Dellen Millard: Innocent Dupe? Alternative Theories

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Okay I have a new IMO framing theory:

Former employee JB finds out MRO won't be happening, shoots WM, fears DM knows, wants DM silenced but doesn't want to murder him, so first blackmails him, then frames him. He would have keys, access, know the facilities, had purchasing privileges...

Why he chose TB and the truck fiasco, I haven't clued into.

Not to forget another person previously mentioned as in ("?" and effect?)
Then in that case, there are at least three avenues that possibly might bear exploring further although each is as different from the other as can be but all of which are worth tucking under the hat for later consideration imo.

1. Given that we understand major contracts were in hand, or all but so, before the sudden death of WM, for the new MillardAir enterprise, including Boeing and other such major military and commercial contractors, would sleuthing reveal any administration level MillardAire personnel with their own personal connections to such powerful entities? Are there ways in which the removal of MillardAir's chief executive and the defanging of his irksome son might be effected - in the first case because prompt intervention was necessary and in the second because although he seems non-threatening enough, you never know if the youngster could assemble a crew with sufficient expertise to carry on. (What IS the disposition of MillardAir's significant assets?)

2. Still on the MillardAir competition riff, has anyone checked the ownership and principal's background of any other businesses located near the Ancaster Fairgrounds or otherwise near the location where we understand TB was last known to have been that night? Just on the lookout for co-incidences, of course, say anybody else who may be somehow linked to the family. <modsnip> Has this person inserted himself into the story at any point (as in being quoted by MSM)

3. Then, of course, there's that odd posting from somebody in Tillsonburg trying to find a birth father with the name WM. So far as I can tell this is the only post the individual in question has ever made which is odd, in itself, because this genealogical website is quite expensive and, I believe, you have to be a member to post. (At least I hope so. I spend an inordinate amount of time on and I'd hate to find out about freebie posts.) There have been earlier posts about the potential for an abandoned illegitimate son's treachery having played a role here. Anything else down that road?

That's it for now, but there are many more.<modsnip>
I can only answer to question #2. Just once that I know of.
And how exactly do you understand this? It hasn't been reported anywhere.

All that has been said is that WM (and partners) invested 6-8 million$ in building a hangar and received various permits from Transport Canada.

Boeing and the military have not been mentioned anywhere, according to Google.

Please provide your source <modsnip>.

"According to Canadian Skies, Millardair planned to maintain Boeing 737s and progress to Airbus A320s and Boeing 757s. It was to be the ambitious start of bigger things to come for that corner of the airport. Wood hoped to further expand airport activity by seeking a fleet of corporate aircraft to set up nearby.

The Millardair hangar was declared fit for occupancy in February 2012, built by Aveiro Constructors of Dorchester. It’s not clear if any jetliner work was ever done there.

Transport Canada did not approve maintenance work until months later on Nov. 1, 2012. The federal certificate allowed the firm to perform maintenance on aircraft components such as engines.

Wayne Millard died in late 2012, leaving Dellen to take over the aviation business. The company soon asked Transport Canada to cancel its maintenance certificate, effective last Feb. 15. “The company requested that their certificate be cancelled following their decision to cease operations,” spokesperson Tina Morris said."

He (Wood) said the airport is not that far off from the financial break-even point, and there are plans in the works to make the facility bigger and better. Three new hangars have gone up in the past year, for Millard Air, IP Aviation and Waterloo Aviation. Millard Air owns the largest of them, a 50,000-square-foot facility at the northwest corner of the airport. Company president Wayne Millard told Canadian Skies that after its lease expired at Toronto’s Pearson Airport, the company looked around for a new home and landed in Waterloo.

“Geographically, the airport is well situated because it’s close to Toronto,” said Millard. “Also, we chose to come here because it’s nice to deal with an airport authority that understands aviation operations. Chris Wood looks at things through the eyes of an operator as well as those of an airport manager.”

Millard Air will employ 40 to 90 people and will provide heavy aircraft maintenance, beginning with Boeing 737s and eventually progressing to Airbus A320s and Boeing 757s. The company is awaiting its AMO (approved maintenance organization) certification from Transport Canada, but Millard hopes to be up and running by the beginning of November."

Actually, there are many, many such references to MillardAir's pending contracts on the web and, of course, these are also among the international corporations which the "old" MillardAir had long established relationships. Hopefully I need not also find links to Boeing government deals in order to provide a better understanding of my reference to "military and commercial" contracts.

Originally Posted by Carli

1. Given that we understand major contracts were in hand, or all but so, before the sudden death of WM, for the new MillardAir enterprise, including Boeing and other such major military and commercial contractors...

Your original quote shown says Millardair had a contract with Boeing Corp. What you have bolded above says merely that Millardair planned to service Boeing planes that could belong to anyone. The fact that a company wishes to service one airline's or one person's Boeing does not mean that it has a contract in hand with Boeing.

