Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #4

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Are you aware of the huge population of Iraqis, Saudis, etc. in the Michigan area who quite possibly are Muslim extremists?

Not just Michigan; Muslim extremeists are all over the place. New York is swamped with them. I thought about them early plus the native Indians because radicals from both these groups hate white people and they also hate alcohol, so I thought killing white kids who drink would be easier for them because these kids represent everything they hate and their drunk and more vulnerable. I eliminated the Muslims because why just men and why just college aged?
goodnight all..... sleep well.
~the nurse

Hang in there nurse; its a frustrating case when 12/13th of the most important evidence is hidden from the public. Gannon knows the killings subside in the summer but he also knows he has to get this moving before September. The killers are playing games and maybe he's playing games and if he is then the type of gang might not be a street gang and we stil have a mystery. He's released just 1/13th of the grafitti. The other 12/13ths will solve the crime of who dun it and he knows he might have to release more grafitti if this stalls into July and August because he doesn't want more drownings happening in September when school starts up.
A lot of Chinese food take out places, dollar stores, and fast food no names use plastic bags with yellow smiley faces on them. They have words on them, although i forget what it says.
Nurse..these links may contain some info you are looking for in relation to gangs in the military.

The link above is a power point presentation about gangs in the military.

Another article from Stripes on gangs in the military.

They are profuse. Gangs are encouraging members to sign up for military service to learn tactical fighting, vs just street fighting. They are encouraging their members to steal and ship back automatic weapons, body armour, you know has become a very real problem for the military.
Here is a link that has the picture of the grafitti on the shed in Vermont; that might or might nor be connedtec to teh Nick Garza case. The Vermont police say it is old grafitti; but can they be trusted?

****I removed the link to that blog in the quote to SheerLuck's post*****
Dearest SheerLuck,
That graffitti found on the pump building on the day of the Nicholas Garza search was not 2 years old.
Also Fox44 was contacted weeks ago about that blog link. Vermontn03 found that link right after the blogger posted. Fox44 was allowed to use that copyrighted photo for use on their news station and link. No one gave that blogger permission to use that photo. The stations allowed to use that photo is as follows;
Fox44, Fox news, WPTZ, CNN, WPVI and the affiliates of those stations.
As far as individuals that have permission to use that photo, they are;

Natalie Garza, Kevin Gannon, Anthony Duarte, Gary Peterson, Nan O'Brien, Eva Sollberger.

Copyright laws are clear and that blogger took the photo from the news site without permission. The news station is dealing with that violation. Copyright laws are in place for a reason.
Also that blogger assumed that the smiley face and crown was in the word "class" and it was stated on their blog. That was not the word. The word was "close".

Well, I for sure wouldn't have run and washed it off in light of what's been going on.

Is it me, or does the "smiley-face, crown guy" look to be part of a word?
My very dearest RR0004,
The smiley was in the letter "o" of the word "close" with the crown above it with 3 dots above the crown. There were several street names surrounding the word "close".

Love and Respect to SheerLuck and RR0004,
Thank you dear dark shadows.
If you can add anything on the new graffiti that has been posted of the monkey I would be most appreciative.
Dearest SheerLuck,
That graffitti found on the pump building on the day of the Nicholas Garza search was not 2 years old.
Also Fox44 was contacted weeks ago about that blog link. Vermontn03 found that link right after the blogger posted. Fox44 was allowed to use that copyrighted photo for use on their news station and link. No one gave that blogger permission to use that photo. The stations allowed to use that photo is as follows;
Fox44, Fox news, WPTZ, CNN, WPVI and the affiliates of those stations.
As far as individuals that have permission to use that photo, they are;

Natalie Garza, Kevin Gannon, Anthony Duarte, Gary Peterson, Nan O'Brien, Eva Sollberger.

Copyright laws are clear and that blogger took the photo from the news site without permission. The news station is dealing with that violation. Copyright laws are in place for a reason.
Also that blogger assumed that the smiley face and crown was in the word "class" and it was stated on their blog. That was not the word. The word was "close".

My very dearest RR0004,
The smiley was in the letter "o" of the word "close" with the crown above it with 3 dots above the crown. There were several street names surrounding the word "close".

Love and Respect to SheerLuck and RR0004,
Heck...what does "close" mean..."getiing close", "almost found", "body nearby"?? Geez, I wish somebody would slip up. We all know we're in the 'lull" now and I'm feeling a sense of urgency for answers.
Heck...what does "close" mean..."getiing close", "almost found", "body nearby"?? Geez, I wish somebody would slip up. We all know we're in the 'lull" now and I'm feeling a sense of urgency for answers.

Dear RR0004,
Exactly what we thought and if you were to see it there was a "?" under the word close as if they were saying are you close or getting close?
hey RR...what do you think? I am just sitting here wondering and hoping that this is solved soon...and also listening to my kansas weather radio that says I may be ripped apart by a tornado in short order! the damn thing is off the air which is unsettling when the sky is ORAGE at eleven at night!
Hope you're safe NB.

PS- The grafitti is making me crazy!
You know if I didn't see it with my own eyes (Minnesota?) I wouldn't have believed it. I've been to Wisconsin...and it's been real difficult for me to get with the "gang" theory...but I also wouldn't have believed it for Minnesota as well...and there it was in black and white! I'm still not convinced we're looking at the traditional "gang" here, but would love to know what Gannon and Duarte have.
Thank you dear dark shadows.
If you can add anything on the new graffiti that has been posted of the monkey I would be most appreciative.
My dear sweet DeltaDawn,:blowkiss:
There is graffitti here with the word "apes". It was on several buildings here. This past saturday was graffiti clean-up day and now all but one of the tags are removed. I did photograph a few of them.

