DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #6

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I was watching the 48 Hours show this week, and I believe it was a new one.... Subject was the heroin overdose of the Google exec on his boat. The case was broken only after the video was obtained from the cameras onboard. It took a warrant and weeks to get the video which was STREAMED and saved in the cloud - not locally. No arrests were made until after the video was obtained.

Reason I bring this up is that I came across video of techs at Savvas's house on one of the many I have watched (can't remember which one) and the closeup of the camera head reminded me of the one shown from the Google persons boat.

Here's to :toast: hoping that a lot of damning evidence is merely waiting for them to view..... that the videos which may have been streamed to a cloud, vs. the old way/low cost way of to a box which perps would have access to, and we are merely waiting on a warrant and viewing of those videos.
From what was reported, there was no video obtained from security cameras.
Either erased or cameras disabled.
I think if police had security videos, it would be a lot easier to figure out if the suspect had accomplices or not.
"Philip was a fourth grade student at St. Albans School for Boys, and was known as a talented and fun loving ten-year-old, mature far beyond his years. Philip excelled at academics, was extremely knowledgeable and proud of his Greek heritage, and with his father's help he was researching his mother's ancestry. Philip was passionate about sports including basketball, baseball and motorsports. He had a comprehensive knowledge of the NBA, its players and statistics. His favorite player was Kevin Durant who plays for the Oklahoma City Thunder. Philip played the outfield and third base for his Little League Baseball team.

Philip's true passion was racing and going fast. He aspired to be a professional Formula-1 racecar driver and was a member on the Praga North America Karting racing team. Karting is the first rung for competitive racers worldwide. In his young career, Philip had competed at tracks near Jacksonville, FL, Indianapolis, IN and, Phoenix, AZ."

Rest in Peace, PS.
From what was reported, there was no video obtained from security cameras.
Either erased or cameras disabled.
I think if police had security videos, it would be a lot easier to figure out if the suspect had accomplices or not.

The source also said the suspects erased video from the home’s security cameras.

The police believe that more than one suspect was involved in this crime and these suspects have erased the video from the security cameras installed at the mansion.

:tyou: ol' timers setting in :doh:

ETA: Many here might agree that LE lies sometimes to catch folks, and/or to lull perps into a false sense of security - :praying: that LE lied about this and it was streamed. A gal can only hope :praying:
As easy as it would be to "case" a house, it would be easier to get all that information if you are a trusted employee of one of the residents. I have a hard time seeing DW spend that much time learning the patterns of the family - too much like work.

I don't think it's much work. Just hanging around. Watching. Seems like he had some time on his hands. Did anyone confirm DDW was employed?
The source also said the suspects erased video from the home’s security cameras.

The police believe that more than one suspect was involved in this crime and these suspects have erased the video from the security cameras installed at the mansion.

:tyou: ol' timers setting in :doh:

The question is, how did these suspects erased video if it's wireless? There is no videotape or disk to erase. If it's a wireless video that is stored in the cloud, what did the suspects do to erase the video and how did they manage it?
If you had the login/PW for the security system you could delete things just as you can with any cloud-based system. If SS had this on an app on his phone or tablet, DW could have gotten the info, OR as with many apps, you may just be automatically logged in and just have to open the app.

Not much work in "casing" this home. You see a massive house, you already know who lives there, what else is there to do other than have a loose game plan for what you'll do once you're inside?

PS was killed then burned. How do we know he was tortured? Not to say burned alive isn't torture, but it could also be a rookie move by a small time criminal. Robberies turn violent and result in fatalities much of the time because the criminal has no idea wth they're doing, freak out and wind up killing someone. None of this is to say DW isn't the devil -- he is, but I just do not see him being very methodical here, which is why the ***** hit the fan.

I DO think he intended to kill whomever was in that house, but I do NOT think he thought things through or is a criminal mastermind. Anyone who thinks, oh I can just torch the joint and get away with murder is not very bright.
He thought things thru enough to wear gloves while handling the pizza box and pizza.
The crime just seems more sophisticated than someone like DW is capable of (by himself). He has a history of arrests, etc, but nothing like this one, where multiple people were held hostage for a long period of time.
It's hard to control multiple people, make them call other people, somehow erase the security video, etc.
I am not surprised police believe more people in addition to DW were involved in this.
He thought things thru enough to wear gloves while handling the pizza box and pizza.

This is the mark of someone who's watched any crime movie. This is not the mark of a criminal mastermind MOO.

Edit: I def believe he was not on his own in doing this. I almost feel like the job is too much for one person but TWO people could get each other amped enough to think they can pull it off.
He thought things thru enough to wear gloves while handling the pizza box and pizza.

But left the crust with his saliva right there.
He isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch, is he?
If the TV show "The First 48" is any indication, you're spot on. It has always baffled me why the first (& only) word out of their mouths isn't "LAWYER". Even if I was completely innocent in an investigation, that would be the ONLY thing they'd hear me say.

