Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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It's kind of silly to think that happens on a large scale. Yes there have been screw ups, but it's not as if cops and prosecutors are randomly targeting people for fun. Why would they throw their lives and careers away? I'd wager that 99.9% of the time, they have the right person as the accused.

Yeah but I worry about the 1%. Again, maybe because I am a felon my mind set is different.. I admit that. But I don't think even 1 innocent person being killed by the government is OK. Large scale, small scale, it's not OK with me. I respect that it is with you though, we are not the same people and our lives have been different so we look at things differently and that's OK. I'm not trying to change your mind,I'm just saying how I feel.

(you follow that mess in NC?!)
It takes a very strong person to vote for someones death, I have to admit I could not do it. I would like nothing more than to see her suffer from a revenge standpoint, she makes me angry in ways I've rarely felt in my life. I dont feel entitled to make that decision even though I realize its our law. I do think she will adapt in prison but I think adapting and being happy are very different things. There will be things she can live with and I imagine there will be things that make her angry, frustrated, embarrassed (in a vanity sort of way) and depressed along with things I dont even know about. I would support whatever the jury decides.

The part that sickens me the most though is that she murdered a helpless child. And for the reasons I believe she did it (to sleep around and party) make it even more heinous. If she has killed to protect I would have a totally different opinion. She killed to get a life that she didn't have. She killed to be free and I believe she killed to hurt her family and take away their one pride and joy that she was so jealous of.

Like I said I completely agree with you and I believe she is the rabid dog and she should be "put down"....


Thank you fryhisbutt, and yes, Jolynna, I do realize she will adapt to LWOP, make friends, have fans etc., and she can even watch a little TV.

But what she can't do is strut her stuff on the outside, sleep around and party, go shopping even if it is with her momma's/ex-friends money, have some of her mother's home cooking, and generally live the life she could have on the outside.

I don't care if she's happy in there - if the jury won't give her the death penalty, just never let her taste freedom again.
This crime and the personality of the alleged perpetrator are so horrific and disgusting that I vote for the death penalty. As a former prison nurse, I know that an alarmimg number of people like casey are able to adapt and even thrive in prison, They live, usually, without having to do much in the way of physical labor. Fame is a big ego booster. There will always be those adoring men who write and many propose. She will be the center of attention or at least one of them. Thats all she has ever wanted.

As far as a deterrent....the only deterrent I care about is that Casey will never have another child to kill and she will not be able to kill her parents as I believe she intended to do.

Having a nursing degree and certified in psychiatric and mental health nursing, I can see that she enjoys the attention and has no clue that she may not get away with this crime. She is a true psychopath/antisocial personality disorder and view others only as what value they have to her.
Empathy for others is not possible.

I've known others somewhat like her but most were men, never a woman who is so cold and manipulating. The most horrifying part of this is that her mental disorder does not prevent her from knowing right from wrong, she is not psychotic and hearing voices and most likely is proud of herself for the way she has lived and been able to fool others ( and continue to do so). There is no effective treatment or medication for this personality disorder.
As long as she is alive she will thrive and manipulate her way through life. Unfortunately she will snare many who will believe in her.

This is just my opinion. I'm normally not a big death penalty advocate.

Mariah,I agree wasnt enough:clap:.I also feel casey hasnt a clue thet she will at least spend the rest of her life in prison! Who me? Casey? not on your life.Some attorney needs to give her a good talking to! She will be branded a murderer.She is NOT special. Thank you for your words.:dance:
P.S. she probably will not believe the person!!
Yeah but I worry about the 1%. Again, maybe because I am a felon my mind set is different.. I admit that. But I don't think even 1 innocent person being killed by the government is OK. Large scale, small scale, it's not OK with me. I respect that it is with you though, we are not the same people and our lives have been different so we look at things differently and that's OK. I'm not trying to change your mind,I'm just saying how I feel.

(you follow that mess in NC?!)

