Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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Be nice if AH would of given more details about the 30min. chat outside Tonys apt......but, then she might have walked away & not heard much of it..

KC prolly told Cindy that Caylee wasn't there, then Cindy threatens to call LE to come to Tonys apt. if KC won't take her to Caylee.

I can totally see that happening. Casey would have said anything to get Cindy away from Tony. Then as they are driving, Casey doesn't hold up her end of the bargain. I guess Cindy thought the threat of the police would be more convincing than threatening a return to Tony's for a search.
Even if Casey said Caylee wasn't there at the time...why would she believe she had never been there? I would have looked for signs like toys, clothes, backpack, or something instead of ignoring it. I would have interrogated both Tony and the roomate as to the last time they saw Caylee and asked them to tell me where she could be since Casey wouldn't fess up.

Cindy does nothing. It makes no logical sense to me at all with everything we know about her personality. She doesn't give up that easily.

Sorry. We got off topic and jumped ahead a month~

Back to the June 15th fight or no fight discussion...

IIRC....GA & Lee didn't know any of these folks either....

KC's an expert in keeping friends/family separated.....& which friends would want to meet KC's family ??, with some of the things KC says about them.

I think it may have been her way of avoiding a collision with CA spewing all of KC's flaws. If my mother ever said to a boyfriend of mine "How can you even be with her" I doubt I would bring anyone home again!

I feel if Cindy helped KC face responsibility, maturity & self-reliance, KC may not have stayed home, & CA did not want that.
With Cindy's temper I am suprised she was able to live w/KC when Lp posted bond and she was released ...wonder why Cindy didn't choke her then to get information about Caylee...

IMO, Cindy only wanted info about a live Caylee, and she may have known on some level that if she 'choked the info out' on the subject of Caylee, it might result in news she was not prepared to handle. According to LP, it was GA who aggressively challenged Casey at that point, and I think he knew Caylee was dead.

Also, with regard to 'choking' -- I was struck by Casey's comment during her angry fit in the Aug. 14 jailhouse visit with GA and CA that she was so mad she couldn't swallow. Kind of sounds like PTSD around choking and/or not being allowed to speak. Not defending KC (ugh), but just looking for possible explanations and indications of any prior (emotional, verbal, or sexual) abuse in the obviously dysfunctional family. Just thinking 'out loud.'
I think it may have been her way of avoiding a collision with CA spewing all of KC's flaws. If my mother ever said to a boyfriend of mine "How can you even be with her" I doubt I would bring anyone home again!

I feel if Cindy helped KC face responsibility, maturity & self-reliance, KC may not have stayed home, & CA did not want that.

Who Knows ?? maybe the day CA popped off, she had just got her credit card bill/bank statement.......believe me a lying/thieving "kid' in your house creates many problems.

Maybe Cindy's help for KC couldn't overcome GA appointing KC "boss", & playing childish games with a grown KC ???
I think it may have been her way of avoiding a collision with CA spewing all of KC's flaws. If my mother ever said to a boyfriend of mine "How can you even be with her" I doubt I would bring anyone home again!

I feel if Cindy helped KC face responsibility, maturity & self-reliance, KC may not have stayed home, & CA did not want that.
I have the hardest time understanding any of CA's behavior. The first time I heard about her throwing KC under the bus in front of JG, I was floored. It just didn't seem to match up with the "enabler" we had seen in the media where she protected KC at all cost. The two opposing actions just don't mesh, IMO.
I disagree with the part I turned red. Just hours earlier Cindy had just picked up the car at the Tow yard - at a cost of $500 or so, and learned that Casey had been lying to her all along with this elaborate story about being in Tampa for work with Zanny. Cindy didn't even know of Tony's existence until Amy helped her locate Casey. Cindy was furious with Casey, so furious that she drove Casey straight to the police station. Was she wrong to bring this all out in front of Tony? Possibly. But considering her rage at that point I can understand it.

