DCF Shelter Hearings

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re: MS's mother 's statement:
"before i had been with the girls on a constant"

how does that work that you're a grandma who lives near your grandchildren, but you've never been with them "on a constant"
you've never had them for the weekend?
never had them for an overnight?
never had them over to make cupcakes?
never helped them with their homework after school?
never got a call from them asking if they can come over to "play" because they think that's you're favorite thing in the world to do?
never had them over just because grandchildren are the only people in the world who think you're cool?

Never had them because TS and MS wanted a weekend alone, or even a night alone, or were going away for the weekend. It is sort of strange they never spent "constant" with a local grandmother. I guess TS didn't want/need alone time w MS
Until today's hearing I don't think I understood the gravity of the situation MAG's is in. It could break even the strongest person. I'm not sure I could do it. I might just say- you have the girls, I can't do this. I can't listen to my beloved child's murderer order me around, demand I not only facilitate and listen in to conversations with my granddaughters, but have to pay for them too.

I don't think I could stand having to hand them off to the mother of the murderer- who is an enabler and entitled too. I think I would have to let go, focus on the children and grandchildren I have left, beg God and Teresa for forgiveness and soldier on without the burden and torment having them gives.

God bless that woman- I don't know how she gets out of bed let alone answers calls from that monster.
^^^ Yes, the ones Bonnie- is saving in her drawer for the girls... but not all of them. Hmmm- how hinky is that? Some, but not all and why wouldn't Bonnie leave them in the girls possession... to have, to hold, to reread, to share with others. To. Share. With. Others.
Frigga, can you refresh my memory as well. Are these letters he wrote to them while in prison? Were they mailed. Dunno why I am in such a fog about these letters. TIA

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Notice he says my daughters, not the girls, not by name...MY daughters.
Frigga, can you refresh my memory as well. Are these letters he wrote to them while in prison? Were they mailed. Dunno why I am in such a fog about these letters. TIA

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Yes, letters and post cards he has sent from jail- supposedly... allegedly. Bonnie has kept most of them, for the girls, in her bedroom drawer. For safe keeping I assume.
O/T Frigga, but can't he get a pump? When he gets a little older he can go to a camp for children with Diabetes.
Yes, letters and post cards he has sent from jail- supposedly... allegedly. Bonnie has kept most of them, for the girls, in her bedroom drawer. For safe keeping I assume.
Thanks, sweetie!

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Jumping on late, just got home from work. Question, is the Nancy they are talking about in court the person who had custody of the girls for a week or so and then went on vacation so Mary received custody? I just don't recognize the name.
Jacob Carpenter ‏@NDN_JCarpenter 49s49 seconds ago
Lawyer for Mark Sievers' mother says “things change. Circumstances have substantially changed.”

Jacob Carpenter ‏@NDN_JCarpenter 1m1 minute ago
DCF lawyer emphasizing that Mark Sievers' mother has said she's unable to support kids “physically, emotionally, mentally and financially.”

TICYA Thank you, Muchas Gracias, AND THAT SAYS IT ALL FOLKS!!! When a woman says, "NO" She means "NO!"

1) No! I can not physically care for these children. (check)
2) No! I can not emotionally care for these children. (check)
3) No! I can not mentally care for these children. (check)
3) No! I can not financially care for these children. (check)

Well it seems obvious that MS is pressuring for his MOTHER to take the children AND It seems Mummert (oh geez, really looking like a j-rk now, IMO) is telling the press MS has the right to force his Mother to take the kids. Uh, Atty Mummert, and Accused Mark.....THE LADY SAID NO!!!! I am really losing respect for this guy by the second....He takes a septuagenarian's money for a failed bond hearing and then tell the courts the exact opposite of what she told a social worker in private.
Jumping on late, just got home from work. Question, is the Nancy they are talking about in court the person who had custody of the girls for a week or so and then went on vacation so Mary received custody? I just don't recognize the name.

Yes. :)
. . .

“I have stated to the girls that trust is something very precious and it’s hard to know who to trust with what’s going on,” said Sievers, who added that he has instructed the girls not to talk to Groves about certain things, including letters from him.


Yes, trust is something very precious. I hope the prosecutors shove those words back at him during the penalty phase of his murder trial.
O/T Frigga, but can't he get a pump? When he gets a little older he can go to a camp for children with Diabetes.

He has one now- they're trying to get it dialed in.
Besides the fact my eyeballs are rolling around in my head as I try to weed thru all that happened in court today, ha, ha, it appears Mark picked lawyers that may prove Baez to have been the smart lawyer!! Oh dear, we are in for the trial of the century!

it sounds like DCF is going to have to supervise all correspondence and phone calls between Mark and the girls. Perhaps even with his mother to see how he is manipulating her. In fact, I thought all phone calls were recorded and letters read, incoming or outgoing. Is this true? Is this where the recordings have come from?

