the bank would have had to have been made creating an exception for AIW that they've used large amounts of cash on a recurring basis and this transaction was part in line with that and hence no need to fill out the special paperwork. The bank manager may have created the exception that day and not required the regulatory paperwork and approval from higher ups, but if so it would be something would get the bank manager fired as opposed to something that is normal and acceptable banking practice.

Right. But iirc the bank fills out the paperwork, not the individual. So BOA does its required reporting and SS can deal with any consequences later. He had more on his mind than banking paperwork. His money was legal, taxed and available to him. JMO
Still very confused about the picture of the cash

Makes me feel that it wasn't an everyday occurrence but maybe a big thing to the driver
IIRC SS was at the chantilly business on wednesday with ? housekeeper helping. This housekeeper is not the normal thursday housekeeper that was asked to not come in on thursday. The housekeeper that was with SS at the chantilly business then left there about 5:30 according to a worker associate of SS. IIRC it has been stated (yet again) that is all started about 19 hours before the fire. If that is true and the fire started/reported at about 1:15pm, then that would put the (this started about) at 6:00pm wednesday. So my ? is did SS go straight to the home or did he stop by the AIW office then proceed home. It's my opinion that he stopped and that is where he encountered dw and was told to drive home. Remember that is where wint is from and where he used to work and where he showed up with a machete and bb pistol. jmo idk

eta the house that was with SS is the ones that husband showed up there thursday looking for her, so she must have been with SS and not driven herself. jmo idk

That's an interesting idea -- that he ambushed SS at the office. I would like to think that SS would have taken the guy anywhere but to his home where his child and wife were, but I guess faced with a machete (or whatever sharp object) it would be hard.
You could be right. I am so confused at this point and have been lurking on these threads for so long, anything is possible. But quite awhile ago, there was a description given of "well-groomed" male that devolved into a debate over DW's dreads. The description was of a Black male. I think he was seen by a neighbor driving Amy's car.

I don't think I confused this with description of the Car torcher video...(before DW was identified) because that suspect was wearing a hoodie.

But that's what I'm remembering. But no longer sure of much In this case...except some truly wonderful people died in an horrific way.

Yes, a lot of confusion. The well-groomed (not to be mistaken for clean-cut) black man in the safety vest was seen driving the car "erratically" on New York Avenue shortly after the house fire began on Thursday. And that sighting is in the charging papers.
Still very confused about the picture of the cash

Makes me feel that it wasn't an everyday occurrence but maybe a big thing to the driver

Especially that it was two bundles, not four bundles of cash. He was given four. Why take a photo of two?
That's an interesting idea -- that he ambushed SS at the office. I would like to think that SS would have taken the guy anywhere but to his home where his child and wife were, but I guess faced with a machete (or whatever sharp object) it would be hard.

That doesn't work for me because the housekeeper would have left
I dont get the "driver" job. Did he drive SS to work in his own vehicles? Whats the point of having such cool cars if you dont even drive them? I guess I dont get it.

My Dad had an opportunity to drive years ago after he retired (police) it was good money for what would have been required but he turned it down, seems it was mostly for the man's young daughter, back and forth to school and her activities so he turned it down. I am thinking that he was probably going to or was driving Philip back and forth to school and his activities as well. jmo idk
I dont get the "driver" job. Did he drive SS to work in his own vehicles? Whats the point of having such cool cars if you dont even drive them? I guess I dont get it.

I agree that if you're going to have a driver you usually would have a Town Car or similar so you can sit in the back and do some work or talk on the phone or whatnot and none of the vehicles they had would be typical ones you'd try to work in while someone else drove you. Maybe SS had some reason he couldn't drive (medical, DUI, etc.).
So the first person SS told what the plan was happened before the plan was put in motion? The driver was the last part of the equation, yet the driver is the first to know when the appointment is before the appointment has even been made? You think a national bank is going to release $40K in cash in a non-standard transaction for the account it is coming from and do this between when the bank manager arrived at work that morning and when the bank lobby opened and not have the one demanding the cash come in and sign for it? I could perhaps see this happening if SS regularly dealt in large cash transactions with this not being a unique transaction that just came out of the blue. Some bank customer calling you as soon as you get into work and saying they need $40K cash immediately as soon as the doors open but this same bank customer won't actually be coming in would be awful strange, particularly if they've never done that before.

But this wasn't just 'some bank customer.' This was a prestigious and respected large business owner from a very affluent local family with many holdings in that bank. And SS would have been pleading as if his life depended upon it--which it did. I can think of many reasons that he personally could not be there in person. But the person he went was the business accountant, and he would have some legal standing to sign checks etc. JMO
[Q]Why would Wint have jealousy for a boy he presumably had never met before that?[/Q]

I think he had a lot of anger towards his own family, hence the Restraining Order, and death threats he made towards them. He was one of nine kids, with a rough hard scrabble childhood. And here is the 'little Prince', living in a mansion with a dozen cars. I think he had some underlying anger and jealousy. JMO :moo:

Wint seems full of hatred, anger and grandiosity. He may have seen Phillip as the ticket to a large amount of cash from SS. The more he threatened or hurt Phillip, the more money he could extract from SS. When SS could not deliver a huge amount of cash in a short period of time, Wint took out his anger on the child. ??
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