Defense wants prosecutor Jeff Ashton held in contempt

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I think that figure is very inflated, but maybe he is considering part of the $600,000 coming from a future book deal that will never materialize for him?:crazy:

I can see it now. Five sells. GA,CA,JB,FCA, and his wife :crazy:
From JA's FB page:
"There have been questions about Mason's motion to have me held in contempt. Fear not my friends just another desperate attempt by Mason to get noticed and throw some mud. My actions as always were above reproach. Rita and I are taking the kids on a trip after christmas. Have a happy holiday everyone. Stay tuned for big news after the new year , See you then"

bet he's going to run for SA !!! :great:

Maybe you're right Krimekat; I was thinking maybe he was pregnant. :floorlaugh:
I think that figure is very inflated, but maybe he is considering part of the $600,000 coming from a future book deal that will never materialize for him?:crazy:

Isn't $600,000 high for someone who just sat as the "second" chair. He joined because JB needed a DP qualified attorney. JB is the one who gives us the impression that he, and he alone, did all that work. So how did he lose $600,000? Is that what a client has to look forward to if they hired his law firm?????? Didn't CM join the case in March of 2010????? And how many clients do they need to get now to make up all that money he lost because obviously it's not coming out of his pocket? Might be good to know before you hire an attorney just how much money they claimed to have lost and who do they expect to make up that difference. jmo
... just my humble opinion here, but...

keep your eyes and ears open peeps - this smells like the DTs patented "look over there!" distraction technique. Wonder what's brewin'?

Yep, right there with you...something's coming...just a nagging feeling I have.

Like this from the news thread? Interview with Terence Lenamon

“I had provided the photographs with a copy of the waiver package to your reporter.....“When Jose found out she [the Sentinel reporter] had the photos, he had [public-relations executive] Todd Black call and harass her. Todd Black called me and harassed me about turning over photos and said they had a deal for selling the photos for $200,000, and I would ruin the deal. That was the breaking point."
"At the time he’s [Mason's] courting Jose to get on the case. He doesn’t know me. Jose is trying to circumvent the Bar. Finally he couldn’t figure out how to, he had to sign off on the complaint. That’s when I said I’m going to talk about interactions in the jail, things I observed, work production information. I hired a lawyer, and they [the defense] walked away. They were opening Pandora’s box. I could defend with the truth. Shortly after that, Cheney was on the case."
This has to be a joke: "Ms. Anthony is busy dealing with some very real losses, not only the loss of her child, but the loss of the rest of her family relationships, the loss of any opportunity to ever have a normal life" (same link)

We know perfectly well how Casey Anthony deals with "very real losses" ... she gets drunk and parties hard until someone else discovers that "very real loss". Then she lies like a lunatic, accusing everyone within eyesight of sexual abuse and murder.

Mason must have lost his mind to continue focusing on the past and worrying about the release of information that was only withheld to prevent jury selection problems. He needs to distance himself from dishonest clients, lest he be painted with the same brush.

Not only has he painted himself with the same brush as their client he is wallowing in the same sludge they call paint.
I just had to get back in the swing of things with you guys. Sorry if I have over posted but this is a hard time of the year for me and you guys help me keep my sanity! :)
So, I wasn't the only one who had their fill of CA and had to take a break. I am sort of back, taking it in stages for the sake of my BP.

I am sooooooooooooo happy that her face doesn't pop up everywhere I go. You can only take just so much.

I need to ask , what "OCA" stands for. Well, the "O" part of it anyway. tia

I still like to refer to her as FCA with a big emphasis on the "F". :blushing:
I just had to get back in the swing of things with you guys. Sorry if I have over posted but this is a hard time of the year for me and you guys help me keep my sanity! :)

Go where? Your statement is filled with opinion, not fact. The fact is Ashton planned to retire until LDB approached him with this case. He was intrigued by the forensics and postponed his retirement until the end of the case. As for the case being a "cash cow" those are your words, not his. At 54, he dedicated more than half of his life to fighting crime in the state of Florida. That deserves reward rather than belittling.

I just had to get back in the swing of things with you guys. Sorry if I have over posted but this is a hard time of the year for me and you guys help me keep my sanity! :)

Very happy to see you back! I stayed away for a while, but
JA's book brought me back.
The book is very problematic for Jose, Casey, Mason and the rest of the defense team. It points out all of their mistakes, lies and attempts at tampering with the jury pool. I'm sure it burns their collective butts that it is out there for the world to see just how unethical they really were. Perhaps those that have such a major problem with Ashton and his book are the ones that are sympathetic to those that have been exposed.


I know one thing for sure ... as soon as the defense objects to a book written by the prosecution, a lot more people are going to buy the book ... because we all want to know what the fuss is about.
I think that figure is very inflated, but maybe he is considering part of the $600,000 coming from a future book deal that will never materialize for him?:crazy:

I wonder how he arrived at that figure ... $10,000/day for 60 days? Wasn't he sleeping most of the time in the courtroom?
I wonder how he arrived at that figure ... $10,000/day for 60 days? Wasn't he sleeping most of the time in the courtroom?

Don't you know that the mere presense of one Cheney Mason is worth $600,000.00?
It still seems unfair that the jury was allowed to hold, examine and smell the Velveeta wrapper but not the carpet. I never understood that. Anyone?

JA addressed this in the book but unfortunately I don't recall exactly what he said nor do I have the book here to look it up... Maybe someone who has the book can elaborate ?
Don't you know that the mere presense of one Cheney Mason is worth $600,000.00?

That may well be true, so the big question is: why was he presenting himself and his services to an unemployed, broke woman that stole from everyone that crossed her path? Was he actually expecting that criminal to pay him $600,000 for his services? If so, what part of his brain was functioning?

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