Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #4

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The fireman's shirt was over the jacket. So someone purposely posed him in those clothes in that way.

Interestingly, the monkey with the smiley had 2001 written across his chest..the biggest thing that happened that year was 9/11, which firefighters were the true heroes.

Not saying this is associated at all...infact I was thinking that the 2001 did mean that one of the vics from 2001 was perhaps the key to solving this puzzle.
Maybe they left some crucial info at that scene that has been over looked and they keep pointing back to that...tauntingly.
Right now I cannot find the link to those 3 pics, one of which was the monkey.

I have a request. Might we start putting all articles and media links not just here, but also in the media and article threads, too? We have amassed may links that are going missing or hard to find because they aren't in the media link thread, but in the discussion threads. This way when we want to go back and research a portion of an article or podcast we know we'll be able to find it under those threads.
What monkey?!

Of course! Put them wherever you like! :) Feel free to start individual threads for those media links, too.
DD- I'm glad you made the reference to 9/11...when reading the conversation taking place on the board about its significance...that's exactly the reference that came to my mind.
DD- I'm glad you made the reference to 9/11...when reading the conversation taking place on the board about its significance...that's exactly the reference that came to my mind.
Thanks! What gang is supposed to be associated to that hand sign?

Des Moines is only half hour away from Ames Iowa and researching Des Moines gangs; there are 18 prominent gangs mentioned in a link I found. The only tag or signature I can see in the monkey pic is that little s underneath one of the ears. Maybe a signature or tag is on the bottom where the picture is cut off, which would be unfortunate. A date is rarely a taggers signature. I would think 2001 is when this gang gained some turf in Iowa or maybe when they rose in power in America, but it could be what others here have speculated on. Here is a link that has the picture of the grafitti on the shed in Vermont; that might or might nor be connedtec to teh Nick Garza case. The Vermont police say it is old grafitti; but can they be trusted?

<redacted at written request of copyright holder>
Des Moines is only half hour away from Ames Iowa and researching Des Moines gangs; there are 18 prominent gangs mentioned in a link I found. The only tag or signature I can see in the monkey pic is that little s underneath one of the ears. Maybe a signature or tag is on the bottom where the picture is cut off, which would be unfortunate. A date is rarely a taggers signature. I would think 2001 is when this gang gained some turf in Iowa or maybe when they rose in power in America, but it could be what others here have speculated on. Here is a link that has the picture of the grafitti on the shed in Vermont; that might or might nor be connedtec to teh Nick Garza case. The Vermont police say it is old grafitti; but can they be trusted?

<redacted at written request of copyright holder>
Well, I for sure wouldn't have run and washed it off in light of what's been going on.

Is it me, or does the "smiley-face, crown guy" look to be part of a word?
I have a request. Might we start putting all articles and media links not just here, but also in the media and article threads, too? .

I'd ask someone here with more Websleuth experience to be even more specific and star a link that has only grafitti. I don't know how to start link s here. Gannon feels it's the grafitti and the specific tags or signatures that serves as the calling card for these kilers. So it's the grafitti and the signature tags that will solve this case; yet Gannon is purposely hiding this from the public; with the exception of a few smiley faces. He says the smileys are only 12/13th of the grafitti, but he doesn't release the 1000's of other pictures that have the killers signatures. All we have besides smileys; is the Iowa link with the monkey and the happy evil smiley in orange; plus the Nick Garza Vermont shed which I just posted and the Tommy Booth full wall of grafitti that was behind Bootleggers bar. Here is a video link that has the full wall; it's found midway through this video news report, but I don't know how to get just the picture from the video. The only other wall grafitti pic I found is ironically from Websleuths and SS. It doesn't have the full wall but is only one on web I found
Well, I for sure wouldn't have run and washed it off in light of what's been going on.

Is it me, or does the "smiley-face, crown guy" look to be part of a word?

It does, but only gang experts or actual members of gangs know what the words and letters mean. I didn't think these were street gang killings but it all fits now because Gannon is purposely hiding 12/13th of the grafitti; except smileys and who else besides street gangs and artisitic taggers are into grafitti?
That could be the message, but for some reason I think that is too blatent. LE would have seen it anyway.
that was from ss....

