DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #8

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Who wouldn't want a lawyer who claims DNA is junk science?
Hmm, do you remember what time you saw it? The version I saw was at 11pm -- I don't recall there being mention of the police at that time. Maybe it had already been edited down from a previous airing and that's why it seemed to disjointed from the rest of the piece.

I saw the original version of the video earlier in the day on Tuesday, May 19, just after lunch. So it may have been edited by the time you saw it that night. He specifically said law enforcement told him not to say anything. WJLA also wrote what he said in the article, but I see they edited that part of the article. Maybe someone can email the writer and ask them what's up?
This dojo has a kitchen and sleeping quarters so many small things they could do to get ready. jmo

After reading how he was as a boss and human being, I also thought that since SS was a nice guy, he wanted to share the opening with them. A day off from their regular duties to enjoy this special occasion.
Did anyone else see Jake Tapper's The Lead today? Pam Brown was on with a brief report which was mostly repetitive but .... at the end she said the housekeeper said that she had only met JT Wallace for the first time in March of this year.

That's easy to understand, now the next part is what confused me, and I want someone else to verify. I think the report said that the last time the housekeeper saw Wallace was at the dojo on Wednesday and that he left at about 3:30.

But I could have gotten it confused or misunderstood and maybe the report was saying that the housekeeper said Savvas left at about 3:30 on that Wednesday. Help!!!

How soon do the videos get posted at CNN?

I just saw this also live. I was going to post here, then thought nawwwww. But since here on threads, I'll chime in lol. She kinda appeared to me to be *bumbling* through that broadcast. Hemming and hawing... I think it was just HER (broadcaster) mispeak. :moo:
Stabbing seems so 'personal' and rage hate..............I keep thinking what kind of person can do that to 4 people.
It is a long drive ,,,,,,wonder what DDW did, said, acted in the Uber??

John Evander Couey comes to mind.

Not for a minute do I believe DW hired an Uber or paid a dime. He was with his brother and four other people when arrested. Not a stretch to believe he had help in returning to D.C.

:moo: A fellow WS'er posted that, but I'm thinking it was IT's :moo: as IT referred to IT's support as the fact that an MSM report stated that he was not in touch with media, but had been in contact with LE

That to me does NOT support or even suggest that W-1 is in protective custody.

Everyone has their own conclusions... I'm not even near jumping to that conclusion based on those comments by my fellow websleuther and what I have read in MSM (or blogs approved by WS).

If I was involved in this as a witness in anyway, I would talk to LE, but not media. I would be hiding from media for surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre. Innocent or not :moo:

:moo: I've googled and searched and :websleuther: but all I could find was the above words about him not talking to media, but was talking to LE


I think maybe people got that idea because the arrest warrant was initially put under seal. I could be wrong...
From CDocs:
The affidavit in support of the arrest warrant describes an ongoing police investigation
which includes information not known to the general public. Disclosure of the information would
jeopardize the ongoing investigation, would also raise significant safety concerns for both
witnesses involved in this investigation and the police officers attempting to arrest the defendant.
I saw the original version of the video earlier in the day on Tuesday, May 19, just after lunch. So it may have been edited by the time you saw it that night. He specifically said law enforcement told him not to say anything. WJLA also wrote what he said in the article, but I see they edited that part of the article. Maybe someone can email the writer and ask them what's up?

Did you try for a cached page? (LOL!!)
.... Using the garage shows collusion. If DW didn't know JW, then he couldn't have known if he had a key to gain entry into the house and DW couldn't be two places inside that house at the same time....JMO
bbm sbm

Agreeing: If DDW & JW colluded, DDW wd/know if JW had key, so could pick garage over front porch or other location.

But what if DDW did not collude w JW, but was lone wolf?*
If lone-wolf perp holding hostages in home wants ransom $ dropped off and thinks garage offers desirable privacy to pick up $, why would it matter if driver has garage or house key?
Could lone-wolf DDW
- ask Mr S - does driver/asst have key, to garage? to house? ITS.
- keep hostages bound/restrained while DDW goes to garage, cracks G-door open, or disarms sec system after forcing Mr S to give him code? Maybe DDW got spare key from Mr S and tossed it outside garage door, where driver c/find and use it? ITS.
No need for DDW to be in 2 places at once.

Garage as $ drop location could indicate collusion w JW, but it's not necessarily proving it conclusively, jmo imo moo. JM2cts, could be all wrong.

* re lone wolf: DDW c/h/bn lone wolf or could have schemed w ppl (other than JW) and those ppl may or may not h/bn inside S home. Personally ATM, I'm not convinced either way.
I hope DDW's parents don't spend a dime on the ANIMAL

I think Wint's attorneys will be shutting him down shortly. He's not doing Wint any favors by spouting such nonsense.

