Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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I hope so, I guess the Great-Grandma would have to file charges.
I'll say this much, when this case goes to trial and the jury hears
about all of Casey's transgressions, their deliberations should not last over one hour. jmo

ETA _ I meant Caylee's Great-Grandma

Hopefully the judge will allow ALL of Casey's transgressions to be heard by the jury!
My own granddaughter, my very first I might add, was born August 11 this year, 2 days after Caylee would have turned 3...After holding her for only perhaps a total of 10 times to date, and having NOT been involved in her day to day care, I would flip out if she came up missing and then it was discovered that my son had told one million lies about the details surrounding her disappearance.

Cindy has a huge weight upon her. SHE was this child's mother IN FACT, and NOT Casey...Casey was allowed to continue to be a teenager from everything that I can determine, and Cindy took the reins of PRIMARY CAREGIVER...I am sure that she wishes she could have stopped her daughter from just running off with Caylee and the events that have unfolded since then, and I am also certain that her heart is broken, so much so, that she cannot even face the truth of this situation, and that truth is that Casey brought harm to Caylee in all likelihood, and she, Cindy, will never have Caylee in her home or in her life again. SHE is reacting like a MOTHER in many ways...she is holding on to hope, even FALSE hope, rather than face that her little girl that she has raised and cared for is no longer alive...AND she is also in jeopardy of losing the daughter, which is all she has left of Caylee...

To me, she is probably temporarily unstable and trying to run from the grief that will inevitably come and swallow her up. I pray God will have mercy on her in that day, when she actually faces the reality of what her daughter did to her granddaughter...
Heres a question I had last night while watching NG --- Why were KC and CA arguing about K finding a job if they were all under the impression that she WAS working as an event coordinator???
Cindy can't even think that Casey may have hurt Caylee, because in her subsconscience, she thinks it's her fault..if only she hadn't etc.
Without professional help, I don't think Cindy will ever be able to accept the truth. The only thing she has to hold onto is her little Casey and the lie..otherwise, she'll lose her mind.
How can she accept the truth that her own daughter she adored could hurt Caylee? How can she rationalize all of this, knowing she was the one forcing Casey to grow up, which resulted in Caylee's death.
I can't see Cindy ever coming to terms with the truth.

I agree I think Cindy is blaming herself now and that is why she is continuing to defend her. She KNOWS what Casey did. Look at her very 1st reaction to hearing Caylee was missing, before she decided to start covering for her - she said to the 911 operator, "my granddaughter is missing, and my daughter's car smells like a dead body". this was her pure, emotional reaction. She knew that Casey had done something with her at this moment.

I don't know if anyone here watches the show "Intervention", but you will often see parents on the show continuing to enable their child's addiction out of guilt because they blame themselves for their child's problems, and that is why they can't take the "tough love' stance - they feel that they deserve it.
Yeah, well, what ELSE has she ever accomplished?

I'm sure she feels her lies are an accomplishment, in and of themselves, as sick as it sounds - she convinced everyone she was working for Universal, after all. she convinced Jesse to propose to her. that must have given her a sense of power over others. and I'm sure she high-fived herself after using Amy's checks at Target.
Heres a question I had last night while watching NG --- Why were KC and CA arguing about K finding a job if they were all under the impression that she WAS working as an event coordinator???

Good question. Geo stated on Greta that Casey was dressed for work the last time he saw Caylee.
Just lots of missteps and lies?
Good question. Geo stated on Greta that Casey was dressed for work the last time he saw Caylee.
Just lots of missteps and lies?

I was wondering about that after NG last night....Did they think she had a job or not. Cuz when GA was talking about the last time he saw Caylee he said Casey was dressed for work...just like they usually a normal day.

Did they know she was lying all along or not.:eek:
The sad part for GM is that she did know what Casey was like, so she did probably think it possible/highly likely that Casey would keep them from seeing Caylee for a whole month just to get back at them or for manipulation purposes. I can see why her mind didn't go immediately to the thought of death. Even more sadly, it doesn't seem that the lapse of 30 days made the difference, if Caylee was no more to be seen after June 16. The GP's error now is trying to cover up what was happening and what Casey was like.
I finally did it this morning, I sent cards to Casey and Cindy.
I wrote from my heart. Thank God I've never been where Cindy is at now!
I want this charade to stop.

I am angry. Casey has gone too far this time.I tryed my best to put myself in Casey's shoes. Casey has to realise the gravity of this situation.
I am angry at Cindy, but I think she is a victim of Casey also.I tryed to put myself in Cindy's shoes. Cindy is at the end of her rope.

The cards are in my mailbox, and will soon be on their way to CA and KC.
I know I'm but one tiny speck in this world, but I hope maybe just one word I said helps this horrible mess come to an end.
Sliver - Thats EXACTLY what ran through my head last night which is why thats the first thing I asked this morning - If she was "dressed for work" then why the argument about her working and becoming responsible?
Sweet - I wouldnt have wasted the $6.00 on the cards - They're not even worth the 84 cents it cost you in stamps - JMHO

I didnt know Hallmark made a "Sorry your all Fawked" card
I finally did it this morning, I sent cards to Casey and Cindy.
I wrote from my heart. Thank God I've never been where Cindy is at now!
I want this charade to stop.

I am angry. Casey has gone too far this time.I tryed my best to put myself in Casey's shoes. Casey has to realise the gravity of this situation.
I am angry at Cindy, but I think she is a victim of Casey also.I tryed to put myself in Cindy's shoes. Cindy is at the end of her rope.

The cards are in my mailbox, and will soon be on their way to CA and KC.
I know I'm but one tiny speck in this world, but I hope maybe just one word I said helps this horrible mess come to an end.

I think you can only do what your heart tells you in this case and you never know when someone's words will speak to their souls.:blowkiss:
Sweet - I wouldnt have wasted the $6.00 on the cards - They're not even worth the 84 cents it cost you in stamps - JMHO

I didnt know Hallmark made a "Sorry your all Fawked" card

Ouch! I hear ya MIMOM!:)

I knew I'd catch some grief. This case is making me ill, literally. I have prayed about this case & prayed over how I can help. I felt I should do this. And speak to them from my heart, as a neighbor, a friend would do.
Sweet --- Nothing against you - you did what you felt was right - I kinda had this same argument with the other half last night - He feels we should all leave them alone - That the grandparents dont deserve to be constantly harassed --- If you ask me --- The problem is they continue to stick they're faces in the media - and everytime they do another lie comes out of their mouths..........its really VERY sad.......
I think you can only do what your heart tells you in this case and you never know when someone's words will speak to their souls.:blowkiss:
Oh thank you Sliver.:blowkiss: That's what I was thinking too.
Yeah I just don't get the whole argument, If they thought she had a job I think they would have been fine with her living there and supporting herself and them having access to Caylee.

It seems that the argument would be more about stealing money, lack of respect, partying too much, and not caring for Caylee in a reasonable manner. There are so many lies in this story that it is hard to figure out who knew what was a lie and who didn't.

All that aside..knowing about the argument and the therapist certainly makes Cindy's Mother of the Year Statement so much more ridiculous if that is possible.
Sweet --- Nothing against you - you did what you felt was right - I kinda had this same argument with the other half last night - He feels we should all leave them alone - That the grandparents dont deserve to be constantly harassed --- If you ask me --- The problem is they continue to stick they're faces in the media - and everytime they do another lie comes out of their mouths..........its really VERY sad.......

Oh I know MIMOMMY. I took no offense from you at all!:blowkiss:
I think I finally gave in to my thoughts in my groggy "lack of sleep" state.
Hoping it may help me and help strike a cord within them.
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