If this (Tony) had been the only time Cindy resorted to this behavior I wouldn't take issue with it because of the extreme provocation and stress she was under at the time. But this wasn't the only incident; we already know of several other times she's indulged in this same nasty retaliatory behavior.

In addition to Ryan, Amy, and Tony, there was her contemptuous remark to Jesse when KC was around 18. To paraphrase that one: "Why would you want to marry somebody like her with no future..." IMO, this one is completely inexcuseable and probably unforgiveable in KC's eyes. Jesse must have felt the same way, because he's still thinking and talking about it. :)

There's no point in our debating this subject because we each have our own standards and restrictions for good parenting. My own included, "Never criticize or belittle your child (or adult child) to or in front of his/her friends. Never."

But that's just me and, hey, I'm no saint. I don't have nearly as much restraint as Cindy did when KC got out on bond and came home. The first night, I'd have hugged her warmly, and sat down to talk quietly to her--until she started feeding me nonsense about a non-existent nanny and tried convincing me that she could only give me "hints" and riddles about what happened. At that point, I would have asked LP and everyone else to leave the house for an hour so that Casey and I could "argue in private."

And then I would have urged her into the bathroom for our "extra privacy"---grabbed her by the hair, and dunked her head in the toilet bowl until I either had full answers to my every question, or else she'd swallowed all the water in the toilet bowl. Or drowned in it.

I kid you not. I really fear that in Cindy's place, I'd have lost it entirely with KC.
I do have some compassion for Cindy, as she is obviously suffering. But she lies, just like her daughter. She even reminds me of Casey in the way she talks and talks, like if she says it enough it will make it TRUE. And they both get reactive and angry if someone doesn't believe their lies. Cindy has really said some mean-spirited and hateful things during this process- I wonder what she has said to Cayce over the years. Then along comes the beautiful, adored grandbaby. But please note, I do not "blame" Cindy for Cayce having murdered her daughter. I wonder what Cindy's childhood was like.
Even if Casey said Caylee wasn't there at the time...why would she believe she had never been there? I would have looked for signs like toys, clothes, backpack, or something instead of ignoring it. I would have interrogated both Tony and the roomate as to the last time they saw Caylee and asked them to tell me where she could be since Casey wouldn't fess up.

Cindy does nothing. It makes no logical sense to me at all with everything we know about her personality. She doesn't give up that easily.

Sorry. We got off topic and jumped ahead a month~

Back to the June 15th fight or no fight discussion...
When CA first arrived at TL's Apt., KC ushered her outside as soon as the door was opened, so they could talk without TL and roommate hearing the conversation. Most likely, it was then that CA asked KC where Caylee was and KC gave her the nanny story. Still you would think CA would have been a bit suspicious since, for all she knew, Caylee had been in the Apt. recently ? It seems to me that if CA had mentioned Caylee when she was in TL's apt, either TL or his roommate would have remembered that.
Thanks for the info. At first I couldn't figure out what NE stood for. <laughing at self>

I've never bought or even read the NE, but I understand NE has pulled off some major successes lately in investigative reporting. That said, I hope they're right about this.

Do we know for certain (or have reason to assume) that Lee has given other statements to LE that haven't been made public yet? It's difficult for me to imagine that Lee has "ratted" Cindy out about an ugly brawl she steadfastly insists never happened--and now he's moved into her house with her???

Very weird. Which, in this case, probably makes it "very likely." :crazy:

If I recall.............didn't LP at one time say that he learned of the fight between Cindy and Casey on June 15th, from Lee? I definitely recall LP saying that when he first got to Orlando and bailed Casey out, for the first few days Lee was very friendly and volunteered a lot of information.

I'm sure that there's a lot that LE has not revealed about this case, and although some interviews have been made public, there's many that have crucial details that are being held confidential. If Lee was an eye witness to the fight, this is one piece of crucial information the prosecutor may keep confidential.