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really? Even if you were totally innocent? Ive never been questioned by the police for anything but if I was completely innocent in something, I wouldn't think about a lawyer. I would think "let me do what I can to help the police"
TW-1 has raised suspicion because his lies are so curious. Usually lies have a purpose. What could the purpose of these lies be?

The first lie is about when he was asked to get the money. He originally said he was called on Thursday. Only after LE showed him SS text ON HIS PHONE...did he admit that it was on Wednesday. Now if the police are calling you in to talk about the horrific murder of your boss and family, seems to me you would check your texts, etc...before you have that conversation.

There is a big difference between a call on Thursday and a text on Wednesday. Nervous or not, any one would know this would be an important question. Anyone would prepare for this obvious question. "When did he contact you?" It's NOT a Gotcha.

But he was way off on his answer. This is why it appears to be a lie, not "nervousness."
Perhaps he didn't think he was important enough to them to have to show his phone. But once they saw his phone, he was nailed in a big lie.

But why did he want them to think it was on Thursday instead of Wednesday?

My theory...or guess...is because he knew on Wednesday that money was being assembled. He wanted to limit his involvement with that money. "Hey, I only found out right before I picked it up." W-1 wants LE to believe he picked up the money, unlocked the car, put all the money in and left.

But he didn't. He had even a stranger involvement with the money.

Because at 9:AM he is sending a text to his girlfriend with about half the money on display in a red lined bag belonging to him. A lot of you think this is just innocent showing off, but it is, at the least, impulsive and reckless. And LE has to add this curious fact to the lie about his contact with SS.

Such behavior could very well get him fired. He is handling $40,000!!!! If I sent an employee of mine to get even groceries,I wouldn't expect them to be rooting through the grocery bags to see what I bought. Funny, in a new job, after just being fired...that he has so little fear of the boss.

Why is he playing with the money? And where is he doing this? In the bank parking lot? Or at SS house, after putting the other half in the car.

But the biggest question IMO is....why isn't ALL the money there if it's just a picture of a delivery?

Has he separated out his "paycheck" for being the inside guy?

Is he showing off his payday to a girlfriend that thought he could trust? DW seems to be good with his pay-days. The guys with the truck got $2500 for something. What would be worth half of the take to DW?

"Two bundles visibly displayed. ONE with white band."

Just silly guesses and random thoughts...opinion only.
I am hoping that D.D.W.'s girlfriend tells everything that was told to her by him. Perhaps a deal will be struck with her to tell whether others were involved as wouldn't she be charged with aiding and abetting? Also, wouldn't the five persons he was with when captured be charged with aiding and abetting? I am confused by this not happening - would someone kindly clear this up for me and thanks in advance! JMO
I am hoping that D.D.W.'s girlfriend tells everything that was told to her by him. Perhaps a deal will be struck with her to tell whether others were involved as wouldn't she be charged with aiding and abetting? Also, wouldn't the five persons he was with when captured be charged with aiding and abetting? I am confused by this not happening - would someone kindly clear this up for me and thanks in advance! JMO

He has a gf? Or do you mean the girls in the car with him when arrested? Or do you mean JW (W1)?
W-1 has raised suspicion because his lies are so curious. Usually lies have a purpose. What could the purpose of these lies be?

The first lie is about when he was asked to get the money. He originally said he was called on Thursday. Only after LE showed him SS text ON HIS PHONE...did he admit that it was on Wednesday. Now if the police are calling you in to talk about the horrific murder of your boss and family, seems to me you would check your texts, etc...before you have that conversation.

There is a big difference between a call on Thursday and a text on Wednesday. Nervous or not, any one would know this would be an important question. Anyone would prepare for this obvious question. "When did he contact you?" It's NOT a Gotcha.

But he was way off on his answer. This is why it appears to be a lie, not "nervousness."
Perhaps he didn't think he was important enough to them to have to show his phone.

But why did he want them to think it was on Thursday instead of Wednesday?

My theory...or guess...is because he knew on Wednesday that money was being assembled. He wanted to limit his involvement with that money. "Hey, I only found out right before I picked it up." W-1 wants LE to believe he picked up the money, unlocked the car, put all the money in and left.

But he didn't.

Because at 9:AM he is sending a text to his girlfriend with about half the money on display in a red lined bag belonging to him. A lot of you think this is just innocent showing off, but it is, at the least, impulsive and reckless. And LE has to add this curious fact to the lie about his contact with SS.

Such behavior could very well get him fired. He is handling $40,000!!!! If I sent an employee of mine to get even groceries,I wouldn't expect them to be rooting through the grocery bags to see what I bought. Funny, in a new job, after just being fired...that he has so little fear of the boss.

Why is he playing with the money? And where is he doing this? In the bank parking lot? Or at SS house, after putting the other half in the car.

But the biggest question IMO is....why isn't ALL the money there if it's just a picture of a delivery?

Has he separated out his "paycheck" for being the inside guy?

