Defense wants prosecutor Jeff Ashton held in contempt

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I'm tempted to do neighborhood watch tonight to see just how many people use their garage doors and not their front doors? That way I can see if they have naughty television habits.
Our original premise that KC was guilty because of her incredible lies (Consciousnes of Guilt) still stands. Just because the DT came in and skewed this does not erase this fact. She lied because she was guilty. Just like any other perp. Jeff and the whole Prosecution Team as as LE saw this. (God...imagine those detectives questioning this girl as she lied!! They must have been...omg...Caylee is dead!)

Also, George and Cindy knew this. ( Hense...destroy the deathmobile...the car...keep up the pool..NOT the death trap).

The defense team used psychobabble (i.e. incest) to thwart it all and guess what..the jury bought it (and sorry...but the judge permitted it).

The Prosecution was completely right to try this guilty. They are the ones who have told the truth for the sake of Caylee Marie. That is why they are still our heros. That is why they are truely the winners in this despicable saga. That is why we here at WS stay tuned...because we all await the rest of the story. Justice is coming.
So people who use the garage door to enter and exit their homes are either watching *advertiser censored* or doing something far more nefarious??

Does that also apply to my Mother, two Great Aunts, and my Great Grandmother who I lived with while growing up?? We used the garage as our main entrance and exit too? The front door was always locked?

Must be something only people from Ohio do? As my entire family is from Ohio... Warren, Ohio at that! Yes, I was born in the same hospital as Casey Anthony. :maddening:

That's pretty cool actually re: birth locations.
Like I listed #2 permits it... and I know LOADS of families and people who do the same.
I guess I am just stretched and trying to catch a star with a fishtank net.

This whole George thing is really fascinating. Do you follow the tape? Or do you know Casey is smart enough to predict we would...

Thanks !
I never use my front door, ever. This afternoon the maintenance man told me I have five notices on the door....they were from Fed-ex and UPS. I picked the packages up at the office because I knew they were there.

We pass out notices to the residents at the community and half the time there is not response for the same reason, people use their garage to enter and exit.

I seriously have no idea why we are discussing it the tow notice?

I'm trying to formulate how crazy George is... but I believe what is happening is that this research is making ME crazy. Returning to topic...
Our original premise that KC was guilty because of her incredible lies (Consciousnes of Guilt) still stands. Just because the DT came in and skewed this does not erase this fact. She lied because she was guilty. Just like any other perp. Jeff and the whole Prosecution Team as as LE saw this. (God...imagine those detectives questioning this girl as she lied!! They must have been...omg...Caylee is dead!)

Also, George and Cindy knew this. ( Hense...destroy the deathmobile...the car...keep up the pool..NOT the death trap).

The defense team used psychobabble (i.e. incest) to thwart it all and guess what..the jury bought it (and sorry...but the judge permitted it).

The Prosecution was completely right to try this guilty. They are the ones who have told the truth for the sake of Caylee Marie. That is why they are still our heros. That is why they are truely the winners in this despicable saga. That is why we here at WS stay tuned...because we all await the rest of the story. Justice is coming.

Seriously, THANK YOU,,, sometimes I just need to read this and return to reality. Then I think about body found w/ no shoes,,,
then why snuff her at home and use blanket and bags from home... then George being duct tape happy henkel man... then I regain my senses and ask "Why didn;t she raise this accidental drowning theory at any point during her three years in the clinky clink?" I'm right, right?:woohoo:

(Thank you - again.)

The <G>
Seriously, THANK YOU,,, sometimes I just need to read this and return to reality. Then I think about body found w/ no shoes,,,
then why snuff her at home and use blanket and bags from home... then George being duct tape happy henkel man... then I regain my senses and ask "Why didn;t she raise this accidental drowning theory at any point during her three years in the clinky clink?" I'm right, right?:woohoo:

(Thank you - again.)

The <G>

Typically Moms who kill wrap or cover their child with a blanket or something associated with comfort. jmo
All that needs to be stated is this:


If Mr. Baez is committed to promoting a search for the truth, then his attempts to suppress this troubles me, as it should the entire community.


