Details about Josh's childhood revealed in his parents divorce documents

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Here is a thread for you on Family Dynamics and Genealogy- it is in the Members Only section of Websleuths.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
We are now allowing the sleuthing of Steven Powell's genealogy.

Please be responsible in your sleuthing.

Thank you!
Here is the [ame=""]Geneaology Thread[/ame]
First we have to figure out if we are simply dragging innocent family members into this mess....

innocent? Now, that is debatable. Genetics, family dysfunctions are passed down through generational abuse. This didn't start with JP. Nor, will it end there either. JP has brothers and a sister still twisted in this mess.
I was under the impression they were trying to straight out the family tree and who SP was talking about and see if the stories of abductions and abuse actually add up.
If full names aren't revealed it could be very enlightening.
There is a Geneaology thread established now. :) While there is still no bashing of the Powell family allowed, family dynamics are also included in the discussion there.
I am still pages behind . . . so pardon if someone has already posted this,OMG I am astounded! First of all let me preface this by saying this is copywrited through 2012 (guess you do that in advance since he has been incarcerated for how long?) by SP.

Just wanted to make sure to appropirately give SP (aka Steve Chantrey) all of the credit for the following memories in his childhood:

"I was born in Portland, Oregon. At an early age my mother made a unilateral and secretive decision to separate from my dad, and moved with my brother, my sister and me to Chillicothe, Ohio."

"In only a matter of months my dad made a unilateral and secretive decision to separate from my mom. So on a given weekend he took us. . . . . "

"When we headed over to see my grandparents, and kept going north on Highway 1, something seemed amiss to me, even at seven years old. "Where is momma?" I asked. Grandma curtly replied, "You're never going to see your mother again."

"The trailer camp was surrounded by bull pines and terraced up the side of a hill. I would go up the hill and play with my friends and my brother. On one occasion I informed one of my buddies that my grandparents had kidnapped us. My brother, who overheard, reported the conversation back to my grandmother, who encouraged me to keep my mouth shut (I was lying, in her estimation) by pouring a liberal dose of cayenne pepper on my tongue and making me stand in the corner."

p.s. For the sake of everything holy . . . . do not listen to the music! I need to find ear bleach!!!!!! (IMO Sick and Wrong!)
IF jp had taken the psychosexual exam there may have been a discovery that he was a fragmented personality not unlike Sybil.

The lie detector test may have revealed the location of Susan's remains.

O/T but it's very likely that Sybil was a hoax. There's a big controversy now over whether it was a hoax that spawned a whole new mental health diagnosis for a condition that doesn't really exist.

Google it. It's some interesting reading.
Here is an article that makes some sense to me...the "livid" type....see what you think.

It kind of shows how childhood fits in with the overall dynamic.

Yep, agree totally, livid. Good article.

I can't fathom a more controlling and LIVID way of murdering one's own offspring. There was absolutely NO sign of one whit of kindness in his method either, only resentment and hatred, and possibly (as the article mentions) feeling failure to "be a man", well, as his sick father SP would have defined it.
Newly obtained court documents show that Josh Powell grew up in a home filled with turmoil. Divorce documents between Steve Powell and his ex-wife, Terrica Powell, depict what they describe as a sexually and emotionally abusive childhood for Josh and his four siblings.

In those divorce papers, Terrica alleged that Steve's influence was damaging to her children. In one instance she wrote, "I felt extreme fear when Josh made a veiled threat at me with a butcher knife in his hand ... His demeanor was menacing for a moment as he said don't push it mom."

She went on to say that Steve has "systematically taught them to scorn and belittle everything to do with church, Christianity in general, authority of all kinds and many common values held by society..."

Please watch the video-there is information on this subject in it, too.

Not surprised how he turned out from his background. Many people come from broken down families and turn out fine. He chose to be what he is. The sad fact is many killers like Powell come from dysfunctional families.

I'm not an expert but not all children of abusers become abusers themselves so I think it is wrong and unjustified to paint all of the Powell siblings with one brush just because Josh was not only an abuser but a murderer.