DITTO SS! And it is so freaking simple that they do not see it beyond the bar, and the alcohol consumption, and the drowning(s)... I believe we have found our trophy people! (at least in a few of the 'regions' anyhow....and it is seeming like this is a common one in the Gannon~stated region of Ohio, PA, NY, and VT)
I'm coming back from a week abroad, so sorry if somebody's already addressed this, but Luke Homan was on the same team with Jared Dion.

It boggles my mind that Albany PD would close this case as accidental drowning with the clothing and money details here. And after listening to Gannon's podcast on what Szostak would have had to do to accomplish everything Albany PD said is absurd. Breaking through a locked gate, wiping everything clean, etc. etc. That's quite an accomplishment for someone that's been written off as a drunk that accidentally drowned!

In so many of these cases it's the same thing. LE says they were so drunk they fell in a river. But at the same time they were able to have walked blocks to the river, walk across sharp rip rap to the water, and in one case cross a busy eight lane highway.

DITTO SUZIQ! All of it makes me say....where were you LE people during homicide 101!
To get noticed and to taunt Gannon. He has a good heart, so it makes it all the more fun. And his partner is a big muscle guy, which adds to the fun. It's become a game

SL....I agree.... Gannon and Duarte are the only ones really paying attention and, allegedly, also have the handle on a few of the murderers. The murderers KNOW that LE is blowing it off like the summer fluff off a of course they would taunt. You are right. They are more than likely taunting those onto their game. Next thing you know they will have a WS in their grafiti! Damn fools. I hope we catch them before that can ever happen (and trust me any river killers reading this...your days are numbered! We are onto you!)
The fireman's shirt was over the jacket. So someone purposely posed him in those clothes in that way.

Interestingly, the monkey with the smiley had 2001 written across his chest..the biggest thing that happened that year was 9/11, which firefighters were the true heroes.

Not saying this is associated at all...infact I was thinking that the 2001 did mean that one of the vics from 2001 was perhaps the key to solving this puzzle.
Maybe they left some crucial info at that scene that has been over looked and they keep pointing back to that...tauntingly.
Right now I cannot find the link to those 3 pics, one of which was the monkey.
I have a request. Might we start putting all articles and media links not just here, but also in the media and article threads, too? We have amassed may links that are going missing or hard to find because they aren't in the media link thread, but in the discussion threads. This way when we want to go back and research a portion of an article or podcast we know we'll be able to find it under those threads.

amen DD! perhaps 9/11 calls out to these murdering nincompoops! In what way? Why? Could this speak a little to what age group of murderers we are dealing with (esp if we consider the starting years in the late 90's in LA CROSSE WISCONSIN????)? No matter what...we cannot forget that a large concentration of related cases not only started there but were committed there in general. It is the roots of the evil plant of the river killers. WHY?
Are you aware of the huge population of Iraqis, Saudis, etc. in the Michigan area who quite possibly are Muslim extremists?
Des Moines is only half hour away from Ames Iowa and researching Des Moines gangs; there are 18 prominent gangs mentioned in a link I found. The only tag or signature I can see in the monkey pic is that little s underneath one of the ears. Maybe a signature or tag is on the bottom where the picture is cut off, which would be unfortunate. A date is rarely a taggers signature. I would think 2001 is when this gang gained some turf in Iowa or maybe when they rose in power in America, but it could be what others here have speculated on. Here is a link that has the picture of the grafitti on the shed in Vermont; that might or might nor be connedtec to teh Nick Garza case. The Vermont police say it is old grafitti; but can they be trusted?

<redacted at written request of copyright holder>

I noticed there is an s or a stylized s in several of the pics..Iowa, Nick's and Tommy's. very aware.... perhaps we should start an, 'in your face' thread'.. We are (my family) 16 year army officer military vets (and currently in the fight) and I am frankly sick of how they can slip in here and there in various guises of supposed innocence. SS....are you thinking this could be another variation here? Please share (even if thru pm)
again SS....along the same thread....this would well match the planning, calculation, and fame such groups crave and seek in the threads of our own society. It is an avenue well worth walking down, if you ask me... although, for this group it would seem small fish to hunt down college kids....but someone on the off~side of it...someone who wished they could be on the larger scale....could well have started his or her own "off group" picking off the strong and agile on our side of the pond.
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