Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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I think that CA, GA & LA are all putting an act…

In hopes of Casey trusting them and wishing for her to confide in at least with one of them.

They so not want to think ever that Caylee is dead… but if she is Alive they still want to know where she is!

if KC sees that her family is on her side she may just crack or slip up by accident…

I say when KC is sleeping ask her where Caylee? you just never know?

So CA pushing searchers away gives KC the thought that CA believes her… which is smart…

And if this is the case I hope it works
It's the little things like this that speak volumes! imo Casey has turned everything into a sick twisted game, what will she get away with now? she has to be loving all the attention.


She also loves the power and control. She has thousands of people whom she can see, and millions of whom she is aware begging, threatening, and wanting her to tell where the baby is. "Nyah, nyah! I don't have to tell!"

As long as she keeps it zipped, she feels that she has all the power, all the control.
I think it comes down to Casey having a learned disrespect for Authority.

She didn't/doesn't seem to have an ounce of respect for her parents.
She seems to have no respect for human life (adoption, murder)
She clearly has no respect for Authority - Police, L.E. - (lying to, misleading)
And it is very clear that she obviously has no respect for the ultimate Authority: God

When we, as parents, continue to enable, rescue, and make excuses for our children and do not punish them for their misdeeds, we are guilty of CREATing just this kind of a person. Sad, and scary.

I think giving up a child for adoption when there is an unplanned pregnancy is the ultimate respect for human life. :)
I think giving up a child for adoption when there is an unplanned pregnancy is the ultimate respect for human life. :)

You're right, but there's a difference between giving up a child for the benefit of the child and giving up a child for the benefit of the mother. I think the poster's point is that Casey saw Caylee as disposible.
O/T Hold on there, Fireball. No can do. What's WRONG with the Gators? Apparently nothing, they ROCK!!:blowkiss:

Seriously, here's a few hats I'd like to see her wear:

FSP (Florida State Prison)
DOC (Dept of Corrections)
I was on National Enquirer
Death Row (Records)
Jose Baez defended me and all I got was this stupid hat.
This one fits as well....

As mentioned before, the sense of entitlement this family has is unbelievable. I think there were numerous power struggles within this family. Now they have common enemies with LE, protesters, etc.

Lee seems to be less of a target than others, likely because he isn't as verbal. However, I have always thought he is fits in nicely with this family, starting with the nerve to ask for a "personal *advertiser censored*'t" to be at his beck and call 24/7 and more recently with the "high five" and his attempt to rip the sign out of the older woman's hand. Talk about arrogance and entitlement!!
I almost felt sorry for Cindy since she's the only one who doesn't seem to be violent until I saw her smacking her gum and keeping up the fiddling with the yard tape. Then I saw the video of Casey today looking all tough and smacking her gum. It's like these folks all have some sort of plan on how to act.
I was watching Cindy in the video footage of George pushing those protesters. I do not understand how she can listen to what those people are saying to her and about the family without shedding a tear. I would be bawling. She should be so guilt ridden she can barely function. If they would react in any way that I could see some normalcy, I think I would feel some sympathy for them. Instead they have done nothing but obstruct justice and are IMO accomplices.

Thinking about their fight made me realize that the great grandmother is probably eaten with guilt that if she'd just not said anything about the stolen money none of this would have happened. I hope she knows this is not her fault. She was a victim too.

The counselor told Cindy the right thing. She/he is probably also eaten with guilt. I hope the counselor is a strong person or they will second guess themselves forever more.

This family is so messed up. They've been out of control for years and years. They know no other methods but to cover and hide their dirty laundry. Can they not see the gig is up? It is over! Their dirty laundry is scattered all over the world. It is time to come clean about it all.
That is what burns me, that Casey didn't even want the baby and wanted to give it up, but NOooooo, Cindy made her keep the baby. Caylee could have had a much better life and she would still be alive.

Playing devils advocate :furious:

Maybe Cindy thought it would help force KC to grow up and take some responsibility. I've heard of some women who, after kids changed their ways. You know, those party girls, etc. They settle down. Maybe Cindy thought it would simply give her a reason to do better.

I think G and C are in denial. I can't imagine what they are going through. They did love their grandaughter. Imagine if your own child did something unspeakable to your grandchild. That is too horrid to imagine and I think they are coping the best they know how.

I believe KC killed Caylee. I can't imagine it was intentional but there are some really evil people out there.
The relationship between Casey and Cindy is indeed strange. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I believe Cindy is narsacisstic (sp?) and Casey is a sociopath. They have completely forgotten about poor little Caylee. Cindy is basking in the male attention of George and Lee and their protection efforts and Casey is basking in her make believe world where Baez is her knight in shining armor and is madly in love with her. Lock them both up - together - they deserve each other.

Maybe that's why she has to see Baez six hours a day, every day..

Doesn't he have any other clients?
This family is so messed up. They've been out of control for years and years. They know no other methods but to cover and hide their dirty laundry. Can they not see the gig is up? It is over! Their dirty laundry is scattered all over the world. It is time to come clean about it all.