One example of an abuser who was not likely abused as a child is Fred Phelps. His father was largely absent as he worked all the time and was raised by an aunt and stepmother.
It is on the chantrey site.

ETA: I tried to find a link and couldn't; someone here will have it.

Warning: Do not view this after eating. And especially don't listen to the music without a barf bag in hand.

For the other question about the stage name:

Chantry is the English term for a fund established to pay for a priest to celebrate sung Masses for a specified purpose, generally for the soul of the deceased donor. Chantries were endowed with lands given by donors, the income from which maintained the chantry priest. A chantry chapel is a building on private land or a dedicated area within a greater church, set aside or built especially for and dedicated to the performance of the chantry duties by the priest. A chantry may have only an altar, rather than a chapel, within a larger church, generally dedicated to the donor's favourite saint. Many altars became richly endowed, often with gold furnishings and valuable vestments.

[ame=""]Chantry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Respectfully, I completely disagree. I see their reaction as complete and utter shock, and perhaps an unwillingness to accept what Josh did to his sons.

I dont read this as a lack of grief-I read this as denial and lashing out. They wanted to believe Josh. They saw first hand how detestable people believed he was. They circled the wagons and he disabused them of their beliefs in one fell swoop.

I think they deserve the utmost sympathy.

The last two years of their lives have been invested in "proving" Josh's innocence. It will take awhile to have a change of heart. Plus, honesty is not exactly overflowing in that household. For many generations.
In the divorce case, Terrica told the court her husband's parenting was offensive.

He subjected Josh in particular to overly harsh discipline, she said.

"For years, he pointedly attacked Josh very frequently, nearly every day for a time," she wrote.

Steve acknowledged Josh was a challenge.

"At times I have no idea how to handle Josh," he wrote. "He is now a little taller than I, and may, with his regular weightlifting, be a little stronger and bulkier than I. I cannot spank him. Spanking didn't even help when he was younger."

When he was 13 or 14, Josh tried to commit suicide by hanging himself, the newspaper said.
In the divorce case, Terrica told the court her husband's parenting was offensive.

He subjected Josh in particular to overly harsh discipline, she said.

"For years, he pointedly attacked Josh very frequently, nearly every day for a time," she wrote.

Steve acknowledged Josh was a challenge.

"At times I have no idea how to handle Josh," he wrote. "He is now a little taller than I, and may, with his regular weightlifting, be a little stronger and bulkier than I. I cannot spank him. Spanking didn't even help when he was younger."

When he was 13 or 14, Josh tried to commit suicide by hanging himself, the newspaper said.

Bolded by me...
Kinda makes the "hanging noose" in SP's house a whole lot more disturbing(that they found when they searched SP's house).
What parent would do that? Knowing what your son had done before?
(I didn't know where to put this exactly since the genealogy thread got shelved, but this thread has the most recent musings about the alias Steven Chantrey.)

Anyhow, please meet SARAH CHANTREY. Born 31 Dec 1824 in Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire, England and Died 11 Sep 1902 in Plain City, Utah, USA.

Sarah Chantrey's oldest daughter Jane Rawson married the English immigrant JOHN POWELL in Coalville, Utah in 1870.

Sarah Chantrey is the great-great-great-grandmother of Steven Powell...aka Steven Chantrey!

The entire Ancestral File is at when you search for SLP - Gender: M Death/Burial: 12 Mar 1982 Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Id (SP's grandfather).
How awesome to know that the Chantrey name wasn't random! Those are the connections I like to find.
Dal Gal:

That's pretty neat. Wonder about my own family...
Bolded by me...
Kinda makes the "hanging noose" in SP's house a whole lot more disturbing(that they found when they searched SP's house).
What parent would do that? Knowing what your son had done before?

OHMYGOSH, you're right. I had forgotten about that noose! This is even sicker to have that noose hanging in SP's house. Make me wonder more if SP has been trying to get JP to try again to kill himself because maybe SP feared JP would one day tell that, perhaps, he was sexually abused by his father. "Get rid of the evidence" is their motto.
That is an amazing find. It looks like SP was into genealogy before he decided Mormons were worthless because they were against *advertiser censored* and incest.

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