I think maybe people got that idea because the arrest warrant was initially put under seal. I could be wrong...
From CDocs:
The affidavit in support of the arrest warrant describes an ongoing police investigation
which includes information not known to the general public. Disclosure of the information would
jeopardize the ongoing investigation, would also raise significant safety concerns for both
witnesses involved in this investigation and the police officers attempting to arrest the defendant.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :tyou: rkf! Now I get why folks are thinking along those lines. Thanks for taking the time and offering that up for consideration :daisy:
I saw the original version of the video earlier in the day on Tuesday, May 19, just after lunch. So it may have been edited by the time you saw it that night. He specifically said law enforcement told him not to say anything. WJLA also wrote what he said in the article, but I see they edited that part of the article. Maybe someone can email the writer and ask them what's up?

I think LE is keeping things under wraps. I know I just saw a WUSA video where per the reporter LE said an insider must be connected in some way rather than just saying DW didn't do this alone, but now that video isn't accessible. The video I saw was specific on the bank transaction that whoever was involved had to know certain things.
Did you try for a cached page? (LOL!!)

:doh: I went to my cache! :blowkiss: and found the article and video. I would have never have found it if FerrariRose didn't share the station it was on, and then corny :giggle: telling us to try for a cached page in our 'puters. Everyone is soooooooooooo helpful this afternoon :giggle: ETA: And it DOES HAVE THE VIDEO with the neighbor on it talking too.

"It's concerning to me because I have a family that lives near here," said a neighbor, who lives up the road.

The neighbor said he drove by the home daily on Woodland Drive where Thursday May 14 Savvas Savopoulos, his wife Amy and two others, believed to be their son and housekeeper, were found dead inside.

Monday he stopped at the home to tell police what he saw outside the house the same day the deadly discovery was made.

The neighbor told ABC7 "I don't want to give any details because it might be useful information but I stopped to give a report because it was a little unusual and out of the ordinary."

Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2015/0...-victims-police-say-114003.html#ixzz3bqni4tUZ
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bbm sbm

Agreeing: If DDW & JW colluded, DDW wd/know if JW had key, so could pick garage over front porch or other location.

But what if DDW did not collude w JW, but was lone wolf?*
If lone-wolf perp holding hostages in home wants ransom $ dropped off and thinks garage offers desirable privacy to pick up $, why would it matter if driver has garage or house key?
Could lone-wolf DDW
- ask Mr S - does driver/asst have key, to garage? to house? ITS.
- keep hostages bound/restrained while DDW goes to garage, cracks G-door open, or disarms sec system after forcing Mr S to give him code? Maybe DDW got spare key from Mr S and tossed it outside garage door, where driver c/find and use it? ITS.
No need for DDW to be in 2 places at once.

Garage as $ drop location could indicate collusion w JW, but it's not necessarily proving it conclusively, jmo imo moo. JM2cts, could be all wrong.

* re lone wolf: DDW c/h/bn lone wolf or could have schemed w ppl (other than JW) and those ppl may or may not h/bn inside S home. Personally ATM, I'm not convinced either way.

I don't think the garage drop off proves it either way.

If there is no collusion, DW is not going to want anyone to come to the door. So the garage is a perfect way to avoid that. I do not see how it implies that JW is involved.

JW MIGHT be in collusion. I do not know. I think 70% he is not involved, but 30% he might be. I really do not know. But I do not think the garage drop off is evidence either way. JMO
I was just driving around downtown Santa Monica to meet my daughter for lunch. And everywhere I looked I saw people wearing neon green vests....:eek:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :tyou: rkf! Now I get why folks are thinking along those lines. Thanks for taking the time and offering that up for consideration :daisy:

It isn't why at least as far as I'm concerned. LE can and does confine designated material witnesses for both good reasons and also for abusive reasons. LE doesn't have to say anything publicly when they're doing this and this can explain why DW has seemingly gone MIA rather than for instance thinking he intentionally avoided the funeral. Unless DW does pop up, I have no reason to assume whether he is or isn't in custody as a witness and that if he isn't heard or seen someplace that it doesn't mean anything. Heck, DW could have requested going into custody himself as some witnesses do.
:doh: I went to my cache! :blowkiss: and found the article and video. I would have never have found it if y'all didn't share the staion it was on, and then corny :giggle: telling us to try for a cached page in our 'puters. Everyone is soooooooooooo helpful this afternoon :giggle: ETA: And it DOES HAVE THE VIDEO with the neighbor on it talking too.


HOLY CRAP! I was kidding about the cached page...because of the discussion the other day!!

NICE JOB ATL!! Off to listen - after break in JH trial!!!
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