Defense claims judge had inappropriate convo with blogger?

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I think writing skills are not only very important they are the foundation for an attorney to conduct his business. Can you imagine submitted something to the court that is a mistake and gets your client convicted? Bad enough the defense team has made numerous blunders in speaking to make their client look guity, T. Black for one talking about the loss of life of her child before the remains were found. And they think the judge is not fair. My favorite is JB's, "It is not in my client's best interest to discuss the whereabouts of her child" (paraphrased). jmo
any thoughts on my post #961 sleuther? I woud value your input and theorizing on the reasons behind the siggy differences between the two docs.

I could only speculate and could likely come up with 10 or more scenarios. Some would be innocent.....some would be hinky. I'll reserve comment to this.....either this can be attributed to sloppy paperwork and human error, or something isn't right and someone made a big booboo.

How's that for "fair and impartial"? :innocent:
Trust me, if you think his blog reflects his ego, you do not want to listen to his blog interview!

It's amazing that any one person could be so in love with himself, think of himself as such a 'celebrity', and then at the end of his interview, he begs to be allowed to broadcast the addy of his website to garner even more attention. :rolleyes:

Does this man not learn, or what?

Here's a question......why does he feel the need to retain an attorney? I read about that somewhere yesterday, but for the life of me I can't remember where. Is there something he could be charged with?
O/T: This thread is getting very interesting and more than a little heated between various opinions. So in the spirit of lightening things up, I have a suggestion for my most wonderful fellow sleuthers here on WS.

It appears that the defense has people scouring blogs looking for anything and everything that they can use in their varied and sundry approaches to trying to find a viable defense for KC. Why don't we help them out? Think about it - all someone would have to do is start a thread titled "My interactions with players in this case" and write a lovely and completely fictional account of having lunch with JB, or CM or LDB or JA, any of the LE people involved, etc. etc. You could even state that this is all made up in the post. I have seen some of the funniest posts in the word here and I would enjoy reading whatever anyone came up with.

This would drive the people who are reading all the blogs for the defense crazy - oh what fun!

Now back to our regularly scheduled discussion.

Maybe a supeona to all websites to release all IPS that have commented - like all people who volunteered for TES --- oh wait, they don't want to do that because that would mean if they, the witnesses or any law students of theirs have been posting they should be removed too!
Yes, if I had to guess - the defense has had more interaction with blogs and websites than the judge telling one man, good job or whatever. If this is the best trail they have to sniff, then it must be a trail they are familiar with, IMHO.....etc.......
WFTV Motion 37 pages

Channel 13 20 pages. Missing 17 pages.

I'm thinking the motion given to Channel 13 was not finished when they received it?
I am in agreement Lambchop, the casey/truth statement was entirely appropriate.

What I am surprised by is the judge putting himself in the position where his interaction with a blogger who is very unfavorable to Casey could call him into question. I am not making a judgment as to what his interaction was or whether it proves bias. I am simply stating that I am surprised this experienced judge fell into this pitfall with the blogger.

tlcox. Don't know if you have read here on yesterday's threads. It was mentioned that MD is not unfavorable to Casey. He, in fact, very supportive of the A's. He sits with them in court, interacts with them and has been very "fair" so to speak regarding KC's case. Defense is taking titles of some of his columns for "shock and awe" value which have nothing to do with the content of the articles. If you read the articles he is very objective in what he has to say. Many bloggers have accused him of being an "Anthony Lover". He has been far more "intimate" in his relationship with the "A's" apparently than he ever was with the judge. This is why the judge probably felt comfortable speaking with him. I believe it was the same hearing that the judge called him up that we see MD approaching CA and GA and talking with BC, shaking his hand.

I really don't think defense wants to lose JS because they know he is fair. KC admits she is happy with him in her letters. What defense wants is for JS let them have the TES records and of course we know for appeal purposes.

But check yesterday's posts..very interesting. JMO
Okay, as a person with a Masters in English and who teaches remedial writing and grammar courses, that has to be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard about writing skills. It's attitudes like that that make people think bad grammar and writing skills are okay, when they are, in fact, NOT. I would not want a lawyer working for me that can't write better than a second grader in his motions. Writing skills are of the utmost importance in today's society for respect as well as good communication. People are denied scholarships, entrance into particular programs of study, promotions, and even jobs for not knowing how to write. I doubt you would respect anyone in your own field that couldn't spell correctly or put a sentence together. IMO good writing skills are good common sense and don't need to be stated as a law or in the constitution. If that were the case, I'd be out of a job and would worry about the future of our nation.

