Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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Maybe Casey gave Cindy the reins as primary caregiver, because she wanted to be out partying instead of caring for her daughter. I think Casey only wanted to be a mom when it was convenient and when it wasn't, she passed Caylee off to Cindy. Maybe Cindy just wanted what was best for Caylee and since Casey wasn't being responsible, she stepped in to fill the mother role. JMO

From what I've read, I don't believe Casey wanted to be a mom at all, but Cindy insisted she keep the baby instead of giving her up for adoption. Yeah, Casey probably did want to be out partying and maybe she did not want to be saddled with a baby. That's honest, at least.

In my opinion, Cindy stepped into the mother role because she wanted to be a mother again. I can almost relate the Zanny, Sam, and the 3 children in the park to this family. That might take more thinking out than are willing to go into and it's only my opinion.

I believe Cindy wanted another child and wanted her daughter's baby to raise as her own. Lots of grannies are like that, not uncommon at all. I also believe she got fed up with Casey not doing what a responsible parent should be doing - problem was - Casey was/wasn't the parent. Cindy wanted to have her cake and eat it too. Casey just wanted to party.

In my opinion, of course.
No doubt Cindy was constantly telling Casey how to care for Caylee, in between yelling at Casey for not correctly caring for the baby.

Casey was trapped by her own unwillingness to get a job and move out, and Caylee paid the ultimate price.

No doubt Cindy was constantly telling Casey how to care for Caylee, in between yelling at Casey for not correctly caring for the baby.

Casey was trapped by her own unwillingness to get a job and move out, and Caylee paid the ultimate price.


I somewhat agree. However, we are left to ponder WHO extracted the ultimate price?
I personally think that she's been hiding Caylee. Possibly in her way of thinking...what better way to punish your parents but to lead them to think that they are never going to see their granddaughter again and that she's possibly dead! What I can't figure out, though, is how the friends or whomever is hiding her is stupid enough to have let it gone this far! If they continue to hide her, they are only incriminating themselves now. I would be bringing her to LE and say, "look, CA told me to hide this little girl because her life was in danger...I was only doing what I thought to be best for the little she is."

Except it's been proven that the dead body in the trunk was Caylee's.
I somewhat agree. However, we are left to ponder WHO extracted the ultimate price?
Given the extreme selfishness of Caylee's mother, I don't think she'd spend one moment inconveniencing herself with the drag that is county jail if she could implicate her own mother and get away with it.
Okay here is my take on the big fight... Let me first state that my daughter had a child as a teenager so I know how a grand child can be used to manipulate for what the mother wants or doesn't want. Yes I could have taken her to court for custody of him the problem is you are required by law to first make the complaint to Childrens Services (so you fear they will just take the child until resolved), then you must locate the father because he gets first right to the child if successfully taken from the mother (once again you fear losing your grand child) and then you have to know the fathers parents are they also going to try to get custody if the mother should lose custody. All of this does not happen in a few days rather it takes from 12 - 18 months because of home studies and other evaluations that must be done, which when you are in the middle of this seems like an eternity. Then you need the financial ability to continue this effort which can be $10,000 - $15,000 (which I don't think the Anthony's had).
Anyway the fight...
I think there was a big confrontation with Casey by Cindy over all the stealing because she had stolen from both the grand parents (Cindy's mother and father) Cindy's mother is all over her to do something about this daughter that is out of control. Cindy hates this because her image as June Cleaver is shot to he!! and her mother probably told her in no uncertain terms she is enabling Casey. I think and Cindy has admitted Casey has stolen tons of money from her and George but it was ok until Cindy felt her image was tarnished by the stealing from the grand parents.
Cindy confronts Casey, there is a big fight, Cindy pulls the credits cards and the ATM and tells Casey that is it (tough love) and Casey must move out until she gets het act together Casey tries to use Caylee as the bargaining chip threatening Cindy and George they will never she her again if they do this, but Cindy is confident she has been to a counselor and probably was going to get an attorney to try to get custody of Caylee (in her mind she WAS going to get custody) because of Casey's lifestyle and Cindy knew Casey was drugging Caylee so she could party. Casey leaves and goes to TonE for comfort, booze and sex, she goes back the next morning and takes Caylee with her. That night June 16th she had no place for Caylee to sleep because she could not take her to TonE's to sleep and she had no credit cards so she was going to sleep in her car with Caylee and by tomorrow Cindy would be crawling back and give her whatever she wanted. Caylee though was not used to being away from her grand mother and was crying she wanted to go home to her grand mother, probably even a little (justified) tantrum, Casey became enraged with jealousy did not want to hear one more word from Caylee and wanted the comfort of her latest conquest TonE, Caylee was interferring with that desire, in a rage (like her father's) she killed Caylee. This was the pay back to Cindy for her betrayal, justified because Caylee did not love her she loved her grand mother and grand father, so Caylee betrayed her as well and needed to die for it. I do think either George or Cindy helped her dispose of the body (leaning towards George) because they blamed themselves for what Casey did.
They are covering for Casey because they feel guilty and they have already lost Caylee and they know they cannot change that so they do not want to lose Casey too.
Soory for the long post... just my opinion in short form. I could go into a longer form but I don't want to torture you all.