The fight on June 15th goes to motive. If Cindy failed to tell LE about the fight, this is a cover up by omission.
It is easy enough to find a scanned copy of NE on the Web by Googling. It is not permitted here (and rightfully so as NE is copyrighted.) Regarding other statements Lee might have made to LE that have not yet been made public, I have heard (though not substantiated) there will be another document dump this week so perhaps we shall find out more. I just can't begin to imagine what living in that house has been like since July 15th to the present.

Hope you're right about another doc. dump! :) And I agree about life in that house. It's unimaginable to me.
If this (Tony) had been the only time Cindy resorted to this behavior I wouldn't take issue with it because of the extreme provocation and stress she was under at the time. But this wasn't the only incident; we already know of several other times she's indulged in this same nasty retaliatory behavior.

In addition to Ryan, Amy, and Tony, there was her contemptuous remark to Jesse when KC was around 18. To paraphrase that one: "Why would you want to marry somebody like her with no future..." IMO, this one is completely inexcuseable and probably unforgiveable in KC's eyes. Jesse must have felt the same way, because he's still thinking and talking about it. :)

There's no point in our debating this subject because we each have our own standards and restrictions for good parenting. My own included, "Never criticize or belittle your child (or adult child) to or in front of his/her friends. Never."
But that's just me and, hey, I'm no saint. I don't have nearly as much restraint as Cindy did when KC got out on bond and came home. The first night, I'd have hugged her warmly, and sat down to talk quietly to her--until she started feeding me nonsense about a non-existent nanny and tried convincing me that she could only give me "hints" and riddles about what happened. At that point, I would have asked LP and everyone else to leave the house for an hour so that Casey and I could "argue in private."

And then I would have urged her into the bathroom for our "extra privacy"---grabbed her by the hair, and dunked her head in the toilet bowl until I either had full answers to my every question, or else she'd swallowed all the water in the toilet bowl. Or drowned in it.

I kid you not. I really fear that in Cindy's place, I'd have lost it entirely with KC.

Bold by me!

Well, Friday I see we are from the same school of Parenting. Everytime I see her in court, I envision something like your bathroom scene!:eek:
Originally posted by Salem:

Did anyone hear LP say (on NG tonight) that CA was the one to tell GA to say he saw KC & Caylee leave on June 16th, because CA didn't want people to know that KC took off with Caylee after the fight on June 15th?

Yes, I heard this and thought it was the most salient information on that show.
Wondered why NG didn't follow up on it. The thought of that marital dynamic,
if accurately described by LP, tore at my heart strings as I thought of GA
currently in residential treatment. Such a dynamic could result in any of us
requiring psychiatric care after so long a time of, "Say this. . .Don't say that. . .
tell this but don't tell that." After awhile the mind just implodes! :fuse:
My bold....

Let's not forget the A's had been out 500 bucks that day to get the car back, & also Cindy's had time to start sorting thru all the KC lies she's heard the last month.......

I woulda been pizzed too by the time I caught up with KC.

Me, too!!!! :blowkiss: H*ll, by the end of that night, I'd probably have been saying, "George, get your gun and bring it to me!"

Note to others: No need to get upset or irate--Dot and I are jus' "talkin' Texan" here. :)

More seriously, my problem is with the other times Cindy is also known to have done this same thing to KC with her other friends. However, it's not all that important in the great scheme of things. It's merely a behavior that many (adult) children might feel was unforgiveable in a mother.

IMHO, as always.
I have to agree with you on your comments about CA's behaviour concerning KC. I also recall JG's statements about incidents that occurred when he was dating KC. One was the occasion when he was lying on KC's bed watching TV with her one evening (both fully clothed IIRC) with Caylee between them, and CA and GA returned from an evening out and CA laid in to him about the 'rules' in her house. IMO this reaction was OTT considering they were a couple by then and apparently just innocently spending some time together with the baby. There is also his statement about how CA bad-mouthed KC to him regarding her failure to finish school etc. and it apparently upset him so much he felt he had to stand up for KC.

