DCF Shelter Hearings

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He sure was determined to stay back East so the girls could spend more time with that side of the family. As far as his obsessive amount of phone calls and letters to them he sure seems like he's harassing MAG. Every controlling narcissist ends up putting their own nails in their coffin with their over the top compulsive behavior. One was driven in the lid just yesterday with the Judge having to show him who's running the court room.

Nail away, MS! He'll bury himself and possibly Faga Group if they don't drop him. Well he won't really 'bury' Faga but the defense looks lack-luster & foolish AND these are hearings.... the trial could be a dog & pony show. His defense has been around him enough to know WHAT they're dealing with.... OR they have a short attention span. The continued custody hearing will be interesting. Hope the judge wraps it up quick---calls MS on his bs like yesterday---so MAG can have whatever peace she can at this point---there's a trial ahead for her to endure.
THORPEDO (luv the name, I think:blushing:) This is the joy of WS, the exchange of diversified views and opinions. Just wondering IF her "note taking is a professional, organized and conscientious thing to do".........Why did she decide they were not necessary for the second interview?....only 24 hours later??? She did remember to wear a sweater....as I remember her comments from the first interview about it being so cold in the room.
I also remembered that most of her "note taking" was right after a question was asked? Is it possible someone like CWW (her house guest at the time) told her to make a list of the questions asked by investigators? I keep wondering about that, especially since he "cornered TaySho" and wanted to know all the questions investigators asked her, too.
Your points are well taken, IQuestion. I agree that BS' note taking could have been for CWW and/or MS. I don't doubt that. I guess I'm just defensive about my note taking obsession, because the note taking in itself is not weird. No question BS's behavior was weird. I need to go back and watch those interviews again. Good sleuthing with you!
Your points are well taken, IQuestion. I agree that BS' note taking could have been for CWW and/or MS. I don't doubt that. I guess I'm just defensive about my note taking obsession, because the note taking in itself is not weird. No question BS's behavior was weird. I need to go back and watch those interviews again. Good sleuthing with you!
No, it's not weird at all. It probably stood out as she was the only one doing it.

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MsJosie..... thanks for posting these. That is weird, takes notes in 1 interview but not the next. Wonder if MS ask her to do that OR if it was her idea, easier to remember certain things she was questioned on then relate all to MS. Who knows.

BS & LE talked a lot about the alarm.
MsJosie..... thanks for posting these. That is weird, takes notes in 1 interview but not the next. Wonder if MS ask her to do that OR if it was her idea, easier to remember certain things she was questioned on then relate all to MS. Who knows.

BS & LE talked a lot about the alarm.
I didn't know she only took notes in the 2nd interview. Thanks.

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I think it was more her demeanor in taking the notes. Like she was at a band booster meeting getting ready for a bake sale. To me it was rather rude when she is being questioned about the murder of her Daughter in law, the mother of her grandchildren, the wife of her son. Rather then pay attention, answer his questions she first had to write something then answer. Was it buying time to think ? Again in MOO it made her look like it wasn't a big deal what he was asking about. If it was one of my sons wives that was murdered I would have been so stressed out and worried about my little grandchildren that I would not have gone off on rants and laughed and told little stories. I think she is playing a part here, the sweet little lady, just can't remember anything like that her Daughter in law was brutally mudered just days before and she can take the officers time to tell ditties and take notes. Smells to high heaven to me.
oh man,, Good catch Frigga! I think you are right,, and then there is the old adage of 'Don't ask a question you don't know the answer to.'
Taking notes, BS could have watched the videos! Of course, I do not know if anything was edited out, but heck she had everything on video. Infact at this time, MS could have watched the videos!

Can lawyers bring in laptops or such devices to the jail, for clients to watch interviews? Are these sessions between lawyer and client, monitored but not listened to by jail staff?
Both interviews with Bonnie felt like a "who's on first" skit to me... and that was the well worn intention of the sweet little interviewee.

I don't think she knew beforehand but I think she definitely knew after and she has been in full cover-up and protection mode ever since.
Both interviews with Bonnie felt like a "who's on first" skit to me... and that was the well worn intention of the sweet little interviewee.

I don't think she knew beforehand but I think she definitely knew after and she has been in full cover-up and protection mode ever since.
FRIGGA :yesss::yesss: I "frigga-ing" agree!! A perfect example of how she will go along with ANYTHING, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING MS TELLS HER TO DO:
DCF HEARING AT 29:00 "Your son is the one who convinced you to take custody of the girls? Is that correct?"'
BS replies: "YES, I NEVER ELSE WOULD HAVE." (Odd phraseology, must be theater speak and she almost whispers it at the end, as she realizes IMO her answer is not pleasing MS)
And the "body language" of Atty Mummert was the absolute best, most telling ever. When I sit in a hearing where the client is TOTALLY LYING AND BLOWING HORSE MANURE, I also rest my cheek and chin in the palm of my hand, and act very disinterested. Fiddle with my pencil, but never write anything down etc.....it is my "anywhere but here" look, followed by, "What time is lunch?" thoughts.
IQuestion, I am pretty sure BS ... yes, Bonnie (the BS) Sievers as I now like to refer to her in my own head, said in response to that question either " I Don't know who else would have" or "well, who else would have". I'll go back and listen again for the sake of accuracy!

