Dellen Millard: Innocent Dupe? Alternative Theories

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Can we discuss the satan link here as an alternate theory that sillybilly and others have been discussing?
Can we discuss the satan link here as an alternate theory that sillybilly and others have been discussing?

Not really canadiangirl, (or you can bet yer bippy we'd have done so, more than we have, by now ;)). We can't bring peeps in that aren't named in the MSM or have it on the board and considered sleuthing of innocents. And it could be nothing, but more info is needed, and that may or may not happen.

For now, it's frustrating, but them's the rulz.
Not really canadiangirl, (or you can bet yer bippy we'd have done so, more than we have, by now ;)). We can't bring peeps in that aren't named in the MSM or have it on the board and considered sleuthing of innocents. And it could be nothing, but more info is needed, and that may or may not happen.

For now, it's frustrating, but them's the rulz.
Darn I tried but didn't realize sleuthing of innocents was involved. Sorry
As a "reader" with no more information than LE has given us, it is hard to prove anything without knowing the scientific findings. IMO

As far as "duping" or "alternate theories go", IMO, if it is a chop shop, there is a much larger circle involved. I doubt one mechanic does it all. So there are IMO a number of connected rats out there hiding.

So, these are just some things to think about in terms of additional theories. IMO

This is a plausible theory to me and one that I have mulled over as well. Perhaps through the construction of the new facility or contracts over the years the business or some family members may have had to deal with organized crime or on a smaller scale through purchasing drugs there was a crossover with some type of gang. DM allows use of the hanger for illegal activity such as a chop shop, the farm as an out of the way drop off place and laundering cash through real estate deals because he is in over his head. Things get out of control, he has no way to cope and he is fearful for his life (perhaps WM was as well), he starts to become an accomplice in petty crimes to appease his tormentors and to prove that he is not a snitch. He is fearful to go to the police. He may have been an accomplice in stealing the vehicle but did not anticipate a murder. He keeps quiet in prison and has extra security
because he is a marked man. Too far-fetched perhaps
This is a plausible theory to me and one that I have mulled over as well. Perhaps through the construction of the new facility or contracts over the years the business or some family members may have had to deal with organized crime or on a smaller scale through purchasing drugs there was a crossover with some type of gang. DM allows use of the hanger for illegal activity such as a chop shop, the farm as an out of the way drop off place and laundering cash through real estate deals because he is in over his head. Things get out of control, he has no way to cope and he is fearful for his life (perhaps WM was as well), he starts to become an accomplice in petty crimes to appease his tormentors and to prove that he is not a snitch. He is fearful to go to the police. He may have been an accomplice in stealing the vehicle but did not anticipate a murder. He keeps quiet in prison and has extra security
because he is a marked man. Too far-fetched perhaps

Seems very far fetched but this is totally what I've been thinking all along, and just today i started thinking about that curious extra security to boot. It's a total movie, I know, and its crazy, but crazier things have happened. I can't shake the feeling DM was just trying to play the cool guy with the wrong people for too long. And he may also have been targeted because he can fly a plane.
Snoofo, I couldn't agree more about the hanging around the wrong people. I think that MS is just a small time hood but there are bigger people/organization behind this. It likely wasn't ever supposed to end up in murder. Who knows?.
For what it's worth, I think TB would have resisted 110%, unless he had no opportunity to do so. Sitting in a vehicle is a very vulnerable position. Where I come from even the Gangs had a name for a hit in a car.....a "oneway"
For what it's worth, I think TB would have resisted 110%, unless he had no opportunity to do so. Sitting in a vehicle is a very vulnerable position. Where I come from even the Gangs had a name for a hit in a car.....a "oneway"

Good point, TB had everything to live for and had worked hard for his possessions.
and that's what makes this case so incredibly senseless and frustrating, that they killed TB at all. All I can ask is "why".

Maybe he jumped back in the truck to try and get AWAY from DM and MS...

I agree. The senselessness and the tragedy of it all is what brought me to this site.
Bump. At WS's there is a voice and thread for every opinion. Perhaps those of you who think that DM was set up or duped could post here? Maybe some (or one) of the other threads could be allowed to pursue a different vein of thought?

We could start a thread: Dellen Millard: Maybe They Arrested The Right Guy
I believe until the case is tried, it is important to consider other possibilities, because if he was duped, another crazy murderer might be on the loose. That would be good for no one!
I believe until the case is tried, it is important to consider other possibilities, because if he was duped, another crazy murderer might be on the loose. That would be good for no one!

