Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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Duct tape does not legalize stupidity. Even though I am not a supporter of the DP. This is one situation where I would have to consider it. :(
By my count on the jury so far (lots of strikes remaining) ....
12 jurors
7 not opposed to Death Penalty
4 on the fence, circumstance, what not
1 totally opposed
I am personally hoping to see her fry, perhaps in the parking lot, at Fusion on Hot-Body night... but thats just me.
Stupid people don't go out and party like it's 1999 when your own child is a 5 minute walk from your own house rotting away in the ground.

Ok, So just because she's not one of those pedo child killers she does not deserve the death penalty?

You have to remember: Caylee WAS her own child.

Casey IS Evil to the very core.

and also she's willing to Torment her OWN father even more by suggesting he is the one who killed Caylee. and she's also willing to blame her brother & father for molesting her when she was younger.

Casey is a Sick who does not deserve to breath the same air we breath.

My daughter and I agree for this very reason she does deserve the DP. Serial Killers aren't known to kill their own children, usually strangers. Often experts have spoken of this to the public that if you can personalize the victim to a SK they find it difficult to impossible to kill that person. This is in no way an Andrea Yates case although I tend to think we would all agree that ICA is not normal. IMO ICA is a person full of hate and is incapable of caring about anyone but herself. I do not see where she even grasps a right/wrong concept towards society and others. It's more of a what's good for me, what do I want type of thinking. The many thefts and lies also show a person who is incapable of morals, conscience, care or concern for anyone other than herself. IMO she felt just as hampered by Caylee as Scott Peterson did by Laci/Conner. Like SP ICA will be old news and done with just like SP after she is convicted.
That tender age of 2 Jeff said as one of the aggrevating factors for death penalty is why I believe in DP.

This was her mother, the one and only person in theowrld who is suppose to love and protect you. If you listen to the "strange breakfast with Caylee" video at youtube you can clearly hear Casey say " I kill" to Caylee as Casey notices Caylee is trying to learn the phrase. This indicates to me Casey has yelled those words to Caylee more than once. Lord only knows how she treated that child when know onw was around. This is beyond any consideration of mercy in my opinion and is exactly why we have the DP. God give those jurors strength to see this and impose the proper sentence.
Ha, old thread. Got a little peeved when I saw I couldn't vote :(

IMO, the death penalty shouldn't be on the table for this one. True, she most likely did kill caylee, and in different circumstances that would be what I would want too.

But that isn't the case. I truely believe that Casey thinks she will get off, that she will be free to roam and do as she pleases when this is all over in a few months. If she is found guilty and she is sentenced with the DP, she will have an unlimited amount of chances to appeal right? She she will keep on trying, and trying at the expense of the state with the thought that eventually they will believe her.

This is why imo she should get LWOP. With this, she has 1 chance through appeal, and after that fails (it will) she is stuck in prison till she dies. Haha the though of her being all "ugh, but I didn't do it! I deserve to be free!" pleases me so very much.
If she ends up on death row, she will garner entire organizations in her favor, remain in the news for years, if not decades, as dollar after dollar is spent to make sure she has every available appeal.

If she gets LWOP, she becomes just another convicted inmate, and basically goes away, except for the losers who will write to her in prison. That may make the news for awhile, but other crimes will come along and she will be forgotten, far worse for her than the spotlight of a DP "victim" who is going to be "murdered" by the state.

I would rather see her disappear into the system, never to get front page coverage again.

She will still appeal if she gets LWOP. Susan Smith did. Susan also had several affairs with prison guards. Casey will probably do the same if she gets LWOP. DR is completely different, she won't be able to have affairs and she'll be in her cell 23 hours a day. She will be watched more closely because they do cell checks at least every hour. You can see the life of a DR imate here:

After the trial is over and she is sentenced (assuming she is found guilty) she will fade away just like all the killers before her (i.e. Scott Peterson, Susan Smith, etc) regardless of her sentence. In fact, I can't think of one high profile case with much coverage after the perp was sentenced. There may be a blurb about her in the news once in a while but that's all. The DC sniper hardly made the news when he was executed and there is a movie and several books about his case.

