Deposition Questions that could be telling for the Anthony's

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My fingers are still crossed. I keep thinking they won't show up, or just show up to say they're saying nothing.

I just can't see them saying anything of value.

Especially not cindy. Does anyone know who's going first at 9:30am? G or C?
I belive they were referring to JG and his family. Maybe also AH based on what CA and GA told the FBI in their taped interviews.

LOL---Yup-----bet they were "watching" the "G's". Can't wait to hear GA say the words.
I thought they were too fragile. Didn't Brad Conway speak to their conditions?
"George, as you know has attempted suicide. Cindy has not...yet."
So, is George still under a physician's care? Was he ever after he left the hospital?
Good questions Lancelot...I could have sworn, that it was reported, that he was going to go to outpatient counseling. I wonder if Cindy convinced him that he doesn't need it. Afer all counseling might interfere with the dysfunctional family life that they have worked so hard to keep intact.
Good questions Lancelot...I could have sworn, that it was reported, that he was going to go to outpatient counseling. I wonder if Cindy convinced him that he doesn't need it. Afer all counseling might interfere with the dysfunctional family life that they have worked so hard to keep intact.

Yeah. That was the third story...then apparently, they could not find a facility close to their ORLANDO. :eek:
Was it all a big lie?

I can't recall if I have posted this before, so if I have, please overlook. Did Morgan ask Lee what sort of business Universal Ventures was?
I would ask Cindy and George why, if they never met the nanny, never talked to the nanny on the phone, never saw a picture of the nanny and Caylee never talked about the nanny, did they believe KC, who had a history of lying and thievery, that the nanny was babysitting Caylee? I would also ask both Cindy and George why they would entrust their only granddaughter, who they professed to love very much, to the care of someone they had not personally had any contact with and if they felt that in not doing so they were negligent in not providing for Caylee's safety and well-being?
I would ask Cindy and George why, if they never met the nanny, never talked to the nanny on the phone, never saw a picture of the nanny and Caylee never talked about the nanny, did they believe KC, who had a history of lying and thievery, that the nanny was babysitting Caylee? I would also ask both Cindy and George why they would entrust their only granddaughter, who they professed to love very much, to the care of someone they had not personally had any contact with and if they felt that in not doing so they were negligent in not providing for Caylee's safety and well-being?

My sister's grandkids live on the west coast - she's in NY state - and she has met their care providers and has investigated them.

Casey Anthony's parent, George and Cindy Anthony, will be deposed in the civil case against their daughter by lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez Thursday.
The depositions will take place in the morning.

I forgot about this!

Will they show up? Will BC let them answer any questions?
I'm hoping Morgan will release the tapes - I don't recall hearing that he agreed he wouldn't.
Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

I almost forgot about the Anthonys deposition scheduled for tomorrow too! I'm surprised they haven't put up any further resistance to being deposed. If this goes forward as scheduled, I wouldn't expect much in the way of truthful responses from either GA or CA. They'll have their attorney, BC, present who will prevent many questions from being answered.
I almost forgot about the Anthonys deposition scheduled for tomorrow too! I'm surprised they haven't put up any further resistance to being deposed. If this goes forward as scheduled, I wouldn't expect much in the way of truthful responses from either GA or CA. They'll have their attorney, BC, present who will prevent many questions from being answered.

I agree. I can foresee BC putting up all kinds of roadblocks. I think that the A's will not be allowed to answer too many questions. They will probably have little to do besides chomp on their gum and slug on their water.
To me the most telling and shocking thing is when LA offered up ... on his own ...that he, to this day believes everything his sister tells him. He could have simply answered a yes or no ... but he chose to make that statement! Now, it could mean that he is a complete kool-aid drinker ... but couldn't it also mean that his sister, at some point told him the real truth? I know that would mean that he was perjuring himself on other questions ... but if he feels that protecting his sister at all costs and helping her conceal the truth is somehow an honorable thing for a brother to do and worth risking his own liberty ... he might be willing to take that gamble. I keep thinking that LA may have a hero complex ... and since he can't save Caylee now, he is going to try his darnedest to save KC. And that statement in particular, I felt was for KC's benefit. You know, like the statements he made at the memorial service. JMO

Your post grabbed my brain and you are so on top with this----thanks. Not much has been said about LA and his place in the family (not that I have seen) and the bolded part of you post---wow "hero complex". Hero for KC? Hero for his "loving" mother? Maybe even saying to GA as--------->look what a mess you have made of this family. Step back and let a real man take over now.

Poot! After typing all that and stretchin my brain------it is so:eek:fftopic: . But I ain't gonna delete it cuz I wanna say this. LMAO
Whatever happens...It will be outrageous. At least we know that. We'll have lots to discuss once these transcripts are released!

Keeping in mind that this is a depo for the civil suit of Z. Gonzales v. Casey M. Anthony, I would try to keep my questions as relevant as possible … Even though personally, I would want to know much more … I will save those questions for “What would you ask the A’s on the stand in “State v. Casey M. Anthony?” … (that’s a whole ‘novah level – ha ha, just a MadTv reference) … which is a thread to its own –one I am sure is inevitable!