Sorry for the OT.

OT - but had to say thank you so much for this. When I was a kid my mother corrected me at every turn she needed to (she is a natural-born teacher, everything was a lesson for us kids). She'd say "Education in this country is free, there is NO excuse for poor grammar". And she's right. I'm constantly shocked by how many times I see people writing, "could of" instead of "could've". Shocks me.

Anyway, OT, but thanks for the post.
Here's a question......why does he feel the need to retain an attorney? I read about that somewhere yesterday, but for the life of me I can't remember where. Is there something he could be charged with?

All celebs are attorneys....don't sha know. LOL FYI: If you're planning to visit Orlando, might want to bring your attorney with you.
If Casey is happy with JS and so far he seems, IMOO, to have been very patient with the whole JB idiocy, why then would they be trying to get JS recused? Hmmm, anybody know when the next document dump is scheduled.

Red herring, anyone?
GREAT catch, Sparky!

While I consider the first one irrelevant - Casey changed her signature after spending time with her buddy Baez, doing the chameleon dance and copying him - the second two are VERY interesting.

Cheney's sig by his notary stamp is also different on the WFTV / CFN13 motions, although the bottom sigs of Baez and Cheney are the same.

More proof that there were at least two copies of this motion signed by Casey, and a different one was given to CF News 13 BEFORE it was filed with the clerk.

As I said before, this looks like a MEDIA PLOY by the defense - and one that may backfire on them, big-time.

I am confused here and mabye someone can help me out.

1: 2 coppies of Kc signature

2: 2 authentic signatures from the jail.

3: 1 copy signature and 1 authentic signature from jail.

Which is true?
And sooooooooooooo back to the mismatched siggys. Thoughts???????

I had mentioned earlier in the thread, that I wonder if the differences in the signatures is because Baez has a power of attorney for Casey, as he was the one brokering the picture and video deals. After all, Casey couldn't be in New York signing those documents to agree to the payment amount. So maybe he is signing these documents for her? Also, someone else mentioned that they were going to check the jail visitor logs to check out if Mason had been to visit, as he was supposedly notorizing Casey's signature. However, if Baez signed for Casey then there won't be any visit on the logs.
I am confused here and mabye someone can help me out.

1: 2 coppies of Kc signature

2: 2 authentic signatures from the jail.

3: 1 copy signature and 1 authentic signature from jail.

Which is true?
Good question...that's what we are trying to figure out. It is apparent that Channel 13 got a copy of the motion BEFORE it was filed, and it appears to be of a different length than the final motion filed and the signatures and stamps are also different, so...something is fruity about that but we haven't figured out what...yet. :)
Let me clarify for a few people regarding the signatures....

There are several different signature comparisons going on simultaneously.

For the purposes of this discussion of signature differences refers to the differences noted between the copy that CH13 has on their site (which appears to have been obtained BEFORE the "same" document was filed at the courthouse) and the stamped copy from the clerk that is posted on WFTV's site.

I am well aware of how sigs change between docs and over time......BUT for the purpose of this discussion....I was curious as to why there would be discrepancies between two of the SAME document at all. HTH
When a motion is prepared for filing, there is usually more then one copy prepared (3 in most instances). Maybe each were signed individually? I agree that it is odd that the news would have a copy first.

In regards to the O/T. Some very very intelligent people in this world have poor writing and grammar skills. Putting one down when one could have a learning disability (or some other reason) that contributes to their inability to write properly is in poor taste in my opinion. If anything, one should be commended if they can still achieve a degree despite their inability to write properly. That in my mind means they had to work much harder then someone like me who is a consistent A+ student with minimal effort. JB obviously attained his degree despite his shoddy writing style. (I often wonder how myself when I see him in court!)
According to the statute the info discovered that causes the bias must be complained about within 10 days of the discovery. The statement about KC and the truth was WAY more than 10 days before this complaint was made, and also the blog compliment was WAY more than ten days before as was the Bar Complaint that was passed on by his honor. NONE of those things meet the LEGAL REQUIREMENTS of reporting it within 10 days. So all they have is a phone call wishing a blogger to feel better? They don't have a thing!!!

