Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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I didn't vote and will defer to the jury's decision. It is fairly certain that we (the public) have not been privy to all the facts. Given that, I can't in good conscience decide one way or the other at this point. All the evidence (and I use that term loosely) that I have seen thus far points to Casey and Casey alone as the perpetrator. But I will say that if Caylee was callously murdered in the fashion Mr Ashton presented at one of the hearings (and I have no cause to doubt him) then I would have no problem with Casey being put to death.

ETA: LWOP would be fine too.
Either one is fine with me as as both will bring her face to face with He77.
I don't believe in killing people as deterrents. I believe the death penalty should be given only in extreme cases such as serial killers where to leave the remotest chance that the killer could be released is to put society in harm's way (think Charlie Manson).

I don't want ICA to get the death penalty. I want her to spend years being deprived of the very thing she wanted so much that she was willing to kill her beautiful daughter to get: freedom. Freedom to go anywhere and do anything she wanted to do. In this case the death penalty would be an easy way out for the killer. ICA cut Caylee no slack, and the State of Florida should not cut ICA any slack either.

Maybe if she gets LWOP they can tape a pic of TonE and his phone number on the wall across from her cell, just far enough away that she can't quite make out the phone number.:dance:
I voted "no" just so she'd be in genpop. I'm sure she'd have some nice friends there.:angel:
I wonder how ICA is going to ACT in court when all her "friends" and family testify, when all the evidence is shown and she has to look at it. I hope that between now and then she comes up with something better than "Make him stop." That was laughable.

I'd love to see that again.
Anybody?. :)
Not sure this has come up yet in this thread but I do think KC is the most despicable person for trying to hang all this on RK. And look at the others she has tried to set up. Life means nothing to her, unless it is her own. jmo
Not sure this has come up yet in this thread but I do think KC is the most despicable person for trying to hang all this on RK. And look at the others she has tried to set up. Life means nothing to her, unless it is her own. jmo

ahh yes id forgetten about kc's "fall guys" =mr kronk, the grunds, and id almost bet that they are going to look at grandpa ga( if anything as a indirect blame for -again supposedly molesting ica.. that nudges me a bit further on the death side=her and her lawyer pointing finger at innocent people.

imo, baez should have been begging her to confess and strike a deal...
^ that is something I would LOVE to know.....did Baez lay it all out to her and suggest a plea? Perhaps some of the now exited lawyers did.....I'm sure there must have been some conversation about it.
I guess I should reply to my own thread...
I am honestly torn...I really don't believe Casey intenionally killed Caylee. I think it was accidental overdose. So on that account I say no.
However, I have a 16 month old son whom I never, and I mean never get a break from no matter how bad I need it. I simply do not have anyone who can take him off my hands for an hour or 2 and give me some "me" time.....well let me take that back, hubby works m-sat just trying to keep us afloat in this economy....On Sundays he will let me sleep in an extra hour or two...
But other than that when I like to bathe in the morning baby is reaching into the water and splashing everywhere, when I want to sleep and he doesn't I don't sleep, when me and hubby want to go to dinner we gobble down our food in 10 mins or less before baby gets cranky, when I don't feel good and could just spend the day in bed, I can't, when I want to watch a favorite show and baby is having a tantrum I can't watch my show, when my single baby-free friends say they are going to Florida for the weekend I want to go with them but can't...
But I still don't drug my baby.
And here is what pisses me off the most...Cindy would have probably watched that baby ANYTIME Casey needed a break...My son has 3 different sets of grandparents who never care to watch him. Whom I sometimes ask just PLEASE take him for an hour or 2 and there is always some exscuse....
that pisses me off the most.
IMO Casey is one of the most selfish people I have ever heard of.

Totally OT, but wanted to send you a hug. I know from experience how hard it is, and how much a mommy just NEEDS a break. I'm sorry the GPs are so unhelpful. I was blessed with a pair of wonderful inlaws, and my kids are getting old enough now that I don't have to do absolutely everything for them (sometimes it still feels like it though . . .). Plus I work now; I always tell my friends that a day at the office is WAY more relaxing than a day w/the kids!

It will get better, I promise, and all this bonding time will pay off big time when your child is older. These years are irreplaceable! Keep on being the wonderful mother that you are, and hang in there. Try to find some mom's groups (like MOPS or something) so you can at least get some adult chat time while your kids are playing.