She will be miserable every minute of her life on DR. On the other hand, she'll get to enjoy many activities that the prison offers for general population. She'll make friends and amuse herself with all the rules she can break just like she did with Muffin.

If Casey gets " Death " .......Cindy will spend the rest of her breathing moments looking under every rock, no stone unturned looking for a " SODDI " to throw under her bus. Be prepared for Cindy Cameo moments forever as she will never tolerate everyone knowing that she raised a murderer. Would love nothing better then to manipulate things to APPEAR as though she has proven everyone else wrong....:maddening:

If Casey gets LWOP.......Casey will spend her and her families time looking under every rock, no stone unturned looking for a " SODDI " to throw under their bus. They will have to find a mark and make it be proven that this poor soul is their SODDI and this soul will become road kill under their bus. Think they will stop at nothing to get the murderer set free, pardoned :loser:, lesser sentence or Anthony style declared innocent......:banghead:.......JMO

What is the worst of the two evils....:waitasec:....:fence:
While I support the DP, I also deeply understand and appreciate the seriousness and finality of taking another human being's life. That is what separates "us" from "them." "Them" being those capible of murdering another human being for selfish, self-serving reasons, and with little or no remorse. If I were to vote today on whether I thought Casey should be given the DP, based on everything we know thus far, I would have to say no. That is not to say that IF the state shows, beyond a REASONABLE doubt, that Casey premediatatedly committed this crime with the express goal of ending Caylee's life and concealing it, then yes, I could and would vote yes to the DP. For me it's not about weighing the level or depth of punishment Casey deserves as I personally and firmly believe that if someone knowingly (knowingly = causing injury that you know could seriously injure OR kill someone...) takes another's life, they should be sentenced to death. I suppose you could say I believe in "an eye for an eye," however, I also hold the standard of proof to an extremely high level when one's life is in the balance. Simply because "my gut tells me" is not enough - not even close.
With all of that said, I can't wait to hear the state lay out their case against Casey!
Justice for HaLeigh~
Being an 8 on that silly DP scale, I wouldn't bat an eye if she gets the DP. I would also be fine with LWOP. As long as gets convicted and sent to prison, I'm ok with it either way.

Speaking as a mother who has lost a child, my perspective may seem skewed, but neither sentence will bring Caylee back, so the finer points of the sentencing (mitigating vs aggravating) seem irrelevant.
I go back and forth on DP. Right now I am leaning toward LWOP with all appeals denied. If DP were more "immediate", say within 5 years, I would be leaning much more toward DP, but in that ICA only works in the immediate future and probably wouldn't care about something that might happen in 20 years, I am inclined toward LWOP and done. No planning appeals, no DP celebrity status, ect...
I can see Casey at her "job" making new friends and carrying on where she left off like nothing ever happened.

I can see her talking to her new friends about how cute the guards are etc.

She will THRIVE THRIVE THRIVE in prison if she gets life.

She has already adapted VERY well in jail. That will be the mirror image in prison.

on Death Row: She is isolated, small cell, no window (I assume) etc.

All these reasons I listed are why I don't want her to get life.