Yes exactly...and not just that...there would be no justice for TB and also an innocent man/men could be imprisoned for a very long time..... where would be the justice in that IMO
I believe until the case is tried, it is important to consider other possibilities, because if he was duped, another crazy murderer might be on the loose. That would be good for no one!

But we can't just float these generalized theories without facts/evidence and specific individuals that those facts/evidence point towards.

But we can't just float these generalized theories without facts/evidence and specific individuals that those facts/evidence point towards.


Of course it is understood that facts and evidence that may point to specific individuals that are not charged with a crime are not within the realm of allowable sleuthing here. That's a very good rule and one certainly designed to prevent suspicion falling on innocents or victims of crime. In a case like this one, though, where almost no "facts/evidence" have been provided, it also has inherent restrictions. Consequently some posters try, in the most broad and general sort of way, to crytically suggest anomalies or inconsistencies that could suggest a path or a person worth looking at more closely but without naming anybody. MOO
Of course it is understood that lines of inquiry, facts, even evidence that may point to specific individuals is not within the realm of allowable sleuthing here unless formal charges are in effect against the person named. That's a very good rule and one certainly designed to prevent suspicion falling on innocents or victims of crime. In a case like this one, though, well almost no "facts/evidence" have been provided, it's also has inherent restrictions. Consequently some posters try, in the most broadly general sort of way, to suggest anomalies or inconsistencies that could suggest a path or a person worth looking at more closely as we try to determine if there may be other participants in this awful murder. MOO

Say what???
Say what???

LOL. Give me a break. I'm in BC. It's incredibly HOT here, and I think part of my brain - the sentance creating part - may be melting.

Went back and edited. Does it make sense now? I can no longer tell. :banghead:
Well if DM was duped, how would that work? DP has not said LE has the wrong guy. DP says there is a story, and that his client is 100% not guilty.

I think it is safe to assume that DM and MS were indeed the two that showed up at TB's home for a test drive. Prints will put them in TB's truck and again, neither DM's chatty lawyer nor MS's has tried the "got the wrong guy" line.

So what happened that makes DM "100% not guilty", as DP says? DM and MS take the test drive, ask TB to drop them off at the Yukon, and go on their separate ways? Some other evil monster carjacks and murders TB, and then takes TB's body to DM's farm and TB's truck (eventually) to DM's mother's Kleinburg home? WHY???

I want to hear a realistic and complete alternative story that fits with what we know but absolves DM of any guilt, starting with DM and MS's visit to the Bosmas. Explain away all the evidence in a realistic, non fantastical manner. I don't think it can be done.
Well if DM was duped, how would that work? DP has not said LE has the wrong guy. DP says there is a story, and that his client is 100% not guilty.

I think it is safe to assume that DM and MS were indeed the two that showed up at TB's home for a test drive. Prints will put them in TB's truck and again, neither DM's chatty lawyer nor MS's has tried the "got the wrong guy" line.

So what happened that makes DM "100% not guilty", as DP says? DM and MS take the test drive, ask TB to drop them off at the Yukon, and go on their separate ways? Some other evil monster carjacks and murders TB, and then takes TB's body to DM's farm and TB's truck (eventually) to DM's mother's Kleinburg home? WHY???

I want to hear a realistic and complete alternative story that fits with what we know but absolves DM of any guilt, starting with DM and MS's visit to the Bosmas. Explain away all the evidence in a realistic, non fantastical manner. I don't think it can be done.

I think by saying he is 100% not guilty we can safely say that he means 'they have got the wrong guy' JMO We have no idea whether the Yukon is involved do we ? Didn't LE say it was a dark coloured SUV?

As for a realistic alternative story....would anyone believe one if it were posted ??? JMO

How about this... DM has a doppelganger who has been living DM's life now for a few years. The real DM is already out of the way either murdered or living on an island somewhere having been forced to forsake his fortune in favour of the doppelganger who sneakily put his own DNA on a genebase 5 years ago. This newstyled DM has been set up by those who put him in DM's life and who now want the money. They have already bumped off MB and have installed another woman who looks like her and who will now pass the funds and properties over to them.

I actually believe there is someone who bears a good likeness to DM....
sounds whacky doesn't it ? Anythings possible !!!! JMO
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