I just came up with this one- and it would not be presented here within the space that holds your valuable time without merit.

Check this out:

1. The Anthony's do not use the front door. (Yes, we all know this, just making it flow easy).
2. Many families have a certain way of treating certain doors, certain ways of living life.
3. It is a bit strange that the Anthony's do not use the front door... at least the family has been trained to use the GARAGE DOOR - always. Strangers will knock on the front door, naturally.
4. I defend the statement "strange" in #3 in reference to how it conflicts with the natural tendency applied in #2 due to the following: An alternate side-door, or back-door that is actually closer to the where the human exits the vehicle makes it much more practical, if not simply easier ( I will refrain using the word common sense due to the oxymoron it represents considering this case, and this jury) to use the door that permits a faster entrance; a faster exit.
5. The Anthony's entrance was not a simple door. It was an electronically activated GARAGE DOOR. These doors make a huge sound... an ALERT... so that whomever is inside the house will know... that someone is coming...
6. ...For whatever reason George would want his family trained to use a Garage door, a clunky, electricity generating, large massive overly dramatic entrance method... and my guess is that he did not desire to have this ADVANCED DETECTION / ALERT SYSTEM in place so he could stop watching the Playboy channel.

What do you guys think?

Luv ya,
The <G>

It's not the use of the large clunky garage door that was odd, but their use of the side door that enters into the garage. Even when arriving in someone else's car that remains outside on the driveway, the family enters through that little side garage door.

Sure, when arriving home in the car, a person could normally drive into their garage and enter their home that way. I've done that many, many times, but when arriving home in a car that doesn't go into the garage, or when being dropped off by someone else, I enter my house through my front door.

The Anthonys have their own habits. We know Cindy was a meticulous housekeeper. Perhaps she wanted them to enter through the garage so their front entrance would remain clean? Or maybe they keep their front door and it's storm door triple locked (each door) and it's just not feasible for everyone in the family to carry 6 different front door keys on their key chains?

Not every family uses their front door on a daily basis. Some use side entrances, back entrances, or enter through their garage door when parking their car in there.

It was their use of that small side garage door I found unusual, simply because it seems more troublesome to enter that way.

To each his own though.
I still like to refer to her as FCA with a big emphasis on the "F". :blushing:
That "F" is very versatile, it can be a noun, a verb or an adjective. When used as a verb, it can proceed any applicable initials quite nicely, as well.
Originally Posted by Dells
I think that figure is very inflated, but maybe he is considering part of the $600,000 coming from a future book deal that will never materialize for him?

I wonder how he arrived at that figure ... $10,000/day for 60 days? Wasn't he sleeping most of the time in the courtroom?

According to JA's book, one time, CM passed the prosecutors a note telling them how many tiles there were on the ceiling, how many lights in the room, etc., or whatever he was counting. So he wasn't sleeping the whole time. :crazy:
Actually, the garage alarm at my house is a dog abuse alarm. Let me 'splain. When my daughter comes home the dogs hear the garage opening, even thought I don't hear it. I know she's home because my two 4-legged babies start losing their minds - barking and running in circles which drives me insane and I throw the nearest shoe at them.

Ok, and I also immediately click off my *advertiser censored*.

:floorlaugh: Your post almost made me wet myself. :floorlaugh:
Our original premise that KC was guilty because of her incredible lies (Consciousnes of Guilt) still stands. Just because the DT came in and skewed this does not erase this fact. She lied because she was guilty. Just like any other perp. Jeff and the whole Prosecution Team as as LE saw this. (God...imagine those detectives questioning this girl as she lied!! They must have been...omg...Caylee is dead!)

Also, George and Cindy knew this. ( Hense...destroy the deathmobile...the car...keep up the pool..NOT the death trap).

The defense team used psychobabble (i.e. incest) to thwart it all and guess what..the jury bought it (and sorry...but the judge permitted it).

The Prosecution was completely right to try this guilty. They are the ones who have told the truth for the sake of Caylee Marie. That is why they are still our heros. That is why they are truely the winners in this despicable saga. That is why we here at WS stay tuned...because we all await the rest of the story. Justice is coming.