I get the impression that in a 'spin the coin' analogy of KC's chances of rising to her mother's expectations it was a case of......heads....I win, lose! :mad:

I think you might be right. Given the final outcome, something went very, very wrong in that mother-daughter relationship. Although, to be fair to Cindy, I don't know how anyone is supposed to deal correctly with a sociopathic daughter. I'm not even sure if sociopathy is caused by nature or nurture, or perhaps a combination of both. Can anyone here recommend some reliable reading material on this question? I already know that it's virtually impossible to treat sociopathy, so no need for more info on this fact.
Originally posted by reeseeva:
ITA with you Devon & found this description of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy fits CA? IMHO

Would you explain just how you see M by P applicable to this case?
If this (Tony) had been the only time Cindy resorted to this behavior I wouldn't take issue with it because of the extreme provocation and stress she was under at the time. But this wasn't the only incident; we already know of several other times she's indulged in this same nasty retaliatory behavior.

In addition to Ryan, Amy, and Tony, there was her contemptuous remark to Jesse when KC was around 18. To paraphrase that one: "Why would you want to marry somebody like her with no future..." IMO, this one is completely inexcuseable and probably unforgiveable in KC's eyes. Jesse must have felt the same way, because he's still thinking and talking about it. :)

There's no point in our debating this subject because we each have our own standards and restrictions for good parenting. My own included, "Never criticize or belittle your child (or adult child) to or in front of his/her friends. Never."

But that's just me and, hey, I'm no saint. I don't have nearly as much restraint as Cindy did when KC got out on bond and came home. The first night, I'd have hugged her warmly, and sat down to talk quietly to her--until she started feeding me nonsense about a non-existent nanny and tried convincing me that she could only give me "hints" and riddles about what happened. At that point, I would have asked LP and everyone else to leave the house for an hour so that Casey and I could "argue in private."

And then I would have urged her into the bathroom for our "extra privacy"---grabbed her by the hair, and dunked her head in the toilet bowl until I either had full answers to my every question, or else she'd swallowed all the water in the toilet bowl. Or drowned in it.

I kid you not. I really fear that in Cindy's place, I'd have lost it entirely with KC.
Ya know, Cindy knew Casey was avoiding her. She didn't even go to the door with Amy IIRC. She kinda popped out. She knew there was something VERY wrong. Could there be more to the conversation that took place in that apartment and we haven't heard about it? Did Cindy ever try to contact TL like she did Casey's other friends? Was he ever part of that group meeting at the As? I can't remember any more. But, I find it hard to believe that she (or George) weren't all over that guy trying to get their own answers.
I think you might be right. Given the final outcome, something went very, very wrong in that mother-daughter relationship. Although, to be fair to Cindy, I don't know how anyone is supposed to deal correctly with a sociopathic daughter. I'm not even sure if sociopathy is caused by nature or nurture, or perhaps a combination of both. Can anyone here recommend some reliable reading material on this question? I already know that it's virtually impossible to treat sociopathy, so no need for more info on this fact.
I always liked The Sociopath Next Door.
Verite&#769;;3257398 said:
Originally posted by reeseeva:

Would you explain just how you see M by P applicable to this case?
I don't see it.
I haven't decided if I believe GA's account of the last time he saw Caylee or not. I mean, he is just a little too precise on her clothing description for me. I tend to lean that he is merely quoting KC's account of her clothing description and agreeing with her. His slip of watching his favorite "news...I mean food program" has never settled well with me. My next question and one that has never been asked is, which food show is that exactly. I'd love to match up the TV line up for 12:30 to 1:00 just to check.

When I heard LP speak of CA telling him to say she was there that day when she really left the night before, it backed up some of my earlier suspicions. Now, I'm just plain confused. :waitasec: I do believe there is a whole lot more to this 6/15 fight than is being told.

I also hold suspect to the fact that KC says upon being confronted that she hasn't seen Caylee for 31 day, then proceeds to insist June 9 as the day she last saw her. about 37ish days!!!
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