BINGO. I couldn't agree more. :clap:
If I am a passenger on a horse drawn cart and the driver drops the reins and maybe JUMPS from his seat and there is NOBODY driving the cart, then I am going to jump in and TRY to grap the reins and steer us to safety.

I think this is what Cindy did. Casey did not want the baby. So Cindy convinces her that SHE will take care of her and all Casey has to do is give birth. I do not blame Cindy for taking care of is what any responsible person would do in the same circumstance...if Cindy had left it to Casey (and she MAY have done that sometimes just to see what Casey would do) then she probably would have and perhaps DID neglect the little girl terribly. The my space comment of Cindy seems to say it all...They had BEEN the parents to BOTH of these girls, and in a moment of jealous RAGE Casey had stormed out-and Caylee was never to be seen again.

So, although she was NOT the driver of the cart, I do not fault her for grabbing the reins and trying to steer the cart to safety...
Except it's been proven that the dead body in the trunk was Caylee's.

Hmm...I seem to remember the press conference saying that there is evidence that leads them to believe that a decomposing body was in the trunk and that it could have been Caylee. I haven't ever heard confirmation that it was indeed Caylee's dead body in the trunk...and there haven't been any murder charges.
Hmm...I seem to remember the press conference saying that there is evidence that leads them to believe that a decomposing body was in the trunk and that it could have been Caylee. I haven't ever heard confirmation that it was indeed Caylee's dead body in the trunk...and there haven't been any murder charges.

Whose body was it then? Zaneida's?
Honestly, I don't think she was ever an event coordinator even when she worked at Universal before she was fired. She may have worked in the event coordination department but was not a coordinator. Even in the e-mails she faked to herself, they were telling her where to be when, and what to wear. She was probably serving drinks or appetizers at events, not coordinating them.

Also, I'm not saying this is the case for everyone, but in general, a job like that will require a H.S. diploma at the bare minimum, plus work experience, neither of which she had.

I think she was probably just staffing the booths at the park. Kiomarie said she said she worked at the "Mummy". I can't see anyone giving her an office job - those jobs are actually highly sought after in that field, and a person without a college degree would actually have a hard time getting it without a lot of experience. not saying that's the case, that's just been my experience.
Hmm...I seem to remember the press conference saying that there is evidence that leads them to believe that a decomposing body was in the trunk and that it could have been Caylee. I haven't ever heard confirmation that it was indeed Caylee's dead body in the trunk...and there haven't been any murder charges.

because they are taking the time to build the case first. remember Laci Peterson? LE didn't file charges until Laci's body washed up. they need to give the District Attorney a winnable case, and they are probably sure her body will turn up at some point. it would be different if this went on for years and years with no body, but it's only been a couple months, which in "legal years" is not that long - there is no statute of limitations on murder. they can charge her anytime, so why not wait until they are sure they have everything they need? in reality, cases don't get wrapped up as fast as they appear to on Law & Order - they often drag on for years.
She's enabling. That never works.

If I was Cindy, I would have applied for custody when Cayless was BORN.

Me too!

I haven't read this entire thread, but if the social worker told Cindy to get custody of Caylee and she never started the ball rolling, then I'm just disgusted.

At the same time, though, Casey was an adult, and if she kept custody of her child then it was her responsibility. It's so easy to blame this whole thing on Cindy - I fight with myself about it.

But in the end, Casey had free will as a grown-up (a debatable term, I'll admit) and she made her own decisions for good or ill.

Obviously this was a dysfunctional situation, and the family just couldn't seem to resolve the problem of custody because they were afraid of Casey. In my opinion.
I agree with you - I sort of took offense to that comment at first as well, but I don't think that's what that poster meant to say - I think she meant that Casey keeping a baby she didn't want was a selfish choice, when an adoptive family would be able to give her a better life and have a child that they actually WANT.