Hi oneLostGirl,I gotta say I luvya,but I think different.Case in mind.Terry Hough,Cleveland fireman who gunned down 5 people on July 4,2007.Right in front of a crowd he killed three ( one a friend of mine)and wounded two others.
No fight no arms,just walked out of his house and killed them.The neighborhood was shooting off fireworks! He and Bobby Cutts were recently denied appeals for a life sentence.May God never let them out.They should have recieved death! IMO.
Yeah but I worry about the 1%. Again, maybe because I am a felon my mind set is different.. I admit that. But I don't think even 1 innocent person being killed by the government is OK. Large scale, small scale, it's not OK with me. I respect that it is with you though, we are not the same people and our lives have been different so we look at things differently and that's OK. I'm not trying to change your mind,I'm just saying how I feel.

(you follow that mess in NC?!)

Hi OLG,I can think of two cases where I could have voted death without flinching.One Terry Hough (Cleveland fireman,two Bobby Cutts Akron cop.)Terry killed 3 people one a friend of mine.He wounded two more in front of a crowd on July 4th 2007.The neighbors were shooting off fireworks.These five were cleaning up a mess.Bobby Cutts killed the mother of his baby,and the baby.Now they are serving life in Ohios newest prison and tried for appeals.They both deserved to die.So does the Petit murderer.While Terry fights this,Bruce was flown home to Texas in an Urn.Bruce never hurt anyone..
I have read about ICA getting what is coming to her in prison.
Unfortunately, the idea that child killers or sex offenders get "payback" in gen pop seems to only apply to male offenders.
I do not believe there is a study on this, but in searching several well known female offenders, it doesn't appear that any have suffered an interior reprecussions from other inmates. (IMHO, please correct me if I'm wrong)
IMHO: Males are more likely to "take matters into their own hands", and women in prison who are already marginalized, and distrustful of the system, or more likely to believe ICA's ridiculous claims of innocence and believe LE and the court system was corrupt.
ICA will absolutely love LWOP or lesser punishment. She will get to be the eternal victim. She will have hoardes of admirers, both for her "celebrity" status, and her looks (personally, I don't find her attractive at all, but I'm sure she could be in the top tier of looks at most prison since she's young, and has all her teeth). She will get to stuff her face with honeybuns, play various cliques amongst each other, have clandestine sex with inmates and staff, and play all her beloved high school mean girl games for the rest of her life. Unlike the rest of us, she'll never have to worry about a car note, or mortage, and that will suit her just fine. When she's bored, she can watch her own television, or read magazines, or take some law classes to make her mom happy. I honestly think, even though she'll ***** (because it will suit her purpose to be a victim) about the rules and life, it will suit her perfectly.

Death Penalty will serve in more ways then one.
She will be in a single cell for 23 or more hours a day.
She will be in a state of suspended animation, waiting from appeal to appeal, having to hear about Caylee, over and over again.
I do hope eventually she is put to death. I do. Yet, just existing on death row is fine for me as well.

Why do you have to tear down our hopes and dreams of KC getting her faced punched in if she gets sentenced to LWOP and goes into gen pop? :D

I am pretty neutral when it comes to the DP (it just depends on the circumstances of the crime) but I do want KC to get death in this case. She can adapt wherever she goes, and even wrote in her letters to "muffin" that being incarcerated is the first time she's felt independent. She cannot be rehabilitated. She has no remorse for what she has done. She's just having a good ole time being away from her creepy mother, listening to the radio, reading books and mail that people send, and ordering her stupid snacks. She gets to do all this while her baby is DEAD by her own hand. Being incarcerated does not phase her...and that just doesn't sit well with me.
She should be isolated until she has to die by the State.

I think that's the only thing that would punish KC, being the narcissist that she is. It's just a shame FL only does lethal injections. She deserves to fry and not merely be 'put to sleep' for the heinous acts she put Caylee through. *sigh*

<snipped to address>

I think that's the only thing that would punish KC, being the narcissist that she is. It's just a shame FL only does lethal injections. She deserves to fry and not merely be 'put to sleep' for the heinous acts she put Caylee through. *sigh*

Be of good cheer. Florida does allow execution by electrocution.
I would prefer that she get LWOP so she doesnt get the celebrity status of woman on death row - no automatic appeals and less requests for interviews etc . Less fans and alot less attention .