Everything above is also all in the planning stage. The employees were not yet hired and we have no idea if this venture would turn out to be a profitable future business or a flop.

And I would also point out that there is no reference to any military contract.

Finally while Millardair may have been a reasonably sized aviation business, it peaked in the 70s. Its most recent phone number is Wayne Millard's house. Not too many people run a major aviation company from their home.
I can only answer to question #2. Just once that I know of.

Yes, that's the one but more than once, I think (although it may have just been the same comments about DM as reported by various media. An unusual co-incidence to find business residence and residence so closely ghosting locations at play in this tragedy. I wonder if, given his business background and interests, this person may have known WM. The only way that could be known, I suppose, is WM's long estranged wife and widow (assuming she knew of it) were to convey that information to LE for some reason but that seems highly improbable.
Your original quote shown says Millardair had a contract with Boeing Corp. What you have bolded above says merely that Millardair planned to service Boeing planes that could belong to anyone. The fact that a company wishes to service one airline's or one person's Boeing does not mean that it has a contract in hand with Boeing.

Everything above is also all in the planning stage. The employees were not yet hired and we have no idea if this venture would turn out to be a profitable future business or a flop.

And I would also point out that there is no reference to any military contract.

Finally while Millardair may have been a reasonably sized aviation business, it peaked in the 70s. Its most recent phone number is Wayne Millard's house. Not too many people run a major aviation company from their home.

Westjet flies out of Waterloo and their main planes are 737's. So they may have planned/hoped to start with them?
Your original quote shown says Millardair had a contract with Boeing Corp. What you have bolded above says merely that Millardair planned to service Boeing planes that could belong to anyone. The fact that a company wishes to service one airline's or one person's Boeing does not mean that it has a contract in hand with Boeing.

Everything above is also all in the planning stage. The employees were not yet hired and we have no idea if this venture would turn out to be a profitable future business or a flop.

And I would also point out that there is no reference to any military contract.

Finally while Millardair may have been a reasonably sized aviation business, it peaked in the 70s. Its most recent phone number is Wayne Millard's house. Not too many people run a major aviation business from their home.

Hating to quote myself but I believe I actually said "1. Given that we understand major contracts were in hand, or all but so, before the sudden death of WM, for the new MillardAir enterprise, including Boeing and other such major military and commercial contractors...."

I certainly stand to be corrected on this but are you saying that WM was running MillardAir from his residence BEFORE his death? I was unaware of that. There seem to have been several employees around as now listed on LinkedIn but then again, apparently you know otherwise, perhaps they're all lying, and anyway I'm not particularly interested in checking it out.

I personally thought I read somewhere that the new business venture had already hired 90-100 people?
Off to google
I stand corrected with PLANS to employ 90 people. However many on their LinkedIN profile state they were working for the company. Hmmmm
Conspiracies of this sort are rare, and difficult to argue, because inevitably there are simpler explanations for events and actions that took place. At the outset, perhaps, there was a smidgen of a possibility that DM was framed or used but this will not fly now with the 'Dexter' type of connections cropping up and new horrific details emerging. SB made the point during the funeral to point out the two guys were smiling at her. If she identifies DM as one of the guys who jumped into the truck with Tim, it's curtains for the defense. There just isn't a way in the world that any sane juror would buy a consipracy theory over her word. I think, anyhow.


I don't buy any of the conspiracies theories so far, BUT:

If i was DMs attourney here is how i would frame the defence's alternate theory. I would argue that DM went for a test drive with his buddies because they wanted to buy the same/similar truck to what he owned, so they could work on their cars together, etc. The "smiling at Tims wife" could actually play up this argument by trying to show that DM went there with no ill intentions and that his buddies just went "mental" AFTER they were in the car, on the test drive. He could further argue that his "so called friends" threatened him (DM) and his family if he said anything about the murder.

DM would then testify that he knew these guys were invovled in gang/drug dealing activity and was truly scared for his life in the days after Tim's dissappearance. He can even admit to buying/dealing some drugs here to re-enforce this argument. The fact that MS has a criminal record and suspect #3 is probably no saint will also help.

Depending on what is released during "disclosure" by police to the defence team, they can craft a story around how the remains could have ended up on DMs farm and the truck in his mothers driveway. He could say that MS and suspect #3 have been to his farm in Ayr and knew where to dump remains. For the truck, he can say they forced him to hide it in his trailer and he did so under duress.

Reinforce this theory with character witnesses and blabbing on about what a nice boy DM was growing up with no evil bone in his body, etc. Talk about how he had millions of dollars at his disposal and didn't need to steal a truck. Pointing more towards the other suspects who would have wanted/needed the vehicle. Then he would hope to plea down to: "accessory after the fact, possession of stolen property, etc." and get out in a few years.

