Deposition Questions that could be telling for the Anthony's

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Respectfully....This is the only ZG that was at the Sawgrass Apartments during the time frame that Caylee went missing and KC said that she left Caylee with ZG at the Sawgrass Apartments ---- Find another ZG that fits that info
I agree... I remember it that way also. Furthermore, KC set this up to make it sound like a ZG kidnapped Caylee and if they dont find her thats who LE should look go after. ZG's name is so rare. KC was at the apartments when ZG made application to live there and went through the apts. Also, KC said ZG came from NY and thats where this ZG came from. Too much similarity for me to be comfortable. I keep asking myself why would the A's care about ZG when it obvious they dont respect Caylees memory. Morgan drill them!
I've tried to watch this but I keep getting a "connection error message",
anyone else?
If you go to Fox Orlando, it is the video that is to the side of the story "Anthonys bring camera to depositions". Hope that helps.
Wow. Another BOMBSHELL.:waitasec:

Well, the more I get to hear about the A's, the more I think they have to hide.

What happened George? Have you forgotten your granddaughter so quickly?

And here is something else that bothers me. Not a rant, just an observation. Here is Ms. Gonzalez, who is, through her actions, teaching her children a lesson. Actions have consequences. Stand up for your good name.
On the other side of this coin, you have George Anthony, who insists on portraying himself as some hero for missing children and their families, who apparently can't or won't speak the truth to clear an innocent woman...
ok, maybe half rant, half observation...
I wonder if there is an interview out there that conflicts with his answer ?

bc has kept them pretty much on the down low since the body was probably not.....but it was probably one of the questions they were "practicing" on....
OMG - just rewatched CA walking into the building - would like to slap that smug look off her face.

Why are you smirking Cindy, when your beautiful granddaughter is lifeless because of what your daughter did to her?

Is your life better now that you are a "celebrity"?

Did you forget what led you to this place?

Where is Caylee's justice?

Where is her knight in Shining armor?

Where are the grandparents that claimed to love her so very much?

Don't you want her murderer to pay for taking her life?
I'm so happy to hear that, I was afraid they would be suppressed.
Can't wait to hear what they say about their little :princess:daughter.

Their little "lady".:mad:
Do you think she took the video camera so when they go to trial, they will remember to keep their lies straight?
I think they want the only video,
correct me if im wrong but i thought i read anthony's said morgan could not video their depo,i swear i read that was a condition ,if im wrong forgive me ,but if this wasent agreed to, then im taking too many meds.
Let's have pizza! :crazy:

I just sent my hubby out to Sam's for their yummy pizza.....
he can cook it later while I watch "the show". can't wait
I think they want the only video,
correct me if im wrong but i thought i read anthony's said morgan could not video their depo,i swear i read that was a condition ,if im wrong forgive me ,but if this wasent agreed to, then im taking too many meds.

Well that's what I thought I had read also, but since I went back to look for it, I haven't been able to find it to link to.

ETA: Well, I was wrong!

Part 1 of George's deposition VIDEO is on Morgan's website:
I think they want the only video,
correct me if im wrong but i thought i read anthony's said morgan could not video their depo,i swear i read that was a condition ,if im wrong forgive me ,but if this wasent agreed to, then im taking too many meds.

I thought they didn't want the media there videoing, that's the norm for most civil depos. But, then I also heard they did not want any videos released, then someone here said they were coming out at 5:00 today.
Have I confused anyone? :crazy::crazy:
Lawyers began questioning Cindy Anthony under oath around 1: 30 p.m.

George Anthony finished shortly before 12:30 p.m.

Attorney John Morgan said George Anthony responded to a lot questions but refused to answer some, including details about an incident when Casey Anthony kept him from looking into the trunk of her car and a conversation he had about the ladder on the side of their pool.

He plans to request the judge to force George Anthony to answer those questions, Morgan said.,0,6179979.story
Good he needs to because if he doesnt stop it now ZG will be bashed again at trial and appeal (if its the case) or if KC gets off. Morgan needs to stop this pointing at others and also protect JG and his family from anything being pointed at them. If I was ZG I would be furious how this anthony family has cost alot of anguish and money to people that were not involved.
OMG - just rewatched CA walking into the building - would like to slap that smug look off her face.

Why are you smirking Cindy, when your beautiful granddaughter is lifeless because of what your daughter did to her?

Is your life better now that you are a "celebrity"?

Did you forget what led you to this place?

Where is Caylee's justice?

Where is her knight in Shining armor?

Where are the grandparents that claimed to love her so very much?

Don't you want her murderer to pay for taking her life?

She has aged 20 years, her face is all sunken.....waaay too frail.
Give me a flippin break! The PI's that videotaped the search in the woods were hired BY THEM!!! As well as one of the PI's said durig a deposition was that if he had to guess he would guess LA was on the cell!


My last glimmer of hope for someone from that family to step up to the plate has been completely shattered by GA. I could choke on my own bile right now!

UPDATED....uhm hello George? Maybe this will jog your memory?
I thought the same thing so I'm not getting overly excited about the alleged release of the videos of the depos.

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