Is he showing off his payday to a girlfriends thought he could trust? DW seems to be good with his pay-days. The guys with the truck got $2500 for something. What would be worth half of the take to DW?

"Two bundles visibly displayed. ONE with white band."

Just silly guesses and random thoughts...

The charging document says nothing about the money being spread out or played with. He took a pic of bundles of hundred dollar bills in a red bag. Two of the bundles were visible in the photo, on one bundle the bank wrapper is visible which LE points out is consistent with how the money was given to the AIW exec from the bank manager. IMO the positioning of the stacks of money is the only reason that the other wrapper is not seen in the photo described in the charging doc
I think one of the reasons LE is pushing hard on W1 is this:

W1 texted a photo of half the money at approximately 9 am. He texted SS 10 minutes before arriving at the house, which is after 9 am? I don't know what time he picked up the money in Hyattsville, but I think it would take about half an hour to drive from the bank or AIW to the S home. ASSUMING he texted his girlfriend before SS, he would arrive no earlier than 9:15 am.

VF's husband arrives at the S home at approximately 9:30 am. He sees two cars on the street, one of which is the Porsche. Who does the other car belong to? Could it belong to W1? The Audi and the Range Rover were parked side by side in the driveway. The Porsche was not in the driveway, but on the street. I don't think when Mr. F said he saw two cars, one of which was a Porsche, he meant three cars. If so, that puts W1 at the house at the same time as Mr. F, but in the time it takes Mr. F. to bang on the door, go around to the back and receive a phone call from SS, he doesn't see W1. If all W1 is doing is putting an envelope in the car, it shouldn't take more than a minute, especially since we now know the door was unlocked - so no hunting for a key.

Also, does Mr. F know what SS' voice sounds like? How do we know SS spoke to Mr. F?

The night before, SS leaves a voice mail on NG's phone, asking her to call anyone who might be worried about VF, because she will be staying the night and her phone is dead. Which raises the question - why didn't VF call her husband on the house phone or SS' phone? It's been posited that SS didn't have Mr. F's phone number or Mr. F didn't speak English well enough, but that can't be true since SS' phone is used to call Mr. F the next morning when Mr. F is at the S home.

Terrific post!

Do we know what car W-1 was driving when he picked up the money and took it to the house? Because this is a brilliant point IMO...as to what cars Mr. F saw at the home. If W-1 was there...and in the garage or outside the house, why wouldn't he talk to this poor guy trying to find his wife? Mr. F was yelling, banging, walking around the house.

On another topic...as to W-1 being fond of the child...couldn't possibly have let him be tortured...everyone thought the Manhattan Nanny loved the children she cared for. The poor little 6year old had defensive wounds, fighting for her life. She was with those children much longer than 3 months.
The charging document says nothing about the money being spread out or played with. He took a pic of bundles of hundred dollar bills in a red bag. Two of the bundles were visible in the photo, on one bundle the bank wrapper is visible which LE points out is consistent with how the money was given to the AIW exec from the bank manager. IMO the positioning of the stacks of money is the only reason that the other wrapper is not seen in the photo described in the charging doc

Possible. Also possible that the wrapper was removed. The fact that half the money is not in the bag means he has done something else with half of it. Why isn't all of it in the same bag? To me, you put it all in the bag and follow the instructions given by your boss. Just the fact that he took a picture...and moved half of the money out of the frame...is "playing" with it.

Edited to add example...suppose I asked my employee to pick up some jewelry I had repaired at the jewelry store and bring it to my home. Suppose it was handed to him in a bag. Then suppose I see a text he sent. My jewelry is in a bag of HIS...and only half of it is there. I'm going to think this is outrageous. He is "playing"with a very valuable delivery.
Just semantics, of course.
From Pix11/CNN: " Authorities are questioning a woman believed to be the girlfriend of the DC murder suspect Daron Dylon Wint, according to two law enforcement sources involved in the investigation.

The sources said, the girlfriend, who lives in Brooklyn, told authorities that she spoke to Wint and that he was planning on turning himself in. So far, Wint remains at large and the girlfriend is still being questioned by U.S. Marshals and NYPD detectives at a Brooklyn precinct, sources added."

I could be wrong but I did hear this quite a bit on the news. If the above is true, then I don't understand why the detectives did not learn more from her.
Possible. Also possible that the wrapper was removed. The fact that half the money is not in the bag means he has done something else with half of it. Why isn't all of it in the same bag? To me, you put it all in the bag and follow the instructions given by your boss. Just the fact that he took a picture...and moved half of the money out of the frame...is "playing" with it.

Just semantics, of course.

IMO he opened the bag and took a pic. Only two of the four bundles were visible due to positioning and of those two visible only one wrapper is visible.
Immature, yes
Sinister, no
He has a gf? Or do you mean the girls in the car with him when arrested? Or do you mean JW (W1)?

I think she means the "girlfriend" that he supposedly went to visit in NY. Remember she told that he was coming back to turn himself in?
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