P.S. I don't buy what i just wrote personally due to overwhelming circumstancial evidence but to me this is the ONLY chance at a defence (outside of insanity plea).

In reality, i bet suspect #2 and/or #3 roll over on DM the moment they realize that he is throwing them under the bus and their $ can't afford the defense team like DMs. In the end they all end up serving life!
I stand corrected with PLANS to employ 90 people. However many on their LinkedIN profile state they were working for the company. Hmmmm

I think a handful of execs were definitely working at the company getting things set up, but the worker bees had yet to be hired.
Hating to quote myself but I believe I actually said "1. Given that we understand major contracts were in hand, or all but so, before the sudden death of WM, for the new MillardAir enterprise, including Boeing and other such major military and commercial contractors...."

I certainly stand to be corrected on this but are you saying that WM was running MillardAir from his residence BEFORE his death? I was unaware of that. There seem to have been several employees around as now listed on LinkedIn but then again, apparently you know otherwise, perhaps they're all lying, and anyway I'm not particularly interested in checking it out.


Phone number for Millardair

Yes, that's the one but more than once, I think (although it may have just been the same comments about DM as reported by various media. An unusual co-incidence to find business residence and residence so closely ghosting locations at play in this tragedy. I wonder if, given his business background and interests, this person may have known WM. The only way that could be known, I suppose, is WM's long estranged wife and widow (assuming she knew of it) were to convey that information to LE for some reason but that seems highly improbable.
Yep I'm with you on that one, been wondering the same thing since Mother's Day!
The Millardair hangar was declared fit for occupancy in February 2012, built by Aveiro Constructors of Dorchester. It&#8217;s not clear if any jetliner work was ever done there.

Transport Canada did not approve maintenance work until months later on Nov. 1, 2012. The federal certificate allowed the firm to perform maintenance on aircraft components such as engines.

Wayne Millard died in late 2012, leaving Dellen to take over the aviation business. The company soon asked Transport Canada to cancel its maintenance certificate, effective last Feb. 15. &#8220;The company requested that their certificate be cancelled following their decision to cease operations,&#8221; spokesperson Tina Morris said.

WM died about or on Nov 29/12.

No indication of the source of that 6 to 8 mil spent building the hangars in the relatively short period before his sudden death and not sure if it matters either.

No indication of the source of that 6 to 8 mil spent building the hangars in the relatively short period before his sudden death and not sure if it matters either.

WATERLOO REGION &#8212; The massive red-roofed hangar costing $6 million was supposed to bring 90 jobs and a new industry to an airport that&#8217;s keen to expand.

Instead it brought homicide detectives, yellow police tape and many questions amid the stunning collapse of an ambitious business plan.

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More on the hanger

23 MARCH 2013
Large hangar available at Waterloo
By R A. K

I am trying to get the word out about the availability of our hangar at Kitchener/Waterloo Airport (CYKF) within the aviation community.

You might know the history behind the Millard family and how they have contributed to Canadian aviation.

The latest venture was an MRO to service Boeing 737s and Airbus A320s at Waterloo.

Unfortunately just as the MRO was getting started, the president Wayne Millard passed away and the family decided to shut down the MRO.

That has left the family with a very large hangar and we are looking for tenants.

Ideally it is best suited for an MRO and/or airline, we are open to referrals and ideas.

R A. K
Vice President of Operations
Millard Properties Ltd/Millardair Inc.
416-*advertiser censored*-xxxx

That number seems to be personal number. Maybe until the plans were finalized, the business end of things was run on cell phones and out of WM house, while the equipment and such was at the hanger.
How many more condos and houses has DM bought with cash/sold for $1 in the past that we don't know about?
Maybe that side of all this is just the money laundering side of a drug business.

It's a possibility that the $1 transfer to his mom was for tax/business-related purposes. If the house is in his name and he owns a business, they can go after it if something happens with the business.
I don't think he'd "allow" it. It is possible he was unaware that it was all put on his properties. Since he has so many, he may not have noticed things (truck, body, etc) on properties that he doesn't frequently visit.

OR DM thought that being from an aviation dynasty family would keep speculation from him IMO. He may have thought along the same lines as alot of you are, he has money, why would anyone suspect him of stealing a truck and murdering anyone?? Why would he be suspected at all?? He may have felt comfortable hiding evidence on his properties (if he did) b/c maybe he did it before and got away with it IMO.
IMO His opinion may have changed after the tattoo info was released, and IMO that is when he moved the truck. IMO maybe DM thought that a connection between him and his mom would not be easy to find, or maybe he had someone who was suppose to pick up the trailer from her house IMO, that didn't for some reason.

I agree entirely that the way all the evidence just seemed to be available for the taking on DM's various properties may seem "too easy" for LE to come by, but instead of it being a frame job, IMO DM may have just been a cocky, entitled young man who thought he was "above" the law (and speculation)in some way because of his family name and the money he seems to have.

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