MOTION PLEASE BE DENIED!!! It is completely legally insufficient as far as I can see. These things are all WAY back in the past-not ten days.

I think the problem is, that when Jerry interviews Marinade, he said the Judge said that his blog was fair. I think that was on April 10th. Is that not the problem here? A judge saying an obvious unfair blog is fair? I think that falls within the 10 days. Anything else is just backup to make their point. IMO
Let me clarify for a few people regarding the signatures....

There are several different signature comparisons going on simultaneously.

For the purposes of this discussion of signature differences refers to the differences noted between the copy that CH13 has on their site (which appears to have been obtained BEFORE the "same" document was filed at the courthouse) and the stamped copy from the clerk that is posted on WFTV's site.

I am well aware of how sigs change between docs and over time......BUT for the purpose of this discussion....I was curious as to why there would be discrepancies between two of the SAME document at all. HTH

I'm just jumping in here, trying to catch up as best I can...

My first inclination is to say they signed 2 copies - one for early media distribution (ya know, they needed time to review and get statements from Dave before the 6 o'clock news) and one to file with the court. The one filed at 4:48pm on Friday would not have given sufficient time for the media to give the defense the headlines they so obviously craved.

ick. ugh.
When a motion is prepared for filing, there is usually more then one copy prepared (3 in most instances). Maybe each were signed individually? I agree that it is odd that the news would have a copy first.

In regards to the O/T. Some very very intelligent people in this world have poor writing and grammar skills. Putting one down when one could have a learning disability (or some other reason) that contributes to their inability to write properly is in poor taste in my opinion. If anything, one should be commended if they can still achieve a degree despite their inability to write properly. That in my mind means they had to work much harder then someone like me who is a consistent A+ student with minimal effort. JB obviously attained his degree despite his shoddy writing style. (I often wonder how myself when I see him in court!)
OT and sorry again...:innocent:
Being the mother of both straight A students and students with disabilities, I again agree completely. There IS a difference in persons, without a doubt, especially between the disabled and the "regular" variety. However, I would hazard a guess that MOST if not ALL attorneys do not fit into the disabled category and so that does not apply to this particular type of person in the least. Attorneys have to go through the fire, as far as education goes, and I doubt that many who were classified as "disabled" especially in the communication arena would be able to hold a law degree. And remember, I am not offering insult but insight from my own experience with my own different types of children. :blushing:
That's IF Judge Strickland uttered the words MD claims....

I am not even prepared to debate what words were spoken by the judge. I was not there and MD certainly has reason enough to stretch the truth in order to stretch his own 15.

I am just shocked that JS would put himself in a position that he could even be accused of such an impropriety. I make no comment or judgment as to whether any impropriety exists.
I'm just jumping in here, trying to catch up as best I can...

My first inclination is to say they signed 2 copies - one for early media distribution (ya know, they needed time to review and get statements from Dave before the 6 o'clock news) and one to file with the court. The one filed at 4:48pm on Friday would not have given sufficient time for the media to give the defense the headlines they so obviously craved.

ick. ugh.

Yep.......I'd be curious to know 2 key things.

1. What time did CH13 get their hands on their copy?
Now MD stated he got a call from them a couple hours before??? Can anyone tell me when they called him? That would help tell me if the answer to my next question is important.

2. What time did CM visit KC in jail on Friday.
If it's his notary had to be HIM that witnessed it and not an assistant. He would have had to be present to witness the signature. Jail visit log for Friday will be helpful.
I think writing skills are not only very important they are the foundation for an attorney to conduct his business. Can you imagine submitted something to the court that is a mistake and gets your client convicted? Bad enough the defense team has made numerous blunders in speaking to make their client look guity, T. Black for one talking about the loss of life of her child before the remains were found. And they think the judge is not fair. My favorite is JB's, "It is not in my client's best interest to discuss the whereabouts of her child" (paraphrased). jmo

fwiw, someone asked Hornsby to list the most important skills he would look for when hiring a paralegal - he ranked writing skills #1, higher than legal research, education, etc...

I happen to agree with him.
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