Defense wants prosecutor Jeff Ashton held in contempt

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Oh CM is prolly just grumpy because he's realized he has to share his turkey dinner with the felon ;)

Mewwy Chwistmas Mr. Mason!

ORRRRRR, his wife informed him that they can't have their traditional Christmas feast because "someone" wants mommy's homemade chili. lol
So FCA is probably still crashing at Dottie Simms multi-million dollar estate. Could you imagine having a beautiful property worth tens of millions, and you had to let that soulless houseguest stay there as well. ha ha ha ... I love it. Merry Christmas Dottie.
Ashton has been accused of serious ethics violations in the past. Perry's been protecting CA for too long. It's time to find the truth, Baez would be proud.

Why didn't the prosecution present any evidence on how George keeps some duct tape in the garage (henkel) and some duct tape in his sheds. It's clear that since the collective IQ of the jury amounts to a figure in the high SINGLE digits, information feeding of this kind would be required.

Does anyone recall when / where the location of the tape was introduced? Otherwise there's a serious issue with access.

Happy Holiday Weekend, Gems!
The <G>
Ashton has been accused of serious ethics violations in the past. Perry's been protecting CA for too long. It's time to find the truth, Baez would be proud.

Why didn't the prosecution present any evidence on how George keeps some duct tape in the garage (henkel) and some duct tape in his sheds. It's clear that since the collective IQ of the jury amounts to a figure in the high SINGLE digits, information feeding of this kind would be required.

Does anyone recall when / where the location of the tape was introduced? Otherwise there's a serious issue with access.

Happy Holiday Weekend, Gems!
The <G>
Have you searched through the duct tape threads?
Relax your brain, my friend. Time to kick back and enjoy the holidays.
Ashton has been accused of serious ethics violations in the past. Perry's been protecting CA for too long. It's time to find the truth, Baez would be proud.

Why didn't the prosecution present any evidence on how George keeps some duct tape in the garage (henkel) and some duct tape in his sheds. It's clear that since the collective IQ of the jury amounts to a figure in the high SINGLE digits, information feeding of this kind would be required.

Does anyone recall when / where the location of the tape was introduced? Otherwise there's a serious issue with access.

Happy Holiday Weekend, Gems!
The <G>

I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable? I keep duct tape in my garage, in my kitchen, in my laundry room, and if I had a shed... I would probably have some in there too. I am a woman by the way! I can only imagine how much duct tape a man would have in a home? Men love stuff like that.

And I don't recall George Anthony being on trial? Why would the prosecution have to submit any evidence about George? The defense was the one throwing out all these allegations against George and did nothing to back it up with evidence. Yet, the jury took the defenses word for it even though George was not even the one on trial?
Ashton has been accused of serious ethics violations in the past. Perry's been protecting CA for too long. It's time to find the truth, Baez would be proud.

Why didn't the prosecution present any evidence on how George keeps some duct tape in the garage (henkel) and some duct tape in his sheds. It's clear that since the collective IQ of the jury amounts to a figure in the high SINGLE digits, information feeding of this kind would be required.

Does anyone recall when / where the location of the tape was introduced? Otherwise there's a serious issue with access.

Happy Holiday Weekend, Gems!
The <G>

I hope you have a link for those "serious" ethics violations. This is the first I have ever heard of it. Are you confusing Ashton with JB?????? If not I hope you have something to back this up... jmo
I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable? I keep duct tape in my garage, in my kitchen, in my laundry room, and if I had a shed... I would probably have some in there too. I am a woman by the way! I can only imagine how much duct tape a man would have in a home? Men love stuff like that.

And I don't recall George Anthony being on trial? Why would the prosecution have to submit any evidence about George? The defense was the one throwing out all these allegations against George and did nothing to back it up with evidence. Yet, the jury took the defenses word for it even though George was not even the one on trial?
I'm with you LolaMoon.. I have several types and colors of duct tape all over the property I live on.. In the kitchen, in the garage, the pump house/laundry room, the shop and in one of the sheds out back. If I remember right, there is probably a roll of it in a drawer out on the deck as well.. Should I be worried? Just for the sake of acquiring information, perhaps I should ask my son-in-law or his Dad how many rolls of duct tape they have!

The whole "follow the tape" thing is pointless. The tape was available to everyone in the Anthony household, INCLUDING OCA. SHE is the one who was on trial, not George, not Cindy and not Lee...

