Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #4

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Absolutely. And, as nursebeeme pointed out there are torture methods that do not leave marks. If this is the case however, you're looking at a fairly sophisticated setup. Which would rule out your average street gang. They would also require a fixed residence (as opposed to, say nomadic gangs). This would be a group that had specific selection criteria, and they would be spending some amount of time getting to know their potential victims' habits, etcetera. A common practice for accomplishing this type of task would be what is often referred to as "casing the mark."

My esteemed colleaugue's- "Violla"
IMO, this is right on, let's try running this down.
We may be placing too much emphasis on the graffiti to begin with...Duarte and Gannon included

I think it was Blink who said it might be a red herring...but still put out there to throw someone off IMO.

I doubt its a red herring. I think the taggings will solve the crimes and those living in these areas who know the grafitti taggers and the clues they give or those who are experts in grafitti tagging can also figure this out if given the evidence. But I'm guessing this is Gannon's thinking. He first got the informants tip about Chris Jenkins death. He then went to the drowning sites and took 1,000's of pics of graitti taggings. Next he went to Dr. Gilbertson to learn who did the killings. So he feels he cracked the case and that he knows the killers, so he sees no reason to show any additional pics to the public. He doesn't need our help; what he needs is big corporate money with the offer of a tax write off; so he can form a large task force and go after these people. Or money so the FBI can form a large task force. I'll respect the copyright laws and won't post again and will hope Gannon really has cracked the case. If he didn't crack the case; then the copyright laws serve to help the killers and put more kids in danger; so I understand why SS doesn't agree. I worry about Gannon's approach here. My worry about Gannon is that he tells the public he won't show 12/13th of his evidence because he doesn't want to drive the killers underground, but then he says that he took 1,000's of pics of the taggings. Wouldn't this drive the killers underground anyway? Also; he says an informant gave him the names of Chris Jenkins killers; so wouldn't they have also been driven underground or left the country?
Absolutely. And, as nursebeeme pointed out there are torture methods that do not leave marks. If this is the case however, you're looking at a fairly sophisticated setup. Which would rule out your average street gang. They would also require a fixed residence (as opposed to, say nomadic gangs). This would be a group that had specific selection criteria, and they would be spending some amount of time getting to know their potential victims' habits, etcetera. A common practice for accomplishing this type of task would be what is often referred to as "casing the mark."

I don't think the killers are that smart or that it's that deeply planned out. Maybe a few connections with a few victims but that could be that there are a handful of killers and maybe 1 of them targeted a few of the kids that he had known from high school
Thanks for that link SS. Just what we need a hoodie that covers the entire face..they should be outlawed.
Thanks, SS! Unbelievable! I thought a lot about the "hoodie" also being something that can be pulled over the victims' heads.

Or an easy way to grab hold of someone...kind of like how they talk about women with pony tails being an easier target.
Sorry, I got us off topic...but I thought the hoodies were so frightening. Guess I should just make a thread on them.

OK Back to the young men and the situation at hand now. Where were we anyway?
Sorry, I got us off topic...but I thought the hoodies were so frightening. Guess I should just make a thread on them.

OK Back to the young men and the situation at hand now. Where were we anyway?

Everyone has good ideas and all of us can hypothesize about logical and creative scenarios; but Gannon says he's already cracked the case; so why try to solve this when 12/13th of the evidence is withheld? Okay and I'll admit there's something bothering me here unless I'm reading this wrong. According to Gannon's new detective agency; Duarte is currently a Homeland Security supervisor. So why isn't Homeland Security interested??? Here's the definition of Homeland Security: A federal agency whose primary mission is to help prevent, protect against, and respond to acts of terrorism on United States soil. Gannon and Duarte have names of killers and says there are pods of serial killers and Duarte is a Homeland Security supervisor but Homeland Security isn't interested???
Does this make sense? Here; from Gannons website; here's Duarte's resume
Everyone has good ideas and all of us can hypothesize about logical and creative scenarios; but Gannon says he's already cracked the case; so why try to solve this when 12/13th of the evidence is withheld? Okay and I'll admit there's something bothering me here unless I'm reading this wrong. According to Gannon's new detective agency; Duarte is currently a Homeland Security supervisor. So why isn't Homeland Security interested??? Here's the definition of Homeland Security: A federal agency whose primary mission is to help prevent, protect against, and respond to acts of terrorism on United States soil. Gannon and Duarte have names of killers and says there are pods of serial killers and Duarte is a Homeland Security supervisor but Homeland Security isn't interested???
Does this make sense? Here; from Gannons website; here's Duarte's resume
Who is to say they're NOT interested? Have they come out with an opinion one way or another? I don't think we know 10% of what they're (Homeland Security) involved in. I don't think we're meant to. But, if Gannon has stated he has cracked the case, then he should make that information known, at least to the families. The only reason I could think he hasn't come out and said more is perhaps they're looking for more (?).