For GA ... in addition to many of the questions already submitted in previous posts ... I would ask the following.

On or about August 23rd in an interview with WFTV, you said ... I quote

"These people (who have Caylee) know they are being watched. They know it,"

1. At the time that you made this statement, did you believe the statement to be accurate and true?

If yes

2. Who are/were “these people" you were referring to?
3. Who was watching "these people" and were they, then or ever have been, under your employ, direction or retainer?
4. At what location were "these people" located?
5. How did you become aware of the existence and whereabouts of "these people?"
6. Did you report these findings to LE, if yes --to whom did you report this to and when ... If No, why?
7. Do you believe that information about the identification, existence and whereabouts of "these people" implicated my client as being involved in the, then, Caylee Anthony, missing persons case?
8. Do you believe that the information you gained, would have exempted my client of any involvement or wrong doing, in the missing persons case or subsequent murder case?
9. Do you believe that anyone other than one named, Zenaida Gonzales, was responsible for the disappearance and subsequent murder, of the minor child --- your granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony? If Yes, who

If No to q #1

2. In what way(s) is this statement/quote inaccurate? (Then go from there)
3. (depending on response of course) why did you make this statement to the public, if you knew it to be false? (go from there)
Finally, is the name, Zenaida Gonzales, a common name in your community … i.e., have you ever known anyone, prior to this, with that name?

I would ask CA the following: (also … keeping the civil suit in mind and omitting question that, for the most part, previous posters have suggested!)

You have given a statement to the media where you were quoted as saying ... "Well, again, the people that have her — the whole reason Casey is behind bars is because she’s protecting Caylee’s safety. And I cannot say that enough. Unfortunately, you know, I can’t say things that’s going to jeopardize what we’re doing looking for this child. And I refuse to do so. And I’m not going to waste my time worrying about justifying pictures that you’re showing on your show every night that are two and three years old."

1. Did you believe this statement to be fair and accurate at the time that you made it?
If Yes,
2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. Would be the same questions as above re: GA's questions #4, 5, 6, 7, & 8
7. Upon what basis did you make the part of the statement that says "(...)she’s (Casey) protecting Caylee’s safety. And I cannot say that enough"? e.g., What threats have you or any member or you family, friends or acquaintances, received; as implied in your above statement?

8. Do you remain worried for your own or your family, friends or acquaintances, safety, if you identify the person(s) you claimed to be involved in the disappearance of your poor, defenseless granddaughter, Caylee Marie Anthony?... (Yes, I would go there as often as possible-- with George (especially) too although I didn't think of it earlier)

9. Are you seeking, either through LE or privately, any leads or information that would lead to the capture and punishment of the person(s) you believe to be Caylee's killer? If Yes, what? ... If No, Why?

10. On, November 18, you stated to Jessica D’Onofrio that you plan on writing a book.
Was this a truthful statement at the time you made it?
If No,
2. In what way(s) is this statement/quote inaccurate? (Then go from there)
3. (depending on response of course) Why did you make this statement to the public, if you knew it to be false? (go from there)

If Yes,
11. Was it, or is it, your intent to include in this book, reference to any person named Zenaida Gonzales?
If Yes,
12. How do you, or would you differentiate any one Zenaida Gonzales from any another? (Go from there)

In October of 2008, you stated to a WESH reporter that your investigators have found “what Casey says is being proven as the truth”
13. Is this a true and accurate statement reflecting your thoughts and beliefs at the time you made it?
If No, what part is inaccurate? And what was your reasoning for making this claim? (Go from there)
If Yes,
14. Who is (are) the investigator(s) to which you are referring?
15. What part of Casey’s statement to LE and to yourself, have you been able to verify through your personal investigations?
16. Did you supply LE with any and all information that you uncovered during this investigation. If yes: What and to whom?
If not, why?
17. Which parts of Casey’s story, referenced in your statement to the press, did your investigators determine to be cohesive with statements made to by Casey?
18. Do you believe that anyone other than one named, Zenaida Gonzales, was responsible for the disappearance and subsequent murder, of the minor child --- your granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony?
If yes, who
Finally, is the name, Zenaida Gonzales, a common name in your community … i.e. have you ever known anyone, prior to this, with that name?


I say, wrap that puppy up and email it to Morgan------>ASAP
Perfect, just perfect.
I thought they were too fragile. Didn't Brad Conway speak to their conditions?
"George, as you know has attempted suicide. Cindy has not...yet."
So, is George still under a physician's care? Was he ever after he left the hospital?

Bold mine.

Probably not, after all, all his time lately has been spent learning "all about sonar"! :rolleyes:
Question for George...during a brief interview, you made the statement that you never watched Caylee by yourself, that she was never alone with you. Could you explain this statement?

I'm just wondering if he was trying to illustrate that Cindy always watched Caylee, or if he made an unfortunate gaff?
Did the A's show up for their depo's yet? 10:30am and NO news reports.

Still think they'll skip it...but pray they won't.
Did the A's show up for their depo's yet? 10:30am and NO news reports.

Still think they'll skip it...but pray they won't.

They did show up! It's a miracle!!
The Anthonys arrived with their attorney Brad Conway around 9:55 a.m. Thursday.

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