She deserves death but I dont want any positive evidence given that she is in any
way anything but a common murderer- nothing special.
The very fact that Casey killed an INNOCENT little girl is the reason why she needs to die.

I understand some people on here are anti DP, but what if little Caylee was YOUR daughter, your granddaughter, your neighbor's little girl you baby sat for etc?

Casey deserves nothing less than the death penalty
I wonder about what options the jury will have chose from, in a very basic sense, providing she is convicted.

I think as a community horrified by Caylee's murder, we want to believe at least some semblance of justice will be done. But John Walsh said when speaking to congress back in 1994, that the average term served for first degree premeditated murder was less than ten years.

As much as would love to say that I believe she will either receive LWOP or DP, I'm not so sure. Of course I know already what I would say if I were to be picked for that jury.

But I won't be on her jury, none of us will be. And in reality, her sentence will probably be much less severe than what most here would chose for her.

My prediction is that she'll get what seems to be a hefty number of years, but will probably be free w/in the next 25, unfortunately.
I am going to have to say LWOP. Only because I think those on death row get better treatment - single cells, 3 squares, etc. Not saying it's a joy ride - but they are safe and protected.

I would prefer CA to be in the gen pop, where she'll have to pay for her protection, get harassed, and suffer every day. That will not be fun!

Just my opinion.

If this case took place in California, I would say LWOP, but since they really do put people to death on a regular basis in FL, I vote death.
The death penalty is reserved for the most heinous crimes.
Letting your baby rot in your trunk and then dumping her in the woods for the animals to feed on is worthy of death.
I would say if found guilty that death sentence is the way to go. I feel this way because of over crowding in Fl jails and they let prisoners out early.
I know this due to a girl I went to high school with and her then BF killed a baby by dunking him head first in toilet. He got life and she got 30 years but was out in 9 due to over crowding. Makes me wonder how many others get out early??
Rikers Island inmates spit on Nixzmary Brown's mother during bus ride
BY Scott Shifrel

Thursday, March 27th 2008, 12:58 AM
Rikers Island inmates spit on Nixzmary Brown's mother, pulled her hair and called her a "baby killer" Wednesday during a raucous bus ride to a Brooklyn courthouse.

Nixzaliz Santiago, 29, is usually separated from other inmates, and the morning encounter left her shaken and in tears, her lawyer said.

Read more:

I tried to see if I found other females accused of their own childs murder, if they did get some "payback" from fellow inmates. I did remember precious Nixmary's mother who was fearful for her life...JMHO

I do believe prison officials will protect those who are convicted of the murder of their own, due to lawsuits. I also believe it would be kept under wraps and not made public if another inmate beats another for the crime they are convicted... I'd believe they are kept away from GP for as long as they can be..but there are those who will try to get to them for they aren't seen in a favorable light..JMHO

I'd love to see stats on this...

As well as dealing with her infamous reputation Pam Smart was beaten by two inmates in a 1996 fight that left her nose damaged and broke her eye socket. Pam Smart now has a metal plate in her face. Smart continues to take pain medication today for the pain that still occurs due to the beating.

Pam Smart did not murder her own child but prisoners will get to you if they so desire..J seems she told of some sexual happenings going on, they beat her senseless...JMHO
In Florida, Life imprisonment is LWOP...there is no early release, Life means she will die in prison but can be productive along the way...JMHO

Good article on Lives behind Bars...
What Happened to Some of America's Most Famous Criminals—From Pamela Smart to Mark Hacking—After the Headlines Stopped and the Prison Door Slammed Shut,,20061725,00.html

Those mentioned above seem to have "flourished" behind bars...some had problems..but their lives went on, those who they killed, did not get that chance...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I'm getting a database error...I don't know if this is posting or not....:waitasec:
Isn't prison supposed to be about rehabilitation?? She's not sorry, remorseful or the least bit truthful about killing Caylee - she needs the death penalty. There is no rehabbing her and there is no forgiveness for people who deny they did anything wrong.
Prison should not be about rehabilitation. It should be punishment for the crime committed. Pure and simple, IMO.
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