ETA: Isn't the subject of the tape off topic for this thread anyway? I thought this thread was about Cheney Mason and his young sidekick trying to stir up trouble for Mr. Ashton with their sour grapes complaint... IMO, Mason and his sidekick are peeved because Imperfect Justice was released long before Mason could get his "book" written.. IF he has a "book" that is...
I think CM cannot find a publisher.
Just waiting for my boy to go to sleep so Santa can come.
I hope you have a link for those "serious" ethics violations. This is the first I have ever heard of it. Are you confusing Ashton with JB?????? If not I hope you have something to back this up... jmo

Yes, they are quite serious - I even have a video link of Ashton in Orlando Court Room 8-A, on the witness stand, denying he paid a witness 3k to point out his guy... he claims it is Brady material. Will send. Merry, Merry ones... sleep well!
Yes, they are quite serious - I even have a video link of Ashton in Orlando Court Room 8-A, on the witness stand, denying he paid a witness 3k to point out his guy... he claims it is Brady material. Will send. Merry, Merry ones... sleep well!

Here is the summary of the case. Ashton had a good response and a valid reason but Perry ruled against him.

The next morning, Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton, who was then prosecuting Defendant's case in Jacksonville, spoke with Mr. Ausley via telephone. &#8194; After his conversation with Mr. Ausley, Mr. Ashton determined that Mr. Ausley's name had been given to Defendant in lead sheet 302, Mr. Ausley's statement did not support what he believed the defense's theory of the case would be, and Mr. Ausley's statement was of little value. &#8194; Mr. Ashton decided not to disclose the tape recorded statement or the information contained therein to Defendant. &#8194; Mr. Ashton attended trial that day and did not disclose the fact that he had been contacted by Mr. Ausley to the Court or to the defense counsel. &#8194; The trial concluded that same week.

At some point after Defendant's trial and sentencing, Mr. Ausley contacted Tyrone King, co-counsel for Defendant. &#8194; Mr. Ausley advised Mr. King of his meeting with the members of the State Attorney's Office and the substance of his February 1, 1999, tape recorded statement.

In a detailed written order, the trial court found that the State violated the dictates of Brady and granted Huggins a new trial. &#8194; The State appeals this ruling, contending that there is insufficient evidence to support the trial court's ruling.

Garjonka's video reference
Ashton has been accused of serious ethics violations in the past. Perry's been protecting CA for too long. It's time to find the truth, Baez would be proud.

Why didn't the prosecution present any evidence on how George keeps some duct tape in the garage (henkel) and some duct tape in his sheds. It's clear that since the collective IQ of the jury amounts to a figure in the high SINGLE digits, information feeding of this kind would be required.

Does anyone recall when / where the location of the tape was introduced? Otherwise there's a serious issue with access.

Happy Holiday Weekend, Gems!
The <G>

Maybe in the past, but in this trial??
Look, we are all still reeling from this. And I can tell, IMO, from JA"s voice ( inflections,tones,sighs) that he is still in shock.
HHJP did what he felt he needed to do to prevent a mistrial. I do see that as catering to the defense It may have looked that way if the defense had more issues to be resolved, In yhis case though---- my money is on ashton


Topic: Defense wants prosecutor Jeff Ashton held in contempt

Oh I LOVE this!!! That's great Harmony!!! :floorlaugh:
As it did July 5, 2011.


If that is what you call the "truth"...I got nothin.

RIP Caylee Marie Anthony. Merry Christmas little Angel!
Ashton has been accused of serious ethics violations in the past. Perry's been protecting CA for too long. It's time to find the truth, Baez would be proud.

Why didn't the prosecution present any evidence on how George keeps some duct tape in the garage (henkel) and some duct tape in his sheds. It's clear that since the collective IQ of the jury amounts to a figure in the high SINGLE digits, information feeding of this kind would be required.

Does anyone recall when / where the location of the tape was introduced? Otherwise there's a serious issue with access.

Happy Holiday Weekend, Gems!
The <G>

Hope you have a good one. We KNOW who used the duct tape though! ;)
My post is all messed up and on top of it, I just saw Harmony's cute picture. Sorry. Back on topic.

Mason has SOME nerve. :innocent: Can't wait to see this argued and Jeff back in action. Sometimes, you really should be careful what you wish for.

Merry Christmas to all! Especially to little Caylee. :heartbeat:
I bet JA is tickled. I bet this is one of the things he asked santa for -- "please please santa, let the DT *advertiser censored** with me...please..."

This entire saga i see as Wolfmom's continuing comment - God is not finished yet!
All I can say is I hope Perry is done bending over backward in favor of the defense. If he in fact told Ashton he could write based on memory and notes, he better own that when time comes to rule on this Motion. It has been given far too much already.

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