I may be wrong, but the photo you provided of the monkey has an "
's" in it which would mean more than one. IE; monkey's, just my opinion.

This is what I found on the apes thing;

So much Love and Respect,
You know if I didn't see it with my own eyes (Minnesota?) I wouldn't have believed it. I've been to Wisconsin...and it's been real difficult for me to get with the "gang" theory...but I also wouldn't have believed it for Minnesota as well...and there it was in black and white! I'm still not convinced we're looking at the traditional "gang" here, but would love to know what Gannon and Duarte have.
My very dearest RR0004,:blowkiss:
Thank-you for taking the time to read the links and posting about it.

So much Love and Respect for you,
My dear sweet DeltaDawn,:blowkiss:
There is graffitti here with the word "apes". It was on several buildings here. This past saturday was graffiti clean-up day and now all but one of the tags are removed. I did photograph a few of them.

I may be wrong, but the photo you provided of the monkey has an "
's" in it which would mean more than one. IE; monkey's, just my opinion.

This is what I found on the apes thing;

So much Love and Respect,

You know what I would like to see? A thread on this forum where photos of the gang symbols (graffiti) is all in one place. The reason I ask is that people could start recognizing the symbols for their own towns and neighborhoods and take action with LE in eliminating the sources or curtailing the activities. The only one I have seen was MS-13 on a condo rehab project I worked on and the buildings were gutted so this area was removed from them.

Some of the brutality is getting worse in areas where there never used to be that kind of thing. The story about MS-13 members getting educated to move into the mainstream is pretty scary too. Educated thugs...just what we need. Not!
You know what I would like to see? A thread on this forum where photos of the gang symbols (graffiti) is all in one place. The reason I ask is that people could start recognizing the symbols for their own towns and neighborhoods and take action with LE in eliminating the sources or curtailing the activities. The only one I have seen was MS-13 on a condo rehab project I worked on and the buildings were gutted so this area was removed from them.

Some of the brutality is getting worse in areas where there never used to be that kind of thing. The story about MS-13 members getting educated to move into the mainstream is pretty scary too. Educated thugs...just what we need. Not!
My very dearest CP,:blowkiss::blowkiss:
It is so good to see you!!
That is a great idea that you have about starting a thread with photos of graffitti.

So much Love and Respect,
Just thought I'd throw this out there again... I originally posted this in the "What is your Theory?" topic, but this seems like the right time to post it again. I don't know how to "quote" this as a reply to another topic (sorry!), so I just copied & pasted. It's definitely food for thought:

This is my first post, although I've been reading WS for years! I'm not into posting much, but I wanted to throw my "theory" into the mix. I think this is related to terrorism (Al-Queda, etc.). Here is why:

1. In my mind, they are the only group of people that are this organized, patient, and consistent.
2. Since 9/11, they've threatened to attack "the heartland" of America, our schools, and our school children.
3. There are more supposed terrorist "cells" in those areas of the U.S. where the drownings are occurring.
4. They would have a motive--they hate America, and these young men probably represent something to them.
5. Does anyone else see the similarities between these deaths and the deaths of the microbiologists over the years?? Or maybe it's just me...

Either way, is this a crazy idea (cause no one else has brought it up!) or could it be a possibility?
You know what I would like to see? A thread on this forum where photos of the gang symbols (graffiti) is all in one place. The reason I ask is that people could start recognizing the symbols for their own towns and neighborhoods and take action with LE in eliminating the sources or curtailing the activities. The only one I have seen was MS-13 on a condo rehab project I worked on and the buildings were gutted so this area was removed from them.

Some of the brutality is getting worse in areas where there never used to be that kind of thing. The story about MS-13 members getting educated to move into the mainstream is pretty scary too. Educated thugs...just what we need. Not!
It really gives new meaning to "No Child Left Behind"...IMO
Dear RR0004,
Exactly what we thought and if you were to see it there was a "?" under the word close as if they were saying are you close or getting close?

Off topic:

There's our girls- glad to see you my dearest V3 and Dark Shadows, I hope you are doing as best you can. So much love and respect for you both.
Just thought I'd throw this out there again... I originally posted this in the "What is your Theory?" topic, but this seems like the right time to post it again. I don't know how to "quote" this as a reply to another topic (sorry!), so I just copied & pasted. It's definitely food for thought:

This is my first post, although I've been reading WS for years! I'm not into posting much, but I wanted to throw my "theory" into the mix. I think this is related to terrorism (Al-Queda, etc.). Here is why:

1. In my mind, they are the only group of people that are this organized, patient, and consistent.
2. Since 9/11, they've threatened to attack "the heartland" of America, our schools, and our school children.
3. There are more supposed terrorist "cells" in those areas of the U.S. where the drownings are occurring.
4. They would have a motive--they hate America, and these young men probably represent something to them.
5. Does anyone else see the similarities between these deaths and the deaths of the microbiologists over the years?? Or maybe it's just me...

Either way, is this a crazy idea (cause no one else has brought it up!) or could it be a possibility?
No idea is crazy...and I have thought about it...just that it is a delicate issue and I was afraid to mention it...especially when "2001" was brought up. There's been a lot of discussion about this being "organized"...some feel it's a possibility...some see no connection to a "conspiracy theory"...but whenever it was being discussed, I had to think...well, we didn't think it was possible 71/2 years ago...why isn't an organized network of cells possible in regard to these cases? I especially took note of the "white van". (Living close to NYC, I still keep my eye out for them.)
Thanks for the "food for thought", SCSwimmom...and welcome!
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