Thank you for saying it better for me - that is what I meant. And I'm all for adoption to good families when mom can't provide a proper home for her child.
BINGO. I couldn't agree more. :clap:

In response to Just___Me!!!

Hi, I have been around similiar situations as Cindy and Casey. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. There are no easy answers or solutions because of the system of red tape and uncaring people running that system. Who suffers? The child of course. Had Cindy went to get custody, I am sure it would even be harder than the above mentioned. Meanwhile the 12 to 18 months would have been a nightmare to poor little Caylee. Getting outside help produces a lot of fear in many because of the unknowns. When Cindy finally went to the outside for help, she did the best she could to follow through. Whether any of you believe it or not. It took courage. I am sure she thought this would wake up Casey. Now, she has done what the outside counselor told her to do and she now has the worst nightmare of her life. She has lost her granddaughter and any chance of her daughter coming out of this stage and coming to maturity. A hope many parent today are counting on. On top of that people are standing outside of their home protesting instead of helping or praying. These people are NOT any better themselves because they are NOT caring about those living around there that are trying to get on with their lives -----work and school. These people like the ones George acosted are just parisites. They are doing no one any good either. They have there own agenda period. I say get out the way of those working this case.

People should give this family a break (not Casey) but those involved in this heartache. We are doing a lot of speculating but WE are NOT walking in their shoes and WE DON'T have all the facts or circumstances. WE ALL need to be patient and WE NEED TO PRAY.

Our discussions here should be to all examine the information available and from that to hopefully be able to think of additional things for the LE to check on. Any new idea may be just what it takes. We can all contribute to that if our motive is to find Caylee----dead or a live so that closure for the Anthonys and others can begin a healing process. Let's stay focused on finding Caylee. There is plenty time for blame when and if all the facts come in.
because they are taking the time to build the case first. remember Laci Peterson? LE didn't file charges until Laci's body washed up. they need to give the District Attorney a winnable case, and they are probably sure her body will turn up at some point. it would be different if this went on for years and years with no body, but it's only been a couple months, which in "legal years" is not that long - there is no statute of limitations on murder. they can charge her anytime, so why not wait until they are sure they have everything they need? in reality, cases don't get wrapped up as fast as they appear to on Law & Order - they often drag on for years.

I agree, in these times of people watching CSI, etc. sometimes the general public expects to see results ASAP, and it just doenst work that way in real life. I think LE is doing a great job, I have a lot of faith in them. I am impressed that there havent been many "leaks" and feel that they are holding TONS of evidence close to the vest.
It is extremely hard to be patient, I wake up everyday and hope to see that Casey has been arrested overnight for murder. But I would rather it take a bit longer for LE to build a case that will be winnable.
GOD BLESS CAYLEE, the Anthony's will get what's coming to them, Karma is a *itch......
Geeez, finally the media is catching up. We knew about this hummmmmm a month ago! :)


You tell 'em Patty!!! No doubt is doesnt take much for WB to get to the meat of a case.
Remember...........Caseys Poem on my Space.........that for me said it all.....I knew this girl took this child away from Cindy.

"what has been given.........can be taken away".......
Remember...........Caseys Poem on my Space.........that for me said it all.....I knew this girl took this child away from Cindy.

"what has been given.........can be taken away".......

Exactly. Casey knew that Cindy just adored little Caylee. I mean remember Cindy's myspace entry from July 3rd? There is more going on than what is being said. JMO
Also, I'm not saying this is the case for everyone, but in general, a job like that will require a H.S. diploma at the bare minimum, plus work experience, neither of which she had.

I think she was probably just staffing the booths at the park. Kiomarie said she said she worked at the "Mummy". I can't see anyone giving her an office job - those jobs are actually highly sought after in that field, and a person without a college degree would actually have a hard time getting it without a lot of experience. not saying that's the case, that's just been my experience.

I know the "Mummy" info is in the discovery interview with Kio but when LE tried to verify Casey's employment it said she had worked for Kodak and Colorvision bought them out. Casey never worked for colorvision either.
Exactly. Casey knew that Cindy just adored little Caylee. I mean remember Cindy's myspace entry from July 3rd? There is more going on than what is being said. JMO

Of course there is more.Little by little it all gets leaked out And now- In my opinion- Cindy & daughter are trying hard as heck now to be good to each other and support each other...tiptoe ing around the issues that fuled this baby missing to begin with. But you waite, Casey sitting on the computor, she's gonna get a whole lot of truth.....and she reads more specifics about Cindy wanting custody & counseling behind her back........I suprized they havent already had a big blow out in that house....its about...

""Hammer time!!!"" LOL, and someones gonna get hurt.
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