ITA on KC being selfish. It was so hard for us to get pregnant before our first child. I still remember what it feels like to be infertile, and that part of me bristles at people like her who can have a gorgeous child and have absolutely no appreciation for the micacle she was given.
but in this case, where there is such supreme, almost disdainful denial, there can be no remorse. There can be no lesson learned when you refuse to admit wrong doing. I believe Casey will adapt too well in prision. Dreaming of her celebrity status, and the movies being made about her. That is not justice. Caylee has no dreams. Casey Anthony deserves what she gave Caylee, an early death.
I voted no. I hope she gets LWOP and lives in terror every minute of every day for 60 or more years until she dies a lonely painful death of some devastating cancer. When she begs to die, she should be resuscitated to suffer more.
I think she deserves it but I have a really hard time reconciling my personal rage with my philosophical beliefs so I didn't vote.
but in this case, where there is such supreme, almost disdainful denial, there can be no remorse. There can be no lesson learned when you refuse to admit wrong doing. I believe Casey will adapt too well in prision. Dreaming of her celebrity status, and the movies being made about her. That is not justice. Caylee has no dreams. Casey Anthony deserves what she gave Caylee, an early death.

Very true. She waited literally until the last second in the check writing case. She knew the whole time she was guilty. She sat in jail and said nothing. She did nothing. She again, wasted thousands of dollars in resources and tax money dragging that case out. Then, at the last minute she apologizes. Gee, I somehow doubt she'll do the right thing in the murder trial.
I voted no. Usually I am for the death penalty, but not for Casey. I want to know she's suffering every second of every day for the rest of her life, not waiting on death row like a starlet waiting for her turn in the spotlight. I can just see her, as the state kills her, thinking about how many people are watching her die or wanting her dead, and now it's her big moment. I can see all of the drama of years of appeals, and Casey loving every moment in her solo cell, comfortable like she's something special, even in jail.

No freaking way. Let her be a perpetual jail b**** for the rest of her life. LWOP will be hell her for her. Nobody likes baby killers, and if she's in an all women's prison, not even God can help her there. I hope she gets the crap beat out of her everyday for what she did to Caylee. There is a special place in hell waiting just for her...
I agree that getting them out of society is the ultimate goal but I think that it is still debatable which is ultimately more expensive.

KC is very young so if she gets Life that would mean possibly being incarcerated for 60 or more years. Since her crime is against a child, she will require special treatment, most likely will not be in genpop, which is going to costs more and for many more years than most. She will appeal her case for many years to come and it will costs a lot of money, most likely footed by the taxpayer.

Those who oppose can find cost comparisons that work in their favor while those that don't can find cost comparisons that work in their favor.

There don't seem to be any definitive studies done by impartial third parties.

It is not like if Casey is sentenced to death, the government will tax you less. No matter which way it goes, state takes the money from you, and gives it to the state.

What would be worse for Casey? Death Row, with barely any contact with people? Or gen pop to get the attention she craves?

I say cell without contact to most.
I voted "no" just so she'd be in genpop. I'm sure she'd have some nice friends there.:angel:

I dunno, I think she'd get a girlfriend to protect her...she might have fun with that, have you seen the Halloween party pics of her?
Casey Marie Anthony (or her spirit, if you wish) died a long time ago. As to the creature that is left behind....the thieves, the liars and the druggies she would reside with don't even deserve to be lumped in with that filicidal, remorseless murderess, other than maybe a scared straight session. But even in those sessions, the offender is made to seem human by virtue of being a teacher...My brash opinion only.
I would prefer for Casey to get death. IMO Life is not punishment enough for her. We have already seen that she has no concern for Caylee at all so why would she suddenly feel remorse after being found guilty? Casey reminds me alot of Susan Smith. Two prison guards have already lost their jobs for having sex with Susan Smith. Susan Smith has found ways to make her time in prison more bearable and this is exactly what I feel that Casey would do. Susan Smith was not immediately put into general population because of her saftey with the other prisoners. That makes me think that the same would happen with Casey. Casey has already shown that she is able to get guards to break the rules for her and I feel with a lifetime in prison that will only get worse.

Caylee was never given the chance to go to school, make new friends, take dance classes, be in girl scouts, go to her prom, get married or have children of her own. Caylee will never see another birthday, play in the sand or even breathe fresh air again. Why should Casey, who took Caylee's life in such a horrific way, be allowed to live another day?!?

Very well said. Put her down! She will have plenty of years to think about being put to death. She sure hasn't been thinking about her little girl being dead. She needs to dwell many years on dying and then do it. It is worth all the extra appeals and money it will cost the people just to have a day she is put down.....!
Humans are a kill-happy species, imo :twocents: I don't agree with the death penalty so I voted no.
I don't believe an eye for an eye is just, it doesn't bring back victims. I've rarely read where victims families have felt better after an execution and I believe no one, not even our judicial systems have the right to take a life unless in self defense.

For the record, I get the impulse to want to put someone like a convicted child murderer to death... I just don't agree with the follow through.

Lock her up and throw away the key.
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