Mark is so use to being the person in control, he still cannot accept the fact that the rules are different in jail.. He can't do what he wants, then lie his way out of it, because there are records of everything he does!

Since Bonnie has said she doesn't want the children, for all the reasons listed, she may have had a wake up call as to what her life would be like with her son running her life everyday. That is probably the wisest and smartest decision she has ever made!!

So, what is the custody battle about then? The fact that MAG will raise his daughters? Mark, you didn't think your plan thru! You brought all this on yourself, and soon karma will get you when everything is stripped away and you are left penniless! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving man!
Todays' custody hearing.... wow, just wow.

Thanks to all here for posts & links. Also big Thanks to Jacob Carpenter for tweeting---I followed all his comments on Twitter then read all posts here from beginning to end of todays' hearing.

JMO but Groves should refuse to pay for MS jail calls (or at most, limit to 2 wkly). He's 'indigent' so let him find a way to get jail calls paid for or work for $. Can Groves, or anyone in that situation, do that? Refuse or limit paid calls then the ball's in the jailbirds' court. And speaking of balls.... Marks' 'scope' is also shrinking. Looking thru that 'scope' he sees there's no access for BS, the judge is wise beyond MS 'scope', & his own Attny questions him not to his liking. There will be more knocks along the hearing & later trial highways. He won't wake up so he better tighten those arm & leg chains for a bumpy ride---all he's gonna see thru that scope will be 💩👀
It was mentioned in the hearing today that Mark was concerned with a sister of TS. I recall that AL had a conversation with MS where he told her that the girls were not convinced that
she thought he was innocent. She responded that yes but we are all still family. It's all about his control. I am hoping that the judge sees through all of it and keeps the girls
with her mother! Can't wait until we can hear his jail-house convos with those precious girls!
Agree, 1&2&3.... C-O-N-T-R-O-L is no more & MS can't believe he doesn't have it. The judge stopping his coaching BS today was great. Why did his Attny allow that! Unless they just didn't catch it before the judge stepped in. JMO, they're SLOW.

He has no control but will still attempt manipulation. How long will his defense put up with his bs​ (no relation to BS) AND how much & for how long will Faga Group take this bad exposure = publicity? But.... as in 'Kardashian', etc.... publicity is publicity. Time will tell.
Besides the fact my eyeballs are rolling around in my head as I try to weed thru all that happened in court today, ha, ha, it appears Mark picked lawyers that may prove Baez to have been the smart lawyer!! Oh dear, we are in for the trial of the century!

it sounds like DCF is going to have to supervise all correspondence and phone calls between Mark and the girls. Perhaps even with his mother to see how he is manipulating her. In fact, I thought all phone calls were recorded and letters read, incoming or outgoing. Is this true? Is this where the recordings have come from?

Mark is so use to being the person in control, he still cannot accept the fact that the rules are different in jail.. He can't do what he wants, then lie his way out of it, because there are records of everything he does!

Since Bonnie has said she doesn't want the children, for all the reasons listed, she may have had a wake up call as to what her life would be like with her son running her life everyday. That is probably the wisest and smartest decision she has ever made!!

So, what is the custody battle about then? The fact that MAG will raise his daughters? Mark, you didn't think your plan thru! You brought all this on yourself, and soon karma will get you when everything is stripped away and you are left penniless! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving man!

You must have missed the post about how she NOW wants them and is able to do everything she said she COULDN"T before...... amazing, huh? She is still fighting for custody.... well MS is THRU BS. And thats what her entire 'stories' are, IMO, pure BS :)
Jacob Carpenter ‏@NDN_JCarpenter 2m2 minutes ago
DCF sent these calls to Mark Sievers' lawyer on Monday and Tuesday. He said he couldn't play the files. So he's getting the chance now.

B-U-S-T-E-D....Oh btw, I couldn't play(??) to the "very important calls sent over by DCF, which might end up making my clients look like liars or impugn their characters."
(Okay, let's just say I am making some huge assumptions #1) that anyone is as bad as me at trying to listen to audio files #2) that there is any character left to impugn)
In jail letters and postcards can be written, but in prison it is only postcards...or does it depend on each institution making its own rules?

I still want to know how the letters to the girls went out...post office mail or lawyer took them, saying they were work product from MS....I know, I said it before but it bothers me after felon jodi arias defense team passed on items that were not work product I wonder.

Maybe if these letters have to be turned over, the Judge will see if there is postage or no postage and ask the same question...how did the letters leave the jail?
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