I believe this family knows and has known the truth from the day they found the car with the dead body odor. I also think they know what they're doing in this "game" they are playing.

Just wait...they will ALWAYS swear that Zany and the kidnappers killed this baby because LE and the public got involved - all according to the script!!

I have serious doubts that anyone will ever tell the truth or acknowledge the truth. I believe the pain would be more than they can handle - since it doesn't appear they've had much practice at living reality and living the truth of the consequences. Only my opinion!
You're right, but there's a difference between giving up a child for the benefit of the child and giving up a child for the benefit of the mother. I think the poster's point is that Casey saw Caylee as disposible.

If giving up a child for adoption is for the benefit of the mother, then it is for the benefit of the child, also. :)
Ok if this story is true about the fight, that Cindy saw a counselor for help Nancy Grace also just reported she told Casey during the fight to find a JOB which means Cindy and George KNEW she did NOT have a job. So they lied to police officers, when they said she went off to work just like any other day. This whole family LIES!

You get the gold star for most observant NG viewer :) I had heard it when Nancy said it, but I must not have been listening. Nice catch...
After reading that she was advised by a councilor to get kick Casey out of the house and her worries about Casey taking Caylee, and being advised to try to get custody of the little one. Then watching the raw video of George loosing it with the protesters, and what Cindy is saying, this poor woman is in denial.

Yes, she is not out looking for Caylee, I think that she is hoping that Casey will finally point out where Caylee is. Seeing Cindy talk to the protester about what she feels and believes got to me. I do not know about anyone else, but this woman loves this baby. And if Caylee is gone, well Casey did it to get back at Cindy for trying to take away her "Party Time" and money.

Yes, Cindy is in denial. However this is a woman that has been in this baby's life for almost three years, everyday. Raising her as if she was born from her owm womb.

I was a single mother of my daughter at age 21. I moved back home when my daughter was 4 months old because of certain circumstances. My mom looked after my daughter everyday while I was at work, full time, 40 hours a week. I took care of her when I was home, however my mom was my daughter second mom. We moved out when she was 2, however we lived just next door. My parents still took care of my daughter when I was working. I am now married and have two little boys. My daughter is now 11 and I still live next door. They are there when we need help.

My parents see my kids as their own sometimes. They are always there. I can see why Cindy is in denial with this all. My mother would act differently of course, however, she is hurting also everyone. I do feel very sorry for her.

I don't feel sorry for Cindy.

But, I do think your daughter is very lucky!
I think giving up a child for adoption when there is an unplanned pregnancy is the ultimate respect for human life. :)

And, there is joy and gratitude for some childless couple.
The "morons" may be from Ohio but the sociopath was raised in Florida. :)

:) So it looks like none of us wants to lay claim to any of them. Maybe we can talk Canada into it.

If Cindy had had Casey charged with any of the thefts she'd perpetrated on the family, she would certainly have had enough enough ammunition to get custody of the baby. The whole tragedy could most likely have been averted if Cindy and George had ever had the guts to make their daughter take responsibility for her own actions.

I think it's also a crying shame that Cindy never called the police or social services or someone to report her daughter had taken off with the baby and she was concerned about the baby's well being. But I'm sure too she was again refusing to do anything that might get Casey into trouble.

I really don't believe the family was actually stupid enough to believe Casey was going to work every day for two years when she wasn't. At some point someone must have noticed she didn't have funds unless she stole them.
I SMELL MO-TIVE! (Clap, clap, clapclapclap)


"As soon as the brother and sister got through the path between reporters, they high-fived each other as if they were celebrating some sort of victory."

WOW. neither of these two took a media studies course I'm venturing a guess at...they don't seem to have any self-awareness as to how their actions come across to the public!
I think giving up a child for adoption when there is an unplanned pregnancy is the ultimate respect for human life. :)

I agree with you - I sort of took offense to that comment at first as well, but I don't think that's what that poster meant to say - I think she meant that Casey keeping a baby she didn't want was a selfish choice, when an adoptive family would be able to give her a better life and have a child that they actually WANT.
I SMELL MO-TIVE! (Clap, clap, clapclapclap)


"As soon as the brother and sister got through the path between reporters, they high-fived each other as if they were celebrating some sort of victory."

WOW. neither of these two took a media studies course I'm venturing a guess at...they don't seem to have any self-awareness as to how their actions come across to the public!

They just don't is all about them.
Playing devils advocate :furious:

Maybe Cindy thought it would help force KC to grow up and take some responsibility. I've heard of some women who, after kids changed their ways. You know, those party girls, etc. They settle down. Maybe Cindy thought it would simply give her a reason to do better.


perhaps you are correct, but if that's the case, IMO that's a horrible reason to have a child - to bring a child into that situation and "hope" that it helps the mother grow up. then you are just playing roulette with the child's well-being.
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