SL- would you mind posting where you found the info about him knowing who is responsible? I'd appreciate it.
Who is to say they're NOT interested? Have they come out with an opinion one way or another? I don't think we know 10% of what they're (Homeland Security) involved in. I don't think we're meant to. But, if Gannon has stated he has cracked the case, then he should make that information known, at least to the families. The only reason I could think he hasn't come out and said more is perhaps they're looking for more (?).

SL- would you mind posting where you found the info about him knowing who is responsible? I'd appreciate it.

HLS, is involved in these cases to the extent they have a branch, if you will, that strictly follows cult activity. Anytime you have a threat of an organization with multi-national pods- of course we should expect their involvement. That being said, it also, imo, lends credibility
HLS, is involved in these cases to the extent they have a branch, if you will, that strictly follows cult activity. Anytime you have a threat of an organization with multi-national pods- of course we should expect their involvement. That being said, it also, imo, lends credibility
Then I suppose it's a good thing that Duarte is there!
Who is to say they're NOT interested? Have they come out with an opinion one way or another? I don't think we know 10% of what they're (Homeland Security) involved in. I don't think we're meant to. But, if Gannon has stated he has cracked the case, then he should make that information known, at least to the families. The only reason I could think he hasn't come out and said more is perhaps they're looking for more (?).

SL- would you mind posting where you found the info about him knowing who is responsible? I'd appreciate it.

. In Christy Piehl's first report on the 24th of April the detectives said they can link dozens of deaths across the country to the Chris Jenkins murder and in the April 25th report that say they've cracked the Chris Jenkins case because they say they know the killers and have eye witnesses they've talked to including an informant. So if you've cracked the Jenkins case and can prove the other 40 are linked, than you've cracked the case and simply need man power to make the arrests and help from either the FBI, Homeland Security or all the local police units. But if they all reject you; then you need to raise teh money yourself to put together a task force. This is why when asked on WBY what the public can do; Gannon said we need money but prefer corporate sponsership whichcould be enough for a large task force. Here's link to second report from Kristi Piehl and from that lik you can go back and watch the first one. And remember Professor Gilbertson was hried because he's a decorated nationwide expert on all gangs--both street gangs and satanists and an expert in grafitti and taggings
HLS, is involved in these cases to the extent they have a branch, if you will, that strictly follows cult activity. Anytime you have a threat of an organization with multi-national pods- of course we should expect their involvement. That being said, it also, imo, lends credibility

Homeland Security has a branch that follows cult activity and they also are strongly going after street gangs; but this doesn't mean they have any involvement in this particular case. I just find it dishonest reporting when Duarte is only referred to as a retired cop. Here's a hyperthemia link to show how fast someone can die from either an accident or being pushed or placed in an icy river.
Thanks, SL!
You're welcome. This case is crazy because I go back and forth as to murder or accident. I studied over 50 of these cases, but what bothers me is the striking similarity of GHB and quaaludes. Not sure if anyone here rememerbers the old 711 qualudes, but lots of kids died due to them. I lost friends in the late '70s due to quaaludes and just like GHB; you'd have 3 beers and pop a quaalude and you'd look like you had 15. You'd pop another one and you'd be blacked out for the night and remember nothing the next day. For whatever reason a lot of kids enjoy this. Quaaludes got banned in the early '80's when bad ludes started causing heart attacks. I'm starting to think that GHB should also be banned
Homeland Security has a branch that follows cult activity and they also are strongly going after street gangs; but this doesn't mean they have any involvement in this particular case. I just find it dishonest reporting when Duarte is only referred to as a retired cop. Here's a hyperthemia link to show how fast someone can die from either an accident or being pushed or placed in an icy river.

some great links and info!
SS, thanks for the info! Can only think of bad reasons why anyone would want one of those. Why in the world would a store even sell something like that! :furious:
Because you now have a substantial amount of gangbangers in the music/clothing business and they are supplying what their fellow members need would be my guess.
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