She thinks she's so witty. A little too smart-alec-y for my taste when a gruesome murder and custody of potentially orphaned children are concerned, but that's just me!
Old article, but worth revisiting

There was a tense moment this summer when Dawn Tottenham visited her brother-in-law Mark Sievers in Bonita Springs.

"You know, the girls aren't convinced that you think I'm innocent," Sievers told Tottenham, referring to his daughters [J] and [C], then 11 and 8.

"Mark, I don't," Tottenham said. She suspected Sievers had a hand in killing her sister Teresa Sievers in June, but knew she must maintain friendly relations if she hoped to see her nieces. "Right now you're Mark, [J] and [C]'s dad, and you're family."

"I know that I'm strong and I know that her spirit's here," [J] told Tottenham as the two hugged. "But I really miss my mama." :cry: :frown: :crying:


You all know the saying- a picture is worth 1,000 words. I believe this to be true. I finally watched the WINK videos. Thanks to all for the wonderful updates and smart commentary. [emoji3][emoji3]

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On ipad so I cannot link to WINK News, but the last court hearing video, I rewatched and I noticed a few things.

1) MS always turns his head and get a funny look on his face when he is being asked a question....not when he is just listening only when asked a question....almost like he has a hard time hearing or understanding the question. IMO, a ploy.

2) MS was KEPT handcuffed during the hearing this time and other times. I thought when MS was in court room, his hands would be 'free' and he would be shackled at feet, to floor, or othe means, etc. That is not happening, he is kept totally shackled! Great!
This reminds him he is not in control.

3) Mummert, MS attorney, really shows his frustrations and emotions through facial looks and gestures. Not a good sign for a lawyer to give so many 'hints' away as to how the case is going.

Question, IF this becomes a DP case which defense atttorney takes over the case A Faga or or M Mummert? Is Mummert DP qualfied?

Where can I go to check court calendar for next hearing date(s)? Thanks.

Click on first link, scroll to bottom, on right side of screen are lawyers listed for the motion hearing on the girls care.

I did look at people involved in the case as posted on the forum, but I am not sure what lawyer goes with which person. Any idea? Thanks

M. Mummert = Mark Sievers or MS
K. ALlain = Childrens Services
T. Butler = ?
C. O'Brein = Mary Ann Groves or Grandma Mary
J. Jessell = ?
Thanks NIN - I am holding my breath. However, the way he behaved at his last court date as if he felt he had every right to control his children from inside a jail cell. I am not impressed with BS either. The excuses she gave for not being able to see the kids were perfectly normal. MAG has been very generous in my opinion. With the eye contact with MS and the outburst and whispering to her lawyer, I think she made MAG look a whole lot better and more responsible.
Yes, thank your Nin ~ So it's tomorrow, right? I hope they will be able to live stream it again. I know the camera testimony of the girls will be private and most likely be held in the judge's chamber. I really want to hear those phone calls though :phone: :please:

Monday, May 16, 2016
2:00 PM J.S.; C.S. 16-DP-113
Continuation of Hearing from May 11th

M/For Change in Custody; Petition for Temporary Custody by Extended Family Member (Paternal Grandmother); M/For In Camera Testimony of Minor Children.

Kristin Allain - Florida Department of Children and Families
Michael Mummert - Mark
Toni Butler - BS
Christina O'Brien - MAG
James Jessell - GAL

Previous info: (Naples News)
DCF and an independent advocate for the girls, known as a guardian ad litem, want the children to remain with Groves, who moved from Connecticut to Estero in March to take temporary custody.

DCF lawyers said the jail calls contain “statements that directly contradict” testimony given Wednesday morning by Bonnie Sievers. Branning decided to allow the calls into evidence, but to give the lawyers for Mark and Bonnie Sievers a chance to review them first.


Guardian ad Litem
This info is from/for the state of Maine, but it's the best source I could find. It
explains everything about a GAL, and what their duties involve.
This portion is especially interesting. I assume the "you" used in sentences below would be MS and/or his mommy.

1.If the GAL is recommending something that is contrary to a child’s express wishes, the GAL must inform the court of the child’s position.

2.The court “seals” the GAL’s reports so they are private to the parties and to the court. No one else can see them. This means that you are also prohibited from showing the report to others, unless you get the Court’s permission.

3.The law requires YOU to cooperate with the GAL. As long as the GAL is doing what has been ordered by the Court, you must comply with all of the GAL’s reasonable requests.

4.YOU may not “exercise undue influence” over your child. This means not to “coach” your child about what to say to the GAL or the Court and not to “orchestrate” your child’s behavior in order to gain advantage. [Be aware that if either the GAL or the Court thinks that you are trying to manipulate the process in this way, it will probably work against you.]

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