ITA! Death is the only proper sentence for Casey, IMO. She doesn't deserve to thrive in prison (which she will). Caylee sure isn't able to thrive! I won't be happy with LWOP, but I think that is probably what she will get.
I think the DP is just too quick a trip to eternal fire and hell and all that bad stuff. I would rather a person sit in prison, eat the same bad food, day after day, in the same bad cloths, with the same routine and mind numbing, boring activities day after day after day. Never dating, or partying or driving a car or having fun with your friends, just getting older and drabber and sicker each day, that is hard. Knowing each day you have eternal fire and hell and all that bad stuff to look forward to in the end anyway; well that feels like justice to me. Of course there is Karma for us who believe once you die you get to be the victim of the same thing when you come back. So I think if you are 25 and you have to sit in a prison for let's say another 50 or 60 years with only the above to look forward to, well I think that is worse.
ITA! Death is the only proper sentence for Casey, IMO. She doesn't deserve to thrive in prison (which she will). Caylee sure isn't able to thrive! I won't be happy with LWOP, but I think that is probably what she will get.
I'm not so sure she would thrive. Nobody likes baby killers, and inmates are particularly hard on them. And inmates don't like prima donnas. ICA has not been in general prison population yet. If let loose among the masses, she will learn very quickly that there is already a pecking order, and she will be put in her place quickly. And as wily as she thinks she is...there are plenty more wily in prison. Yep, they will knock her down to size in no time. And she'd spend her days looking over her shoulder. So yeah, give her LWOP...and general special treatment.
I'm not so sure she would thrive. Nobody likes baby killers, and inmates are particularly hard on them. And inmates don't like prima donnas. ICA has not been in general prison population yet. If let loose among the masses, she will learn very quickly that there is already a pecking order, and she will be put in her place quickly. And as wily as she thinks she is...there are plenty more wily in prison. Yep, they will knock her down to size in no time. And she'd spend her days looking over her shoulder. So yeah, give her LWOP...and general special treatment.

Very good argument, and so true. Not all women in prison are convicted child murderers, and in fact, many of them have children they miss very much and can only see on visiting days, if at all. ICA would be one of the lowest on the 'prison ladder'. :behindbar

I'm not so sure she would thrive. Nobody likes baby killers, and inmates are particularly hard on them. And inmates don't like prima donnas. ICA has not been in general prison population yet. If let loose among the masses, she will learn very quickly that there is already a pecking order, and she will be put in her place quickly. And as wily as she thinks she is...there are plenty more wily in prison. Yep, they will knock her down to size in no time. And she'd spend her days looking over her shoulder. So yeah, give her LWOP...and general special treatment.

If she does get LWOP, I hope that what you described above is what happens. However, I have heard (not totally sure if it's true or not, though) that she will be in protective custody in prison. Another thing... with Casey's flirty and manipulative ways, even if she does end up in Gen Pop, I can see her obtaining a "protector" in short order.
If she does get LWOP, I hope that what you described above is what happens. However, I have heard (not totally sure if it's true or not, though) that she will be in protective custody in prison. Another thing... with Casey's flirty and manipulative ways, even if she does end up in Gen Pop, I can see her obtaining a "protector" in short order.
You may be right...but "protectors" only protect for a price.

(I just finished doing a social work internship at a women's correctional facility....fascinating experience.)
You may be right...but "protectors" only protect for a price.

(I just finished doing a social work internship at a women's correctional facility....fascinating experience.)

Agreed. But if the price is what I think it is, I don't think Casey is going to mind "paying" it.

That does sound pretty fascinating! :)
You may be right...but "protectors" only protect for a price.

(I just finished doing a social work internship at a women's correctional facility....fascinating experience.)

You think ICA won't pay it?

Carla Homolka had a male and a female lover fighting over her during her stint in prison. They both bought her gifts to vie for her attentions.
Agreed. But if the price is what I think it is, I don't think Casey is going to mind "paying" it.

That does sound pretty fascinating! :)
Yeah, ICA's not above doing anything to get what she wants...sadly, that much we know for certain.
Duct tape does not legalize stupidity. Even though I am not a supporter of the DP. This is one situation where I would have to consider it. :(

I do not support the death penalty either.

But, I think a mother who can calmly erase her own flesh and blood for profit is the lowest kind of killer. To me, killing for freedom is profit killing just like killing for cash.

ICA killing Caylee is every bit as bad as Scott Peterson killing Laci.

I vote for the needle.
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