The voice of reason. They destroyed the car but not the pool. What were they thinking? If the child died in the pool, could they really enjoy using it? If the body wasn't in that car, why destroy it?

Oh, yes, we keep forgetting, there were those horrid smelling pizza crumbs that left the car reaking three years later!

Now don't we feel foolish? :blushing:
Sure we want to go there? If I recall, Mr. Ashton had announced his retirement prior to the Anthony case, thought about it, realized win or lose, it would be a cash cow case for his retirement, and changed his mind. At 54, I am sure he could have had a few more good years putting away the bad people of Florida.

He didn't announce his retirement prior to the Anthony case. He announced his retirement after the Casey Anthony Case. He had planned to retire after 30 years. I think Baez is the one who saw a cash cow. I guess one out of two is better than nothing.
From JA's FB page:
"There have been questions about Mason's motion to have me held in contempt. Fear not my friends just another desperate attempt by Mason to get noticed and throw some mud. My actions as always were above reproach. Rita and I are taking the kids on a trip after christmas. Have a happy holiday everyone. Stay tuned for big news after the new year , See you then"

lol, I love it, JA's version of the Cheney Mason one-fingered victory sign, but from the high road. :seeya:
IMO, to get her name back in the news - and it worked. Casey A was the lead story tonight on JVM.

(I'm sure someone else wrote this, but I've been reading for 30 minutes and am only on page

Casey A was the lead story tonight on JVM.
Must have been a slow night. :floorlaugh:
OT: Has it been posted somewhere that Ashton will be on Dr. Phil on Monday? I heard it today.

The big reveal was he will share the never before shared results of Casey's psych profile.

I apologize if this has been discussed in this thread, I don't have time to read right now. :)
Casey A was the lead story tonight on JVM.
Must have been a slow night. :floorlaugh:

I only caught part of it, a couple of photographers talking about FCA leaving jail and getting their shot. One mentioned her wink at the jailer - I had to laugh because I'd just seen the Kathy Griffin piece on FCA earlier today.... "she eye f'd him" lol

I don't think this contempt motion was discussed, but I didn't really catch the beginning.
That's pretty cool actually re: birth locations.
Like I listed #2 permits it... and I know LOADS of families and people who do the same.
I guess I am just stretched and trying to catch a star with a fishtank net.

This whole George thing is really fascinating. Do you follow the tape? Or do you know Casey is smart enough to predict we would...

Thanks !

Not trying to be snarky here but I don't understand a thing that you're trying to say and besides, NO ONE here thinks that FCA is smart. She just got lucky and it seems that her luck is running a little short these days. KWIM? Seems she's getting her Christmas gift early this year. I've heard tell that it was a BIG ole box of Karma and it's disguised as Bella Veta ...giggles... we all know how much she enjoys disguises.
He didn't announce his retirement prior to the Anthony case. He announced his retirement after the Casey Anthony Case. He had planned to retire after 30 years. I think Baez is the one who saw a cash cow. I guess one out of two is better than nothing.

Well, he's got a cow...too bad that cash thing doesn't seem to be working out.

How would he have known, win or lose, this case would be a cash cow for his retirement? It was called "the trial of the century"; I think even Jeff Ashton realized that post verdict he would be able to make money off the trial.

True, during the trial, the SA didn't hold press conferences, go on GR, NG and other media outlets, but since he announced his intent to write the book, and since it's been published, Jeff Ashton has sure made up for lost time.

And more power to him. :clap:
From JA's FB page:
"There have been questions about Mason's motion to have me held in contempt. Fear not my friends just another desperate attempt by Mason to get noticed and throw some mud. My actions as always were above reproach. Rita and I are taking the kids on a trip after christmas. Have a happy holiday everyone. Stay tuned for big news after the new year , See you then"
Okay...we have to wait some more??!! Don't these people know that I have a problem with patience??!!
Wonder if it could be as simple as announcing the wouldn't be that, would it?

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